View Full Version : Renouncing my Training

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 28th, 2004, 09:09:03 PM
Hi everybody. After consulting with a couple of people and reviewing my threads, I've decided to leave the Jedi Order.

This decision hasn't come suddenly. I've been thinking about doing something along these lines for a while now. I haven't really had anything to do lately, RP wise, and my character has become stagnant. :lol Incidentally, this is an IC leave, so does it require a thread in the council or anything?

I've also been getting some concerns over my dual Jedi/NR background. I'll still be here, running the New Republic, but I won't be in training...for a while anyways. I'll return to the Order eventually, but right now Lion's background is merely a detriment. Jen, you had nothing to do with this. ^_^;

I feel like I can do a lot more good right now getting Fleeting back onto its feet. I went to take a look at The Rebel Faction (and got a good laugh at the immaturity of most everybody there), but I realized that I'm going to have a lot of work to do if I want to wipe away the bad memories that everybody has of the Fleet RPs of old.

Anyways, I'll still be around. I don't know if the mods have to remove my Avalon access, but if they do, it's okay. Have a good day, everybody. :D


Dasquian Belargic
Feb 29th, 2004, 03:43:49 AM
Incidentally, this is an IC leave, so does it require a thread in the council or anything?

It would be nice, just to let us know where you're dissapearing too :)

Good luck with the NR!

Kelt Simoson
Feb 29th, 2004, 04:33:48 AM
Take easy bro :)

Shade Magus
Feb 29th, 2004, 06:19:12 PM

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 29th, 2004, 09:12:25 PM
Righto...I'll start a thread in Avalon then, methinks. See ya around, everyone!

~Lion~ :D

Kack Mebuff
Mar 7th, 2004, 01:20:39 AM
Peace out, brother! Take care.