View Full Version : A Historic Acheivment

Lady Vader
Mar 5th, 2004, 08:31:40 PM
*LV existed her ship after it had landed in the upper bay of the Elders within the Palace. Her trip to Coruscant (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30533)* had been frutiful and very fulfilling. She staggered towards the chamber to tell the story of Anbira's death.*

*Upon entering, those that were there would see a visage of one of their Elders, hunched, in pain, and tired... but full of much life and satisfaction. They watched in silence as the Sith Mistress slowly made her way towards a seat, with obvious difficulty, the evidence of a great battle. Reaching the seat, she sat down with a wince and sigh, and looked at all present with clear green eyes. Slowly, a smile traced her bruised lips.*

A great Jedi has fallen today... by my hand.

*She lifted her hand and unsheathed the claws to show the dried blood upon them. Her smiled widened and her eyes narrowed into gleeful slits.*

*Post 79, if you prefer to skip to the final parts.

Mar 6th, 2004, 02:55:26 AM
Warlock brought his hands together, as he watched the Sith Mistress from his seat within the room. A wry smile was etched upon his lips. The fall of the Jedi had been palpable in the Force. “My congratulations, Lady Vader. It is indeed a glorious day for the Sith.”

Darth Vader
Mar 6th, 2004, 03:53:33 AM
Like an obsidian fixture in the room, Vader stood to the side of LV's seat, taking the information in a light somewhat different from the others who heard it.