View Full Version : Imperial Navy Research Designs

Teleran Balades
Mar 2nd, 2004, 05:43:40 PM
Currently being researched/designed

Anvil-class Assault Cruiser

Designs awaiting approval

TIE Aquatic

Approved designs

Bronco, Ranger, and Paladin Support Walkers (*untested)
Solarian - class Heavy Frigate (*untested)
Tyrannic-class Medium Cruiser (*untested)
Trepidation - class Assault Cruiser (*untested)
Scythe-class gunship (*untested)
Lancer MkII-Frigate (Currently being tested at Bestine)
Tiger-class System Monitor (Tested at Yaga Minor)
TIE Defender - Mark IV and V
Hummel-class Heavy Cruiser (*untested)

I made up this list because several of the newer people don't know what we have come up with. This is a list of ships and walker designs and their status(these are only the designs that have been come up with since I first came here). If anyone has anything to add, or change, please post here, It's been several months since a list like this has been made.

*By untested I mean not used in an IC thread.

Teleran Balades
Apr 1st, 2004, 08:01:08 PM
I'm working on designing a ship from scratch, developing new weapons and ship systems for an expiremental craft. I already talked to Tear and Travis about this, but would like input and help with this. Feel free to post any designs you like(they will have to be approved though). The ship will be cruiser size, about 600 meters give or take.

Designs already come up with:

Viper-class fusion reactor

Designs that still need to be written up:

Plasma Torpedoes
Magnetic Accelerator Rifle/Cannon
Morray Scatter Mines

Try and keep things reasonable, the normal turbolasers and such will be used so don't come please don't post hundreds of weapons desings.

Travis North
Apr 7th, 2004, 06:28:57 PM
Sir, the Anvil-class is completed and awaiting testing.

If is alright I would like to start on a new communications system. This would include a new form of comm sats and onboard arrays.

Teleran Balades
Apr 7th, 2004, 07:29:39 PM
go ahead.

The magnetic accelerator cannon is ineficient when used in space, a new model is being designed for use by the army.