View Full Version : Rhic

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 4th, 2004, 01:05:07 PM
checking websites for links and adsense can only entertain me for so long - sooooo, i decided to take a break, and came across this - http://www.bnl.gov/rhic/

i found it rather interesting that back in '99, people thought that there was a black hole at bnl, or that they could possibly make a 'strangelet' that turns regular matter into a new form. reading about rhic though was really cool, and of how it was built and how it works was a very interesting read-through. im still not understanding exactly what quark gluon plasma is, but oh well. just thinking about the fact that the temperature in an rhic collision is a trillion degrees is enough to make me want to move north

well, that, and i hear my snowboard cry every night