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Mar 2nd, 2004, 07:29:13 PM
Specimen one: Black Panther http://www.marveldirectory.com/individuals/b/blackpanther.htm

T'Challa, probably the most popular black non-mutant superhero out there. King of Wakanda, huge wealth and vast technology, he is often found fighting crime in the US.

Now, cue possibly THE biggest act of comic-related Plagarism I can imagine since Rob Liefield made Fighting America.

MC Hammer's - WorldHit Films announces their PANTHER film project has finished the script stage and pre-production will begin as soon as financing, distribution, and talent deals are in place. The film is expected to be budgeted at under $30 million.

The script, written by their head of Creative Development, Lance Dow, is based on a story by MC Hammer and Dow. Hammer and Dow will also produce.

The story with elements of Batman, Spiderman, and Daredevil revolves around a wealthy and reclusive Chicago heart surgeon and comic book buff - who dons a night-time alter ego of a Panther-suited, motorcycle-riding, martial arts-using crimefighter.

The character uses specialized equipment such as firing retractable panther claws to scale buildings and take out his adversaries, specialized pistols that fire immobilizing high-tech curare injecting darts, highly-sensitive listening devices in his ears to seek out trouble and hear adversaries movements, specialized contacts that allow him to see in a variety of spectrums with super-zoom capabilities and the ability to interact with satellite imagery from his own imaging and GPS satellite. He also maintains a deep underground high-tech command center in a rusting industrial area of Chicago where he keeps tabs on Chicago as well as sharpens his fighting skills in a special room where he battles holographic opponents.

Hammer had this to say about Panther. "This is really the first serious, fully-developed, stand-alone, African-American Superhero that is also a role model - to be created for film. We created him from the ground up and placed him in the visually exciting world of Chicago with its mixture of Old and New Architecture. When he and the villain's female sidekick COBALT battle from their motorcycles from twin-towers 40 stories up, the audience will be blown away. It's like a John Woo sequence at 500 feet above the pavement. We believe this is a franchise character and hope to expand into other African-American superheroes.

WorldHit Films works through a global film fund for films budgeted at $25 - $60 million and is awaiting final green-lighting of their FIGHTING MEN film. Their co-production BLUE PLANET with partner, NW Studios USA, is currently being packaged for the major studios. The partners are also discussing WorldHit's Hulk/Spiderman-like DEMON character.

First, MC HAMMER? :lol :lol

Second, how many days do you give this before Marvel sues their collective butts? :lol

Trust me, I think they CAN touch this ;)

Mar 2nd, 2004, 08:47:03 PM
it sounds pretty cool, but with that small a budget, it'll probably get really lame really fast.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 4th, 2004, 10:54:04 PM
But, I thought that John Stewart (Green Lantern) was the most popular black non-mutant superhero.

*Breaks into uncontrollable laughter*

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:06:12 AM
What about Blade? Unless he's considered a mutant.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:50:04 AM
He's got good movies, but I'm not sure anyone actually reads the comic. Most people don't even know he's a comic character.

Mar 7th, 2004, 06:58:04 AM
Noone reads the comic because there isn't one :)

Around Blade time they released one and it did awful, although some claim that's because it wasn't much like the movies. Rumoured to be one involving Blade coming out later in the year though.

Ryan Pode
Mar 7th, 2004, 11:02:09 AM
Blade just did cameos in the Spiderman comics if memory serves. As for John Stewert he is like the third Green Lantern.

Ka' el Darcverse
Mar 7th, 2004, 09:12:09 PM
Old school comic book

Tales of Dracula or something to that extent, Blade was a member of Van Helsing's hunter squad