View Full Version : The Senate: String Pulling

Senator Thareena
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:17:42 AM
ooc: This is open as long as you use common sense. We're in the senate building, which has extremely high security. No posts along the lines of coming in and being a bad guy will work, because security would have nailed you sometime during your first sentance. RP it out clearly and carefully and we'll get along fine./ic

"Clear my schedule."

The aide looked at her pop-eyed. "What? You have a three o'clock with Senator Hesith about the -"

Thareena snapped, "I said clear my schedule!" The aide eeped and left the room by the side door, leaving Fa'un Thareena from Chandrila alone with her guest.

"I do appreciate you meeting me at such short notice." The voice that came from the woman across from her was smooth and melodious, but not without a hint of edge.

"You are, of course, always welcome in my office, Vide." I wish you were dead, you frelling woman. She smiled, and added, "Would you like some coffee? I can have Toni bring some in."

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:28:40 AM
"No, thank you." De'Ville studied the woman in front of her, pleased at her anger. Anger was good, it showed that the Senator was strong willed. Power fit her like a glove, and her first year in office had gone well.

The Hand had dissolved, but Lilaena was intending to keep her pet Senator on a leash for many years to come. "I also appreciate the escort into the senate building, it was a good touch."

Thareena inclined her head towards the Dark Jedi, "I thought it would help you get inside, although..."

Lilaena touched her face, and shrugged, "Take no chances, I say." She was wearing facial prosthetics, skillfully implemented in a way to make her unreconizable to the roving eye. De'Ville's face was well known on Coruscant, thanks to her ex-husband's villigant efforts to apprehend her. Color crawlers had been released in her hair the night previously, making it a dark blonde with brunette streaks. The Dark Jedi brushed her colored hair from her eyes, and clasped her hands in front of her.

"I have a reason for being here, of course." Green eyes studied brown ones.

Senator Thareena
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:33:47 AM
"I hardly imagined you did not. To come all this way, from..?" Thareena steepled her fingers under her chin, hoping to get a clue as to where this horrible woman stayed.

"The senate refuses to address the issue of Corellia's enslavement to the Order of Sith. It is disappointing, is it not?"

Fa'un cleared her throat hastily, "To bring up something of such magnitude could go badly against me, as I am still in my first year, let along my first term as senator."

"Excuses already? You have not heard what I am proposing yet." The green eyes were the same, but the woman looked totally different. Her voice was even accented differently, thick with a Corellian twang.

"I apologize, Mistress Vide." I have no intention of doing anything you want, but you have my hair! What did you do with it? Thareena was caught in a web, and she knew it, although that wouldn't stop her from putting up the occasional struggle.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:39:11 AM
"Talk to some of the other senators, find out where they stand. And then, yes, I want you to bring it up in chambers. Rally the Republic against this Order of Sith! The Republic, fat in its own excesses, cares not when a sister government falls to the powers of evil?"

"Not all believe in the Force anymore. And to bring up the religion as a reason for action could spark the 'separation of belief and government' debate." Thareena scrubbed a hand over her eyes and ran her finger through her short auburn hair. "No one hears much from Corellia anymore, not politically." Thareena was starting to squirm, a tiny bit.

De'Ville poked her with a figurative stick, smiling as she did so. "Then suggest a diplomatic envoy to Corellia, to see how things are. And volunteer to go yourself, along with a Jedi diplomat."

Senator Thareena
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:42:16 AM
Forget political suicide, that is personal suicide! "Vide, I..."

Thareena blinked, and shrugged, "Part of our agreement, right? Of course, I would be happy to do as you ask, although I cannot guarantee it will be agreed upon in the Senate."

Alexi Hesith
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:03:50 PM
In his own office Alexi Hesith raised an eyebrow at the aide standing in front of him.


"Yes, Senator," replied the aide, "Her aide gave no explanation, merely an apology."

Alexi's other eyebrow now joined its cousin in being raised, "An apology. I have been working on this bill for months."

He refered to the Educational Suplement Bill, aimed at subsidisng schools on the poorer Outer Rim planets. He had intended to bring Thareena on board.

"Yes, Senator," agreed the aide blandly. "Shall I reschedule?"

"No. I'll see her this evening after the debate. Where does she normally go for a drink?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 29th, 2004, 01:13:42 PM
"See that you do all you can. I have ways of watching you, so do not attempt to double cross me." De'Ville rose to her feet, and Fa'un matched her movement, looking a bit confused.

"There is no reason to draw out this any longer. I have communicated my wish, and you have aquiesced, which I appreciate as timely and wise." De'Ville straightened her tunic and clothing, a simple Corellian design.

"I cancelled my meeting... You might as well stay longer, Mistress Vide." Thareena smiled, although her eyes were begging Lilaena to leave.

"Thank you, but I do not wish to overstay my welcome. I will be seeing you later. Stay alert, and stay strong, and you will have all the power you can handle, my little Fa'un." De'Ville smiled, and made for the door.

Senator Thareena
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:26:38 AM
She rose to her feet, said something about wanting Vide to stay, but was secretly relieved to hear her refuse. Thareena straightened her cream colored robes, and nodded. "At least let me provide an escort for you."

"Most appreciated, Thareena. I will be seeing you."

Fa'un escorted Vide to the office door, and signaled for Toni to escort the woman out. Once Vide was gone, she slumped against the wall, trying to gather herself. Hesith! He wanted to talk to me about his pet education bill... He's been talking about nothing but for months.

She checked her chrono, and snapped her fingers at her bodyguard. "I'm going to Gall's diplomatic offices. I had a meeting there a few minutes ago, and I need to see if my reputation can be salvaged."

Thareena gathered her wits and her cloak, and set off down the hall, bits and pieces of speeches and thoughts tumbling through her mind.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 1st, 2004, 01:13:35 PM
Alexi had just settled into his paper work, reading a petiton from one of his constituents, when the aide entered.

"Yes?" he said with out looking up from the petiton.

"Senator, you won't believe this. Senator Thareena is outside."

"I thought she cancelled," said Alexi looking up at the aide.

"So did I, Senator. Shall I show her in?"

"By all means." Alexi laid aside the petition and stood, buttoning his jacket. What is going on?

The doors opened to admit Senator Thareena, her white robes so reminisent of the great Mon Mothma. He stepped forward to greet her, hand outstretched.

"Fa'un, this is a surprise," he said heartily, "I thought you had cancelled our meeting."

Senator Thareena
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:42:00 PM
"As did I, Alexi." She shook his hand, and smiled. "I had an unexpected visitor, but it did not take as long as I had feared. I aplogize for the schedule shuffling."

Fa'un smoothed her hands over her robes, and waited for him to offer her a seat.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 1st, 2004, 03:30:07 PM
As was his custom Alexi indicated that they might sit, settling himself into one of the brown leather armchairs in the conversation circle. Once Thareena had done the same Alexi began to speak.

"You will understand that I was some what annoyed that you cancelled our meeting. I take it that it was something of importance?"

Senator Thareena
Mar 1st, 2004, 03:33:43 PM
"A matter of utmost importance." He was waiting for more, and since she had already inconvienced him once, she decided to humor him a little. "A refugee from Corellia, in fact. I have been privately looking into the political void that is the Corellian Sector, and was anxious to hear a first hand account of what is happening behind the silence."

She adjusted her skirts, and looked at Alexi Hesith expectantly. "Now, about your education bill?"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 1st, 2004, 03:38:15 PM
Alexi made a mental note of her excuse for later investigation.

"Yes. I take it that you have read the draft?"

The Bill was simple enough: 6 billion credits allocated to the education authorities of the of the planets with the poorest schools. A philanthropic act intended to help children and to boost Alexi's image as a supporter of education. And those of its co-sponsors.

Senator Thareena
Mar 1st, 2004, 03:40:47 PM
"I did, and found it to be very well written." She smiled, trying to put aside the concerns about Vide's visit. "However, I needed a little clarification about where you were planning on siphoning the credits from?"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 1st, 2004, 03:45:54 PM
"That is the beauty of it!" said Alexi, enthusing about his subject, "It will come from funds already in the Treasury. We have about 30 billion credits not ear marked for the budget or in the Defence Reserves. No need for taxes or for a new levy. And it won't interfer with defence expenditure so Tercer Kensington can't complain either."

Senator Thareena
Mar 1st, 2004, 06:19:20 PM
Thareena laughed, "Well, that's a relief. We certainly don't want to give him ammunition right off the bat." She tweaked a bit of her red hair between her fingers, and nodded, "Yes, I will support this bill with you, I think it is just what the Outer Rim needs."

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 2nd, 2004, 05:40:51 AM
First day back on the job after my absence. The crib was a sign of what had changed and where I had been. I was still walking with the aid of crutches and that would be case for a few more weeks, while the injuries healed. My office had been well kept and my datapad work done by my aides. A few pertinant points and happenings was highlighed on my desk, plus a few well wishers and a note about the damage to the Medical Centre. I sighed as I saw that one, like it was my fault. Like I was capable in levelling the place while trying to squeeze a watermelon out of my uterus.

"I'm not even going to dignify this idiot with a response" I said, throwing the pad away on the floor. "You write back and tell him where to stick it"

"Yes Madam Senator" replied the ever efficent aide, Latham Hewson. "I do agree with you, it was most out of order. I shall frame the appropriate reply. And might I also say, I am glad to see you back. It troubled me when I heard of the attack and your disappearence for a week, but I am well pleased you are safe and recovering. Might I ask where you went?"

"Nope, you cant. Just in case I need to go back. I'd rather it be secret. Understand?"

"I do, Madam. Might I add that it is also wonderful that your baby is also sound of health, that she is quite a beautiful one. Has a name been chosen? I saw nothing in news reports that suggest so"

"Flattery will get you everywhere" I said, taking a seat behind my desk, very carefully. "Her name is Arwen"

"Unusual name. Does it mean anything?"

"Noble Woman, in my home tongue. Oh drat, what's she crying about now?!"

"Shall I get her for you?"

"No, got it" I said, for without thinking, I had taken hold of the baby in The Force and was already floating her over to me, to settle gently in my arms. Her partial cries began to stop. "Hmmm.... just tired. I'll let her sleep on my lap while I do some reading about what's going on in the wonderful Senate. I believe you have a reply to write..?"

"Certainly Madam" he said, picking up the datapad and leaving quietly. I sighed, picking up the list of stuff I needed to know. The red armoured guard was quietly standing by my door to my office, there were others about. The Lost had secretly taken charge of my security and to be frank, I would not trust anyone else. Not after the mess at the Medical Centre.

For a few hours I read, while Arwen slept. I made notes, scribbled questions I wanted asked and a list of beings to see. I eventually came to a late item, one that caught my attention.

A Bill for the appropriation of 6 billion credits, to be allocated to the education authorities of the of the planets with the poorest schools.

I read the bill proposal, had a think.

"Latham! Could you arrange a quick word with Senator Hesith?" I called. "This bill of his interests me. I might well support it if the details are good"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:24:21 PM
Back in his office Alexi smiled at Thareena, "I am glad to here that. If you will permit me an observation you need your name on this Bill. Your profile has not been all that high: you need a high profile to succeed in the Senate. With your name on this you will get some badly needed attention. It may even swing you a seat on a committee."

Senator Thareena
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:42:49 PM
A seat on a committee! What an accomplishment that would be, in her first year. And this bill might keep her nose out of the dirt after she proposed the exploration of the Corellian system. "I would be honored to have my name on your bill, Alexi. I have no qualms about it whatsoever."

Thareena smiled, hiding the other worries inside.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:51:06 PM
"How gratifying," Alexi rose, "The Appropriations Committee sits in a week's time. The bill is due for its final reading shortly after. Provided there are no complications it will pass within the next two months."

Senator Thareena
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:53:02 PM
She rose as well, and shook his hand. "I look forward to it. And I will see you when we next sit in Chambers. Again, I apologize for the delay and the confusion about our meeting today."

Alexi Hesith
Mar 2nd, 2004, 02:10:21 PM
"Not at all. Goddbye," he smiled again.

As soon as she had left he allowed the smile to drop away from his face. Corellia? What is she up to?

He reached for the intercomm, "Draxara, I have a job for you." His loyal aide listened carefully as he gave her instructions on what he wanted. It took barely a minute to issue the instructions before he keyed off. Then he returned his attention to the petition.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 7th, 2004, 03:35:12 PM
Draxara had a drink with one of the interns who worked around the Chandrillan delgation's offices. He was a young man, barely out of college and like so many young men barely out of college he was remarkably susceptable to the charms of a pretty woman.

Draxara did not let on that she was anything all that senior, indeed she did not mention her own job, allowing him to talk about himself. He told her very little of real value, a little office gossip and some vague nonsense about secret documents. Then, just as Draxara had decided to try someone else, he said something that caught her attention.

"Of course, I have to help when something unexpected happens. You know hold the forts when the Senator rushes out."

"Oh, really," she said sounding impressed, "Does that happen often."

"Happened today actually, she rushed out to the lobby, came back and told us to clear her schedule. I did it straight away, called around the other senators and told them what had happened."

You mean you fetched the dialling list, whilst Toni called me.

"Cancelled her schedule, it must have been important"

"Yes it was," said the intern vaguely, "I can't say anymore" he adopted a slightly self-rghteous tone.

"How very sad," she glanced at her chrono, "Well I'm sorry I have to go.

As she walked out she began thinking about what might make a senator behave so oddly. Much to her disappointment she could not find any answers despite many such meetings in the next couple of days. She simply told Hesith what she had learned and left it at that when he asked that afternoon.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 9th, 2004, 12:39:45 AM
Latham Hewson was a fairly big man with glasses. Approaching middle aged, he had been a fighter in his youth. Thence, He was quite an impressive man and quite good as my aide. He was also quick and did what he was told.

He came to Hesith's office and politely asked an assistant for a message to be sent to him

Senator Hesith, Greetings,

I, on behalf of the Senator of Arcan IV, Jedi Knight, Lady Helenias Evenstar, wish to seek a brief meeting that will not, I hope inconvenience you, or take too much of your time. She asks that, due to her recent child birth and the events that surrounded that, that you would be gracious enough to come to her office, for, as you might well understand, her injuries and her new child prevent much movement as yet.

We await your reply,

Latham Hewett,
Aide to the office of Lady Evenstar

Alexi Hesith
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:56:27 PM
"The Senator is in a meeting at the moment," said the assistant, "But I will be sure to pass this on to him as soon as possible."

Evenstar's aide accepted this with a nod and left. Some fifteen minutes later Hesith emerged from his office, bidding goodbye to the representatives from the Society for Gallish History.

"Senator, this came for you," the aide handed over the message.

Hesith read it quickly and then turned to the aide, "When is my next appointment?"

"Not for another hour, Senator."

"Very well. I am going down to see Senator Evenstar. I will be back shortly."

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:42:03 AM
"M'Lady.... Lady Evenstar?"

I blinked. Oh good grief, had I fallen asleep? "Umm... yes Latham?" I said groggily, using one arm to just straighen myself in my seat. Arwen whined, before settling once again.

"My Lady, you really have come back from leave too early. You should be resting"

"I know" I groaned. "I promise, I wont do the hours I used to. I can't anyway"

"I would hope not. Senator Hesith is coming"

"Oh, he is? Good. Tell the guards to take station outside. I wish to be alone when I speak to him"

"Very well, m'lady" Hewson said, bowing. He left and I was left alone once again with Arwen.

"Your going to meet a Senator today" I said to the sleeping two week old infant. "Hope you have put your dress nappy on"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:13:58 PM
Alexi stood as if admiring one of the paintings that hung in the outer office of the Jedi senator's office. It was actually not that good a painting, one of those mass produced works that hang in hotel bedrooms. It passed the time whilst he was waiting though.

Hewson appeared at his side, "The Senator will see you now."

"Thank you."

Alexi turned and walked through the office doors.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 18th, 2004, 04:50:14 AM
The anteroom lead to a slight corridor, which in turn gave way to a spacious office. Two guards, one in deep midnight black armour, the other in red, faceless, moved to allow the Senator to enter, before themselves exiting.

Inside my office, it was resonably spartan - a meeting desk, a lounge, some holoplayer screens, but it would have been the mementos of past now gone that would be been most striking. A full set of Imperial Royal Guardsman armour, set up on a manniquin. Holostills of various events I had participated in, including one that showed the remains of th Jedi Council, which I had been responsible for destroying years ago. The armour was also in fact mine and I had worn it in the times of the Empire. That, was a matter for public knowledge.

It certainly made for an interesting discussion, given I was a Jedi, I was a Senator and I had decidedly Imperial leanings.


Mainly when corporate business wanted to line their own pockets

My desk had a neat stack of things in the to do basket, a terminal, my Pike as a display piece. And then, myself. Dressed decidedly casual, but I did have a good excuse. That excuse burped lightly and kept sleeping.

"Excuse me for not standing or offering a hand" I said, waving at the crutches leaning on the desk, "It is not out of rudeness or disrepect. "No doubt you would have heard somebody decided that while I was giving birth would be a good time to try an assassination. I have not recovered from injuries sustained in that attack"

"Senator Hesith. I have been wanting to meet you in person for some time. Would you be so kind as to take a seat? Would you like some refreshment while we discuss this bill for education and my support, if the details are good?"

Alexi Hesith
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:24:56 PM
"I'm delighted to hear that," said Alexi settling himself into a seat, "But if you'll forgive me- education is not usually something you have shown an interest." His eyes alighted upon the cribin the corner, "Has your recent experience changed your priorities?"

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 25th, 2004, 05:05:28 AM
"No" I stated. "I've always had an interest in the poor and downtrodden. That is why I vote against what is often corporate power grabs. But it does seem rather an obvious motivation, now I have my own child. It gives one a new perspective on much. It also gives insights on The Force that have occured to few Jedi, as motherhood is not something that Jedi have knowledge of. But..... excuse me for being a bit possibly out of line, but I sense you appear concerned over something that I feel is not this bill. Is there something troubling you and is it possible I could assist?"

There was something distracted about the man, but in truth, this was a bit of a fishing expedition. Jedi are not Gods, even if our abilities make us seem that way. All we could do sometimes is make a good guess and my guess was something was on his mind and maybe - just maybe - he would tell someone about it.

Alexi Hesith
Mar 25th, 2004, 02:43:17 PM
Alexi shifted in his seat, ever so slightly, betraying his disquiet.

"A small problem, nothing important. Just something a little odd," he paused to consider the implications of telling her then decided that he could lose nothing. "Fa'un Thareena was late for a meeting, unusual for her. In fact she cancelled and then appeared at my door fifteen minutes later."

He deliberately omitted what Thareena had said about Correlia or about the Bill.