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Feb 24th, 2004, 06:22:51 PM
It was a bright, sunny day on Coruscant. The one or two clouds that dotted the skies showed no signs of rain and the temperature was not as cold as usual.

Spada stepped out of the Temple and felt the tinge of warmth on his skin. He decided to go running. Removing his cloak and revealing his usual padawan robes, he gave the robe to the clerk at the front desk to hold for a while. He set off very quickly to get in his workout.

Spada sprinted off, blowing by Jedi who were walking and sitting in meditation. His sprinting was unusual, especially since he planned on running for a while. He made a large loop around the Temple, and seeing that he came back where he was, he started off for another few laps and decided he wouldnt stop until he couldn't go on.

Come on, Spada. Theres a Sith out there who you will face who is working harder than you. he thought to himself as motivation. Although he was not in a mood to talk much, he still wished he could get some company for his run.

Kelt Simoson
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:47:20 PM
Aye, the sun was out and it was extremely nice. The Knight had just finished a strole around the Jedi grounds. greeting people, new padawans, making himself availible if they wanted to talk to a Jedi Knight and council member. Many did take the opertunity up and he had sat for a long while with a Jedi padawan discussing Jedi history and culture.

Taking a break from the sun the, Knight made a short journey from the gardens into the shadow of the pavillion and as he was doing so he felt a slight ripple in the force, raised his hand as he rounded the corner and stopped dead the padawan Spada in his tracks, who even if he tried could not move another inch forward due to a force hold Kelt had unveiled.

Kelt lowered his hand.

' Watch it my Padawan friend...' He said with a gentle smile and nodded before he began to pass through into the coolness of the seating area of the pavillion.

Feb 25th, 2004, 04:41:44 PM
Spada's muscles suddenly locked up in mid-sprint.

"Watch it my padawan friend..." he heard from a voice who he could not identify.

"Watch what? I was working out."

Kelt Simoson
Feb 26th, 2004, 03:48:00 AM
' My apologies my Kel'Dor friend, i did not want you running into myself as i rounded the corner...' He spoke in a amused tone. He smiled over his shoulder at the Padawan and sat within the shade of the pavillion and pulled out, from his side bag, a pad of paper and a line of led.

Leaning his back against the wood he started to sketch the gardens infront of him and the Padawans upon the rare section of grass within the Jedi compound. Kelt came alot of days to the Pavillion, mostly on warm days though he did somtimes sit under its shelter in the rain and cold to write poetry and what-not.

Kelt liked the rain oddly enough.

' Would you like to join me?' He said towards the Kel'Dor who seemed from Kelts point of view utterly beused at the prospect of being force held for a few moments.

' Whats your named, friend?' He said, moving over so the Padawan could sit.

Feb 26th, 2004, 04:54:28 PM
Spada's muscles loosened up again and he felt very loose. Watching as the man took out paper and lead to draw.

"Spada Elhow, and you?"

he replied, walking over to the pavilion and standing behind the man, watching the Jedi's artwork develop.

Kelt Simoson
Feb 26th, 2004, 09:59:00 PM
' Oh, my apologies...' He said looking up and extending a hand towards the Kel'Dor, Spada. ' My name is Kelt Simoson, Jedi Knight and Council Member here at the GJO...'

He let that hang for a moment or two because meeting a Council member without even rearlizing had been quite a daughnting experience for some Padawans when they had met Kelt in similer ways. One had even screamed and ran off in a blunder because she had tripped the Knight up, after introducing himself a smiled showing her it was okay, she did not have to worry, she ran off leaving Kelt in quite a confused stait.

They shook hands.

' I have not seen any Kel'Dor here in a long while, how are you finding it here, mate?'

Feb 27th, 2004, 01:57:24 PM
Spada released the Knight's hand and replied,

"It's really nice. Most people are nice to me, and its pretty new being in a city all the time."

Spada did not realise that he was shaking hands with one of the most important Jedi in the Order.

Kelt Simoson
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:34:04 PM
Kelt smiled.

' Aye, it was a bit if an experience for me too when i came...' He said remembering not only the lush green of his own planet but those of which lived upon Arcan before the move. ' I lived on a planet without such extravagent cities such as this before i joined the Order.'

Kelt gestered towards the place next to him, so the Kel'Dor could sit.

' The Jedi can be a wonderous place to learn, meet new people and perform a duty to the galaxy...but it takes alot of hard word, training and disiplin'

Feb 28th, 2004, 10:02:55 AM
Spada nodded,

"Yes, I have been told many times to remain disciplined so I can resist the dark side."

he took a seat beside Kelt and looked out to see what he was drawing.