View Full Version : Another late night venture...(Figrin)

Sam Corbett
Feb 27th, 2004, 01:41:39 AM
...only to be bloody disturbed again. Last night it was a Padawan exiting her room after not being able to sleep and Sam had to take her to the Archive station and look for something completely random. He actully looked at the way a Kel'Dor might spend a day in a life, complete waist of time. And now this time the Archive room for some unknown reason was actually locked.

Pulling on the door a few times, it was clear that the room was shut fast and another waisted night seemed to be on the agenda. This was not working, it really was beginning to be a pain and the mounting pressure was becoming quite agonizing. The tall fraimed man made his way back from the Archive Centre with a slow, lazy stance.

' What the heck am i gonna' do now eh?' He spoke to himself in whispers as he always did, he had a bad habit of talking to himself which had grown on him in solitary confinment in the Bespin Imperial prison over the course of the 18 months he was inside. He always rearlized he was speaking when it was to late and he felt like a fool for doing so.

' Bloody place is locked which means i have to w-' he shut up very quickly as he saw a dark silohette making it way down the hall. A lean figure, so rippling the force that even with Corbetts very supressed sensing he could feel whoever it was, clearly the person was adept in the force, perhaps a master.

Trying to avoid whoever it was he ducked down a side passage and made quite a quick stride down it, his 6'3 body so very easily seen making its exit.

Figrin D'an
Feb 27th, 2004, 02:17:38 AM
Figrin rounded the corner and, at a leisurely pace, approached the main entrance to the Archives, carrying an old but very solid-looking book. It was late, and everything was locked up for the night, but that didn't matter to him. One advantage to his status within the Order was personal clearance codes that gave him access to nearly any area at any time. And he wanted to get it back before he got an impatient note from the head librarian about it being overdue.

He headed towards the door, but stopped short. He felt a presence nearby... faint, but most definitely humanoid. The Jedi couldn't quite locate it, though. Most everyone was asleep at such an hour, although it wasn't forbidden to walk the halls at night by any means.

Choosing not to worry about it, Figrin punched in his entry code into the wallpad next to the Archive doors. A soft chime and the sound of electronic locks unlatched soon followed. He pulled the door open and proceeded inside, giving no thought to the 20-second delay on the door locking mechanism.

Sam Corbett
Feb 27th, 2004, 02:56:26 AM
The chimes were unmistakibly those of which were the Archive doors unlocking and Sam knew it. He knew of course because earlier that night he had been ushered out by the head librarian just before closing time and heard the doors lock too.

' The person must have entred the Archive with a code, means that person is quite high within the order.' he whispered to himself within the shadow of the side passage not knowing about the 20 second delay upon the door which ticked down as he spoke.

He contemplated the fact with such a large bodymass, 6'3's worth, he might be not only seen but felt. Was it worth the risk? The man, if it was a man, could be anything from a Jedi Master to a librarian, who could tell?, and Sam could not waist another day, not with the pressure.

He bolted for the door without a moments thought, pulled it open and closed it carefully behind him, but the 20 second timer clicked into place even before he had shut the door. The 3 metal bars shot out like lightning and blocked the door from being closed. He tried despritly to push the bars in but they wouldnt budge and it was to late to fly out because the door would make to much noise.


Sam looked about within the darkness of the huge room and shot out for a isle between the incredibly high book shelves and creeped along it till be was far into the end within its darkness. This was going all wrong, all wrong again.

His mass was to big to hide for to long, hed have to keep moving but so long as the door was as it was whoever it was would know the door had been reopen. Dreading to even think about this Sam leanded his back on the wall and slid down gently and quietly.

Figrin D'an
Mar 5th, 2004, 06:18:39 PM
Figrin moved deeper into the Archives, winding through rows until the found the section he was looking for. Taking the liberty, he found the book checkout desk for that section, and accessed the system. Scanning through the database, he found the entry for his book, checked it back in, logged out, and placed it back upon the shelf in it's appropriate spot.

Yeah... he wasn't an official librarian, but given that he contributed to the Archives rather extensively, he didn't think that there would be too much of a complaint about checking books back in. He knew how the system worked.

Walking leisurely, Figrin weaved his way back the main entrance, only to find the door still ajar, the security lock barring the door from closing properly. He looked at it curiously for a moment, then tapped his access code into the wallpad, causing the lock to slide back. The door popped into the fully closed position.

Figrin paused, and looked around for a moment. Something wasn't quite right. The presence he felt earlier was back, but he still couldn't determine it's location.

Acting on a whim, he turned quickly, and headed back off into the depths of the archives, away from the main entrance. The Jedi Master was acting on intuition, but not even he could tell if it would pay off.

Sam Corbett
Mar 5th, 2004, 06:33:35 PM
Sam heard the archive door click-to and breathed a sigh of relief, the person whoever it was had not been quite so important, or ranked as Corbett had first thought, thank the stars. How wrong he was. Sam's judgement would soon get the better of him but not quite yet.

Moving to the end of the ilse, the large human glanced out into the darkness of the room, light sprayed merrily through the artificial night lights but that supplied little to no light to move around in with ease. This prooved a problem to Sam because the 6'3, built like a brick crap house Padawan had to weave in and out of tables and chairs without knocking into a single one, which he failed at, twice makeing a chair bang on the marbel surface of the floor and twice he cursed to himself in whisperes.

A computer terminal was at the other end of the closest ilse and looked to be pretty much concealed away from the entrance to the Archive so the glow of the Terminal could not be seen, this prooved extremely handy.

Taking a seat in the chair he swiped his card through, punched in his code, smiled gently to himself and lowered his hood, this time, at ruddy last, he would have a peaceful night of searching the archive logs.

Figrin D'an
Mar 7th, 2004, 10:03:53 PM
Figrin had ducked into an isle of tall storage shelves, and was listening carefully for any signs of a presence within the Archives other than his own. After a few moments of silence, the faint echo of footsteps, treading ever so lightly on the floor, could be heard moving away from the main entrance.

Waiting a few moments until he was sure to be out of the person's visual range, the Jedi Master moved back towards the entrance. Following the sounds of what seemed like a chair moving across the floor, he slipped quietly down one row of datacard, then another. He could see the faint glow of an active terminal, and the clacking of entry keys being tapped.

He tried to establish a good vantage point while remaining unseen.

Sam Corbett
Apr 9th, 2004, 04:15:07 PM
Corbett punched in a veriety of passwords, even his own, but it seemed after hours the computer, without proper authrization, would shut down. for the night untill a proper authority would turn it back on in Archive hours.

This was not going well, not at all.

Sam would have to come back in the moring, there was noway he was going to over spend his time here in the Archive room, not with somone snooping around also, it would be stupid to over stay ones welcome.

Deciding it was about time to give up for another night, Sam switched off the minitor. This took the room back into a drowsey darkness. He stood up and started to make his way out of the room, what he did not rearlise is he actually passed within two feet of the jedi master without noticing and he began his way back towards the door, which of course, was now locked.

A bad night this was turning out to be...

Figrin D'an
Apr 11th, 2004, 07:30:27 PM
Rather than act immediately, the Jedi Master simply observed, watching the figure type away at the terminal for a short while before giving up. As the person swept by his hiding spot on the way back towards the door, Figrin managed to catch a brief, shadowed glimpse of a face. Though he didn't recognize it, he felt somehow that the man was not completely out of his element. Perhaps he is a Jedi padawan that I haven't met..., Figrin thought.

Entering the Archives after hours without a passcode was a rule infraction, although a minor one. The Jedi Master might forgo reporting the incident, if he could get some answers. To that point, he stepped out from the shadows and approached the doorway, and the unknown man.

"You won't be able to get out that way," he said plainly. "Not without giving me some answers."