View Full Version : For those involved with -

Nikkiah Wintermoon
Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:03:22 AM
The following characters -

Syren Wyssholt
Nikkiah Wintermoon
Jordana Montegue
Sheyleigh Castille
Arahisie Silentwrath

My posts in the threads I am currently involved in - What If... -Shipping & Handling - Thrust into a new life without a clue - are going to slow down drastically.

After a dreaded trip back to my homestate .... in short, my children are going to be living with their father for the next year :cry

Though I do know that this is currently the best thing I can do for them because I do love them more than life itself, it's killing me inside. The past 2 years have been a literal hell for me and I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted.

I plan to spend this week in bed doing next to nothing at all -(outside of sleeping and crying). I'll become pretty sick of wallowing in my own self-misery by the time the end of the week comes and begin the things I need to do in order to fix the broken pieces of my heart. Right now, I need to take care of myself and let my fiance take care of me too (since I don't really let him do that - use to taking care of everything on my own).

I'm not leaving SWFans and I will continue to post - as I am able to. Its just going to slow down a bit I think. RPG, for me, is a fun hobby that I enjoy participating in very much and the players here - those I am lucky enough to know and those I have never met/rp'd with - are terrific people. Times like this in my life are when I use rp as a sort of therapy, a way to escape real life, even if its just for five minutes.

Thank you in advance to those whom I'm currently rp'ing with as one of those characters for understanding - you have no idea how much it truly helps another person to know that atleast somewhere in life you aren't letting someone down by doing what is right in RL concerns.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:44:22 PM
My condolences, I truly know how you feel. Take it easy give your heart some time to heal. We will be waiting for you when you get back hon.. :(