View Full Version : Of Silver Hair and Fangs

Severen Morkonis
Mar 6th, 2004, 02:54:46 PM
It is those who break dreams that also create them is it not? it is purely up to the creater of that dream wheather it succeeds or not and it is also up to that indervisual if he or she should master themselves and become what they want to be. Not always but the majority is of the same thinking.

A dream is created within the brain of the person thinking it and it is purely up to that to bring alive which was once within his head. Sure he might fail but if there is a possibilty why back down? Why confine yourself to one section of you love, hate and goals? why not take them all at the same time with a firm grip?

It had been a very long while since the silver haired man had show himself in society, hell it had been almost a year from his disapearing act in the presence of Vega Van-Derveld who of course was supposedly dead. Kasstra of course was extremely glad of this, once before Vega had hunte down Sieken and had nearly killed him by throwing him off a iced caped mountain, not again, not now.

Sieken was a Lord now and quite rightfuly also, he had earned his ranking amoungst the highest of those in the galaxy, he had earned his honor and respect and the fear. The planet of Coruscant had been where Sieken had been living since his escape from Fascinataru and it was just aswell.

Food was not scarce and nor was the temptation of killing the odd homless person once and a while ether. What had he been doing there for a whole year you ask? Nothing much actually, drifting as it were, he had been accuiring money, credits here and there as a amateur assasin working for a local Mafia crime boss by the name of Merrick and as a Dark Jedi Lord it was bloody easy to do so.

He was on just a pay off job when he came across a curios young lady, well not young it was not telling how long she had been alive bearing in mind she was indeed not fully human, atleast not anymore.

It would be the re-introduction of Sieken Kasstra, she would guide him back to his old ways where he would once again stand amoung old friends and old enemies.

He name was Razielle Shadana...

Razielle Shadana
Mar 6th, 2004, 07:49:17 PM
Razielle didn't know whether it was fortune or bad luck that she kept running into these people. Somehow she had become a beacon in the night, spotted by those seeking their own separate paths in the darkness. Whatever the reason, it was not for her to judge their merrits or the lack therof. She could simply bring them along with her on her travels and they could prove their own worth.

It was on such a venture that she had stumbled across the path of one - Sieken Kasstra, a Lord among other things. She had been staying on Coruscant with Jezebella and Tercia, the two girls were off on their own adventures no doubt while she had been lurking about in the more less reputible parts..

Rumors of a hired killer with silver hair floated through the minds of the people she was stalking as her prey. It only served to interest her in his identity. After having dropped in on one of his..business deals, Razielle had sparked up a conversation with the Dark Jedi Lord.

Now however she was waiting for him, to conclude any business of their own. She was tempted to tell him of the Circle and how he should seek them out on Onderon, but only time would tell..

Severen Morkonis
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:03:03 PM
Their first meeting had gone well though only in the Vampyres favor and to be frank Sieken did not like that much at all. Kasstra was used to things done with his consent or in his advantage and most of all he hated things that were not within his control, like others were controlling his own destiny.

He was not going to be turned into some wimpering puppy once again, not by anyone and certainly not by some disgusting Vampyre. If she planned to change him into one of her kinda she was sorely mistaken and would most likely end up with more than just a decapertated head.

But the Dark Jedi Lord agreed to meet her and meet her he shall.

The Underworks of Coruscant were not at all liked by Kasstra, but then again what was liked by him, little at best. The assassin and the Vampyre had arranged to meet in some dirty, dank, but of course, dark pub within the depths of the city called ' The Rat In The Pot'.

Standing outside in the lamp lit, cobbled street the silver haired Lord looked up at the pub and then back down to the door. he was regretting already his accord with her, but he entered.

Venturing inside, he waved off a drink for now and found the dank, rotting wooden table she was sat at, nodded to her and then sat down.

' You wished to see me?...' Kasstra said indiffrently.

Razielle Shadana
Mar 10th, 2004, 11:38:52 AM
"I did, yes.." Razielle was not in the habbit of prying into peoples personal lives, but in this case it was slightly unavoidable. If she was going to find out where his loyalties as a Dark Jedi lay she would have to ask him directly, or snoop around which was definately not her style.

"It would please me to know with whom you are affiliated, Lord Kasstra. If you have no prior loyalties, I may have something to impart to you.." Razielle watched him, sure that her forwardness in the matter was bound to cause him to get defensive.. There really was no need. He had but to tell her to mind her own business and she would dissapear into the night.

Severen Morkonis
Mar 10th, 2004, 11:52:46 AM
Sieken was rather taken aback for a moment or two. He had come here for businuiss not a chat about his past life and that fact she had asked so forwardly suprised him somewhat, but she was exceedingly brave to do so and he liked that.

' I have been affiliated with a number of groups and allies...' Sieken started staring into the wax cadle that stood in the middle of the table, its dripping creamy wax sliding down the spine of itself. 'I was first a new republic fighter pilot and engineer he let that slide before continueing, it might have been a bit of a shock

... then i defected towards the Sith Empire where i was knighted and then i escaped the Empires demise and allied as a rogue dark jedi with Van Derveld, Vega that is...'

Even now, even at his new found power, the Lord shivered at the name. At this junction in the discussion he would miss out that fact he was geneticacly engineered Lupine.

' I escaped Vega and vanished, where you find me now...' Sieken brushed back a strand of hair behind his ear and avoided the eyes of Razielle, he hated eye contact.

Razielle Shadana
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:23:38 PM
Razielle smirked a bit at the mention of Van-Derveld. That name was definately a blast from the past. She didn't think things would be the same betwee them if they met now.. But back to the present. Lord Kasstra certainly had gotten around. She wondered if he was searching for a new path or if he was content on his own, wandering and collecting the occaisional pittance for killing the right person. Only one way to ascertain the truth.."So you are presently not working for anyone but yourself..? I wonder then, if you would be interested in being added to the growing strength of the group I represent..?"

Severen Morkonis
Nov 25th, 2004, 08:23:59 AM
' Your sect?' Sieken said, a grin spreading across his face. Sieken reminded himself metaly that he was currently apart of The Sith Order and allied with the cat woman, Lady Vadar. Thought doing anything to upset The Van-Derveld in this day in age was something Kasstra would enjoy.

Although never a true Sith and new a true Dark Jedi he had loyalties and temperary allies and it just so happned he had a loyalty towards a man named Warlock within the TSO. Warlock had given Sieken a duty to perform and knowing Shadana was a Vampire, she might by accident, lead him towards his own goal. To Salem Ave

' Continue...'' Sieken said displaying a polite smile.