View Full Version : Pushing Forward [Lillian Snow]

Salemn Lysce
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:35:56 PM
After her brief meeting (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33556) with Lillian, Salemn had retired to her quarters and slept soundly through the night. It was around seven when she woke up and, after pulling her brown robes on, grabbed her lightsaber and clipped it on her belt. She tied her blonde hair back in an elastic and then left, heading for the training grounds. She was in no immediate rush and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere in the Order.

When arriving to her destination, Salemn went into one of the sound-proof rooms and left the door open. She knew Lillian would find her sooner or later, especially if she used the Force to sense her Master's signature. Closing her eyes briefly, she then reopened them and walked over to one of the chairs. She took a seat and then fixed her gaze on the door, waiting.

Lillian Snow
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:14:13 PM
Lillian shuffles into the Academy with her head lowered, looking timidly for her master and trying not to attract attention. She doesn't see her anywhere in plain view, so she begins to search the rooms, looking into every open door she finds. A spar...a telekinetics lesson...a Knight practicing alone...Salemn doesn't seem to be anywhere. However, Lillian has prepared something.

She began to practice it shortly after Salemn had left her room, using Titian as the training dummy. She settled him in his crib, took a seat on her bed, and practiced finding her baby's Force signature. She learned to focus the sense, as well as spread it out over an area. Lillian uses the latter form, spreading her sense and seeking Salemn. Soon the frail Padawan's face burns bright red; she's been standing in front of the door the entire time.

"Um...Hi," she mutters, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind her ear nervously. "I didn't know you were in here..."

Salemn Lysce
Feb 29th, 2004, 05:44:03 PM
"It's alright. Come in, Lillian."

Rising from her seat, Salemn began to walk towards the padawan. She had felt the girl use the Force and was pleased with her progress.

"As you know, we will be concentrating on your Force skills and work with healing."

She stopped, casting a glance around the room. It was perfect for their objectives, being that it was not only filled with sparring objects, but also tools used in Force training.

Lillian Snow
Mar 2nd, 2004, 06:27:27 PM
"Yes," she confirms, following Salemn's eyes with the wary curiosity that all students seem to have. She's worried a little over how she's to practice. Will she simply focus the Force as if healing, or will Salemn make her heal injured people?

Salemn Lysce
Mar 6th, 2004, 10:42:55 AM
She could sense the padawan's concern and was swept with nostalgia, remembering her first training sessions with Nash Stolar. Sometimes it seemed like only yesterday when she was accepted within the Order. Her brown eyes never left Lillian's as she began to roll her sleeves up before unclipping her saber. Igniting it, the Jedi momentarily let the blade brush against her left arm. She grimaced as she jerked the saber back and switched it off.

"Here," she held out her arm whilst clipping the saber back on her belt, "Remember what I taught you in your previous training. Concentrate on the Force, let it flow through you."

Lillian Snow
Mar 10th, 2004, 05:52:31 PM
"Ahh! No, don't do that!"

Lillian gently takes Salemn's arm in her hands, pressing lightly on the cut and shutting her eyes.

"I wish you wouldn't have done that..." she whispers, sounding concerned as she focuses. "If you'd slipped you wouldn't have an arm for me to heal..."

She feels warm, thinking on Salemn as she gently runs her hands over the wound, and letting that warmth pour over from her hands to Salemn's arm. The girl opens her eyes, just a bit, and finds herself watching the injury fade slowly away as the Force's wondrous power works through her.

Salemn Lysce
Mar 13th, 2004, 01:01:23 PM
"You act as if I don't know what I'm doing," she replied to Lillian as the padawan stood by her side.

She watched as the girl placed her hand over the burned flesh and concentrated, feeling the Force being called upon and worked. A coolness touched the wound and the tissue began to repair itself instantaniously. She nodded in approval when Lillian opened her eyes, the last of the wound disappearing. She drew her arm back and silently appraised her.

"Wonderful. Your skills have improved, but of course the true testing begins when someone needs a Healer. Now Lillian, before we go any further, give me an example in which one would need to be healed."

Lillian Snow
Mar 13th, 2004, 08:16:28 PM
"It's not that I think you don't know what you're doing," Lillian answers as she looks over Salemn's arm a few more times, just to make sure she healed the Knight properly. "I'm just worrying about you..."

Lillian lets go of her arm and clasps her hands behind her back, fidgeting as the next question is asked. She answers promptly, with an uncommon confidence.

"A person would need to be healed during or after combat, or if injured during a training accident."

She can think of a few other, minor incidences too, but leaves them alone for now. If more answers are needed, she will give them.

Salemn Lysce
Apr 4th, 2004, 05:29:26 PM
"Now, sometimes when you are in a hostile situation and someone is harmed, they may not listen to you. It's common for their fear and suspicion to be heightened, unenabling them to think clearly. This is where telepathy comes in. You can speak to them directly in their head, which can have a calming effect. Of course, you may also need to reach out with the Force and try some other tactics, but for now let's concentrate on one thing."

Lillian Snow
Apr 5th, 2004, 09:31:25 AM
"Okay," she says, still fidgeting as she anticipates learning this new thing. "How does it work? Do I think at you?"

Salemn Lysce
Apr 6th, 2004, 04:19:30 PM

For a second she paused, trying to come up with the right words to explain Force Speech. She had been doing this ever since she came to the Order - a necessity she couldn't imagine living without now, being that she was mute.

"You reach out with the Force to the person you want to speak to, and then project the words into their head."

Lillian Snow
Apr 6th, 2004, 07:14:24 PM
"Reach out like Force Sense?" Lillian asks, wanting to make sure she understands it right. "Or is it different?"