View Full Version : Unforgettable: A Marriage made in Heaven

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 7th, 2004, 01:55:59 PM
I see the questions in your eyes
I know what's weighing on your mind
But you can be sure I know my part
'cause I'll stand beside you through the years
We'll only cry those happy tears
And though I'll make mistakes
I'll never break your heart

I swear
By the moon and stars in the sky
I'll be there
I swear
Like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
For better or worse
Till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
I swear

I'll give you everything I can
I'll build your dreams with these two hands
We'll hang some memories on the wall
And when there's silver in our hair
You won't have to ask if I still care
'cause as time turns the page
My love won't age at all

I swear
By the moon and stars in the sky
I'll be there
I swear
Like the shadow that's by your side
I'll be there
For better or worse
Till death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
I swear

I swear

It was their wedding night on the beach and it was beautiful. Quay'Na's soon-to-be stepmom and younger sister, Cheyanne had taken care of it all.

All Quay had to do was tell them what she and Anthony wanted and it was done. Tonight, she would take her vows and be wed to the man of her dreams, Anthony Scott.

The twilight sky was amazing as Quay'Na looked out of the carriage window while on her way to her wedding. She was dressed in the most perfect wedding gown one could ever imagine.

Her two father's sat across from her and smiled. "You seem a bit nervous?" Jerib spoke softly.

"No," she answered back quickly. "Just ready, ready to be with this man for the rest of my life and hoping that he won't back out at the last moment."

"Any man who would back out of a marriage to you in that beautiful gown your in would be a fool, luv." Cordell told her. "I've seen how he looks at you, Quay. Always be truthful with him and this man will be with you for a very long time."

Quay'Na didn't answer right away. Be truthful. Anthony knew everything about her, but one dark secret she couldn't tell him. One thing that haunted her still, the night that she was drugged and...raped by a stranger from the B&G.

Only a few of her friends knew, Mylia for one and her twin. But, they too, had sworn to secrecy. The Padawan didn't want anyone to know of this devestating....

"Quay'Na?" Jerib's soft voice jerked her from her thoughts.


"We're almost there, only a few more minutes. You're not getting cold feet, are you? You seemed galaxies away at the moment."

Quay'Na shook her head as she readjusted her veil. "No, not at all. I'm ready to pledge my life to Anthony."

Anthony Scott
Mar 12th, 2004, 04:12:02 PM
The scene unfolding at the alter was quite similar to Quay's situation. The groom stood with his eyes closed and his trembling hands folded at his waist. The black tuxedo that he wore was perfectly pressed and accompanied nicely with a black bowtie and even a floor length black cape that was attached to his shoulders upon silver clasps. He looked stunning with his dark shoulder length hair neatly combed back into a short pony tail at the back of his head.

"Maybe this is a bad idea." He finally broke the nervous silence surrounding he and his best man, Ridge Kincaid -- someone he was only getting to know now on this trip to Naboo. Ridge's eyes widened in a bit of fear as a questioning look swept over his face. "A -- a bad idea? You've gotta be kidding me! You can't back ou --" But he was cut off by Anthony who hushed him with hand on his shoulder and a look into his eyes. "Not the wedding -- the suit -- does it look okay?" He questioned with a great deal of nervousness. Ridge rolled his eyes and took a sigh of relief. Nodding, he smiled. "She'll love it." He spoke with the confidence that Anthony needed.

Breathing in deeply once again, the young Vampire cast his eyes to his feet as those gathered in attendence quieted themselves for the beginning of the ceremony. Anthony couldn't help but wonder if Quay would really go through with this. "What if she backs out? What if she doesn't take me?" The thoughts slapped him across the face, but Anthony was confident that his fiancee loved him. "She won't." He thought outloud and received another questioning look from Ridge. Shaking it off, his dark eyes that bore a hint of mahogony in them, made their way up the aisle and across the outdoor ceremony. It was a beautiful night and the full moon cast a lovely silver glow upon all who gathered for the wedding by the ocean.

"Mrs. Quay'Na Scott -- Mrs. Scott -- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scott. Mrs. Quay'Na Rakai-Scott." Anthony mumbled the names to himself as he fidgeted his hands nervously. Finally Ridge reached over and tapped his wrist to make the nervous groom quit with his antics. "She'll be here any moment! Calm down! You'll be fine!" He assured with a friendly smile, and Anthony decided to heed the man's advice. With a deep breath and a great deal of anticipation, the Vampire set his sights on the aisle once again, waiting for his bride.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 12th, 2004, 07:28:55 PM
'You have to tell Anthony, sis. He has to know!'

'No, he doesn't, Yaz! It's done, it's over and I don't want anyone else to know.' Quay cried. It had been so humiliating.

"...then our carriage will arrive and.....Quay, are you listening?" Cordell asked as he waved a hand in front of the young brides face.

"Huh? Yeah, of course." She tried to cover.

Cordell scratched his head. "What is on your mind, dear?"

"We don't have time, my dearest daughter," Jerib announced. "We're up next."

"What if he doesn't like my dress?" She suddenly asked as she glanced down at herself. Her gown would shimmer in the soft moonlit night, while the waves softly rolled into the beach. The short sleeved, white beaded, off the shoulder, floor-length gown would be even more breath-taking than Quay could even imagine. "I should've taken more time in chosing." She said as the carriage slowed. Her mind began to go wild and her stomach tightened.

Cordell touched her hand. "You are beautiful, luv and your husband-to-be is going to love it." He wanted so much to calm his daughters nerves. Cordell looked out the window to see Yasmin step off her carriage in a light blue gown with beadwork. A white paper trail led right up to the alter that was on a rented gazebo. Candles were posted everywhere on the beach and a three string orchestra stood just off the gazebo and began playing.

Their carriage began again and then stopped. "Well, that is our que, Quay." Cordell smiled as he opened the door and stepped out. They had to wait a few seconds for Jerib to get out and into his hover chair.

Cordell nodded towards Yasmin when everything was a 'go.' She nodded with a smile and began her slow walk down the aisle, followed by a little neighbor girl who dropped flowers along the way.

Quay was still seated, her hands were beginning to shake. "I can do this." She whispered to herself. "I love him and he loves me. Oh, God don't let me faint."

"Quay'Na, luv. It's time." Cordell smiled in at her, he and Jerib were both going to take her down the aisle, it was only right. He was so proud of her, it was her night.

With one last deep breath, Quay'Na grabbed her bouquet and gave her dad her hand to help her out of the carriage.

Anthony Scott
Mar 16th, 2004, 08:11:19 PM
It was at that moment that Anthony's eyes widened and locked upon the procession that had just began making its way down the aisle. He looked slightly panicked, but with many attempts, presented himself as calm and excited. "Oh my god oh my god what should I do?" The thoughts raced through Anthony's mind like a little school girl. He nervously began to twitch once again as the small child dropping flowers neared the alter, followed by Quay's bridesmaids.

"This is it." Ridge smile and nudged Anthony who remained in shock. He had never been so nervous in his life. "What if she changes her mind and says no? What will I become if she rejects me?" He questioned, but it soon hit him that if she was to have secretly wanted to turn him away, she would have done so long ago. "She loves me and that's why she's here." He smiled to himself. "She's here." He whispered as Quay's carriage pulled up and out of it came the most incredible sight he had ever seen.

There before Anthony's eyes was the most beautiful woman in the world -- no, the universe. His jaw hit the ground and fell to the core of the planet as he caught sight of her gorgeous gown and beautiful face. She glowed like the suns of Tatooine and radiated more joy than he could have ever thought existed. "Dear god." Anthony stated in a speechless manner. He felt tears well up in his eyes immediatly, but fought them off. If he were to shed the blood tears here, everyone would know.

Standing in complete and utter awe, the Vampire took the sight in as the three piece orchestra played a lovely melody to the crashing of the waves off the beach. Slowly Quay came toward the alter, step by step with both of her fathers on both of her arms. He smiled and even allowed a laugh to escape his lips as a single red tear streaked down his cheek. Quickly he wiped it away with part of his black cape but kept his eyes fixed on the beautiful woman that soon would be his wife.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 16th, 2004, 08:46:15 PM
She heard the music, it was beautiful. It was just as she had imagined as she slowly and carefully stepped out of the carriage.

Quay'Na couldn't believe she was here and this was her wedding night, the night she would become Anthony Scott's wedded wife. It was like a dream come true. How had all this come about? How had she become so lucky to have found a man that she could love and honor and that loved her back with such passion?

This union was meant to be, Quay could see it in the stars.

She took her father's arms as the bridal precessional began. The small group in attendance stood and all eyes were on the bride.

Quay'Na smiled as her eyes met the one that she was about to be joined with.

Anthony. How stunning he looked this evening in the moonlit night. He was truly a sight, a perfect sight in Quay's eyes. She loved him with everything in her. He was her life.
The first signs of tears began to well up, but she fought them back. All her past emotions were lost, nothing mattered at that very moment, except the union that she was going to share with this man.

Slowly, she was walked up to Anthony, who was standing just at the bottom step of the gazebo. The first tear fell from her cheek. She brushed it away along with a ringlet of hair that had blown in her face.

Cordell and Jerib both gave their daughter away to Anthony at the same time and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Quay took Anthony's hand and carefully stepped up onto the gazebo, where the Paster stood.

The music ended and the guests sat down.

There was a moment of silence as the waves could be heard coming into the beach and a few seagulls were heard.

Paster Bault smiled at the two as they faced each other and then began.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today in the presence of friends and of God for a celebration. What we're celebrating is something simple and yet so essential to life.

We're here to celebrate love. And the reason we gather to acknowledge the love between Anthony and Quay’Na is because love - while it truly does surround us - is absent unless we choose to be aware of it.

And so, through Anthony and Quay‘Na, tonight we remind ourselves of the love in our lives.

Dear God, our Father, touch all of us with the awareness of your infinite love. Let us feel your presence in our lives this night and all our nights from here on.

Give Anthony and Quay’Na your special blessing on this their wedding night as you send them forth into life together. They will henceforth be one. And we, their witnesses, are reawakened this night to the power of love. Amen."

Paster Bault looked at Anthony with a smile.

"Anthony, you have chosen Quay'Na to be your wife. Will you live with her, cherish her, protect her?

Will you invite her into your heart in times of joy and in times of sorrow? Will you include her in all the important decisions of your life as someone who is no longer separate from you, but a part of your strength, your success, your life?

Will you always be true to Quay'Na?"

Anthony Scott
Mar 24th, 2004, 08:34:46 AM
Anthony's eyes welled with tears the second he set his eyes upon Quay. She was stunning, beautiful -- incredible. He could not think of any words to describe her. As she stood now before him, the woman that was soon to become his wife, he pictured them in the future -- with children, a beautiful home, and a wonderful life together. Thoughts filled his mind, thoughts that caused even more tears to sting at his lids, but he fought them back -- only allowing a few crimson drops to fall. Quickly he wiped them away as before, not wishing anyone else but her to see the blood tears.

As the pastor spoke, Anthony listened closely, taking in everything he said. This moment was the most incredible one he had ever experienced. As his eyes searched Quay's and the pastor posed the question, he grinned and nearly laughed with joy. "Oh yes, I will -- I do." He nearly burst with joy as he spoke the words, noting that Quay too was crying. He wished to touch her face, to wipe her tears away -- but he knew they were not born of sadness, but of joy. Then the pastor turned to Quay and smiled at her.

"Quay'Na, you have chosen Anthony to be your husband." He began, looking over at the man and nodding in approval. His eyes met those of the bride once again, and he continued. "Will you live with him, cherish him, protect him?"

He paused for a moment, allowing the words to sink in. They echoed through the crowd slightly and a hint of joyful weeping could be heard by some of those in attendence. "Will you invite him into your heart in times of joy and in times of sorrow? Will you include him in all the important decisions of your life as someone who is no longer separate from you, but a part of your strength, your success, your life?"

Then came the most important question out of all of them, one which Anthony would never go back on with Quay. He would never go back on any of them with her, but especially this one -- not physically, metally, or emotionally. He would always be true to her and her alone, she was his forever, and he knew that she viewed this promise in the same way that he did. Smiling, the young fledgling awaited her answer right after the pastor posed the question. "Will you always be true to Anthony?" And then there was silence, but not for long. He could see the smile on her face and could already hear the happy words leave her lips, even if they had yet to do so.

He knew that this was perfect, and they were perfect. This was written in the stars, as Quay thought. Indeed, it was made to last.

Quay'Na Rakai
Mar 24th, 2004, 07:18:04 PM
Quay'Na felt this deep bond between them grow as Anthony spoke. Her past didn't matter now, she was part of Anthony after tonight.

Her smile deepened as she saw the red blood tears form in his eyes, tears of joy and commitment. She had never felt so full of life or full of love.

Another tear slid down her cheek as she listened to each and every word the Pastor said.

"I will." Another tear slid down her cheek as she spoke these words.

The Pastor smiled. "Will you now pledge your vows to each other. Anthony, you may."

Quay'Na gave his hands a gentle squeeze and smiled as she looked into his eyes, those gorgeous eyes. Soon, very soon, he would be her best friend, her husband and her lover.

Anthony Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 11:41:07 AM
Anthony smiled as Quay spoke her answer. Just after doing so, the Pastor invited Anthony to share his vows for the woman before him. It was time now, that the young immortal man speak everything that was on his heart and mind. "Oh God, I'm so nervous. The thought crossed his mind, but it was then that
Quay gave a reassuring squeeze of his hands. A smile crossed the fledgling's lips as he cleared his throat and set his eyes upon hers.

"Quay'Na -- I have waited forever for this very moment." He paused and smiled as a breath of relaxation escaped him. In his mind, Anthony simply blocked out everyone else and spoke directly to Quay, just as if they were alone. "And now it's finally here, our wedding. I never thought that I would be so lucky as to have found you. Often in my life, I thought I would end up alone, but that all changed when you came along." Again, he paused to think as he laughed to himself quietly. This was such a rapturous moment that he nearly forgot his words. "I still haven't figured out why you chose me! But since you have, I am eternally grateful to you and I will always be by your side."

There was a silence that swept over those gathered as he watched small crystal droplets fall from the corners of Quay's eyes. "You, you are my best friend. Best friends stick together through thick and thin, Quay. I promise that I will always be true to you. I promise that I will always be faithful and honest to you. I promise, with every fiber of my being, that I will love you for the rest of eternity. I pledge my life and soul to you because you are mine." Now his own tears were falling as Anthony continued. Luckily, no one could really notice the crimson color of the blood tears that fell.

"We were made for each other, Quay. We fit together perfectly and that is why we are standing here tonight. That is why I am giving you my heart. I swear to you, that through it all -- I will always be a good and true husband." He smiled and exhaled before finishing.

"I swear that you're the name written upon my heart. Always and forever -- I love you."

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:13:23 PM
The words Anthony spoke touched Quay'Na's heart. She had never felt so completely loved by a man.

The Padawan smiled as more tears of joy fell. She saw a few tears fall from Anthony's eyes as well.

"Anthony. Today, I pledge to you my life, my future and my faith. A faith I've only discovered since I met you. I've spent years running away from failure and chasing after fulfillment. When I met you - I stopped.

I realized that satisfaction isn't something you find. It's something you accept. It's all around us, every moment of our lives - all we have to do is surrender to it.

Trust that everything is exactly the way it should be. There is a plan and a purpose to everything. And the great challenge of our lives is to embrace and appreciate it.

Loving you hasn't just given my life meaning, Anthony Scott. To me, our love is the meaning of life. So as your partner and your spouse, I make this vow to you." She gave his hand a loving squeeze and smiled deeply.

"I promise to meet every challenge with courage, every disappointment with hope, every difficulty with love and every triumph with humility and gratitude. I love you, Anthony. I believe something amazing is going to come out of our union and nothing could satisfy me more than becoming your wife."

The pastor smiled at the two of them. "Shall we have the rings?"

Anthony Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:39:56 PM
The words Quay spoke were beautiful and so touching. Tears slipped from his eyes as Anthony eyed the little boy that Quay had picked to bear the rings. He was adorable as he offered the two shiny circles up to the minister. "Here ya go, mister." He smiled like any five-year-old would before taking his place once again.

Upon giving Quay and Anthony their respective rings, he smiled at Anthony and looked to him. "Now, I want you to take Quay's left hand in yours and as you speak the following words, slip the ring onto her ring finger."

Anthony took Quay's hand in his and smiled at her, his eyes beaming with excitement. "With this ring, I thee wed." The minister spoke the words and Anthony inhaled deeply before beginning to complete the ceremony.

"With this ring -- I thee wed." The words fell from his lips as he slipped the beautiful wedding ring onto Quay's finger. It shimmered in the moonlight and the diamonds were reflected in her eyes. He grinned and squeezed her hand as he looked down at it, knowing that in a few moments, they would be pronounced as husband and wife. "Quay'Na -- I wish for you to do the same. With this ring, I thee wed and slip the ring onto his left ring finger." The pastor said as he motioned to Quay with a smile and nod.

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:50:49 PM
Quay'Na gave Anthony a loving smile, nothing would ever come between them, she could feel it. Not anything.

The Padawan took the ring that was meant for Anthony into her hand, and took his hand into hers.

"With this ring, I thee wed." She slipped it on. Quay'Na was so happy she was about ready to burst.

Anthony Scott
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:59:48 PM
Anthony felt every emotion that Quay did as the two of them moved closer and closer to becomming one. He grinned as the couple looked to the minister. Of course, this was the moment they had been waiting for, and now it seemed as though seconds ticked by as hours.

It was then that the pastor's lips broke into a smile as he looked out to the crowd.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" Cheering and clapping resounded as Anthony lifted Quay'Na's veil and wrapped his arms around her before meeting her lips with a deep and loving kiss. Tears of joy and shouts of rapture met their ears as the couple remained in their first kiss as one. It had to have been minutes later when the two parted to breath. "I love you so much, Quay'Na!" He barely spoke when the minister spoke again.

"I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scott." More clapping and cheering resounded as the two faced their families and embraced a new life together as a married couple. Anthony grinned at Quay as he wrapped his arm around her waist and bent over to lift her up. He cradled her in his arms and the two made their way down the aisle once again as music played in the background. It was such an incredible night and even more awaited them now...

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 24th, 2004, 09:33:13 PM
Quay's heart skipped a beat the moment they were announced as husband and wife. They were married and it was the happiest night of her life.

The first kiss she shared with her husband, sparked through her entire body, lit it afire with love and compassion for that man that stood with her.

It was a feeling she couldn't have imagined more special. As their lips parted, she heard the words he spoke. "I love you, always." She told him in return.

It was like a dream as he scooped her up into his arms, he was her prince charming and being his wife was gave her the most fabulous feeling.

The clapping and cheering made her heart leap with joy. Family and friends gathered around them, beginning to congratulate them.

"Oh, this is only the beginning, you two." Chani told the newly weds. "Now that your married, you're going on a nice carriage ride back to the manor, where your reception is awaiting you."

"We are so happy for you, Luv!" Quay's Uncle Aramis said as he gave her a hug and smiled at Anthony and gave him a pat on the shoulder.. "Welcome to the family, Anthony. You take good care of my niece, now."

Anthony Scott
Apr 25th, 2004, 12:12:16 PM
Anthony couldn't help but grin as the pair made their way down the aisle, Quay comfortably resting in his arms. Family greeted the couple and exchanged happy words with them. Others welcomed Anthony into the family and spread the love about the whole place. This made him smile more than ever before. Finally, he had found his place and was accepted among others that were different than his kind.

"This is an incredible night." He whispered to the woman of his dreams before they reached the carriage and he lifted her inside of its shimmering folds. The groom joined his bride and soon, they were seated snugly together, Anthony's arm around Quay. "My beautiful wife..." He whispered quietly as his eyes melted into hers. He felt the tears of joy sting at the back of his eyes once again, but was indifferent to if they fell or not. This was the happiest day of his life.

"I love you."

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 25th, 2004, 08:55:53 PM
Quay looked upon her groom with the dedication of love and commitment sparkling in her eyes. "My wonderful husband." She smiled back and lay her head against him. "I love you too, Anthony. I can't believe we're married!"

"See ya at the manor!" Quay'Na's father Cordell called as the carriage began to slowly go forward into the moonlit night.

"I didn't get a chance to look out at the pool area where our reception is going to be, did you get to see? I figure if Chani and Cheyanne can put together such a beautiful wedding, I can't imagine what the receptions going to be like." She smiled up at him and gently gave him a kiss. "You don't know how lucky I feel. I'm the happiest woman in the universe."