View Full Version : A dark and Stormy night (open)

Luna Eclypse
Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:23:52 PM
it was a dark stormy night on Corascant. it was raining and lightning was flashing through the night sky. The streets where empty exept in a small back street that was home to many thugs and gangs

A woman stood alone in the middle of the street corpses littred the ground around her, Her cloths were wet and her black hair fell over her face. in each hand she held a Metal Sai that was covered in blood. Her left arm and several other places had been cut by her attackers and a her right leg had a large blaster burn on it

A strange metal device was around her neck which had been damaged in the battle. the woman stood there stareing at nothing as the rain continued to fall and her cuts continued to bleed.

Mar 4th, 2004, 01:04:54 AM
Closing buisness at the Raven's Nest, a less than reputeable establishment that was locked away in Corriscants underworld, Mockadane was more than happy with payment and arrangements that were consolidated in the meeting.

The turbo-lift ride was filled with jibberish talk to make sure that if it was bugged, it would give no since to the people listening in. The big man was in the Buisness far to long to give anyone an advantage to underbid Him on buisness. He and his companion talked small talk untill the lift doors opened and let them out into corriscants night.

The rain wasnt the only thing that had changed in the time that they had ventured underground. Looking about Mock noticed the woman at the end of the alley...And with a weird expression he looked at his companion... " I sure hope that This isnt the line to hail a taxi!"

The form not too far away was clearly a woman, The Mercinary noticed, But her intentions were unknown... and that was more than a reason for the pai to be in combat-ready mode. No wheapons were visable as they stepped from the turbo-lift.

"Is there anything We can help you with?" The big man spoke in heavy latened Hapen toung

Luna Eclypse
Mar 4th, 2004, 03:44:55 PM
The girl turned to look at Mockadane, She looked to be about nineteen years of age. She griped the Sais in hers hands and slashed at Mockadane as if he was standing only inches away from her

At the end of the slash the Sai fell out of her hand and landed near Mockadane's feet, the other sai fell out of her other hand. She reached out her right hand toward him "Help me" She wispered and started to fall forward toward the man.

Mar 6th, 2004, 12:29:25 AM
The woman's fall was cushioned by the thruming tractor effects of Mockadane's gauntlet. Once the other gauntlet was engaged, the woman had a pillow effect around her. Her fall was never much more than off of her feet. Manipulating the repulsors and tractors, the small framed woman came to hover within aproximately two meters, never touching the ground.

"Rak, retrieve her weapon and check the woman for serious injuries."

The knowing look the counterparts exchanged between each other were all to familiar.

Mar 6th, 2004, 01:03:36 AM
Eldorack steped over to the young woman, dropping to one knee. All the while pulling a little piece of electronic wizardry that he had conjured up for situations like this. The LCD display folded upwards into a blue screen. Eldorack picked up her hand, placing her forfinger upon the touchpad of the device. A small needle protruded upward injecting itself into her skin, then retracted just as fast. When he removed her hand, a small red dot could be seen on her finger.

The blood sample that was taken from Luna Eclypse was being read in the main databank of the devise. Her age, sex, heritage, etc. was laid out in words before the Slicer. Eldorack could see the loss of blood and the battle damage that her body held. While the DNA was being translated into words, Eldorack pulled a devise out of his pocked and scanned the woman for any nano technology or explosives.

Eldorack scanned each of her Sai's for explosives. He then walked over to Mockadane and placed the electronic device into the Mercinary's hands. Mock read the read out on Luna Eclypse, and as he did, Eldorack removed gloves that he had been wearing.

"Should we heal her?" Eldorack watched Mock's uneasy glance as he read the devises scan of the woman.

Luna Eclypse
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:08:25 AM
Luna slowly opened her eyes after feeling something poke her finger. The effect of the gauntlets made her feel strange, She tryed to look around her but felt too tired to move

Her eyes closed again and she slipped into unconsiosness once more.

Mar 7th, 2004, 12:32:40 AM
It was all laid out there, in green ebbing words on the data pad. Mock's jaw muscle was stretched tight in discontent.

"Eldorack...You know the differences between her and us. Do you think this wise." Giving Eldorack the look similar to finding a lost puppy.

"Sedate her...It will slow her heart rate and keep her unconscience until we return back to the Raptor." The big man picked up each of her Sai's and checked the rest of the beings for identififation, along with any trinkets that might be laying around, or more useful to someone who is still alive.

Midway through his search, the Bounty Hunter spoke into his personal com-link.

"Raven, bring birds nest to us. Blackbird and Bluebird are standing by for confirmation."

Mockadane found a few items that peaked his interest when he recieved the confirmation.

Mar 7th, 2004, 12:37:59 AM
"Raven, bring birds nest to us. Blackbird and Bluebird are standing by for confirmation."

Dog was sitting in the copilot's seat when the com unit crackeled to life. They both exchanged glances with each other before Synteck responded.

"Straybirds, this is Raven. Birds nest will rondevous E.T.A. five minutes."

The Smuggler punched a few codes on the dash of the Raptor and the thrumming of the repulsors could be heard as the YT-1300 began to hover off the ground.

Mar 7th, 2004, 01:00:55 AM
Eldorack looked Mock in the eyes as he handed back over the data pad that with held all of the information about Luna Eclypse. Before turning the device off, the Slicer saved her profile for personal reasons. The hypodermic needle that he inserted drew no responce from the woman. Clearly she was incapacitated.

"Maybe we will learn the wearabouts of this Dr. Zanon that she is apparently working for. Maybe it will explain some of the mysteries about her."

As Eldorack spoke, his thoughts were never farther from reality. As he spoke of her profession, he was thinking of her features. About how the moonlight reflected off of her pale skin as she hung in the tractor beams of Mockadane's gauntlets. The curvature of her body seemed like gold in the Mercinary's eyes. He finally regained conscienceness and noticed a look upon his counterparts face that he found all to familiar, like Mock knew what the Slicer was thinking.

In the distance, the Raptor came into view and landed safetly a few feet from the two Mercinary's. They both walked towards the ship, carrying the girl with them as the docking ramp lowerd for them to board.

Mockadane's last words before they enterd the ship were brief. "Make her comfortable in one of the bunks and use a med pack on her. Keep her sedated until we are in space."


The strange surroundings the woman found herslef in were accompanied by the strange people standing around her once she had awoken.

Luna Eclypse
Mar 7th, 2004, 01:07:11 AM
Luna opened her eyes slowly, her vision was blured for a moment and then cleared up. She looked up at the people standing around her and fear shot through her body

"wh...who are y..you?" She said the fear clearly visible in her eyes.

Mar 7th, 2004, 01:23:34 AM
"Greeting Miss Eclypse my name is Mockadane, one of your compedators. Perhaps you have heard of me. Allow me to introduce you to my associates. Eldorack - my right hand man, Synteck - security and point man, and Dog - loyal friend..." Giving the K-9 a pat on his head.

"If you are a force user, the momentary loss of your abilities is normal. I have ysalamire throughout my ship as you may have noticed. You may think your fast enough to grab my weapon..." Mockadane looks down at a wicked looking blaster laying on his lap, his legs crossed over one another, proped up on the bed next to her own, " But your not."

Mockadane eyed the woman suspiciously, his intuition one of his greatest assets.

"Tell me, why were you on courscant, and why did you have to dispatch of the people you did Assasin."

Mar 7th, 2004, 01:32:17 AM
Eldorack looks over to Mockadane with a glare.

"Hey brutis, maybe she's hungry or thursty. We will find out the information we seek no matter what."

Eldorack pulled forth from a table a plate of food and a glass of water that he had prepared for her previously before the interview of Luna Eclypse.

"Here you go Miss Eclypse" Eldorack handed her the food, all the while keeping his eyes upon the captain of the Raptor.

Luna Eclypse
Mar 7th, 2004, 03:50:51 PM
Luna didn't remember much of that night or why she had been there. she accepted the food and ate a small bit of it "I don't know why I was on Corascant......" She paused when she relized she couldn't remember anything from before that night either "I remember being sent there for a mission or something and I remember fighting a group of thugs but I don't remembe why."

Mar 22nd, 2004, 11:35:08 PM
"Miss Eclypse..." Tossing her I.D. card toward the bunk where she sat... "You work for a competiter of mine. I am fully willing to have a meet & greet, if only you could remember... who it is!"

Looking over at her with a calm ease, Mockadane gave space for her to talk...

Luna Eclypse
Mar 23rd, 2004, 12:23:42 AM
Luna looked down at the I.D. card she now held. while reading her name on the card a small bit of her memory returned

She was sitting in a metal chair while a man was talking to her. The man was tall and had long white hair and looked like some sort of scientist. She could not remember the words the man had spoken or who he was.

She snapped back into reality and looked at Mockadane "I can only remember what he looks like...."