View Full Version : Salliche Ag: Amber Waves of Flame

Sean Piett
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:11:24 PM
The thread begins like any number of others- a sleek, black (or possibly gunmetal) ship slides out of hyperspace. A Very Important Person sits in the command chair on the ships bridge, or perhaps they stand in front of the viewport, their hands clasped behind their back. This person is well built, mysterious, and powerful. Odds are they're either a force user or a smuggler.

Black, sitting, yes, yes, yes, and the former.

The man is Sean Piett, lithe and (oddly enough) green haired Number Two of the Imperial Federacy. His ship is very much like him- well built, mysterious, powerful. The ship is the culmination of ages of tempering in deep space, the ship is an avatar of the Federacy's power. The ship's commander is nothing less.

From the bridge of his command ship, a Sevon-class Star Destroyer, Sean thumbs through files on his mark, re-re-reviewing the dozens of primary objectives, proximity plans, and escape/support procedures, not paying the documents much mind. He was ready for Salliche Ag: a megacorporation responsible for feeding nearly thirty percent of the galaxy.

Khendon Sevon
Mar 5th, 2004, 08:51:23 PM
Wave after wave of dark shadows flowed through the eternal night like hunting angels. Black devil after black devil leapt and dove. The horde looked like a giant school of Omerose predatory fish, darting this way and that.

At the center of the throng were a few simple, sturdy vessels – Federal Nihilist-class star destroyers. Orders were quickly relayed from the commanding craft and sudden acceleration left blue streaks in the star filled expanses.

At the helm of the Shadow Blade stood a tall, dark man clad in black armor. A dark gray cloak flowed in the still air. Silver eyes pierced through the soul of a junior officer, “Sir,” said one of the twelve men assigned to commanding the masses of fighter wings, “coordinates have been transmitted, waiting for your mark.”

“Now,” said the figure, radiating leadership, “jump.” His voice was sharp, used to commanding men. As his words echoed on the silent bridge lethal birds of pray vanished into the mists of hyperspace.

The attack groups were heading for holding positions where they would await a simple communication. If the message arrived, it would seal the fate of many “innocent” men and women, but that didn’t concern the dark Imperator, it just made him feel sorry for the fools that found Federacy weapons leveled at them. This shall be a night to remember forever, thought Khendon with an internal smile of joy, forever…

Jake Snake
Mar 29th, 2004, 06:45:09 PM
Captain Jake Snake sat in his command seat, with his hands out on the arm rests. He looked ahead and didn't blink. It looked like he was crazy, but in fact he was looking over all the data collected by the ship and about his crew, inside his head. Detailed files rushed all over his mind. His crew had worked hard these past few months. He had training them everyday and they were ready.

Jake got up and walked down the center of the bridge, watching crews at their stations, busy at work. Soon they might be in combat and then he would see how his training turned out. He was confident, but there was nothing like real combat to seperate the men from the boys. Standing there, he looked out into space and watched the sleek, black shapes of Federation warships form up and drift in space.

"Sir, we recieved our orders." The XO called out, but Jake already knew.

"Alright, proceed with the jump."

"Yes, sir."

As Jake watched out the viewport, stars turning into white/blue streaks and the whole fleet shot off into space and maybe into battle.

Wes Lorrani
Apr 1st, 2004, 06:53:05 PM
Wes Lorrani looked out at the vastness of space, silent. He was again headed towards battle, and again he was alone with his thoughts. It calmed him, made him think clearer. He realized that this was an important mission. Both Khendon and Piett were along. He told himself to do his best, and impress the leaders of the Federacy. He stood up, and the light shone across his spotless uniform.

"Sir, ready to jump on your mark," said an officer.

Lorrani nodded. "Have the fighter crews be on full alert. I feel we're going to be launching as soon as we reenter real space. Now, engage hyperdrive."

"Yes sir."

The stars streaked, and the ship lurched into hyperspace. Lorrani sat back down, and closed his eyes in meditation.

Maal Lah
Apr 4th, 2004, 09:15:09 AM
Stars whirled into pinpricks, as a huge blot appeared in the midst of a otherwise unoccupied stretch of space. As the Chimaera froze in space, save for a small drifting course, Commodore Lah rose and stretched. Long hyperspace trips had the tendency of creating blood clots. He surveyed the expanse in front of him, a vacant system, a staging point to the satellite worlds of Salliche Ag. Early, as usual. Except for Piett, of course. The 2nd in command of the Federacy was already en route/at Salliche Ag, the first step in a bluff.

"Control, check operational condition of all battle stations. Communications, make sure our squadrons are prepped." All 12 of them. The plan was to wait until the negotiations were over. Then, if those failed, the combined forces of the Federacy would move.

And the hammer would fall...

Sean Piett
Apr 6th, 2004, 07:37:37 PM
Silently and without skipping a beat, the Destroyer slid out of hyperspace. There was no collapse of blue pinstripes to focused dots; everything had been and remained completely black.

"Move into orbit, Captain."

The ship streaked through the system, cloaked. Piett had no visuals, but data routed through the computer allowed for travel that was very nearly as effective.

As the ship moved on, Piett turned and moved back to the command chair. Adopting a leisurely slouch, the Admiral brought up a private holoscreen and began to thumb through a number of files. Some minutes later, a junior officer spoke up. "We'll be in orbit in thirty seconds, sir."

"Good!" marked Piett, straightening. "Decloak immediately."

Without further spoken word, the black field in front of the ship collapsed and Piett found a massive planet dominating the viewport. Hundreds of transports swept past, near and far.

A small tremor shook the ship.

"What was that?"

Sliding his way through multiple holowindows, an officer replied. "Looks like a transport, sir. Slammed into us as we came out. Pretty small. Sections G15, G16, and G19 cordoned off."

As the man finished, another broke in. "Sir, we're being hailed."

"By whom?"

"It's coming from the planet, sir. Directly below our orbit."

"Alright, put them through."

Piett waited for an image to come onscreen, but only audio came through.

"Unidentified ship, no size class B ships are allowed in this system. Remove yourself immediately or we will meet with due force."

Piett made a chopping motion with his hand near his throat, indicating that he wanted the communication stopped. "Commander, are we in position to fire?"

"On what, sir?" asked the man, confused.

"On the origin of the message."

"Yes, sir. Preparing weapons."

"Fire," spoke Piett, quite lightly.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 10th, 2004, 03:58:40 PM
The bow of an angular, vicious-looking vessel broke through the walls of hyperspace violently. Her malicious design began to come to life. Engines threw the ship forward as gun ports burst open and weapons moved into proper firing positions. Red energy lashed out with enmity from her fore most turbolasers, an early warning buoy incinerating instantly.

Without warning fighters began appearing behind the deadly craft. Evil, demonic shadow creatures moved with agility. They quickly and adroitly passed the larger ship and made micro jumps. “This is Imperator Sevon,” said the bold voice of Khendon, “all ships initiate harrying.”

“Bring engines to full! Reactors at maximum output!” Demanded the stone cold figure.

Jake Snake
Apr 10th, 2004, 11:02:23 PM
Jake sat in his command chair and just stared out into space. His eyes were open, but not once in the past hour had he blinked. Inside his mind systems were being checked and orders were being issued. Finally his eyes blinked and he came back to reality.

"Turn the alarms off." Jake stated to the Helmsman.

The Junior Officer looked confused, but in seconds a alarm blared out and a computer voice called out, "Reentry in 10 seconds."

The Officer instantly cut the alarm and started to sweat.

"Relax or I will get someone to replace you. We are going into a battle zone, don't panic on me. We have trained for this and you will do your job well." Jake said.

"Yes sir!! Of course sir." The officer said, "4 seconds sir...three...two...one.."

Than hyperspace bled away and the massive hulk of the Demonic emerged into realspace. They had arrived in the Morant System. Shields and weapons came on line at once. Engines roared to life and accelerated the ship forward along with the rest of the group.

"Get me full scans."

"Sir, Black Wing is at our Port and Devil Wing is hanging off to our starboard. Scanners show a convoy getting ready to head out of the system to our Port, 100,000 km out. Recieving data now, looks like 20 frieghters and 4 escort vessals. 2 Carracks, 1 Strike Cruiser and 1 Lancer Frigate. They seem to have a wing of Howlrunners escorting them."

"Very well, plot a coarse to intercept. Get us in from of them so that they can't jump. Accelerate to full and start getting target locks. Tell Black wing to divide and head for the howlrunners. They should come in from port and starboard, divide them and crush them. Devil wing will stay with us, tell them to get close, we'll try to hide them."

As he spoke, the large Nihilist Class Cruiser accelerated and turned toward the convoy.

Jake closed his eyes and called Sevon, "Sir, we picked up a convoy leaving the system. I'm taking the Demonic to make sure that doesn't happen. Jake out."

He looked at the weapons stations. "Weapons, plot where the lancer will be at the end of a missile volley. Than fire one volley of out ion torps, than follow that up by 1 Devestator missile. I want you to launch them at where the frigate will be, but cut off propulsion after 10 seconds. let them drift for a while."

The officer looked confused but did as told. Within 10 seconds a volley of 8 ion torps was flying through space, followed by on Devestator Missile. Ahead of them the Exectutioner fighters were heading towards the Howlrunners, which were now grouping and moving to intercept.

Jake mused as he watched the Imperial escorts hurry the convoy, but the slow frieghters just couldn't keep up so the imperal ship had to slow down and keep guard.

"How long till we are within max. range?" Jake called out.

"30 seconds sir."

"What about the missiles?"

"5 seconds till they are near the Lancer."

"Very good, activate their sensors and propulsion. Target the Lancer. I want the Ions to impact the rear section. Follow through with the Devestator right after. Hit the reactor, hard."

"Yes, sir." the weapons officer called out.

On the sensors Jake could see the missiles light up and instantly turn toward the Lancer. Just as they did, the lancer started to open fire on the fed. fighters. Seconds later a huge flash went off in the rear of the frigate, followed by a huge explosition. The whole rear of the Lancer came appart and fragmented intro space. Engines blew off and hull takes spun through space. Some of the heavy armor impacted a nearby frieghter, causing it to start to smoke.

In an instant, the Lancer's weapons went sillent and Jake smiled.

Sean Piett
Apr 12th, 2004, 03:11:06 AM
"Incoming tee-ells from the surface, sir!"

"Evade and respond!"

A pair of teal shrouded, high-yield proton torpedoes slid out of the ship as a half-dozen neon javelins broke up through the atmosphere towards and then past them. The large ship moved rather quickly, accelerating her orbit of Salliche. Three slid by harmlessly, but the better half rocked the shields.

Piett noted that the shields were fine, but he did some quick calculations in his head. Planetary turbolasers were generally much more powerful than those on traditional ships, but he knew of none that could displace a Sevon-Class' shields with three blows.

Except, he chuckled to himself, the Sith Council's Death Cannon.

But this was no time for reflection, for past battles. The Turbo had spat out two more lasers before the torpedoes shattered it in a brilliant explosion. The gunners on Salliche had traced the ship's course and fired the next volley directly into her path.

"Activate wash-ray shields. Immediately."

A faint, green shimmer passed in front of the incoming beams. The thick bolts pressed through, too powerful to be dissapaited. They came out, however, a sickly green hue, which indicated that they'd been stripped of much energy. They hit, jarring the ship far less than the original wave.

"I want a report in my loft on the damages. Stay at this point in orbit, I don't want to run into the Golan yet. Dispatch recon squad." He began to step away. "Oh," he added, "I want you to send a party down to the main starport. Four legions. Follow invasion plan R. R for Richard."

Khendon Sevon
Apr 16th, 2004, 02:09:53 PM
The Shadow Blade stealthily slipped through the system. Advanced sensor arrays quickly and precisely tracked the steady flow of Federacy fighters in system. Information was transmitted throughout the ship in real time. Neural cognition relays began to hit peak usage as the hunting craft approached the first in a series of Salliche Ag held planets.

The fighting force wasn’t in the same system as the famed core planet. On the contrary, the assaulting ships were nearby Federacy territory. The corporation in charge of production had seen fit to use outer rim worlds as its main breadbasket planets.

Ship after ship made reports as the first outlying defenses were reached. “This is Black Thorn leader,” spoke a gruff voice, “taking out opposing listening post.”

“Crimson Guard leader initiating attack runs on out bound frigates.”

“Scarlet Talon leader breaking to engage early warning recon craft.”

Fighters reeled in space, made brilliant maneuvers, and spat out acrid, destructive, red streams of energy. Enormous swarms of jagged angles swept on strategically placed outer system defense mechanisms leaving only the chewed out metallic bones of their victims behind.

“Prepare to micro jump into the deep system, contact the other vessels and have them continue their harassment. Command Black Thorn squadron and Red Card squadron to make the jump with us,” the Imperator’s voice was smooth and unadulterated by the chaos that surrounded the military engagement, “jump.”

Jake Snake
Apr 18th, 2004, 09:10:41 PM
As the Lancer become none operational, the wing of Executioners desended on their prey. They came at the Imperial fighters from both sides. The Federacy fighters claws of laser energy tore into the Howelrunners. The fighters scattered at once, but they were already broken. Dogfights ensued, but they would soon be over. Federacy fighters were just too good for the Howelrunners. They were in a league of their own. It wasn't the fighters though, it was the quility of the pilot and the Federacy pilots were too well trained.

"We are within turbolaser range sir."

"Very good. Target the Charlie Two and take us in closer. Get our ion cannons to concentrate on Sierra. Turbolasers are to target the Carracks rear. Rearm torpedo tubes."

"Yes, sir. Targets locked, commencing firing."

Jake looked out of the viewport and the Cruiser shuddered as the large batteries opened fire. The lasers closed the distance quickly and slammed into the Carracks shields, while the Strike cruiser started to get hit with ion cannons. Blue lightening played over it's shields and hull, but the cruiser went on.

The imperial ships than turned slightly and opened fire on the Demonic. Laser energy hit the shields and disipated. Jake smiled as the Imperialed tried to damage his ship. The Cruiser shook a little as the Heavy Turbolaser cannons of the Carrack stated to hit it.

Jake turned to his XO while keeping his hands behind his back. "Tell Black wing to commence runs on the Strike Cruiser."

Within seconds the Excecutioners of Black Wing shot forward and towards the Strike Cruiser. They were too fast and hit too hard. Their mass of missiles rocked the Imperial cruiser and created holes in its shielding. Missile after missile slammed into the tough ship and holed it. Even though it was wounded, it kept on firing and fighting. The fighter few by it and started to attack freighters on their turn back towards the Strike Cruiser.

"Initial attack was very effective. They have also taken out 4 freighters and disabled 3. Black Wing is coming around for another run."

"They were sloppy. Have them focus on generators and shield systems. Their commander should know better."

Jake frowned and turned toward the battle. Targer both Charlies with five mass cannons. Target bridge and shield systems. Bring Plasma cannons to bare on the freighters. When mass cannon shots hit, open fire with Turbolasers."

With that 10 Mass cannon shots raced in on the Carracks.

Sean Piett
Apr 23rd, 2004, 04:19:03 PM
With a labored sigh, Piett flipped off the holomap of the city below. Dropships were leaving their bays with full bellies. Dozens of Mobile Infantrymen, individually dropping in through the atmosphere in advanced body frames. He imagined the first few were slamming into the ground now, or soon- firing their guns at the confused populace as they closed in on their busy starport.

Bored and tired and strung out and lonely, Piett palmed an eyedropper out of a hip pocket. Slowly and tenatively, he stretched out his tongue and squeezed out a few clear, viscous drops. They landed softly and soaked in.

Before seeping through the tongue's thick muscle and reaching his bloodstream, Piett stood and walked to a small, unexciting bar. Only two or three bottles sat there- Piett was quite particular about his liquor. He splashed a little into a short glass and moved back to his plush chair, each step a little harder for him. It felt like walking through wet cement, hardening a little with each stride. He sunk into his chair and mussed his hair. A small, shallow sip of the runny tonic. It tasted amazing- beyond taste. As he swallowed, he breathed in deeply through his nostrils. This air- this stale, recycled Starship air- tasted rich and amazing. Like the thick, lush canyon air at the bottom of the Teyr Rift.

The door beeped, and in stepped his adjutant. He saw Piett deep in his chair, and turned away, embarassed. "Sir," he spoke, without looking over his shoulder. "We have some fighters and a Carrack coming around the planet orbitwise. About two dozen Howlrunners."

"Deal." Piett closed one eye and waited. "With it.. be out." After a minute, he added, "Later."

"Sir." The door whished shut.

Piett simply sat, listening to dozens of distant turbolasers over the next hour.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 23rd, 2004, 10:09:46 PM
Light broke over the bow of the massive warship as it erupted with the full force of a tidal wave from a short sprint in hyperspace. Weapons squealed in delight as they traversed space and greeted nearby defensive satellites. Brilliant expulsions of red, destructive energy surged forth from the Nihilist-class star destroyer and violently collided with armor.

“All ahead full!” shouted the Imperator, standing to emphasize his fervor. Defensive banks unleashed hell on incoming warheads, obliterating the would-be-weapons. Squadrons of fighters shrieked past the Shadow Blade.

“Sir,” said the calm voice of a veteran officer, “enemy squadron of A-wings approaching, orders?”

“We can’t slow down, designate four Executioners from Black Thorn squadron to make space dust out of them. Have Red Card’s Punishers and Shriekers make for the defensive station, all weapons hot.”

Four elite pilots of the renowned Imperator’s squadron broke from their formation and burst forward ahead of the rest of the craft. Their gatlings began churning out hundreds upon hundreds of deadly, destructive, devastating beams. A literal hailstorm of energy washed over the formation of older A-wings. The fighters’ shields were overpowered and large chunks of armor began trailing the approaching craft. With a sudden sharp bank the dogfight started, eight defending fighters versed four Federal fighters, clearly not a fair fight for the Salliche Ag forces.

Maal Lah
Apr 27th, 2004, 06:52:48 PM
Maal rose from his command couch, a habit of his when going into battle. And he was going in.

The pilot to whom he relayed the commands was astonished at the orders. "B-But Si-Sir...I thought we were only supposed to enter the battle when Admiral Piett's orders came?"

Maal gave what he thought was a reassuring look at the man. The pilot flinched. Obviously, Maal needed to work on that.

"relax, officer. We will. We will engage when he calls for us. Until then, its best to be prepared, no? That is why we will move in closer to the planet. Then, soon, we'll be roasting some enemies." Maal shot a smile at the man. The Lieutenant responded by cowering deeper into his chair, as if frightened to carry out the orders.

But, soon, the Chimaera began a ponderous accleration towards Salliche anyways, the awe-inspiring Dreamweaver assault engines catapaultin Maal Lah's ship towards what he hoped would be a even more awe-inspiring battle.

Sean Piett
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:41:37 PM
"Officer on deck!" a herald greeted as Piett stepped out, hours later. The crew of the bridge stood at attention and saluted, but Piett dismissed them with a wave.

Piett had read the report before leaving his quarters, and knew that the ship had put down the defence forces with little effort. He'd ordered the Carrack captured, and now Mobile Infantry had swept through her corridors and killed the crew. The Luna Eclipse gripped her tightly with an intangible string of tractor beams. Looking out the viewport, Piett could make out the Carrack's title in bolded aurubesh.

Reaper. How appropriate for a ship defending a farming based company.

"Helm, are there any other military forces in the system?"

"A Golan battlestation opposite of our orbit, and whatever they have onplanet. Other than that, I don't beleive so. They're a peaceful company. Sir."

"Alright." Piett paused, trying to shake off the drugged haze. "Have our men secured the starport?"

"Not yet, Sir. They're meeting some resistance."

Khendon Sevon
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:45:56 PM
A complex dance of corkscrews and barrel roles played on the massive stage of space. Executioners unleashed furious volleys of compact, destructive energy. A-wings rolled and juked and jinked to no avail. Eruption after glorious eruption signaled the inevitable defeat of the defending squadron.

The Shadow Blade’s attention was elsewhere. Khendon sat steadfast in his command chair, eyes fixated on a monitor. An officer marked off the time until maximum firing distance was achieved, “4… 3… 2… 1… We’re go!”

“FIRE!” Shouted the commanding voice of the Imperator.

A rumble worked its way up from the bowels of the mighty Nihilist-class Star Destroyer and culminated in a rolling drone of noise. A literal wall of energy and projectiles burst forth from the mighty weapons of the ship and lashed out at the far off defensive station.

TIE Shriekers and Punishers closed in on the nearby platform, adeptly dodging incoming fire. Soon the Red Card squadron would unleash its own fury on the defenders.

Jake Snake
May 1st, 2004, 06:25:59 PM
The glowing, spinning mass rounds closed the distance between the Demonic and the Carracks in mere seconds. These spinning orbs were blueish in color, due to their plasma sheath. This covering made them look almost beautiful in space. This beauty, however, was a mere illusion. The mass cannon shots were anything but that to the enemy. To the enemy they were death pure and simple. The weapon only had one purpose, to do the most damage possible.

As Jake watched through the viewport, the weapons did just what they were designed to do. The shots closed on the Carracks and to the horror of the enemy crew sliced through the shields of both ships. The shields almost opened up for them and allowed the shots through. Once past, the shields closed back up, but the damage was already done.

Within milliseconds of passing through the shields, the large mass rounds slammed into their targeted hull sections. The first thing to happen was the instant vaporization of the first layers of armor by the plasma sheath covering the rounds. As these top layers vaporized, the layers under them melted from the emense heat, along with the bulkheads holding them up. This allowed the mass rounds, still traveling at great speeds, to easily pierce through the ships hides. As they passed through, the molten slag followed them inside as the plasma kept on burning through decks.

Once inside, the computer brain of the projectile sent a signal to the mass drivers. As these stopped, all the energy they had been holding was instantly released. Another near the mass rounds was vaporized at once. Bulkheads and other decks further away from the center of the blast were superheated and melted. These weaked section collasped under weight, while others snaped and cracked. Armor fissured and was thrown away from the Carracks near the point of the explosion.

This all happened in less than a second. Just after the energy spread out, destroying everything in its wake, the shaped warhead at the head of the projectile detonated. The explosive force shot straight out, destroying the shield generator in front of it. The generator disintegrated, as did every technician in the room.

Jake continued to watch as explosions enveloped parts of the Carracks. Huge holes were left behind as the fires started to die out. These blackened sections were major wounds that would have killed a lesser ship. The only thing to save the Carracks were their designs. These ships were made to with stand massive damage, with their compartmentalized interiors. Whole sections were sealed off, allowing the ships to fight on. The problem was that these beasts were already dead, they just didn't know it.

With shields destroyed, the turbolasers of the Nihlist hammered away at the Carracks. Their blasts ripped deep gashes in the armor of the light cruisers. The turbolaser bolts slammed into the ships, burning through more bulkheads and slicing through armor. Suddenly the firsts Carrack's rear section exploded with a brilliant fireball. Sensors registared a major energy spike. The cause was the reactor going critical due to one of the mass cannon shots. One of the projectiles had vaporized the cooling lines and electronic circuits running to the power generators and had closed off the sections leading to the rear. With no way to get to the generators and shut them down, without cooling, the reactors exploded.

Jake turned to the XO as the rear of the first Carrack started to float off, or what was left of it. "Target the bridge of Charlie 2 with a Devestor."

As he said this, targeting solution were plotted and has Jake watched, a single launch tube flared as a large missile left it. This missile raced quicked toward the second Carrack and slamed just port of the fore sections. The following explosion was nothing short of spectacular. Almost the whole port section of the front was vaporized and the force of the explosion bent the remaining front sections all the way to the starboard side. As the front bent, support section snapped and in the end, the front floated in space.

"Pound them until nothing is left." Jake said as the hull vibrated as weapons fired non-stop.

Looking at the sensor screen Jake saw that Black Wing had fully take out the Strike cruiser. They had come in with ion torpedos, which dropped the shields on the cruiser port starboard side. Once the shields dropped a wave of heavy warheads slammed into the same side. These had holed the ship and had take out its rear, engine section and reactors. The Exectutioners had then picked of targeting banks, bridge sections, and weapons emplacement. In the end, all that was left was a defenseless, floating hulk of a ship.

Once done with the ship, Black Wing and Devil Wing formed up and went for the freighters. Devil Wing had lost only 2 fighters in the battle with the Howelrunners and were ready for more. Black Wing with 4 loses of their own were now recoving those pilots and slaughtering the freighters.

Within moments the Carracks were nothing but burning, broken, and holed death containers. The crews still alive within them were left to die as oxygen was sucked out into space. It was over in 25 minutes and all that was left was debris.

"Tell the fighters to land and refuel and rearm. Plot a course for the fourth planet."

"Sir, scans have indicated a trading post in that location."

Jake thought for a moment, "Adjust jump so that we come out in front of the station. We'll engage and take it out."

"Yes sir. We'll be able to jump within the hour."

"Very good. XO, you have the bridge." With that Jake left for his cabin.

Khendon Sevon
May 2nd, 2004, 12:44:16 PM
The Shadow Blade shook violently as a hailstorm of energy departed its ventral guns. “Incoming!” screamed an officer as the brilliant blue energy shields of the Nihilist star destroyer lit up the screens.

TIE Shriekers darted around the defensive station adeptly dodging friendly and unfriendly fire alike. Their powerful cannons ripped entire sections of armor off the installation. Punishers lined up for attack runs and launched their vehement Vengeance torpedoes. The warheads sank deeply into the station and erupted, waves of flame and superheated material venting through the pincushion-like facility.

“Fire mass cannons, destroy her generators!” Screamed the Imperator. Sections of armor easily slid apart and turrets moved out, fired, and retreated back into their sheathes. The projectiles screamed towards the large, orb-like stations. They impacted and in a brilliant white wave of energy the defenses of the planet were incinerated.

“Bring us into orbit. Prepare for planetary bombardment on my command. Open all occult bays and prepare to traverse weapons.” The small star destroyer’s engines lit up and it began accelerating towards the planet.

Sean Piett
May 2nd, 2004, 06:26:37 PM
A dozen armored marines moved silently through the city, approaching the small shuttlepad at the heart of the city that was their objective. Throughout this metropolis- the nerve center of Salliche- hundreds of men were similarily consumed with their own objectives. The security forces, mercenaries chartered by the company in most cases, had thrown up hasty blockades secured themselves in houses and apartments. Salliche had few bunkers- such defensive structures were plainly obvious and had, in most cases, already been dealt with.

The Federacy had good knowledge of the planet before moving in. However, she had no way of knowing where the defenders would shore up their power. Any building could be a stronghold. This idea was enunciated when a wide metal slug split through one marine's helmet, and he crumpled over.

"Sniper!" screamed one soldier over the comm channel. They scattered, seeking cover in doorframes and behind parked landspeeders in groups of two or three. Immediatly afterwards, they began scanning the roofline and windows for the gunman. Another round tore into the company medic's shoulder. He slid to a sit, cursing and holding the wound.

"He's in that building," said a corporal, indicating where he'd seen a faint muzzle flash. "Third floor."

It's possible that whoever inside saw the man betray their location, or perhaps it was just the time they chose to attack. Just as he finished his sentance, however, they cut him off with the trademark whoosh of a rocket and the patter of heavy laserfire.

"Move it!" shouted one man as the rocket neared and the laserfire sprayed on all sides. "Stinger!"

The missile slammed into a speeder as the medic and two others scrambled to get clear. Dramatically throwing the car into the air and exploding, it shot jagged shrapnel and fire at each of the men, catching one in the legs, one in the back, and killing the third. Though slow and bleeding heavily, the medic had done the best with just a burn on his side and a piece of metal in his left leg. As he layed on the ground, he smiled up at the company's commander behind his mask and gave a weak thumbs up. Laserfire peppered him in the face and the back as the other man pulled himself to safety.

"Return fire!" shouted the commander. Velvet red beams raked the adobe walls of the building, grasping through windows and burning some men inside. By fluke, a bolt caught a second missile midair, and it exploded harmlessly halfway to the company.

"Curry, Mayern, move in." The demo expert and a heavy gunman did so, hunched over, as their commander motioned them across the road. A few muffled shouts and screams came from the building as the marines continued firing on it. A thin red mist and another falling marine indicated that the sniper had fired once more.

Then a loud boom, and a cloud of dust pressed out of each window in the enemy building. Standing up against the wall, the demolition man had tossed up a high yield fragmentation grenade and gotten it in the window. The Salliche security forces had stopped firing, likely all dead.

With a few cautionary steps, the company moved across the street. "Coen, Mayern, Bradley, Solo. In." The commander jerked his head towards the door. The men filed in, hudled over their rifles, keeping a low profile. They stopped to comb through each room, making sure they weren't going to be jumped from behind.

Up the stairs. The staircase wound up, and the men moved slow, having no way to see ahead. Chink, chink. From the top, someone had lobbed down a round, silvery thermal detonator. He cursed, and the heavy explosive device exploded just as it rolled past him.

Jumping back, the five survivors outside watched the building crumble before them. "Curry," started the commander, "Wh-"

"Must've been a thermal detonator, sir. Grade B, Mk. 3 I assume. None of our men were carrying one, or'd be stupid enough to use one in a small house."

"Right. Well, flag down a team. Might be that someones alive in there. Now move out, we're behind schedule."

Jake Snake
May 4th, 2004, 06:35:07 PM
Jake recieved the message through his implant and walked to the bridge. He looked out at the twisted, shattered debris floating around his ship. Not that far away were the floating hulks of the two Carracks, Lancer, and Strike Cruiser. There were still fires burning, as atmosphere continued to be sucked into space. Jake knew that people were still on board some of those ships, in sealed compartments. They would die soon, but that wasn't his concern. He had a job to finish and he was going to do just that.

"Launch control, launch all squadrons. Have the form up at our port and starboard. Have them jump out 4 minutes after us."

"Roger that sir. Squadrons launching." Came the reply and minutes later, "All Squadrons report ready."

"Initiate the jump helm."

The officer turned to his station and then the ship shot forward, with stars skreaking by around it. Jake smiled to himself. This was a great time for him. This was why he joined the military. Like any true warrior he never wished for war, but when one came around, he wasn't one to argue. He loved the excitment and the victories. Death was out of the picture since the Federacy had desensitized him during military training. He no longer thought about anything except doing the best job possible.

Alarms went off and in seconds the Demonic dropped out of hyperspace right on top of the trading station.

"Shields up, weapons ready, all systems go. Target station is 3,000km out." called out the XO.

"Open fire on the station. Finish it off. Target all shield systems and weak points. Take us in closer and scan for hostiles." Jake ordered as he scanned through the systems.

The ship shuddered as it unleashed volley after volley of deadly fire. All over the hull barrels went up and down, spitting out bolts of laser energy. Ion cannons let loose barrages of paralyzing ion blasts, which impacted the station's hull and made blue lightening play over it. Lights on the station dimmed and went out, then came on again, only to go out again and not come on. Whole sections of the trading post were black with power lose. This was not a military installation and wasn't capable of standing up to much punishment.

Jake was thinking about how smoothly everything was going and the lack of any opposition when the scensor officer called out, "Picking up fighter launches. Looks like three, yes three squadrons. One of older X-wings, one of uglies, and the third is Y-wings and A-wings."

"Track with defensive batteries. Keep firing on the station."

As he watched, explosions blossomed out of the stations side in 5 different places. Suddenly all the turbolaser bolts that had been hitting the shields were going through and impacting against the hull. More explosions appeared as the relativlly weak hull vaporized and melted. Bulkheads crumpled and deep gashes opened up in the side facing the Demonic. As holes opened up in the hull, turbolasers went through these holes to do even more damage. They destroyed blast doors and support beams. Large sections collapsed upon themselves. Other turbolasers had hit docking bays, piecing fuel containers and creating massive infernos that consumed numerous decks around that area.

"Torpedo launch!!" Screamed the sensor operator. "36 incoming, impact in 10 seconds. Defensive batteries tracking, defensive batteries are firing."

Jake turn towards the view port to see blue streaks in the distance and getting closer. Then the hull of the Demonic came alive as gatling lasers fired off hundreds of rounds at the torpedos. Almost instantly Jake noticed detonations in the direction of the torpedos. More and more blue lights were extinguished.

"12 got through sir, impact in 2 seconds." As the words came out, the ship rocked as torpedos exploded against the shielding. 2 slipped through and detonated when they hit the hull. Flames shot out, but the damage wasn't that bad. The tough armor of the Nihilist helped to prevent the torps from going too far into the ship.

"Decks 55 and 56 report damage, blast doors closed and repair teams are on the way. All systems still green."

"Take through fighters out!" Jake commanded.

"Fighters closing in sir." Jake smiled, they didn't know what they were getting into. "Defensive batteries tracking and firing."

In seconds a wall of laser energy went out, slamming into the fighters. a whole squadron of mixed ships disintagrated in space as the others fled. However, as they fled, Jake's fighters appeared out of hyperspace. They went right after the defensive fighters and made short work out of them. They fighters were nothing compared to the Executioners.

The station was now a mess, it was floating wreck. With not a lot of time left, escape pods shot out of it and floated in space, waiting to be picked up.

"Sir, new contacts. Closing in from hyperspace, two medium mass signitures. They appear to be frigate sized."

"Very well, alert fighters. Have them ready to attack. Continue with the station, but bring us about to face the estimated entry point."

Khendon Sevon
May 5th, 2004, 11:02:18 PM
The dagger-like destroyer floated in space, suspended by invisible laws of gravity. Weapons gently swayed as they took up proper firing positions and arced for pinpoint accuracy. Khendon’s brow furrowed slightly in contemplation as he gazed at the bridge screen intently. “I want precision firing. Simply support shots designed to provide defense for our marines.”

A stream of landing craft suddenly burst forth from the Shadow Blade and entered the planet’s upper atmosphere. The ride was tough going. Transports bounced as they hit rough pockets, jostled as they shredded cloud cover, and finally rattled as they collided into the planet’s surface. As soon as the ships touched down their bay doors opened and soldiers clad in black, demonic armor surged forth.

The insertions had been aimed near the planet’s star port and two military installations. Additional, larger landing craft quickly descended and unleashed their payloads—tanks and support vehicles.

The occasional enemy aerial unit would wander into the path of the deploying forces and a sudden wrath of god would strike them down. Energy rained from the heavens and obliterated the meager opposition that faced the gathering forces.

“Rex Rgis,” said Khendon slowly, “this planet will be the first in our conquest.”

Jake Snake
May 8th, 2004, 06:36:46 PM
"Sir, ships emerging from hyperspace. Two Six One, 10,000 kilometers and closing. Nebulon B2s. They're launching fighters. 2 Howelrunner and 2 A-9 Viligent Squads."

Jake looked over the data inside his mind and commanded while looking out the viewport. "Split up Devil Wing and Black Wing. The two Devil elements are to take out the fighter threat. Black wing and its elements are to conduct attack runs against the frigates."

Jake turned to the ground forces commander, "Colonel, have a team of your marines get into that station and blow it up. Can't be too hard after the hole we made in it."

The Colonel smiled and saluted, "Right away, sir." He turned and ran off.

"Helm, set course for the two frigates. Ready all Ion Torpedo tubes. Weapons full, shields forward."

"Aye, sir. Setting course." Said the helmsman and in seconds the ship started to turn.

Out the port, the fighters from the two wings could be seen splitting off and heading for their targets with deadly precisious. Devil wing cut in from both sides, as it did before, raining laser fire on anything that moved. The enemy fighters scattered, but their numbers were too few to start with. Soon only 15 fighters were alive. The Federacy exectutioners lived upto their name and slaughted the obsolete fighters.

Black Wing was doing the same to the frigates. They came in from the Starboard and port, using ion torps, followed by heavy warheads. The element that came in from the starboard side and slamed their ion torpedos into the mid-section of the first frigate, creating a hole in the shielding over the linking superstructure. A second salvo of heavy warheads slipped through this hole, and smashed into the thin structure. Some of the warheads missed, but their proximity sensors caused them to explode underneather and on top of the linking section. The other warheads pierced the lighter armor of the frigate and once again showed the weakness of the Nebulon design when they exploded. Their energy vaporized bulkheads and support beams, causing the section to fracture and break. The whole rear moved sideways and with engines still blazing, started to move away from the forward part, as it still floated on. Bodies could be seen floating off into space as they were sucked out.

Around the frigates, laser cannons and turbolaser emplacements fired away, but hit nothing. The fighters were too fast and too well shielded. Sometimes, the laser cannons would connect with a fighter, but the blast would be absorbed by heavy sheilds. As the first element veered away, the second one struck the other frigate. Heavy warheads ripped into that one as well, but only into the rear of the ship. Large explosions enveloped the rear of the frigate, sending out flashes of light. The frigate kept on moving, with only one engine and on auxilary power.

The Federacy fighter started to come around for another attack when they were called off. Eight large ion torpedos streaked in and expoded around the front section of the second Nebulon B2. A wave of ion hit the frigate, making systems short and taking some weapons off-line, as well as targeting sensors. Shielded callapsed, but some weapons fired at the Nihilist. While their shots were absorbed with easy, the Demonic's Plasma cannon and mass cannon shots tore the front of the frigate apart. Both of the frigates side wings were shreed off and the oval front was half gone, with craters in it and exposed, melted, beams and parts of bulkheads.

The second frigate, or its forward second was hammered with turbolasers and mass cannons as well. It was still moved under the momentum it had gained before its engines were shot off. As it moved silently through space, its whole left side was shot to pieces. Turbolasers had made short work of the front. Behind it and to the starboard side, was the rear section, still moving, until a flash of light errupted from it and it exploded into pieces. Its reactor had gone critical, vaporizing most of the rear section.

Jake thought of something and looked at the tractor beam officer. "Tractors, target that forward section of target Nebula One. Push it onto a collision course with the station."

The men went to work at once and soon the tractors grabed the holed forward section and put it into the ordered course. "Colonel Madison, your men have ten minutes to finish the job and get out of there."

"Yes, sir, they will be done." Came the reply.

Jake looked back out of the viewport. Going over all the destruction he had caused today. Who would have guessed that a single, 1000 meter ship, could cause so much death. He turned away just as the two winges of fighters flew by both sides of the bridge in salute and victory. Jake sat down in his command seat and closed his eyes, looking over all the ships systems. everything was in the green and operating at 100%.

He reached over and took a sip of cold water. He was drinking when the message came in that the marines had finished with everything and were on their way back. They were 3 minutes early. Jake smiled and closed his eyes, watching the frigate section inside his mind, as it crashed into the space. The hull crumbled like it was foil and the section slipped into side station. 10 seconds of quiet passed, untill the whole station split in two almost, flames and debris rupturing from the middle of it.

Opening his eyes Jake looked out ahead, at the planet floating there. "Helm, bring us into orbit. Flight ops, dock the fighters."

"Yes, sir. Heading set."

Maal Lah
May 12th, 2004, 03:04:08 PM
The calm that seemed the essence of the area belayed the fact that a battle, although that might be a stretch, had just taken place. The Golan Battle Station orbited the planet just as it normally would. The only refutation of it being a normal day was the Luna Eclipse and the Carrack cruiser it had so obviously overwhelmed.

And now the Nihilist-class ship that was joining it. The Chimaera had emerged into the immediate area of the planet, and taken up orbit.

Maal rose from his meditations and looked at the scenario, or what remained of it. Space forces, with the exception of the Golan platform had been neutralized. Admiral Piett's ground forces seemed to be taking control of the planet. Leaving Maal with only one course of action.

"Helm, please commence activation of stealth profile. break ship from orbit and circumnavigate the north pole of the planet to engage the defense platform. Control, prep starfighter wings for launch on far side of the planet. Oh, and all personnel to battle stations." Maal liked having poise and calm in every statement he made. It made being shot at so much more relaxing.

Maal paused to debate his actions in accordance with Piett's. as far as the hierarchy went in this engagement, Maal was allowed to keep his own chain of command. As long as he didn't raze the planet, as pleasurable it would be, he had free reign of his ship. Maal figured that Piett wouldn't mind if he took care of the Golan defense platform.

In the main hangar of the Chimaera pipes snaked out like a writhing mass of copperheads. Mechanics hurried to and fro, while pilto meandered to their cockpits, being that their physical state of being was unimportant to flying their ships.

In the meantime, the destroyer, partially eliminated from the Golan's sensors, began to crest the upper hemisphere of the planet.

Khendon Sevon
May 15th, 2004, 03:28:19 PM
The Federal shuttle collided with the ground at breakneck speeds. A resounding ka-boom erupted from the contact point. The hull of the entry vehicle burnt bright orange, steam swept off it in massive waves. Clouds formed from the vented gas.

With a thunk the landing ramp fell to the ground. Deep thumps and sharp clanks signaled the deploying of marines. Men clad in dark, demonic armor ran off the ship. Their faces were concealed under gnarled, beastly helmets—their styling had the flavor of a stormtrooper’s helmet, but more contorted and wicked.

A man clamored from the mouth of the transport, rifle resting against his shoulder in a lazy way. He grinned underneath his mask. Red accents signified his rank. “This is Major Grigs to Imperator Sevon. The boys are about to take the port.”

Troopers sprinted from one position to the next, firing precision shots from their Revenge rifles. The energy that erupted collided with matter and ate through it tenaciously. Shots filled the scene as a small security contingent hopelessly attempted to repel the invading military.

Jake Snake
May 18th, 2004, 05:45:40 PM
"Sir, two more shuttles coming up from the surface." Called out the sensor officer.

"I thought they would get tired of this. Take care of them." Jake replied.

Orders were then issued and a squad of exectutioners swooped down as the two craft were coming up. As had happened to all the others, the craft coming up were overwhelmed. Those ships were not made for combat and the gatling cannons on the Federal fighters made short work of them. Within minutes the two craft were on fire and breaking up in the atmosphere on their way down to the surface. 20 more people had died without reason.

"It is pointless to try and leave and fight us. Do you not understand. Save your lives. The Federacy has claimed this planet weather you like it or not. This shall be better for you. We will bring you more prosperity then ever before." Jake said over the Comm to the planetary government.

It had been almost an hour after they had entered orbit of this farm planet. Since then craft had appeared and tried to flee. They were all destroyed before they could even leave the planets high orbit. Jake was now in control of the whole planet. If didn't matter that the government failed to see it, it was true nontheless. Even as he spoke, the Federacy troops were securing the main city. The only main fighting, if it could be called that, was at the spaceport and in the center of the city.

Federal troops were now engaged at the capital building, were the government officials had ordered their guards to fight to the death. The guards had blocked off routes into the main square and had set up many defenses. The Federal looses however, were quite few. Only 14 troopers had been killed and 23 wounded. All of these had been evacuated to the Demonic at once. Most of the actually military personel had been killed, but a few farmers will still fighting and dieing. They thought they could actually match the skill of the trained Federal troops, but they were proven wrong time and time again as hundreds died.

"Reinforcements are on the ground now, sir. Bravo company reports a new advance for the spaceport is holding. The reinforcements have taken the inside of the port and are expanding out. It should be ours in 15 minutes. Alfa Company is about to launch an assault on the capital."

Jake looked at the display and smiled, "Pull alfa company back. Tell the to disengage. Have one of them lase the capital building."

The Commander was puzzeled, "Yes..sir.." He replied. "Alfa is pulling back."

"Very good." Jake said and keyed in the government again, "I am giving you 10 seconds to give yourselves up and lay down your arms."

"You can't scare us. You'll never win." Yelled the elderly officlal.

Jake smiled and laughed, "But I already have." He turned to the weapons officer, "Have you recieved the targeting info?"

"Yes, sir." Replied the officer.

"Lock onto that with our ventral turbolasers. fire on my command."

The acknowledgement came and Jake looked at the comm, "Yes or no?" He asked the official. "No." was the reply.

"Fire on the building. Destroy it."

Within seconds laser bolts slammed into the capital building and surrounding areas. Ferracrete melted and exploded out. In seconds the large building was a pile of burning ruble. Surrounding area;s were holed and chared. Enemy troopers had been vaporized and most of the opposition had been taken out.

Jake looked around the bridge, "That was easy. Dispatch two hundred more troops and we'll call it a day. Lets secure the main city."

He keyed in the fleet frequency, "Imperator Sevon, this is Captain Snake. Planet 4 is under Federal control. Governing party is dead. There is almost no opposition left. The spaceport will be taken in 5 minutes. What are my orders sir?"

Maal Lah
Jun 18th, 2004, 07:33:30 AM
The Golan started to emerge like a sore coming out of the planet. IT bristled with deadly weaponry giving it a bright polished sheen. There was a little shimmer here and there, evidence of the strong shields it possessed.

And shall soon have to un-possess. Maal thought. It wouldnt be an easy process. And he would have to stage his plan very cautiously.

At this moment, Maal's plan was forming around using his fighters to weaken the Golan. From there, the CHimaera could easily, in relative terms, take on the Golan. If its shields were either gone or severely weakened. BUt Maal was not looking forward to having his ship take a pounding. Or at least, not a heavy pounding.

Maal turned to a man standing beside a console a few feet away.
"So, Jack...What would YOU do?" he prompted.

Lt. Colonel James Donphann was one of those strategy berks who inevitably found themselves as "strategy planners" or "advanced battle coordinators." Despite their inane titles, Maal foudn them to be astute and efficient.

"Well, I'd say we try an unconventional, but certaintly not new tactic. As I recall, in the battle off Bilbringi, a Golan was almost nearly taken out by a simple gorup of X-Wings..."

Maal winced. Jack had a way of always bringing in history in his advice. Droll, boring, and pointless. They were in the present, not the past.

"...So I'd recommend just that as the proper course to take."

"It's the deep breath before the plunge." Maal couldn't remember who had said that, but he felt exactly like that as he found his communications officer, took a deep breath and relayed his order.

"Launch starfighters. Orders are to eliminate the battle station. Alone."