View Full Version : Digging (open)

Sam Corbett
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:53:26 PM

'You will do as i say, you have no choice Corbett!'

' So you will release me from a prison to imprison me in a emotional cell?'

' Well, if you do not the consequences will be quite disastrous...if thats what you want i shall call the gaur-'

' You would hurt them?...' Said Sam, his lips moving soundlessly as his head shifted on the pillow.'[/i]

' I will do anything to gain their knowledge...'

' What knowledge?...' He breathed, his eyes shut, his mind turning over in a nightmare, a nightmare that continued night after night.

'You dare ask such questions Corbett? i should have you whipped now..and you daughter!'

Corbett thrashed on his bed, then his arm flung out to the other side of his covers, into the darkness. He then punshed out into thin air, upwards above him. His nightmare continue, not physically but mentally.

A gaud fell to the floor and the other had a bloody nose dripping upon the once neat uniform, a round insignia patched into the blue cloth.

' Take him to the brig, give him 10 lashes...now...then bring him back here and we will see what he has to say-'


' GRAHHHH!...' He woke up then, his torso bolted up and his eyes snapped open, his fists raised in front of him. His heart pounded, and pounded like the beat of a drum within his chest. There was nothing...nothing but darkness to fight. Sam looked down and with what light was in the room he saw his legs were uncomfortably entwined within the under sheets and one pillow was at the other end of the bed.


He untangled himself from the sheets and stalked towards the bathroom, his footsteps beating against the tiled floor as he entered he called for the lights and the turned on. In front of him a reflection stood, his soft eyes staring into those of the original. Across his chest long dark lines were thrashed hard into his skin, they were whip marks, a waking nightmare of what his mental nightmare had seen.

He washed his face from the sweat, toweled himself and then got dressed. There was noway he would sleep now and so he might as well take a walk towards the jedi Library and Achive center, now he was a Padawan he had a certain amount of access to the database.

He left the room quietly and started to make his way down to his destination, anything was better than returning to whatever waited for him in his sleep...monsters did live under the bed after al

Jame Kaman Dar
Feb 25th, 2004, 02:00:28 AM
Unable to sleep herself, Jame Kaman Dar had left her quarters where it seemed that Mylia and Jacali slept soundly. Slipping out the door, she started walking, falling into step with a man she didn't even know was there...until she heard different footsteps. Jame stopped momentarily and laughed.

"Oh my...didn't notice you there. And I don't think I know your name either. Wher'ya headed this late?"

Sam Corbett
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:14:55 PM
Corbett stopped short before the woman who had exited from her apartment. At first it was quite a shock. At 3 in the morning you dont expect some random person to step out infront of you, perticuly in a dark, bleak corridor.

' Oh!...' It clearly made him jump, he put a hand to his chest and smiled slightly at the releif. ' Uhm...i was about to go to the Achive Center actually...heh...cant sleep...'

He shifted his gaze to sight down to hall, hed been caught out already...frell it...

Jame Kaman Dar
Feb 25th, 2004, 11:53:40 PM
Jame smiled herself.

"Oh you can relax...I'm no knight or anything. I've only been here a month or so myself. I hope you don't mind if I come with you..Maybe I could help you find what you're looking for?"

Sam Corbett
Feb 27th, 2004, 01:55:13 AM
'Eh...' He reported looking about himself, scratching the back of his head. He would not be able to escape this would he?...crap

' Uhm, if you like, thought it wont be anything interesting...' he said weeping past her and smiling to her while he did so...' Lets be quite though...dont wake the others...' he said turning to see if she was following.

Jame Kaman Dar
Feb 27th, 2004, 09:55:25 PM
She gave him a smile as if to let him know she was coming. Jame Kaman strode to catch up to Sam as he'd gotten ahead of her. This man was being a little elusive. And he felt...

Uneasy. That's what her senses picked up. Must be that he thinks I'm on to him for something...

Which was really not the case. Jame wasn't much of a liar, so she really was just having a hard time sleeping. Heaven only knows why, 'cause she sure as hell didn't.

"I'll be quieter than a tickling breeze. Promise."

Besides, Jame liked this secretive adventure stuff.