View Full Version : A Long Time Since(open)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 6th, 2004, 01:52:00 AM
It had been at least two years since she had been here, a long time indeed. She sauntered in, looking about a bit trying not to remember the last time she had been here, she didn't want to remember, he was dead, killed by a stray bullet. The young Cizerack woman had been alone after that, left to care for her son from another father and herself since she had been pregnant again then all on her own. She sighed softly, wondering what she would do here on her own, her cubs were being cared for back at home. She hadn't been all alone in a long time, she felt a bit out of place as she sat down and ordered a bowl of Sajoi. Her tail swished slowly back and forth while her ears twitched at the sounds within the bar.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 6th, 2004, 09:01:02 PM
A squeeking sound came from the nearest table to Seer. The squeek was suddenly cut off and replaced with a crunching sound. Jaas sat back in his chair and smiled showing all his sharp white teeth

Jaas just finished a job and came here to relax before going on another bounty hunt. He spotted Seer out of the corner of his eye, He also noticed that she was sitting by herself

He stood up grabing his glass of vodka and walked over to her table with his tail swishing through the air behind him "Hello, would jit be ok jif Ji jojined jyou?" the large cizerack asked her.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 6th, 2004, 10:02:46 PM
One of Seer's ears turned towards him before returning to its normal position, her tail swishing about more though it was hard to tell which mood that meant.

"jIf jyou wjisssh, though jI don't want the usssual Cjizerrrack kjind of companjy, had enough of that kjind of trrrouble..."

She yawned softly before tapping her claws on the countertop, what was she to do nowadays?

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 6th, 2004, 10:44:09 PM
Jaas sat down next to Seer and took a small sip of his drink "Namesss Jaassssssuuvji Ageerrrrrrodarrrrrr."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 6th, 2004, 11:37:17 PM
"Ssseerrrrrrasssssseeji Tsssssseerrrrrra, so what doesss one usssualljy do herrre? jI haven't been outsssjide the companjy forrr ssso long, jI've forrrgotten."

She asked, still drumming her claws, ears perking towards the sounds of the bar.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 6th, 2004, 11:49:02 PM
"Mossst people come jin herrre to have a drrrjink orrr a meal orrr to jussst hang out. ji usssualjy do all thrrreee when ji come herrre" He said draining most of his glass in one gulp.

Rikeerra Sekarra
Mar 20th, 2004, 12:42:23 AM
A dark-skinned halfling slips past the guards, holding two babies in her arms and trying to hush them. Both are crying, screaming because their mommy left, and they want to see her. Rikeerra had tried to calm them both, tried to assure them, but they don't understand. So she's decided to simply bring them along to the place that Seer had said she was going to. The halfling nanny takes a seat in a booth far from Seer, settling the children so they can see her. Both immediately lower their voices to pitiful sniffling. There...now they're quiet. She sends Seer a look, telling her to go right ahead and do what she was doing. She should be somewhat familiar with this by now...it's a tactic Rikeera uses frequently, and it rarely interferes with Seer's business.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 20th, 2004, 12:49:59 AM
Seer does a come here gesture besides her work day is over so there's no harm in seeing her children. At any rate, the male next to her didn't seem to get she didn't want a male's company at the moment, she hadn't wanted that kind of company since his death, that one had scarred her somewhat that she didn't want to let anyone close again. Her children and work were all that drove her anymore and that's all she needed.

Rikeerra Sekarra
Mar 25th, 2004, 08:51:52 PM
Rikee sighs, standing and shuffling over to deposit Seer's daughter in her lap.

"She mjissed you, Mjiss. They both djid," he says quietly. Her son has taken big handfulls of his nanny's hair, and Rikee's learned better than to try and pry him off. He'll let go when he's ready.

"Who's yourrr frrrjiend, Mjiss?"

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Mar 26th, 2004, 03:22:58 PM
Jaas offered her his hand "Namesss Jaassssssuuvji Ageerrrrrrodarrrrrr mjissssss" He said giving her a toothy smile.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 26th, 2004, 09:02:31 PM
"Underrrssstandable, they'rrre both stjill at the age wherrre thejirrr motherrr jisss thejirrr ljife."

Kirra, her youngest is gazing up at her, waiting for her mother to look at her, knowing better than to bat at her for attention, Cizerack children usually learned to behave at an early age. Seer looks down at her and offers her tail to her to play with. Kirra grabs it and swishes it lightly about, gigglng happily.

"So werrre thejy good todajy orrr holjy terrrrrrorrrs?"

Rikeerra Sekarra
Mar 31st, 2004, 07:26:58 PM
"They werrre good, up untjil a ljittle whjile ago," she answers, trying to balance the baby boy in one arm and shake the male's hand with the other.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 31st, 2004, 11:35:35 PM
"Well, jI djid worrrk late jI guessssss..."

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed before ordering a bowl of Sajoi, her tail swished back and forth while she waited.

Rikeerra Sekarra
Apr 6th, 2004, 07:54:12 PM
Rikee perks her ears at the order of Sajoi, but she doesn't say anything. The kids haven't let her have anything to eat yet, they've kept so her busy. The little boy in her arm lets go of her hair, jealous of the attention his sister is getting, and reaches for his mother.

"It's qujite alrrrjight, madam," she says. "They would mjiss you terrrrrrjibly even jif you only worrrked half an hour everrry day."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:17:23 AM
Seer notices though besides she knows how the cubs are, when the order comes, she pushes it with a claw towards the nanny. She then reaches over to take Morrouw since the cub is asking for her with his eyes. Once he's settled, she nips playfully at his ear which makes him giggle and flutter his ears, he liked seeing mommy happy since she rarely showed it these days.

"Well jI've got to make monejy forrr the companjy and thejirrr futurrre ssso jit can't be helped jI guessssss..."

Rikeerra Sekarra
Apr 15th, 2004, 12:04:33 AM
Rikee smiles gratefully, taking one and chewing it thoughtfully.

"jIt can't be helped, jI suppose. jI wish jI earrrned an jincome frrrom anotherrr sourrrce so jI could help you, Mjiss. Yourrr famjily means a grrreat deal to me."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 15th, 2004, 12:17:17 AM
"Njice to hearrr but jit all be fjine, we'rrre not poorrr bjy anjy meansss, jit'sss jussst a lot of long hourrrsss to put jin, talkjing forrr mjy motherrr'sss companjy out herrre takes a lot of tjime."

She sighed before taking a Sajoi from the bowl, holding it by its long tail. The little creature tried to get loose but to no avail as she put it in her mouth and chomped down. The cubs reached up upon seeing the favorite treat of all Cizerack, mewing softly while the eldest tried to say Sajoi but failed since it was a hard word and he was only 3. She grabs two, nips each in half then hands them the tail end since they were still too young for a full one. The cubs babble and wiggle their ears happily before eating their treats.

Rikeerra Sekarra
Apr 19th, 2004, 08:23:13 AM
Rikee blushes scarlet.

"Oh, well, jI djidn't mean to jimply that, Miss," she says quickly, feeling thoroughly embarrassed. "jI only meant that perrrhaps jI could help you to frrree up some tjime."

She smiles softly down at the happy cubs.

"jI just want them to be happy."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 21st, 2004, 07:16:03 PM
"jI want them to be happjy too but dutjy callsss, motherrr would kjill me jif jI ssstarted sssslacking off agajin, jI am herrr vojice wajy out herrre afterrr all."

She chuckles softly, thinking of how her mother had put it like that so many years ago when Seer had first done some of her meeting for her, it seemed so long ago now but really it had been.

Rikeerra Sekarra
Apr 26th, 2004, 08:35:34 PM
"Yes," Rikee sighs. "jI suppose jit can't be helped."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:53:28 PM
"The worrrkload jisssn't helpjing ejitherrr, jI morrre dealsss than jI can handle easssjiljy thessse dajysss, everrrywherrre jI turrrn, sssomeone wantsss thjisss orrr that. Got a headache rrrjight now becaussse of jit, jit'sss not eassjy ljike jit usssed to be..."

She sighed tiredly before brushing some hair away from her eyes that had been irrating her.

Rikeerra Sekarra
May 1st, 2004, 09:07:30 PM
"jI just wish jI could help morrre," Rikee reiterates. "jIf therrre's anythjing else jI can do, please let me know, Mjiss. jI worrrrrry a great deal overrr you and yourrr famjily."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 3rd, 2004, 12:27:53 AM
"jYou'rrre dojing fjine, the cubsss love jyou, jI get mjy worrrrk done....jussst a lot of tjime and tjirrrednessssssss jinvolved..."

Rikeerra Sekarra
May 5th, 2004, 09:35:29 AM
"Yes," Rikee sighs, idly taking another sajoi. It craws across her fingers as she rolls her hand, stepping into her palm. Its tail flicks over to her fingers and she pinches it, then puts it in her mouth. "Thank you."