View Full Version : Scavenging (Open Challenge)

Mar 4th, 2004, 08:56:53 PM
Smiling, Satine wipes a silver spike of hair out of his eyes, looking around. He was currently standing atop a small mountain of junk on a small moon used for the sole purpose of storing second-hand parts.

Looking for anything more, Satine brings up his small wrist-link, pulling up his "shopping-list". Since his primary ship, Tolaria, was currently in drydock awaiting some of these parts, he had to be sure they all worked. Nodding in satisfaction, Satine jumps off the pile, landing lightly, almost cat-like, on the ground nearby. Walking through the rows and piles of junk, he continues to keep an eye out for the parts he was searching for...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 5th, 2004, 10:58:52 PM
The large musclely figure walked through the pathways set for him between the piles of assortments that are spare parts for ships, droids and whatever else you can work on or break. He was clothed with just a plain shirt and pants, his belt was around his waist with his assortment of weapons that he carried with him always. Upon each of his hips hung dual twin blasters that he had bought off of a junk dealer on tatooine. Also on his belt was his individually constructed lightsaber. The black spiked hilt bounced off his his thigh as he walked. The Vampire's long flowing hair hung past his shoulders. Ambrose had come to this place to locate and purchase parts for his Dreadnought that had at one time been a part of the Dark Force, or the Katana fleet as it is better known.

Ambrose was moving parts out of the way when he felt ripples in the force. He knew the ripples that were coming from another part of the junk yard was a Jedi, and a powerful one at that. Ambrose immidiately placed his parts down in a little pile and walked towards the center of this encounter that he had stumbled upon.

It was about ten minutes before he reached his destination, and what he had found there was Satine Capshen. The Dark Knight had never met the Jedi face to face, but he had heard about him when he had previous conversation with other force and non force users who had encountered him. Some of the rumers was that he was one of the most talented Jedi Master that anyone could encounter. Others say that he is the most fierce force user in battle. Ambrose would soon find out if any of the rumors were true.

Mar 6th, 2004, 09:13:19 AM
Satine's head shoots up, and he narrows his silver eyes, searching around. A presence in the Force was near, and it was Dark presence at that. Widening his stance, Satine looks around, reaching out with the Force.

"You can come out...No need to sulk in the shadows..." Satine says, confidence ringing in his voice. Grabbing the two lightsabres from his belt, the Jedi ignites them. The blades, one silver, the other black, cast an ominous glow on the surrounding, as Satine waits for his opponent to show himself.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 8th, 2004, 11:42:03 AM
Ambrose stepped outward from the shadows, only to reveal himself to the Jedi Master. Although the shadows still clung to the Vampiric form of the Dark Knight, he was clearly visible to the onlookers. The Vampire uncliped the holster that was keeping the blasters in place, and drew them forth. Ambrose looked at the Jedi Master's lightsabers and suddenly had a curious look upon his face.

"I would not expect a Jedi to weild a black lightsaber, only a darksider would I not be suprised."

Ambrose looked at the setting sun, and realized that it would not be long before the sun would set and Ambrose would be free from his shadowy prison that he had to cling to durring the day.

The Sith Knight lifted the blasters and shot forth a splatter of laser fire, although none of the bolts had made contact, Ambrose know knew how the Jedi protected himself. Ambrose studied his every move as he bloked the laser bolts fireing at him. When the bateries ran out in the blasters, Ambrose holsterd them and drew forth his lightsaber. Altough the weapon was made for the use of two blades, Ambrose only ignited one blade. The dark red blade extended forth as it hummed with life. The smell of burning ozone grew stronger with yet another lightsaber present.

Mar 9th, 2004, 04:32:14 PM
Satine simply smiles, bringing his sabres into a defensive stance, watchign as the stranger ignites his blade.

"I wield a black blade, true...But only as a reminder of the wrongs I've committed..." Satine raises an eyebrow, and then sketches out a quick salute with his blades. "By the way, I don't think we've met before...The name's Satine Capashen--or Alpha, whichever you prefer. You are?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 11th, 2004, 10:46:58 AM
"I wield a black blade, true...But only as a reminder of the wrongs I've committed..."

The words spoken from the Jedi Master flowed from his mouth like silk slides through the fingers. He never even thought about the fact of the color black, but he gave an answer none the less. It was a good excuse, but the Vampire did not believe it one bit. The next words were spoked from truth Ambrose could tell...

"By the way, I don't think we've met before...The name's Satine Capashen--or Alpha, whichever you prefer. You are?"

Ambrose grinned enough to let the Jedi Master see. He had heard of Satine Capshen, but he had never known that he had gone by another alias as well. But none the less, this man was a Jedi.

"I am Ambrose Braeden, And no we have not met."

With his free hand, Ambrose slipped his Sith Dagger out of its holster, but his hand was coverd in shadows so the Jedi could not see his movements. The blade was tucked neatly in his hand, not to give the jedi any assumptions.

Mar 11th, 2004, 04:26:42 PM
"So, now that pleasentries are over..." Satine begins, shrugging slightly, as if used to his place in the universe. And, indeed, he was...And he was quite comfortable with it too.

Satine raises an eyebrow, as he watches Ambrose. "You're not a normal Sith, are you?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 14th, 2004, 09:50:42 PM
"You're not a normal Sith, are you?"

Ambrose grinned bearing his stark white teath to the jedi...

"You are wise. No I am not. I am something of wich you could never imagine..."

Mar 14th, 2004, 10:16:52 PM
Satine laughs. Not a chuckle, but a full fledged laugh. right at Ambrose.

"Do no even try to guess something I could not imagine. I've fought a lot, and seen even more...What are you?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 15th, 2004, 10:52:16 PM
"Do no even try to guess something I could not imagine. I've fought a lot, and seen even more...What are you?"

Ambrose grew impatient with the young jedi.

"Fine, you really want to know what I am. I am a creature of the night. I am a Vampire. Know you know."

Mar 16th, 2004, 07:40:22 AM
Another laugh. "I haven't fought one of your kind in years..." Satine says, seeing the impatience in his opponent. The sun had finally set, and now it was time for the fight to begin.

Satine brings his blades into a crossing guard stance, and smiles.

"So...Let's get started, shall we?"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 22nd, 2004, 12:10:06 PM
Ambrose watches as the Jedi Master prepares for his battle mode. Ambrose knows that this is the time to take the offensive. As expirienced as the Vampire is, he knows a few spells that will help him through this fight.

Ambrose focuses all of his concentration upon the force, the darkside flowed freely through his body. The Vampire stepped forward and extended out a hand towards the jedi. The Jedi fell back a few feet. Ambrose had stunned him, but it only lasted for a few seconds. If it were a normal human he would have been knocked out for about an hour. But a few seconds is all that the Vampire needed to take the advantage.

Mumbling a few archaic words in hushed tones, as the Jedi Master regained his posture, Ambrose again thrust his hand forward towards Satine Capshen. Ambrose looked at the Jedi's lightsabers and seen that they were malfuctioning. His spell had worked. Sparks were flying from the lightsabers as they struggled to stay on, but it only took a few seconds before the blade retracted into the hilt and they were no longer of any use to the Jedi. Well, not in this fight anyway.

Ambrose stepped back into a defensive stance, lightsaber in hand, waiting for the Jedi Master to strike.

Mar 22nd, 2004, 08:10:18 PM
Growling slightly, Satine replaces the useless weapons on his belt, calling on the Force. Leaping, Satine propels himself towards the Vampire. Calling upon his force powers, Satine forms a shield, which he sends to block a lightsabre slash. Landing lightly--and now much closer--Satine sends out a kick that catches the undead in the chest, lifting him off the ground and throwing him backwards.

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Mar 30th, 2004, 12:08:31 PM
The force of the blow had knocked the wind out of the Vampires lungs, but only for a second. He caught his breath as he sat on his hands and knees. Before standing up, Ambrose grasped the hilt of his lightsaber that had come out of his hand, but he still held the sith dagger firmly in his palm. Ambrose rose to his feet, showing his full height to the young Jedi Master. The Sith Knight walked forward as a steady pace, the lightsaber humming with life and a hatred look that was etched upon his face. Ambrose knew what he had to do.

Upon reaching the young man, the Dark Knight put a slight grin upon his face, showing that he was not as easy an enemy as the Jedi might have thought. Ambrose spun aroung clockwise, bringing his maroon blade around in a wide arc, aiming for full contact. The lightsaber barely mised the man, but he was caught full on in the top half of the arm by the sith dagger. The small concealed knife sliced into the man pretty deep, the vampire could tell by the blood running down his arm in little bursts. Ambrose licked the blood off of the blade to get a taste of what the man had tasted like.

The Jedi saw the whole process, and Ambrose looked at him in the eyes.

"I will get the rest soon."

Ambrose crouched down, in a defensive stance, waiting to block the next thing that satine could throw at him.

OOC:sorry about the wait...had family problems...

Mar 30th, 2004, 08:43:44 PM
{OOC: No probs dude}

Satine hisses in pain as the knife slices into him. Ignoring the pain, Satine slowly begins to circle, his eyes locking onto several pieces of junk in the piles nearby. Smotherig a smile, Satine draws the Force into himself.

Charging, Satine ducks underneath a swipe of the sabre, and rolls away from from the knife. Bringing a hand out, Satine begins to heat the air in front of his, the friction of it causing an extremely bright light. Ambrose instinctively covers his eyes, and Satine grins, taking advantage of it. Moving his hand to the direction of the Vampire's chest, Satine unleashes several Force blasts.

Due to his force-enhanced reflexes, Ambrose manages to dodge most of them, one clipping him on the shoulder and spinning him, and then another one slamming into him full-strength in the chest, sending him flying towards the pile of junk he had spotted earlier--the one with the sharp and pointy objects...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 4th, 2004, 07:20:11 PM
The shrapnel was coming at him from every direction possible. Ambrose was able, due to skill within the force, to dodge most of the metal pieces of shrapnel that was flying at him. But one of the minute fragments of steel had clipped him in the shoulder, and due to the force of the blow, it had spun the vampire around in a three hundred and sixty degree turn. By the time he had spun full around, he was able to see another large piece of shrapnel come towards him, but was not able to move in time. The large piece of debree had contacted full in the chest. The vampire was sent flying about fifteen feet from where he had previously been standing. The Sith Knight had landed upon sharp objects that had penetrated through his shirt into his skin. A sharp pain was sent up his back, but not for long. For the Vampire had stood up and concentrated onto the force, and once he did, his wounds started healing themselves. The skin had closed over and the vampire was healed of his wounds.

Ambrose had walked forward, only his lightsaber in his hand, and stoped right in front of the Jedi. Ambrose did a quick thrust with his open hand and Satine was lifted up into the air for a couple of seconds. Ambrose lifted his foot in a martial arts form and connected with the human full in the chest. The sound of bones cracking was heard over the loud thump of Ambrose kicking the vampire in the chest.

Apr 5th, 2004, 06:59:53 AM
Satine winces in pain as he skids to a stop. He knew he had at least one broken rib...Maybe more. Shunting the pain aside, Satine gets back to his feet, seeing a peice of junk that could come in handy. Grabbing it, he pulls out a jagged metal piece--the bottom foot or so of it being more tubular, and therefore, not sharp. Holding the makeshift sword in a defense stance, Satine calls upon the Force once more. Springing up, the Warrior Jedi Master flips in the air, landing behind the Vampire, and swinging his makeshift sword...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 7th, 2004, 07:15:48 PM
Ambrose is caught off guard by the Warrior Jedi Master as the human sumersaults over him. Ambrose knows what he must do in order to overcome the odds that are against him. Ambrose concentrates onto the force, and uses his ability that was given to him when he was born to darkness, the ability to move with blinding speed. Ambrose bends downward just in time for the object to miss him by centimeters. As he bent forward, he extened out a foot and did a three hundred and sixty degree turn. The force of the blow had knocked Satine off of his feet. Still in the motion of the turn, the Vampire brought his lightsaber around and struck the man in the side with the tip of his lightsaber blade. The gash was a few inches deep, that was apparent to the Sith Knight.

Ambrsoe stood up, the mortal still lying upon the ground and summoned the DarkSide to his will. Ambrose searched and found what he was looking for. Ambrose called his small Sith Dagger towards him and the small metal object floated gently into the palm of the Vampire. Ambrose stood a few feet back, his lightsaber at the ready for what the Jedi would do.

Apr 7th, 2004, 08:13:20 PM
Satine pushes back the pain. He's had worse and survived...Instead of getting up, Satine summons a large amount of Force energy into his hands, stretching them out. Twin Force blasts are flung out, on catching Ambrose on the leg, knocking him to the ground. the other goes wide, slamming into a junk pile with incredible force.

Getting to his feet, Satine unholsters one of the guns he wore on his belt, bringing it out, and bringing the barrel in line with his opponent. Seeing that Amborse saw and recognized the gun, the Warrior pulls the trigger three times...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 8th, 2004, 12:29:27 PM
Ambrose had lost his breath for a brief moment when he landed on his back due to the force blasts that where sent from the Jedi Master. Although only one of them had actually made contact with him, he felt as if it were two that slammed into him. Ambrose could see the Jedi stand and fire the three blaster bolts. The vampire did not expect this type of behavior from the man but none the less. The Dark Knight said a few words underneath his breath, and summoned a force wind to his command. This spell was designed to alter the path of any shots fired towards the caster. All three blaster shots laned either beside his head or above it. But none of them had actually hit the Sith. Because the Jedi did not know that it was a spell that had caused the blaster bolts to alter their course, it looked as if he had just missed the targed miserably.

Ambrose could see the shock that was on the Jedi's face. Ambrose knew that he must act swiftly for he might not get another chance at this. With the Jedi standing upright, the Sith Knight wrapped the lower part of his legs around the humans legs and pulled with all of his strength. The force of the pull had knocked Satine off of his feet, and as he did so, the blaster flew out of his hand. Ambrose scrambled to his feet and gets on top of the Jedi. Placing his knees atop of the man's shoulders so that he can not move them and placing his lightsaber and sith dagger criss crossed across the Jedi's kneck.

Ambrose knew that he had the Jedi right were he wanted him...

"Do you give up and wish to leave this place, or do you wish to stay and die..."

Apr 11th, 2004, 11:17:16 AM
A feral growl fills the air. Ambrose almost jumps, until he realizes the sound is coming from the Jedi he had trapped. A dangerous glint filled Satine's eyes.

"I don't plan on dying any time soon..."

Using the Force to push the weapons a few millimetres away from his skin, he erects a Force shield in between himself and the weapons. That accomplished, he begins to use his abilities with generating heat and fire, and begins to heat up the inner workings of the lightsabre...