View Full Version : A Find in a Million (Jason)

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:10:24 PM
Bespin, Commodore Leon Dagrelle's Base of Operations, Cloud City, 12:30pm

The Commodore was no more pleased to see the little bastard than to see a lump of Rodian excrement on the bottom of his shoe, no it was impossible be able to have two minds about the whole situation.

It was ether be pleased that the man had been hauled in by his the scruff of his collar or be extremely upset the man had been subjected into Leons presence...the Commodore choose the latter. ' I cant say im pleased to see you Valten...my Gaurd here have been looking for you for a while now...you have iluded us all to often you little sithspit...'

Veltan was a Rodian smuggerler that had, for the past 4 months, being trying to haul quantities of Spice into Bespin and therefor Cloud City. It had been a perticuler annoyence to the Sub-Inquisitor because his daughter had once been latched onto the drug and he saw the effects. The Commodore gave little thought to the citizens of Bespin, but this was a staw to far.

' This is plain to judge, we have sufficiant proof to send you away for the remainder of your life, Rodian and on top of this you have not resgistered as a Sub-Human within our community...'

' Athink' you vill' vind' i hav'' The Rodian said casualy as if knowing he might get away with this.

' Valtan, that my friend, is a fake...i have had my collegues find out for me, you are a unregistred Rodian smuggerling Spice of all things into Bespin, you will be tried and will be sent to the Bespin Imperial prison for a total of 45 years...no questions, no appeals and certainly no representative in court...take him away!'

The Rodian was hauled up from the floor by Leons person gaurds and pulled shouting and screaming from out of Leons spacious office overlooking Bespins skyling of Cloud City. He smiled slighty, his power was quite satisfying at times...

Looking from one data pad to the other, from one situation to another unfinished he scanned the writing upon the screen and frowned in question slighty...

' Bishop!...' He called his right hand man in. Bishop was a Captain of Dagrelles elite troop '"The Black Gaurd". He opened the door and came inside quickly, shutting the door behind him.

' Commodore?...'

' Who is this Jason Mcgraves? i have heard his name somwhere before?....'

Feb 24th, 2004, 12:23:18 AM
Bespin an imperial controlled planet, Yet Jason didn't fear it. It had been years since he was thought to have been dead - he actually had died… what?… five times already since then? They would be looking for a hundred or so year-old-man, not the thirty-year-old looking Jason standing on the landing platform. So there was no use hiding who he was, plus if anyone read a newspaper around here or a data pad of recent business transactions, they would have seen his name and picture.

Jason hadn’t been to Bespin since his Imperial Intel days and he had only been here once then when Vader had taken over cloud city those many, many years ago. These where new days. The Empire wasn't in best of straights and actually they where pretty much dead in the water. So here Jason was to set up shop for his gun company and sell to the imperials and anyone else who could afford them.

He had brought his daughter, Nicky and business associate Lisa Ripley with him. A man was suppose to meet him at the dock but seemed to be running late. Jason drew out his own data pad and began to read a bit of information on the planet, he could point out a lot imperial propaganda in it. Reading through the leadership, none of the names rang a bell, not even Commodore Leon Dagrelle.

"This could prove to be an interesting trip you two!"

Leon Dagrelle
Feb 24th, 2004, 12:41:08 AM
' The mans here?' The Commodore said in a forefull unbelieving tone of voice, the man could scarcly believe what Bishop was telling him. ' Your telling me, that a one hundred year old ma is walking the streets of bespin in a persuit to sell illegal arms?' The Commodore shook his head and gave a smile that was mocking.

' Bishop somtimes-' There came a sharp knock on the Commodores office door and after a call to enter the messenger sailed in and up to Dagrelles desk.

" Sir, our man is in position and is ready to present himself to Mr. Mcgraves, shall i give the order?" The Commodores mouth fell open at this and he raised a commical eyebrow to Bishop who only gave in return a triomphant smile.

' Yes, give the order Corpral...' On a holo screen on a larger data pad, the three senior ranked men watched as a hidden camara in a jacket from a man poseing as a client to Jason ventured up to the criminal in question...


'Hello Jason, nice to meet you finaly, talking over the Hola can be a pest huh?' The man was acting of course, they had set him up ever since the name had cropped up on Bespins spaceport. Tracked him, recalled past dat and past pictures and matched them...The Commodore had given the order weeks ago regarding it as a load of old tripe but it was his mistake..it was the man alright.

' This is of course your daughter?...uhm i was thinking we could go have a beer or two as we discuss our venture together?' This was one of the Commodores black gaurd unit, eleite and deceptive.

Feb 25th, 2004, 01:57:52 AM
Odd the man didn't seem nervous about the meeting, usually meeting such as this played on people. This was also there first meeting in person and with most first meeting with Jason the other party was nervous because they didn't want to step on his toes. It was bad for business after all.

"Yes this is my daughter Nicky and business associate Lisa Riply."

Jason pointed to the two women. Nicky looked Asian and in her twenty's which didn't seem to fit Jason only looking to be thirty. She clearly didn't look his daughter. The other woman Lisa had a shaved head and seemed military. She looked to be a good candidate for an arms dealer. Despite her shaved head she was still a beautiful looking woman.

"As for getting a drink some place I'd love too. Do you have any place in particular you would like to get a drink? Also I hope you don't mind if the ladies join us?"

Leon Dagrelle
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:11:56 PM
' Hell no, where would you suggest, ive been here like, once...' The man replied, leon smiled gently, Jason took the bait.

Mar 17th, 2004, 02:57:03 PM
Jason gave the man a curious look but just shrugged after that. He thought of a bar he had been to the last time he had been here. It wasn't much of a place but he knew he could keep their business quite there.

"There’s a place called the rancor's den in the lower half. Imperials rarely go there and that’s where we will go to finish are business in piece. Are you alright with that?"