View Full Version : Abandoned (Sorsha and a Jedi)

Morgan La Fonte
Feb 25th, 2004, 02:42:57 AM
He'd abandoned her - left her to her own devices - disappeared. Left her stranded and without any way to fend off the growing voices within her mind. She knew it was the Craft, screaming with countless voices to find him and beg herself back into his good graces. She still didn't know what she'd done to warrant being tossed aside as she had; she didn't think she'd done a single thing and yet, he was gone. The one who she'd been destined to find, called by the Craft to seek out, had cast her away. And Morgan La Fonte was going mad - bit by bit - she was going mad.

She'd left Balmorra; left her family and what handful of friends she had, to find him. So desperate was she to find him that she'd stowed away on an outbound ship. So frantic in her mental lonliness - he was the only one who had filled the void which the Craft had created in her - that she would go to any length to search him out..

But now she was stranded; dumped on the next planet when the crew had found her stowed away. Lost, without any money, and without any idea as to where her former master now was, Morgan had taken to wandering the streets. She stalked the dark alleys like a feral animal, the Craft roiling within the depths of her mind, turning over and over in the throes of mental anger. Eyes bloodshot, she did her best to calm the crazed tendencies that threatened to overcome her. She was going mad.

For two days she'd stayed in the shadows, watching and waiting. For what she had no idea, but the Craft had been slowly building in its intensity, telling her to take a life - that the action of killing would satisfy it for the time being.

And now, in desperation, the girl sought to do just that.

Shade Magus
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:29:34 PM
Shade had been walking along to the place where he was stying when he stopped abruptly. The Jedi Knight had sensed something in the Force. It was a sensation he knew all to well. The sensation of going mad and the intensity of muderous thoughts. He himself had once felt those same emotions, but he could not allow the person now feeling them to complete their killing. He looked around, searching out the one who he felt through the Force, but Shade saw no one.

"Is anyone there? Do you need any help?"

Morgan La Fonte
Feb 26th, 2004, 02:13:51 PM
She knelt, half crouched on a second level balcony, watching those that walked by beneath her. They were oblivious, caught up in their own worlds and troubles - of course they hadn't noticed her.

Except for...

"Is anyone there? Do you need any help?"

Her gaze traveled down to look at the man who'd spoken, and narrowing her eyes, she remained motionless.

Morgan would wait until the time was right - when he was on the least of his guard. The Craft called for blood, and she would oblige it.

Shade Magus
Feb 26th, 2004, 02:29:12 PM
Sade kept looking around, but found nothing. No signs of anyone.

"Maybe it is just my nerves that are setting off my senses......"

Shade scanned the area once more before turning to leave. Still unable to find the source of distress that he was feeling.

Morgan La Fonte
Feb 26th, 2004, 02:49:39 PM
In the short time she'd spent as Wargrave's apprentice, and the time alone after he left, she had taught herself to stay as quiet as a shadow - even when she was doing something that would have normally made a sound.

And it was now that she used this ability, taut muscles releasing and sending her up. In her hand was clutched a stolen dagger, its serrated edge razor sharp as she held the weapon flat against her arm and out of sight until such a time as it would be needed. Using the balcony railing as a jump-point, Morgan launched herself down, feet first - aimed at the man's shoulders.

Shade Magus
Feb 26th, 2004, 02:56:46 PM
Shade heard a whooshing through the air, and turned around, but soon found he shouldn't have as he laid on the ground. A pair of feet nailing him square in the chest. He heaved out a mighty blow of air.

"Who.....who...the hell are you....."

Morgan La Fonte
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:41:40 PM
Not a word - nor an utterance aside from a sharp, low growl escaped her lips, and Morgan brought the blade, still flush against her forearm, to rest dangerously against his neck.

Pressing her weight down, the girl tensed her muscles, and her eyes held a wild abandon that conveyed her utter disregard for humanity. She was ready for the kill...

Shade Magus
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:07:31 PM
Shade could sense the turmoil in her, but dared not move for the fact she had a knife to his thraot.

"Whoa. What do you want? Money? Food? What?"

Morgan La Fonte
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:43:34 AM
Pressing the knife harder, the girl leaned in close before a single rasped word escaped through her lips...


Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:46:47 AM
:: A shadow falls over them as Sorsha gazes down at the scene ::

<center>"What do we have here? Is it a Jedi?"


Shade Magus
Mar 9th, 2004, 06:59:15 PM
Shade glanced over at the newcomer. He had seen her somewhere, but where? It didn't matter now anyways as he turned his attentio to the woman standing over him.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I have grown quite accustomed to mine."

With quickness that only the Force could provide, shades hands shot up, grabbed the woman's wrists, and pushed her off of him. He jumped up, slowly taking a few steps backwards.

"Now what the hell is going on here?"

Morgan La Fonte
Mar 30th, 2004, 06:00:37 PM
Tumbling back, Morgan rolled into a crouch, her blade still clutched in hand. The arrival of this newcomer had startled her, the Craft had not alerted her to the woman's presence, and Morgan briefly felt a small sense of betrayel at the failure in her rapport with the power over her. The thought was brushed aside though, as her eyes went back to the man she'd assaulted.

The need, the desire, the lust for death was slowly overtaking her, and the girl tensed her body, fingers clutching the blade's handle in a white knuckled grip.

"It wants death... and I intend to give It yours..."

Shade Magus
Mar 30th, 2004, 07:52:19 PM
Shade lowered his riht hand slightly to his lightsaber handle, but not yet taking it up.

"And what exactly is it?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 1st, 2004, 07:55:16 AM
:: Sorsha reaches out through the force, snatching Shade's sabre away with Telekineses before he can grip it firmly ::

"Honor and fairplay. Is that not what your Master taught you, Jedi?"

:: She unsheathes her kris knife and tosses it to Shade ::

"Wield that, coward. If you can."

Shade Magus
Apr 1st, 2004, 05:23:45 PM
Shade reached up, catching the blade and twirling it in his hand for a moment, before stopping to check it out. It had been a long time since he had used a weapon like this, but he felt right at home with it.

"Why fight anyways? You still haven't told me what it is. I don't have a reason to fight anyone."

Morgan La Fonte
Apr 1st, 2004, 06:34:25 PM
She sprang then, as the last word left his lips. Her body moved fluidly, albeit just a tad stuttered - as if she was a marionette, guided by someone else's hands. And in a way, she was. The Craft moved her; compelled her; it guided her. And she did its' bidding.

The serrated blade lashed out like a blur as she drove headlong into the stranger, eyes bloodshot. Morgan ducked low, sweeping a leg out in order to trip him, while at the same time bringing the weapon around in a parallel arc so that the edge would slash along his shins should he jump...

Shade Magus
Apr 1st, 2004, 06:55:17 PM
Shade stepped back with one foot and lifted up the other. The blade only catching his right leg. He let the Force flow through him, allowing him to increase his speed and be able to anticipate the woman's moves. He dropped into a low crouch, holding the silver blade in front of him.

"Ok now this is starting to get old! Will someone tell me what is gong on? Or do I just have to fight her for no reason and live with it?"

The Jedi looks at the girl and lowers his weapon somewhat. "Look. I don't want to fight. Is there anyway we can talk about this?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 14th, 2004, 06:41:08 PM
:: the bite of shuriken into his unprotected side was the answer, followed by a burning in his blood ::

Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 12:36:37 AM
Shade moved his unarmed hand down to his side as he felt the pain. What the hell was that? the Jedi thought as helooked down and saw some kind of throwing device sticking out of his side. He pulled it out, allowing his blood to flow slightly more freely. Maybe this will hlp get whatever it is burning out of my system.

He moved slightly to the left, grunting as he moved. Now he was focusing on both instead of one, but the burning didn't decrease. "What did you put into me?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 15th, 2004, 03:42:05 PM
<center>"It burns, doesn't it? You've been poisoned, you imbecile."

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/pics2/cal2/call51.jpg>

Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:13:49 PM
No, really?" The Jedi doubled over, as he felt his blood getting hotter. He called upon the Force to try and neutralize the poison, but he was no master at healing. He felt his blood's tempature drop slightly, but it was not enough he feared.

Morgan La Fonte
Apr 16th, 2004, 12:11:35 PM
Confusion registered on her face for a few seconds, and Morgan looked to the woman. Her knife still clutched in her hand, she stood tensed, not knowing what would happen next, but soon enough the Craft screamed in her head, and she ground her teeth, her eyes flashing in crazed madness. She could smell his blood - wanted his blood, and it dawned on her that the other woman seemed to be helping her.

In a burst of speed, Morgan leapt forward, the knife bared as the man bent over. The blade almost sang through the air as it slashed at his exposed back...

Shade Magus
Apr 17th, 2004, 05:13:00 PM
Shade tried to move out of the way, but his wounds slowed him to much. He felt the knife slice cross his back.

Morgan La Fonte
Apr 26th, 2004, 07:41:15 PM
The feel of her blade as it sliced across the man's back felt like a release, and Morgan let out a gasp of premature delight - oh she wanted blood no more than ever.

Her other hand went up then, aimed for his neck, her fingers seemingly hooked like talons and intent on delivering the last blow which would leave him without a trachea...

Shade Magus
Apr 27th, 2004, 10:38:41 AM
Shade fought through the searing pain and brought his hand up to catch th woman by the wrist. "Sorry, but not today."

Morgan La Fonte
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:41:53 PM
An evil grin. "Ha!"

A flick of her wrist, a glint of steel, and the serrated edge that had slashed across his back was now buried in his shoulder.

"I rather think today will do just fine," was her hissed answer.

Shade Magus
Apr 27th, 2004, 05:10:44 PM
Shade grunted, but refused to go down without a fight. He let go of her wrist and grabbed the blade, pulling it out of his shoulder. He flung the weapon back at her with all the force he could muster. Maybe it wasn't accurate enough, but at this range, did it really have to be?

Morgan La Fonte
Jun 17th, 2004, 12:30:20 AM
The blade clattered to the concrete ground, skittering across the garbage-strewn concrete.

With a look of mild surprise flitting across her features, Morgan stood stock still. Looking down, her hand finding its' way to the side of her face. A small trickle of blood from a slight gash now, slowly ran over her fingers from this new wound so recently recieved, and a moment of indecision swept over her - no one had ever fought back; of course they were usually dead before they knew what was happening...

She looked then to the woman who'd appeared, confusion in her eyes.

How could The Craft allow this to happen?! It was suppose to protect her!

Shade Magus
Jun 17th, 2004, 02:56:11 AM
Shade saw and felt the moment of uncertainty cross the woman's face and used that moment to strike out. He lashed his hand out and sent a Force wave out n her direction. Distance right now was his key to survival.