View Full Version : Expedition: Shopping for a new you (Tercia)

Razielle Shadana
Feb 26th, 2004, 08:53:55 PM
Since the fateful night the young girl had made the mistake of being openly rude to Salem Ave, Razielle had stayed well away from Tercia. It was for her own safety. It wasn't so much her rudeness that bothered Razielle. It was the fact that she had taken the little baggage off the streets, brought her into her very home and asked of her only one thing. To show respect for the beings inhabbiting Elysium. The fact that she was disrespectful to the one person Razielle would lay down her Immortality for, was sheer bad luck. But it had earned her a nasty reprimand, along with some minor blood loss.

Thinking it over, because Razielle was not without consideration, she decided that she really shouldn't blame Tercia. Respect must be earned, not ordered. But the girl would have to watch her tongue, lest she lose it. That was not how Razielle wished to carry on with her. Rather, she wanted to take this girl and mold her, shape her into something greater than the filthy scrawny urchin she had picked out the Coruscant underworld.

That brought them to the present. Sitting in an elaborate dressing room, in an equally flashy suite, parades of fabrics and designs were waved around Tercia's face. Razielle had comissioned the very best designer's to outfit Tercia in clothes that would compliment her slim young body and disguise her awkward posture until the girl learned some etiquette.

Currently she was draped in layers of shimmery dark green silk. Holding up a hand, Razielle stepped forward. Pinching some color into her cheeks and running her fingers through Tercia's hair, taming it a bit, she smiled. Even though her feet were bare, the soft light, the silk and the excitement did wonders for her young skin. She needed work, but when Razielle was finished, the girl would be stunning. "Look, you are beautiful..." Turning her around, Razielle indicated the floor length mirror.

Tercia Atroce
Feb 27th, 2004, 09:05:01 AM
I allowed myself a brief smile, somewhat surprised by the figure Razielle and her tailors had managed to drag out from under my short, pudgy-legged self. Although I wouldn't show it, I utterly adored such a fuss being made of me. Having been brought up alone, fending for myself, such luxuries were things I never would have dreamed of, let alone experienced. I smoothed a hand across my hip, flattening a crease in the material, and looked up at Razielle's reflection.

"I suppose..."

I glanced back at myself, this time taking note of what the Vampyre had done to my hair. I wasn't particularly fond of the way she had pulled it back, but there was always a compromise to be found. I locked eyes with my reflection, and smiled, not even thinking of supressing the joy gleaming from my face.

"The material matches my eyes."

Razielle Shadana
Feb 27th, 2004, 10:42:18 AM
Smiling indulgently Razielle continued to fiddle with Tercia's hair. "Precisely why I picked it. " She left the girl to admire her newly made garments, instructing the designer's on her wishes. Gowns, both formal and informal, several skirts, shorts, pants gloves, boots. Everything. She would also be allowed to have made anything she wanted of her own design. A separate designer was there, outfitting the girl for battle gear and training clothes and everything else that went along with that.

Sitting back into a comfortable chair, Razielle waited for them all to leave. She wanted to know what Tercia thought of all of this, she was still unsure about the girls path. Whether or not she really wanted this hand fate had dealt her.

Tercia Atroce
Feb 27th, 2004, 12:04:48 PM
A final designer trotted away, tape-measure in hand, and I turned back to the mirror. Without even thinking what I was doing, I brushed a hand through my hair, pulling it up into a pony-tail on the back of my head, and lifted my shoulders back a little. In the emerald garment I had been dressed in, I was positively gorgous; it drew my hips from my waist in a way I had never seen, and hugged my bust perfectly, suited exactly to the contours of my nimble frame. Still clasping the hair, I turned to face Razielle, my lips curving ever so slightly at the edges. She had made me beautiful, for the first time in my life.

"Thankyou, Razielle."

I let go of my hair, which dropped promptly to my shoulders. It was straight, and dark, a stark contrast to my pale skin, and the now rosy patches on my cheeks. Looking down at my hands which now hung loosely clasped at my waiste, I spoke again, softly.

"Why are you buying me these things? Why do you want to take me in like you have done?"

Razielle Shadana
Feb 27th, 2004, 04:22:37 PM
Crossing her legs, Razielle threaded her fingers together and placed them upon her knee. "Because.. You have potential. Your attitude reminds me of someone I love and..you look like me when I was younger. There is much more for you to be Terica, than a shadow on the streets."

Much more indeed, and if she was a good student. Tercia would learn everything Razielle had to offer, and Immortaily along with it. But before that could be attained, she needing grooming. Lots of it, and a touch of refinement.

With the departure of the designers, an army of cosmetics, perfumes, necessities for manicure, pedicure, hair cut were all rolled in and Tercia found herself plunked ina chair. "Not too much makeup, she dosen't need it. Focus on her eyes." Razielle directed this from her spot, like a Queen giving her orders.

Tercia Atroce
Feb 27th, 2004, 04:37:23 PM
"And what exactly's wrong with my eyes," I teased, watching her from the yet another mirror. I held a hand out willingly to a woman who had taken a place nearer my arms, and silently mouthed to her: "Black."

Razielle Shadana
Feb 28th, 2004, 07:39:48 PM
Without attracting the attention of the worker's, Razielle lifted a nail file and brought it to her hand, via the Force. As she began to buff the glassy surface, she liftedher unblinking gaze to Tercia. "Nothing is wrong with them, they are your best feature and need to be displayed to their full advantage."

She waited while the ladies plucked, primped, polished and basically ripped Tercia apart and rebuilt her. A lovely, mysterious young lady now sat where once all that was seen was a filthy, rude, uneducated street brat. "That will be all. Leave us."

Razielle watched as Tercia rose to examine the latest changes. Her eyes had been rimmed in black, her lashes pointed up and spikey in the cornors. A faint blush stole over her cheeks and her lips were now glossy instead of chapped and peeling. Instead of the stench of the underworld, she carried the scent of an oil that had been specifically designed for her alone. It had come at a high price, but that was no matter. "I have arranged for you to be given..lessons. I can do so much, but I do not have the time to teach you how to behave like a lady. I have helped your first few steps, but you must do some things alone."