View Full Version : Home run! (Open to a vengeful figure in a window.)

Feb 23rd, 2004, 06:53:11 PM
Zeke strolls through Coruscant with his Padawan on his heels, carrying a bag of equipment. He's got a bat and some baseballs, and just as soon as he can find a place, they're going to have a game. A long, narrow alleyway serves Zeke's purpose, so he heads into it. After a thorough check to confirm that no one's there, he unloads the stuff and holds the bat out to Rognan.

"Head to the back of the alley. I don't wanna pitch into the street. Might break something."

He looks across the busy street to the opposite alley. With Rognan hitting the baseballs at an arc, they should land safely in the alley across the way without harming anyone or anything. Behind the alley lurks a tall, fairly expensive-looking hotel. Zeke shrugs at it and picks up a ball.

"Force Baseball Practice! I'ma throw these with all the speed I can muster, and it's your job to react swiftly enough to bat them across the street and into the alley. Got it?"

Rognan Dar
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:20:07 PM
"You want me to hit it over the street into the next alley? Alright. Hope I dont come short and hit a speeder..."

Rognan took the bat in both hands, getting a grip on it. And to the outside viewer he looked quite funny. He was holding the bat in a position that would give the lest amount of speed and power. He didn't realize this. So once the pitches came he swung and missed everyone. He was tempted to slow the ball down so he could hit it. But that wouldn't be to much fun.

"Er...Am I doing this wrong? It doesn't feel correct to me. but I cant tell what it is that I am doing wrong!"

Feb 24th, 2004, 10:25:02 PM
"Okay. Do this. Plant your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees a bit, like the lightsaber stance, except you'll face me sideways, with the bat over your shoulder. Keep your eye on the ball; use the Force if you have to." Zeke laughs a bit to himself, mumbling "I know I will."

A Force-powered fastball zings towards Rognan with greater speed than any normal pitcher could hope to attain.

Rognan Dar
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:41:39 PM
Rog did as he was instructed. He planted his feet and squared up his shoulders. The bat was just above his shoulder, ready to knock the stuffing out of the ball. He waited for the pitch to come. He could see Zeke move; starting up his pitch. He watched as his arm went back, then forward, releashing the ball. It came at Rognan with increadible speed. Out of instinct, Rog ducked, afraid of getting hit.

"Shoot. Give me another."

He stood back up. Watched for the pitch. It came. And he missed by a mile; swining to soon.

"Ok. No sweat. I'll hit this one. Just you watch."

Use the force you dumb head. Use it more. Use it...to see the ball coming. I dont know how to do that though! Well, there is no better time to learn then the present.

And the ball came. Rognan boosted his muscils, his eye's, everything needed to hit the ball. And just as the ball left Zeke's hand, heading for him, it was going the other way. High, higher into the air. Higher then he would have ever thought that it would go. It didn't seem to want to stop going up. Suddenly terror struck hi m. It wasa going to high, and to fast. It was going clear over the alley he was aiming for. It was heading strait for the hotel.

"No! Stop little ball!" he cried out. But to no use. It hit. The sound of breaking glass could be heard all the way over here. Even with the street busy with trafic. It was a sound that made the soul flee because the body was dead meat now. He couldn't do anything but stand there in horror.

Feb 24th, 2004, 10:48:09 PM
Zeke's jaw drops.

"Aw...jeez! I...just...dang."

A figure appears in the window, searching for the culprit, and finally turns to look at them both.

"Busted..." Zeke winces.