View Full Version : The Battle of Bestine - Complete -

Jarek T'chort
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:21:36 AM
The freezing depths of space surounded the planet of Bestine IV, encompassing it in unfathomable eternity. The cerulean orb of Bestine hung in space like a jewel, it seemed the very image of serenity. Yet, as with everything in the galaxy, it was subject to change.

Around the world, the distant sun's rays reflected off the metallic hulls of the Bestine IV defense fleet that lay in orbit over the planet. Aboard the warships thousands of souls lived and toiled over their assigned tasks guarding the trading hub below them.

On the surface of the water world itself, the seeds of distruction had already been sown. Imperial Intelligence had infiltrated the planetary defenses, causing confusion and panic. Now all that remained was to reap the rewards of these actions.

Even as morning broke tenativlely on the planets surface, in the dark void above the planet, the jet black fabric of space wanned and flaxed.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:32:21 PM
(OOC this isnt my fleet, Im just NPCing the fighter squadrons based on the planet)

Alarm klaxons sounded all over the base as New Republic pilots scrambled towards their starfighters. The squadron of X-Wings already on patrol was sent to support the Golan III in orbit. Within minutes the two squadrons of A-Wing interceptors were launched and held their position waiting to support either the fleet or the battlestation.

Teleran Balades
Feb 23rd, 2004, 08:21:33 PM
Space shimmered and rippled for a moment before a pair of angular ships materialized just outside of Bestine gravity. The two Aurora-class Star Destroyers immediately accelerated toward the planet in front of them.

On the bridge of the flagship Feanor, Line Captain Balades scanned his eyes over the magnificent vista before him. Not magnificent for long. In the crew pits to either side of him, officers and troops rushed to their stations.

"Sensors, assessment of the enemy defenses."

The officer that had just arrived at the sensor station tapped furiously on the console in front of him. After studying the screen for a moment he turned toward the Captain.

"There's an MC-80 Mon Cal Cruiser, markings designate it the Mon Lorrar, several frigates and gunships are accompanying her." The lieutenant went over the information again. "There is also Golan III and a Dreadnaught guarding the inner system"

Captain Balades looked back out the viewport. The weapon platform would put a dent in the invasion plan. However, there were other sources and options for bringing it down."

"Ignore the Golan. Rotate the ship 35 degrees port and bring ship to heading 35, 009, 87. Bring us head on with that Mon Cal cruiser, when we come within 1500 meters rotate us 180 degrees and bring us over her, Malice will go under "

Balades toggled the comlink.

"Commander North, your fighters are clear to launch."

Outside the bridge the view shifted from the planet and defense platform in front to the advancing Capital ships as the pair of Star Destroyers peeled off their current course. Shields on the ventral sides dropped for a moment to allow the wing of fighters on board to exit.

"Arm torpedo octets A6-B7 and E6-F7; coordinate the warheads so they hit the cruiser in three waves in the same spot."

Line Captain Balades would carry out his part of the mission. He just hoped the intelligence crews on the surface would fulfill their obligation.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:33:30 PM
Military Complex On Bestine’s Surface

Flame roared its way through inner corridors of the military complex, debris leading the fingers of flame as they worked their way over plane durasteel wall and floor. Ylor cringed at the sound of the explosion coming from down the hall. “They’re getting faster at breakin down the doors.”

Naomi gave a wry smile “I think they are in a hurry, cant imagine why.”

“Good thing I left them a little surprise behind door number three then.” Bren’lar grumbled, adjusting the bandage on his arm with discomfort. “Frelling new republic..” Another explosion resounded down the hall this time echoing in the opposite direction. Bren’lar looked up from his bandage with an evil grin spread over his lips.

“Ylor…I’m reading Imperial signatures reverting from hyperspace.” Naomi’s voice was riddled with hidden excitement and anticipation as she read over the feeds of data scrolling over her console.

“That’s our queue Naomi…synchronize fire with the other ion cannon and target the Golan in orbit, fire on my mark.” Ylor spoke with the stern voice of a commander and leader, this wasn’t his first command of a unit of course. But this time things where different, he could feel the future of the empire bearing on his shoulders and he would not fail them. “Bren’lar that blast should have finished the majority of republic forces, go make sure we don’t get any more surprises out in the complex. Bren’lar gave a quick nod, grabbing various bags of equipment before heading into the debris charred corridors of the complex.

Ylor tapped his com link, opening up communications to everyone on his team, including those holding the second ion cannon and the others keeping the shield and various other generators in imperial hands. “Enrapture teams the battle has began, you will hold your positions until Imperial ground forces come to relieve us. We will also keep both the ion cannons and shield generators operational, making certain we see the tails of the New republic forces as they flee from this system…" Ylor paused, his eyes transfixed on the dull green screen before him, staring into infinity as his lips pursed fo form words that would leave their mark in history, "Naomi... Fire!”

The world shield surrounding Bestine dimmed for a moment, if you blinked you would have missed the slow dematerialization as the shields quickly phased off. Hydraulics hummed to life over the large orbed cannons as they leisurely homed in on their single target. The cannons buzzed with power and energy as the systems began converting the charged systems into destructive energy. They were like two dormant Volcanos that had suddenly awaken in anger, looking to unleash destruction onto any target unlucky enough to indulge their hunger. The massive barrels of both cannons suddenly recoiled violently, repeatedly spitting out sizzling bolts of ion charged blasts toward the Golan III station orbiting the planet.

“Naomi sustain a full volley until the ion cannons need to recharge. When the volley is about to stop signal the shield generator team to re-activate the shield, then begin running targeting solutions on that destroyer in orbit.” Ylor knew the first combined massive volley would disable the golan III in quick order. That was the advantage of surprise after all. Then with combined effort of the Imperial Fleet they would pinch the defending New republic forces easily. The first shots of The Battle of Bestine had been fired…

Feb 24th, 2004, 01:02:38 AM
Lieutenant Krist was sitting down to diner to enjoy a hot bowl of soup. He was still amused by the Commodores concern. He had been stationed on many defense details and this type of thing happened all the time. He had the spoon in his mouth when the alarm went off. He jumped and almost swallowed. Spiting the spoon on the floor and running out the doorway to the command room Krist forgot all about dinner.

Running through the halls he stopped for a moment to ask a ensign what was going on.
"Sir Imperial Ships they have just jumped into the system. They are mov......"
Without waiting for the ensign to finish what he was saying Krist began running once again to the command room. The doorway slid open and krist ran in to join Lieutenant Gried.

Gried was the day shift counterpart to Krist. Krists shift had ended no more then 20 minutes ago. it wasn't bad enough he had to deal with Mores now he had to deal with not taking what mores said seriously.

"Whats the status Jon'Ha?"

The Lieutenant turned noticing Lieutenant Krist for the first time. Jon'Ha Gried had been a commander of security during the Vong war. She took her job more seriously then Krist and saw him as a obstacle in here path for advancement. Not because she Feared he would advance but because she feared he would mess up and look bad for him and her both.

"2 Imperial ship reverted from hyperspace about five minutes ago. The seem to be moving towards the Commodores ship."

Krist looked over the information scrolling in on a small access station to the left of the command station. The Vessels were of a strange design. The New Republic did not have it in there databanks.

"There transponders read Sovereignty signatures. The Feanor and Malice . They will be on top of the Mon Lorrar before our fighters can get to her."

Gried turned to look at Krist. "I know just launch them. They can help." Gried turned away from Krist and began shouting orders. "Get me Commodore Mores on the com imediatlly."

A Communications officer turned and nodded to Jon'Ha. "Channel open Maam." Lieutenant Gried returned the nod then watched as aholo projection of Commodore Fresk appeared.

The Anger in his eyes was apparent. He had seen this coming and no one would listen to him. Now he had two Star Destroyers which he had no idea of their class or their capabilities he turned away and shouted some profanities at some officer behind him then turned to acknowledge Gried.

"Lieutenant good to see someone competent is at the controls of that station now." Krist knew Fresk was referring to him. He back away just incase he was in the holo cameras visual range.

"Thank you sir. I have launched my fighters to assist but I'm afraid you and the incoming Imperial Ships are out of my weapons range. I will await any orders you may have Commodore." Gried smiled and was humored by what the commodore had said about Krist.

"Lieutenant We have things under control out here. Just get on the horn with Planetary defenses and make sure they are ready if some stragglers get by us." Fresk smiled

Behind Krist a warning alarm went off and instantly the Station began to shake. An instant later blue bolts of energy struck the Station. the power surged killing the transmission between Fresk and the station then as the 2nd volley hit the station power erupted throughout the ship. Sparks flying access panels exploding. within less than a minute the station was dead and useless in the battle to come.

Krist stood looking over out into the darkness. As the emergency lights cam on he saw Gried laying face down. The energy serge caused the panel she was standing in front of to explode sending plasteal fragments into her face. He lifted her head and saw the bloody remains and jumped back. If he had not backed away from the camera to stay out of sight he too would have died. The shook rushed through him and he fell to the deck scraping his arm on the corner of the station panel. Looking around him he saw 2 other officer who had been killed by the rush of energy which disabled the station. gathering his thought he stood on shaky legs. "medic!!!" His scream has almost horse but managed to snap him from his dreamlike shock. Immediately he moved Grieds body to analyze the control panel. It was destroyed beyond repair and even if it could work the Power to the station was gone.

Two Medics came up and helped him lay Lieutenant Grieds body on the floor.

"Is she?" Krist ask knowing the answer. The medic looked up at him and shock his head. The medics stood and left Krist standing over Grieds body. He had not liked the woman but the shear horror of her being killed was too much. He was scared out of his wits and with the station dead in space he was trapped. How did this happen? the thought finally entered his mind as the blurry confusion began to clear.

"What happened? Can someone tell me what happened?"

A sensor officer stood from the body he was seeing to and looked at Krist. "Sir before we were hit the sensors detected the ion cannons on the planet powering up to fire. I think the fired on us sir."

Krist stood shocked once again. "Thats impossible is there guidance off? why where they firing in the first place the star destroyers are out of range."

The realization of everything just hit him. The lack of traffic. no incoming messages. now the planetary weapons systems firing on them. Bestine was under attack. and had been for alot longer then anyone knew.

Admiral Hagen
Feb 24th, 2004, 08:35:44 AM
Even as the planetary Ion Cannons pumped energy into the Golan battlestation, at the edge of the system, Admiral Hagen's fleet dropped out of hyperspace.

The subtle texture of space, the flickering stars and novas were blotted out in an instant. A force worthy of the Empire accelerated toward Bestine IV. Four Imperial Mk IV Star Destroyers, four Nebulon B Frigates, six Lancers and three Interdictor crusiers made up Dagger Fleet, the Imperial armarda that was tasked with taking Bestine.

The great prows of the Destroyers rumbled through the void, their weapons bristling, the minds of the crewers bent upon their tasks.

Bridge of the Antiphas

"Admiral, we read one MC-80, an assault frigate, 2 Nebulon B's, a dreadnaught and there are four gunships coming in fast on our vector."

Admiral Hagen stood on the bridge, his feet evenly spaced apart. Ahead, through the viewport, he could see the Auroras tackling the MC-80 in a violent exchange of battery fire.

"Captain, accelerate to attack speed, bring our forward batteries to bear."

Captain Maximus nodded vigourously.

"TIE crews launch as soon as we are in range. Captain Hanner is to engage the dreadnaught. Have the Abrogator, the Barzel and the Ovid tackle the Nebulon's."

"Fighters away sir!"The flight officer called up.

Hagen acknowledged and watched as the Interdictors took up positions, their gravity wells powering up in the classic tactic to keep enemy ships from escaping.

The Lancers flanking the Destroyers began to fire at the approaching Republic fighters, peppering their flight paths with anti-starfighter fire. Even as they did, the TIE Defenders swept in a wedge toward the rebel fighters, the minds of each pilot filled with the true meaning of war, to kill, or to be killed.

The eternal darkness of space above Bestine IV was lit up in a tremendous firefight. The battle had truly been joined.

Feb 24th, 2004, 11:10:19 AM
Krest turned to his Communications officer. "Ensign What happened to the transmission?" The ensign looked over the display then looked up. "Sir it was cut off at the source." Krest looked puzzled. A voice from behind shouted. "Commodore the Planetary defense system just took out the Royal Shield!" Krest turned towards the direction of the voice."Give me display Lieutenant." He turned to look at the Tactical Display screen and cursed as the image appeared. There dead in orbit was the Orbital defense platform still wrenching from Ion Fire. Blue/white strands of energy running over her hull. "Whats her status?" Mores screamed over the sound of the Turbolaser bolts which had just begun to rain upon the Mon Lorrars hull. The lieutenant looked over a group of sensor readouts but could not discern the condition of the station. "Sir its hard to tell from this distance." Krest switched the tactical back to the approaching star destroyers which had begun to pummel the Calimari vessel with bright green bolts of energy. "Return Fire Commander!"

Krest's orders were immediately carried out and the battle was engaged. Red beams of energy began streaking out towards the incoming destroyers accompanied by the distinctive blue fluxing Ion beams. "Launch all fighters have them run sniper runs on the lead destroyer." 30 seconds later fighters began spilling out of the hanger of the cruiser. The ship shock as one exploded just outside the hanger causing a concussion wave which left Krest head ringing.

"Sir they are splitting on us one high on low." Krest did not answer. He looked on as the two ships began moving apart to split The fire of the Cals Batteries.

"Concentrate on the top One. We have more batteries topside. Get the Fighters on that bottom one." Fighter after fighter spilled out of the massive bulk of the cruiser. Tie defenders had begun running strafing runs to take out as many as they could as they came out. Another Fighter exploded then another rocking the ship with the blast. Krest was fully concentrated on the battle. The status of the battle station was prying at him but for now he had to keep focused on the battle at hand. His ears rang from the blast which rung through the ship as fighter after fighter exploded upon takeoff. Then when he thought matters were at there worst he got very bad news.

"Sir I have long range sensor blips Baring 096 by 657. I count..." The officer paused and just stood mouth agape. "I Count 17 more imperial ships sir. 4 Destroyer class."

Krest heard the Lieutenant but was not interested at the time. The new contacts were on the systems edge. For now he had more pressing business. "Get the Claymore on the horn. Have them do a hammer left on the lower destroyer."

The orders were relayed and the trailing Assault frigate began its maneuver. the bow of the ship shot down into a 50 degree dive and it rolled 35 degree and to the left. Tie Defenders were now strafing the Frigate but her shields seemed to not notice the laser fire. The occasional torpedo caused some damage to them but the generators soon compensated. The Frigate now looped back around and rolled to bring her port broadside to bear on the lower of the 2 Destroyers.

"All fighters launched!" Krest heard the flight control scream over the now deafening thud of hit after hit from the Imperial turbolasers. In all the Mon Lorrar lost 18 of her 48 fighters on takeoff. The 8 remaining B-wings shot off towards the lower Destroyer accompanied by the A -wing Squadron who mercilessly managed to not lose a fighter. The X-wings were not as lucky. Being the first out they caught the brunt of the Defenders as the made the first run on the hanger.

"Red Three form up on the right of Green two." The A-wing commander looped his fighter to avoid Green bolts of energy and took up a defensive position on the left side of the lead B-Wing. Red three took up the opposite side. The threes lead fighters bared down on the hulk of the Destroyer them all exploded in a hail of fire from the Auroras Quad Lasers.

"Break left Green 5" The second wave of the inbound fighters had seen the eruption of the first and immediately broke away. "That thing has anti fighter batteries!" Green 7 screamed just before the Quad lasers ripped through His B-wing igniting the Torpedoes causing the fighter to instantly disappear in the explosion which fallowed. Fighter after fighter was picked off by the Quad Lasers. The surprise of anti fighter batteries on a ship that size caught the Mon Lorrars Fighter win off guard. The repercussions of that were devastating. Of her 48 fighters only 18 remained.

Krest watched from the command deck and just shock his head. He had trained his pilots better. They had run simms in anti fighter fire evasion. This was turning out ugly. The Fleet was off kilter. Take by surprise and needed to get her legs back under her. Or they Bestine defense fleet would be cut down where it stood.

Feb 24th, 2004, 01:20:09 PM
"All fighter's are launched sir."
"The planetary ion cannons have just fired at the Golan III. I don't think they're under our control anymore sir." an aide informed.
"Saboteurs." the commandant mused. "Seal off this base, no one gets in or out without my permission. All persons without authorization in sensitive areas are to be shot on sight." the base Commandant ordered.

Outside two companies of NR security troops barricaded the approaches to the fighter base, restricting all traffic.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:57:10 PM
The dive was done. Red waves splashed against the rocks. Crab corpses littered the beaches sands, spears jutting out of them. Figures emerged from the water and marched to the camp up the island. The setting sun flashed on their wet dive gear.

"Well troops you think you know how to use a spear gun right in an aquatic environment?" Darriann Sollak said.

No replies, the group was bushed. They had been diving for 7 hours straight. They all walked inside the camp slowly, took off their gear and put it away. Sollak walked inside the shuttle used to bring them to the island. He checked for messages. 1 an alert from the base on the main island. Imperials had attacked defenses in orbit. Ground cannons had opened fire on the Golan in orbit.

Sollak rushed out into the tired group. "Get geared up men! We have work to do still. Imperials have captured planetary defenses and a fleet of ships have just entered the system."

"Today of all days the Empire comes here." A soldier said getting his military gear on.

The group packed up the camp as quickly as possible and shoved all of it into the compartments. It appeared as if they had never been on the island save for the mess along the beach. The troops got on board and put their restraints on. Sollak and Private Ress were at the helm of the shuttle. They activated the startup sequence and took off. The shuttles wings unfolded and the island was soon out of sight. Their destination was one of the Ion Cannons. If they could gain control they could fire at the Imperials ships soon to be in orbit. What sounded easy though would be hard.

Travis North
Feb 25th, 2004, 05:00:03 PM
"Aye." Commander North replied.

He grabbed his helmet and put it on, as did the rest of the fighter pilots. They moved to the TIE racks and jumped into the ball cockpits of the Defender starfighters. Travis hopped into his custom Defender which had dark blue stripes along the frame. It also had a faster engine so he could close the gap between him and the enemy.

The rack clamps released and the Defenders flew out of the monster which was the Aurora-class Star Destroyer Feanor. Soon the fighters would enter the storm of red and green bolts. They formed up into wings of three. Travis and his two wingmen took lead.

"Take your targets and go. This should be a short fight." North said through his comm.

Squadron leaders double clicked replies. They and their squadrons broke off after the enemy fighters.

The sleek Defenders pulsed through the hail of fire like a pack of wolves on the hunt. They came at the enemy, cannons firing.

Feb 25th, 2004, 06:37:25 PM
The X-Wing squadron that was guarding the now impotent Golan charged forward into the mass of oncoming defenders, laser cannons blazing. The A-wings under new orders also moved to intercept the Defenders. The pilots in the fighters fought a desperate action hoping against hope that word had gotten out of the Sov attack and that relief would come soon.

Teleran Balades
Feb 25th, 2004, 11:01:39 PM
Balades averted his view from the oncoming cruiser to his sensors officer. "Captain the sabotage teams on surface just took out the Golan." The image on the tactical viewscreen showed the Golan, the once pristine station was raked with electrical flares left over from the planetary gun blasts. The whole station was dark from power failure, only a few emergency lights could be seen activated. The death of the platform would leave the backdoor for the landing craft wide open, and with the shield generators under the Sovereignty's control the Republic wouldn't be able to reinforce their own ground troops. "Excellent, Hagen’s troops have an open landing zone."

Tel turned back to the viewport, ahead the Defender squadrons raced forward to meet the enemy ships. Flashes of light in the distance signified the beginning of the space battle as the lead Defenders strafed the Mon Lorrar’s fighter bays, wreaking havoc on the unfortunates caught in their fury.

Bright emerald lances of energy shot from the Aurora’s long ranged batteries. Each beam illuminating a section of space in front of the Mon Cal cruiser as the shields deflected the energy. The view in front slowly tumble rolled to port as Feanor’s massive frame inverted and split apart from Malice. Crimson blasts from the Republic ship rocked the Aurora, but the shields held firm. Tel stood calmly, confident that the ships would hold under the Calamari’s heavy upper weapons. “Engineering, angle shields to our dorsal side.” An officer to the left toggled several switches on his console. A faint shimmer off the Feanor’s hull signaled that she had reinforced her upper shields.

On board the Malice Commander Glenn shouted orders in more frantic manner. “Concentrate forward batteries on her keel, I want her split open down the middle.” Turbolaser blasts rained in on the MC-80’s underside, but they held as defiantly as the side that Feanor was assaulting. “Commander, an assault frigate is coming in on our flank.” Glenn glared at the tactical display, the Frigate dropped in low and presented her broadside and brought her guns to bear. “Ignore her, keep concentrated on the cruiser.” With the frigate firing on his ship, Glenn couldn’t angle his shields. “Get our Tie’s on that ship, our quadlasers can hold their starfighters.”

Back on Feanor Tel carefully timed his next move. “Weapons get targeting locks on the Lorrar for our torpedoes, when she's directly between us and Malice launch our warheads in three volleys.” A river of energy flowed between the capital ships as they slowly passed each other. A few seconds before the torpedoes were launched Balades opened the comlink. “All fighters break off your attack runs, get clear of the Lorrar.” As fighter fled at top speed from the cruiser, both of the Auroras let loose the full furry of their arsenal. Tel tried to imagine the fear of the Lorrar’s crew as 200 proton torpedoes converged on her from both sides.

Feb 26th, 2004, 03:18:03 AM
The two Aurora Star Destroyers moved slowly one atop the Mon Cal Cruiser and one below. Green and red bolts of energy collided on the shields of the ships as they Mover parallel with the Mon Lorrar. Fighter screamed between the 3 massive giants dodging Turbolaser bolts as the engaged the respective enemy fighters.The battle waged on like so many before it.

Krest stood on the command deck issuing orders and watching the Tactical Display. The 2 star destroyers were pounding the hulls of the Mon Lorrar but they seemed to be Light on Turbo Laser Batteries. The News of the vessels being equipped with Anti Fighter Batteries was shocking. Few vessels the size of a Star Destroyer carried Anti Fighter weapons. They instead devoted the space to Turbo lasers and ion cannons for Ship to Ship combat. Krest Turned

"Commander Status on the Ship" Krest had to scream over the constant thudding noise of the Destroyers weapons impacting the shielding.

"Sir Shields are holding. Back up generators on stand-by. Deck 12 reports minor damage from the vibration of the concussion missiles which impacted as the fighters were leaving."

Krest nodded and turned to the Display. The imperial fighters began moving away from the ship and drawing off the fighter cover of the Mon Lorrar.

"What are they up to commander?" Krest thought out loud more then asked the question. moments later 3 different sensor officers screams "Torpedoes inbound!" Krest looked at the Tactical Display and instantly his mind was rushed with horror. 200 Capital class torpedoes were inbound. "Shields to Full!" Mores screamed knowing it would do no good.

The distance between the ship allowed just enough time for the Mon Lorrar to see the Torpedoes coming before they struck her. Massive explosions began racking the shielding of the giant Calimari vessel. The force of the impact knocked Krest to the deck. He tried to stand but was knocked back down. Torpedo after torpedo Struck the Mighty Vessel tearing away the one thing Mores had in his advantage. His Shielding.

"Shields Failing!" was the last thing Krest heard. The Shield Generators failed for just a second allowing 4 Torpedoes through. The fallowing explosions racked the upper midsection ripping hull plating and opening the decks to the vacuum of space. Fire ran through the decks burning anything in its path. Krest looked out the command View port at the hull before him as fire shot out of it. The Internal Explosion reached a vital Conduit which lead to Control and command. Krest heard a hiss and turned just as the inferno exploded from the ventilation system engulfing the Command deck in flames. The screams only lasted a sec as flesh and bone was turned to ash.

The backup shield Generators kicked on but were not enough the pounding of the Torps was more then they could handle. Torpedo after Torpedo made it through the failing shields. Hit after hit ripped through the ship. the Final Torp hit the aft section just in front of the thrusters igniting a Fuel line. Plasma erupted and fire shot out of the side of the ship. Inside the Mon Lorrar emergency Crews tried to control the fires in the sections of the ship which had made it through the Onslot of torpedoes. Power flickered then failed as the Reactor shut down. Emergency crews drug Chard bodies from the access ways still open.

The assault took less then 3 minutes but for the crew left alive on the Mon Lorrar it had been the longest instant they had ever lived through.

Admiral Hagen
Feb 26th, 2004, 06:38:11 AM
The battle had claimed it's first victims, the sheer power of the Aurora's had forced the conflict to the Imperial's advantage.

Hagen's force loomed into the fray in a tight V formation, their flanks covered by the Nebulons and Lancers. All about the vessels, their fighters zipped and weaved between laser fire and the hulks of the massive warships that were closing in on their prey.

The Imperial Star Destroyers forward batteries were blazing with powerful fury, unleashing barrages of intense energy at the Dreadnaught and Nebulon frigates that sat squarely between the Imperials and their objective, the cyan world below.

The Antiphas maintained a central position, exchanging firewith the Dreadnaught beyond, as it's sister ship, the Leon, engaged the Republic vessel at close range.

Bridge of the Antiphas

Hagen sat on the edge of his command chair, his eyes darting from one viewscreen to another every other second. All around him the Imperial crewer's worked feverishly to turn the full might of the Antiphas to bear on the defense fleet.

"Bring Blue wing around, have them intercept that squadron of A-Wings."

Captain Maximus stood behind the Admiral, issuing orders in a deep rumbling voice that reminded Hagen of a cattle herder.

To the left of the viewport, the sheilds flickered as a flurry of proton torpedos loosed from one of the X-Wing sqaudrons that now buzzed the Antiphas. Hagen watched the X-Wings pull up sharply and blow away two Defenders in the process in a blur of motion.

"Captain, loose Flechette battery A-22!"

As they accelerated over the bridge tower Hagen had the intense satisfaction of seeing one of the 250 Flechette launchers on board open up and sow death admid the Republic fighters. Bright orange explosions lit up the shadows that cast themselves across the Destroyers superstructure as the fighters incinerated.

Feb 26th, 2004, 11:51:07 AM
As the battle raged on Bestine Reshmar sat awaiting the return of his Scout Orishma Tsakforce was once again reunited and repairs were proceeding at a rapid pace on the Mon Orishma. The ship was a be hive of activity. Every person preparing for what may be war. Men and women went about there tasks at feverish pace. In his quarters Reshamr sat with a grim look. He had seen too much war in his life. HE did not like battle but knew it was a necessity. If the New Republic needed him he would be there. A short chirp let him know he had a message.

"Yes what is it?" he answered his a gruff voice. He had just awoke from sleeping and the humidifying systems had been cut off to help speed up the repairs. This was uncomfortable at worst but calimari had grown to accept this in the newer vessels and had adapted well.

"Sir you have a message on channel one should I patch it through?" Reshmar assumed it was from Mores and the Mortes. The display light up with the image of Captain Mores. "Ah Mores you are back." Mores had a grim look on his face.

"No sir I'm still inbound. I had to take an indirect path back. It looks like the Imperials are on the warpath Admiral. We found a sizable fleet at Teyr. We escaped after being notice but before we left There fleet Jumped to Hyperspace headed for Bestine sir."

Reshmar made a half cough half grunt. "Bestine? Are you Sure Captain?"

Mores nodded his head. "Yes sir, our best guess on the trajectory put them at Bestine. The should be there already sir."

Reshmar stood. Thank you Captain we will prepare to leave. As soon as you return we will be headed to bestine. Reshmar out." Reshmar did not wait for a response. Immediately he walked to the Bridge. Once there he began shouting orders and making sure the fleet was ready.

"Commander whats the status on the repairs?" Reshmar looked at Grakta. The Calimari Commander pressed an com button and began speaking with the Repair teams. He looked back to Reshmar. "Sir they say it will be 22 hours before we can leave."

Reshmar skuffed. "22 hours Bestine wont be there in 22 Hours commander. Get me Jontor on the horn." Rehmar sat in his chair and awaited Captain Jontors reply. A image of the Captain appeared on Reshmars display. "Yes Admiral whats the hub bub about?"

"Captain a Imperial fleet is attacking Bestine as we speak. I have tried to get communications to them but I am sure they are being jammed. The Mon Orishma will be 22 Hours delayed. I want the rest of the battle group to leave to aid Bestine in her defense effort ASAP without the Mon Orishma. I will be coming aboard within the hour make preparations for departures 3 standard hours from now captain."

Jontor nodded that he understood. "yes sir we will be awaiting you arrival and read to depart."

"Very good then Captian I will be seeing you soon." Reshmar turned the display off. "Grakta the Ship is yours. I will leave a defensive group with you. Take care of her while I'm gone."

The calimari commander smiled and saluted with his pale flippered hand. "yes sir I will make sure you have a nice wet ship to come home to sir." Reshmar smiled at Grakta then walked to his quarters to prepare to leave. Soon he would be engaged in battle. A place he had hopped never again to be.

Redic Scott
Feb 26th, 2004, 05:04:28 PM
Acting Captain Redic Scott walked onto the bridge and looked around. This was a new crew for him and they didn't know him too well yet. He had been transfered in just before the battle of Bestine because the original captain had come down with a harsh sickness and had to be evacuated. Redic only had one day to do trials as a Captain before Bestine was attacked and he was called in to jump there.

He didn't mind going, he wanted to help fight, but he wished he had more time to get to know his crew. They were all professionals, but nothing was better than intimatly knowing the whole crew and working out all the weak points. The past Captain had done a good job, but Redic noticed that somethings needed to be changed. At first the crew hated to adjust to new ways of doing things, but were starting to respect Redic. Now they were the blue/white tunnel of hyperspace, on their way to bestine.

Redic watched as people raced to their stations under the Battle Stations alarms. This was one of the many planed drills. Each of the two shifts had to go through their own drills and rarely did something go right. He would have different glitchs and problems show up, to see how they were handled. The crew was good though and learned quickly. They were young, but they would be ready.

"Sir, all stations report ready and manned."

"Very well XO. Run the drill again. They were a bit slow this time. If they get it under a minute twenty-five, they can have some time off."

"Yes sir." The XO stated and turned to dismiss the crew again. Soon the Battle stations would not be a drill, the XO thought. This was his first battle engagement and he couildn't help but be nervous.

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 27th, 2004, 10:16:21 AM
Presently, Lion was twiddling his thumbs.

In yet another run-in-circles meeting with the High Command, he was hearing the same stuff: Wait and see what happens; move in immediately; leave it be...nothing new, certainly nothing worth tying up half of the senior officers for.

High General Korin was talking, using his trademark gesticulating hand movements to get across his point. Of course, it didn't matter how eloquently he argued, nobody was willing to budge from their position. It was so boring, in fact, that Lion was quite pleased when his comlink buzzed on his private frequency. Usually, his private frequency was cause for concern: Very few people knew that number, among them General Tohmahawk, Grand Inquisitor Akima, Intelligence Agent 'Rayne', and President Organa Solo. If any of those people were calling, it usually meant trouble. However, any trouble would be better than sitting around a conference table all day. He was about to answer his comlink when he noticed something. Around the table, four other people were digging out their comlinks: Admiral Ackbar, General Bel Iblis, General Cracken, and Admiral Drayson; the senior members of High Command.

Without further ado, Lion grabbed his comlink, thumbed it on, and turned away from the table. He plugged his comlink into the datapad in front of him, and was greeted by a screen that asked him to confirm his identity. Sighing, he placed his finger against the screen. A second later, it verified his fingerprint and opened his central file directory. There was only one message in the private box, but it was flagged: Code Black. Swearing, he opened the message, and was forced to bypass several more layers of security before he was allowed to view the text. He read, swearing under his breath and feeling his heartbeat rise as he scrolled down the message. It was, as expected, as bad as it could get.

Importance: URGENT/SHELLBLACK (Code ONICRON initiated, bypassing security checks)
Sender: Agent 'Rayne', (MILRECID 034-6684-0497)
Recipients: Agents 'Pyro', 'Cypher', 'Jubilee', 'Beowulf', 'Surgeon', 'Vulcan'; Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson (MILRECID 002-2958-0037, CODENAME 'Dragon'); Grand Inquisitor Akima Yamagi (MILRECID 005-2496-0346, CODENAME 'SILENCER'); Admiral Ackbar (MILRECID 001-2193-0073, CODENAME 'Krakana'); General Garm Bel Iblis (MILRECID 002-2955-0903, CODENAME 'Father'); General Airen Cracken (MILRECID 001-5932-8532, CODENAME 'Puppetmaster'); Admiral Drayson (MILRECID 003-1932-0520, CODENAME 'Drumroll')
Subject: Remnant Fleet Movements/Bestine

Command...it has come to pass. The Imperial fleet has finally shown their cards, and it's an Idiot's Array. Approximately twenty minutes ago, two Aurora-class Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace near Bestine IV. Their initial torpedo salvo destroyed the Mon Lorrar, subsequent salvos destroyed most of the ground- and space-based fighter squadrons.

The Golan II is also out of commission. Transmissions from the ground indicate that both the planetary shield and the ground-based Ion Cannons were seized by Imperial forces. The first Ion Cannon shots blew out most of the electronics aboard Royal Shield, and killed 35% of her crew. The Dreadnought Old Ironsides was able to manually disengage her docking systems, and she's currently scrambling to get out of the ground-based cannon's field of fire. Reports indicate that several more Imperial starships exited hyperspace and set courses towards the planet.

Captain Reshmar and the majority of his battlefleet have already left their assigned routes to join the battle. There's a distress call wailing to every system within 50 light years, but it's being blocked or scrambled. I'll try to keep you up-to-date on what's happening. My team is currently gathering sensor data on every ship in the area. Agent Rayne, out.

Lion swore once again and turned in his seat, logging off. Every officer in the room, save those that had recieved the message, looked confused.

"Do you have anything to add to this, sir?" asked High General Korin pointedly, angry that his lecture had been interrupted.

Lion nodded.

"I do have something to add, High General. The Imperials have shown their hand, and there's not anything in place to stop them." he said, his words calm but cold.

The room erupted into noise as men began suggesting deployments, throwing around blames, or expressing disbelief. Ackbar quieted everybody.

"Indeed, it is true. Special Agent 'Rayne' sent me this message, and she has proven nothing if not reliable. I do not want to believe this; it appears that the Imperial Sovereignity is no longer a docile beast. Does anybody have any suggestions?" Ackbar said, his voice a moderating influence. Immediately, suggestions were yelled out, all allusions of civility disappearing. Much less subtly than Ackbar, General Bel Iblis cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted "For the sake of civility, shut up gentlemen!" until the room once again quieted. He sighed and turned to Lion. "Do you have any suggestions, Admiral El' Jonson?"

Lion nodded once again, and this time there was no mistaking the cold threat in his voice.

"We go in hard. The biggest fleet we can put together right now. Officers, you have 2 hours to assemble a taskforce. We're going to retake Bestine." he said, his words carrying more threat than a Death Star. Ackbar turned to his datapad and tapped out some commands, and then returned his gaze to Lion looking satisfied.

"Admiral El' Jonson, I've given the order. Operation 'Dragon' is a go. Everything the New Republic has is at your disposal. I wish you the greatest of luck. You assemble the preliminary taskforce, I will have my entire battlefleet at Bestine within 72 hours.

Lion nodded his thanks to Ackbar.

"Thank you, sir. I won't let you down." he said quietly. Then he turned to the rest of the room and began barking orders. "Alright men, let's hit it! I want the fleet assembled, and I want it 30 seconds ago!"

The staff burst into action, hurrying to ready the New Republic for war. Ackbar sat down and sighed, recalling the long war he'd waged. Drayson, Bel Iblis, and Cracken saw him; they all shared similar faces. Perhaps they, too, were thinking of the war.

Feb 27th, 2004, 06:01:50 PM
Tie was on the bridge of the Emancipator which was now in hyperspace en route to Bestine along with the rest of the 45th. His plan was to revert into realspace on what would be the flank of the Imperial fleet, and either attack or cover a withdrawal.

Danik Drayton
Mar 1st, 2004, 01:58:56 PM
Colonel Danik Drayton sat amoungst his HQ staff and briefed them on the nature of the planets terrain. He kept telling his men that this would be difficult. If they thought otherwise they would die from over confidence. They knew what to do. The battle was already underway.

Danik Drayton
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:00:11 PM
The troops ships where ready to make a sudden move into the space around Bestine IV. Troops sat in full combat uniform and equipment, waiting for that signal that meant their part of the fighting would begin. As the battle raged in space they waited. With thoughts flying through each mans head, they waited in the darkness of space.

Vhiran Crescent
Mar 1st, 2004, 08:08:24 PM
Vhiran rushed through the hangar, busy with the pre-launch set ups. Vhiran was incharge of 2 of the 7 X-Wing Squadrons and had informed his pilots as best he could about the situation. But he hardly knew much. Bestine was under attack by a large Imperial fleet, how large was unknown. He told them to expect anything. Bestine could already be lost or it could be in the middle of it and there was still a chance. He also informed them of a possible escape plan and that they would help cover as the fleet moved out.

Vhiran, dressed in his yellow and white suit, with his helmet in his hand dashed to his X-Wing and hopped into the cockpit of the new XJ Series. They would be arriving any minute now.

Mar 1st, 2004, 08:35:48 PM
Reshamr sat in the Command chair of the Artanis looking over initial Intel which had scrolled out of the Bestine system just prior to there communications blackout. Weather reports and planetary conditions scrolled up then reports of power shortages and tidal conditions. Normal every day radio traffic.

Looking through the transmissions for anything unusual had taken the better part of Reshmars morning. Over and Over again in report after report nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Reshmar turned his bulbous eye and looked at Jontor who like he was looking through reports."Any thing Captain?"

Jontor raised his head looking tired, his eyes had bags and his color faded. "No Sir, Nothing."

Reshmar was aware of the condition of the captain and had on 2 instances ask him if he needed rest. On both Jontor refused he was tired. But looking at him now Reshmar knew he had to intervene. "Captain. Do you take me for a fool?"

Jontor snapped up with a look of confusion. "No sir I dot not. I have the up most respect for you sir."

Reshmar smiled and rolled his eyes back away from the Captain. "Captain Jontor you are relieved of command. You are to report to your quarters and not return to the bridge for 12 hours. We will be at Bestine in 16 hours Captain and I need you rested. This is an order and I will have you removed from the bridge if so needed. Am I understood Captain."

Jontor stood silent for a moment then saluted. "Yes sir, as you wish. I will be back in 12 hours. and if I may speak Sir i believe you may need alittle time confined to your quarters as well."

Reshamr turned the command chair to face Jontor. the smile he was wearing broadened. "Oh I plan on it Captain."

Mar 3rd, 2004, 04:05:52 PM
Lieutenant Krist watched the raging battle out of the view port as behind him technicians went on there way trying to restore power to the station. 2 Star Destroyers had engaged the Mon Lorrar and were passing bracketing her on top and bottom. The 3 vessels were exchanging salvos and the Mon Lorrar was holding her own. A slender female tech walked up. "Sir good news. We have The Old Iornsides unlocked.She is ready to disengage and awaits a crew."

Krist turned. "Very good Ensign see to it the power to the station is restored I will be taking the Dreadnought away from the station to aid the fleet." Krist turned and was amazed at the sight. Explosion after explosion engulfed the Mon Lorrar. The ship was nothing but a ball of fire as torpedo after torpedo struck her hull. Krist and the Ensign stood and watched as the fire cleared leaving nothing but a burning hull.

Cursing , Krist turned and walked to the access tube which lead to the Dreadnought. The Access tube was barely big enough for Krist to fit in. The ladder which span the entire height of the Station grew cold and painful the further Krist went down the shaft. He reached the Engineering deck and opened the access panel and crawled out. The situation on the Engineering deck was much the same as it was in command. Technicians worked feverishly to repair systems while medical workers saw to the injured.

Old Ironsides had been Joined with the station was a backup power source and defense system. It had been there for years and Krist wondered if it would even move. As he neared the hatch the lights cam online. seconds later his Com receiver chirped. He held it up and pressed turned it on. "Sir we have minimal power to lighting and life support sir. Weapons and shields will be another story."

Krist reached the hatch of the Iornsides. "Very good work Ensign I will be off station on the Iornsides you have command. Get the shields up as soon as you can. And get security ready to defend the station from boarders. They will need to secure the station if the intend on holding the planet and i do not intend for that to happen."

"Yes sir I will do my best." Krist started to say something then just turned off the receiver. He was a different man then he had been 40 minutes ago. His mistakes had caused Bestine to be unprepared for what hit her. He would answer to that in his court marshal but first he had to prove to himself he was more then some second rate lieutenant who just got by. He could not stand having any more death on his conscious.

Mar 7th, 2004, 12:58:45 AM
Naomi’s lips peeled into a wide smile as her eyes skipped back and forth over the flow of data, being gathered from the battle above, regarding the battle station. “Its dead.”

Ylor sneered, “This battle is far from over. Where is the targeting solution for that dreadnought?”

“Locked and loaded sir. She’s moving away from the station albeit slowly. Our second wave as arrived and is bearing down on her. Time to fire…five seconds.” Naomi’s voice read the data with the enthusiasm of a reporter who had just found the scoop of a lifetime.

Nodding almost solemnly, Ylor remained hunched a table, staring down into a tactical display of the battle raging in the stars above. The com piece in his ear suddenly chirped,

“Remote turrets are in place and I’ve set up a few mines and other nasty little surprises in the yard leading to the complex and even the complex itself. We’ll be as snug as a bug in a hutt’s belly, sir.”

“Copy that Bren’lar, make sure the bases automated defense turrets are operational as well. Then head back down to the Generator and check on the team there. If an attack comes they’ll go for the generators.”

“Sir, we have lock on the dreadnought and both cannons are set to go.” The smile was still fresh on her lips as Naomi watched her view screen with the dreadnought plodding along through it.

“Alright, have the first Ion cannon Fire short bursts incase she tries to maneuver. Either way I want that dreadnought to be just as dead as that station. Send an encrypted message to the Imperial fleet that the shield will be dropping while we are firing and ground troops may be sent. The second Ion Cannon will have the duty of clearing the way for the transports or imperial fleet to help carve a path toward Bestine for our ground forces.”

“Aye Sir.” Naomi’s Fingers began nimbly dancing over various control panels, coordinated Ylor’s commands through machine and the will of men and women of the Empire. The giant orb known as an Ion Cannon began to rumble over the base until the inevitable recoil of the massive barrel bolted back releasing its pent up energy into the atmosphere. The second Ion cannon did the same only targeting a different portion of the soft blue sky as it poured a piercing light into space toward any defending New republic ships that stood in its path.

Zara Drecker
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:44:13 PM
"What the HELL is going on?!" My shrill voice rang across the bridge and summoned the attention of all standing before me. I had been resting comfortably in my quarters when suddenly, I felt a large jolt. Of course, it was just my luck that I was tossed to the floor like a limp noodle. Disgruntled at the incompetence of the crew I was in charge of, I folded my arms across my chest and eyed them closely. "Listen up!" I began in a tone they had never really grown accostomed to.

Shifting my weight onto my right foot, I threw my arms to my sides and began walking toward a group of men who seemed to find my antics amusing. "Do you find this funny?" I questioned, my voice serious in every aspect. A few shook their heads furiously. "N -- no we don't." They responded, their voices shakey. "That's Captain Drecker to you, punk!" They cringed and I moved across the bridge, adjusting my military garb as I went. My height, a mere five foot five inches, seemed to tower over my crew as I walked. My presence demanded their respect and I expected nothing less. Of course, they knew better than to question my authority.

"Now when did this break out? Why aren't we moving quicker, people?! Let's go! Get the rest of our defense shields up! We're already under an attack and only have fifty percent of our protection up! I WANT ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT!" With that, I had every crew member hopping to complete tasks that I didn't even need to assign. "Good, this is just great." I sighed and rubbed my forehead absently as my eyes moved to the large window before me. There I could see a battle in progress and it all revolved around a small water planet just to the left of my ship. Quickly I retrieved my portable from my hip and with a swift movement of my finger, I was open on the frequency and ready to ask questions.

"Would someone, anyone, tell me what the FRELL this is all about?! I thought we were preparing for some small defensive actions!"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Mar 9th, 2004, 04:39:41 PM
The shuttle came around over the large NR base. The wings folded up and the ship's repulsers kicked in. It landed with a small thud on the platform. NR guards came up armed to the shuttle, the moved into a flanking position around the ramp.

Sollak exited first his weapon holstered to show he was no threat. "Hold your fire. I'm Sargeant Sollak, in command of the 4th platoon we got a distress call and came here." He said. The guards stood down and saluted. One stepped forward.

"Sorry Sir. We were put on alert. Imperial forces have disabled planetary defenses and have taken the ground base ion platforms." He said.

"Ok, My men will move and try to get the nearest platform back. Inform the base commander. My men are ready." Sollak said in a stern voice.

"Aye, Sir. Good luck. I'll inform the commander." The soldier said. He turned and left to the tell his superior.

Sollak marched back up into the ship. And stood in front of his men. "The defensive stations on this planet have been seized by Imperial forces. We're going to try and get one back. Get geared up. You've trained for this so I don't expect any questions."

They saluted and Sollak turned around and went to the pilots seat. "Ress, get us to the nearest ion platform. And try to be as stealthy as possible 300m away should be good."

"Aye." He replied. He punched in the coords and the shuttle lifted off. It flew silently towards it's destination.

Jarek T'chort
Mar 9th, 2004, 06:39:53 PM
From the yawning launch bays of the Imperial Star Destroyers, flecks of light emerged, burning toward the planet below. They carefully avoided the battling fighters and capitol ships, their pilots steering well away from the engaged forces.

The shield was down. Imperial Intelligence operatives had seen to it. Now, the Imperial forces tasked with taking the surface and securing the planetary defenses roared toward the surface in assault barges and shuttles. The forces were comprised of the 7th Panzer Division and the 63rd Mechanised Division, along with several companies of the Imperial Fleet Corps.

The soldiers, their NCO's, their officers, felt the cold fingers of fate wrap around them. The veterans felt the familiar pangs of foreboding of what was inevitabley to come, the green youngsters the fear of the unknown. All knew that their lives were now in the hands of the gods. For one wrong move, one wrong decision could send them into the unknown abyss of death.

The barges and shuttles peirced the atmosphere, their cargo of souls bound for battle - be it victory or defeat.

Mar 10th, 2004, 03:49:13 PM
Lieutenant Krist stood At the head of the Command Bridge of the old Dreadnought shouting orders. The ship had been used as a storage depot and the Station had used her Reactor as extra power. She was old. and her equipment showed it. Many of the Communications and sensor officers had to familiarize themselves with the equipment she had aboard her. Many laughed at first seeing the out of date panels and equipment but there laughter was quickly silenced by Krist. They ships power was on and the Reactor was at full. Krist looked around the ship He had dreamed of his own ship command. At the head of a Cruiser patrolling space. He had given up that hope long ago. Now he was there. Even if it was not his ship for now he was in command.

"Move us away from the station. Keep the Platform between us ant those Ion Cannons on the ground. I don't want to go through that again."

The bulk of the Cruiser began moving. Slowly the old ship moved away from her mourings with a few minor lerches and pops but nothing which would damage the ship. The ship was now free. Free to maneuver and free to fight. Her decks began to shake as the massive ion thrusters fought against the mass of the ship to get her going. Maneuvering thrusters fired and stopped her sideways momentum as the ship cleared any obstacle or appendages from the battle station. Krist looked out and could see the Defense fleet taking a beating. fighter after fighter exploded as the Larger ships fought to stay in the battle.

"Sir incomin....." The sensor officers words were cut off as the ion bolts from the Planetary ion cannon struck the station where the Dreadnought had been. It was clear the Ion cannon blast was meant for them. As the first blast ran over the station a second struck the stations edge and impacted the Dreadnought. The lights went off and the power seemed to fail. The as if they hit a relay switch it once again cam online. Krist Did not hesitate this time.

"Damage Report?" Krist shouted over the hum of electronics and the voices of the crews mummering. It was as if time had stopped. Krist stood there waiting for an answer. One which was not coming fast enough for him. He cursed and walked to the damage control panel. "I ask you a question Ensign."

Krist yelled in the Officers face. He had only ask the question five seconds ago and the information was still scrolling up on the panel display. Krist moved the officer out of his chair and looked over the information. The ion bolt had clipped the station and lost much of its power in doing so. However it still managed to bring down the shields of the old ship and fry the Projectors power conduits. A loud Curse fallowed by a series of curses set Krist into a rage.

"Get Us out of that guns arch Ensign!" Krist shouted as he turned to look at the 4 officers at the Propulsion station.


Danik Drayton
Mar 12th, 2004, 01:56:54 PM
The transports made a sudden turn towards the planet. The speed of the ships increased and so did the heart rates of the men inside them. Drayton closed his mind to the outside for a few minutes, his thoughts on the task at hand. It was the 63rd Mech's turn to engage in battle. It was their turn to increase the Imperial borders. Soon they would be on the ground.

Danik Drayton
Mar 17th, 2004, 02:07:39 PM
A lone landing ship descended silently onto its objective. It touched down five minutes before the main force. Thirty heavily laden soldiers moved out of its dark interior, their face camouflaged and weapons ready. They spread out clearing the landing zone. A road lay off to one edge of the LZ, not a well-paved one but more like a dirt track. 1st section moved to this now using cover. Pte Bucknall ran to the edge of the first sign of civilisation from their objective. A shot rang out of the quiet. This was the Imperial Land forces first casualty.
Drop ships landed everywhere with not a shot to greet them. The LZ had been secured. A perimeter was being secured and the huge logistics operation was already underway, with supplies and vehicles being off loaded. The lieutenant in command of the pathfinders and the news that one man was dead had greeted Colonel Drayton. There had been an enemy section that had fled leaving two wounded and one dead after a brief firefight. The infantry awaited further orders.

Mar 17th, 2004, 09:40:23 PM
“I missed!” Naomi hissed, her small fist slammed against the cold metallic surface of the ion cannons control terminal.

Ylor arched an eyebrow and looked at her curiously, “you clipped it…although you did manage to beat that dead horse of a station again.” He grinned jokingly, before turning back to his screen. A soft green hue swept over his features while lighter smaller shades of color reflected their light as they scrolled down the screen of data. Ylors head pulled back slightly as he read the information, giving Noami a glance before looking back to the screen, his hand rubbing his chin in thought, “Hey Naomi…what sort of ship did we get here in?”

“I’m not sure if you could classify that pile as a ship sir.” She responded with a smirk, her eyes were too busy transfixed on the screen in front of her to notice the confused expression that played over Ylor’s features.

“Well the Colonel did take the same ship to wherever he was needed right?” A small blip continued moving across his screen as he spoke.

This time the question had attracted Naomi’s full attention. “Yeah…last we saw he was making to the ship so it could take him to where he needed to go.”

“Looks like he didn’t need to go far…” Ylor pointed the blip that was cruising over the screen on the radar. A series of scanning information boxes opened around the target, confirming Ylors suspicions before he turned to face Naomi. “He’s back…”

In the approaching shuttle..

“I see you…” Blue eyes stared intently like a corellian panther stalking its prey through golden fields. The New Republic shuttle was skimming low avoiding the taken military base radar systems. The shuttle lurched suddenly, causing various panels, equipment to spill from rusty hinged compartments and the like. The ship swayed from side to side like it would drop from the sky and plummet to the planet like a rock at any second. “Its like flying a rusty bucket with an engine tied on the back with string..” Tear mumbled to himself as his nimble fingers worked the controls, pushing the rickety old engines to their limit. The ship waved suddenly them began to dive down, If Tear hadn’t instructed the ship to do so any normal man would be counting his blessings while changing their pants.

Back at Ion Cannon Control

“What is he doing..?” Ylor knew his friend wasn’t exactly the most orthadox commander in the Empire, but flying a shuttle that was lucky enough to get into the air and then sending it into a dive for no reason? Ylors face had twisted into a confused expression as he turned to Naomi to check if she had an answer.

“Hey… don’t look at me. I have no id…wait a second. What is that?” Her fingernail tapped a minute blur that barely registered on the scanners.

“Air turbulence.” The lieutenant answered simply.

“Yeah but from what?”

Ylor’s features smoothed out as he realized what Noami was driving at and quickly tapped his comm link. “Bren’lar bring the bases and our own automated defenses on-line. We’re expecting company. Naomi get back over there and re-establish a targeting solution on the Dreadnought. I want to see its carcass burning to dust in this atmosphere. A few commands were quickly typed into his terminal before a simple “Out of range” response came. A series of inaudible cuss’s were spoken before Ylor went back to the scanners and waited.

Back in the shuttle

The shuttle had begun to shake and shutter as its speed increased toward the unsuspecting target. “Oops…noticed me did you?” Tear’s question was directed at one of the shoulder-mounted cannons which, had swiveled in place and was now trained on the diving shuttle. “Well lets see how much punch you go-” The Imperials sentence was cut off as red bolts of energy leaped from the double barrels and tore through the crumbling shuttle. The shuttle screamed as if it was alive, bulkheads collapsed on themselves, gaping holes vented atmosphere as anything that wasn’t tied down was instantly sucked out toward the rocky planet surface blow. The chair he had been sitting in cracked and collapsed backwards sending Tear rolling over the floor to grasp an edge of a console to keep himself from being blown from depressurizing shuttle. Terminals brightened and flashed before exploding in a shower of glass and sparks as unchecked power surges made their way through the old ships internal circuitry. Managing to stand, Tears vision settled on the cracked cockpit view port. The shuttle plumed smoke with tails of flame as it began to veer off target sadly not enough for the New republic shuttle. In ear shatter smash the front end of the old shuttle compacted and was nearly split in two before managed to rend off the shuttle right wing. An empty tangle of metals, circuitry, and rust of what used to be a small shuttle broke apart before slamming into the unforgiving surface of Bestine. Leaving a black armored figure floating down with the safety of a parachute, his eyes watched as his prey began to teeter from the loss of its wing. Like a predator stalking a wounded animal the Colonel grinned as his feet touched ground…eager to take up pursuit of the falling craft.

Back at Ion Cannon Control

Ylor simply blinked at what he had just witnessed. “Naomi…do you have that targeting solution yet?”


The Lieutenants features turned bold and serious, his jaw clenching, as his chest burned in anger. There was no sorrow for what he assumed was the loss of his commander and friend, only vengeance. “Well when you have it. Unleash a full volley. One at the Dread and the other into the defense fleet to make sure our ground forces are covered. Then begin targeting at will and maintain fire. Only raise the world shields when all our forces are confirmed and landed.”

Ylor had only been half way through his order when a delicate finger tapped a button causing the massive cannons that stood pointed to the blue sky above the recoil and release blast after blast of destructive energy. The thick needles of energy roared into the void of space like an unrelenting rainstorm. If someone had been standing and staring up to watch as the bolts rocketed through the atmosphere to disappear you might be convinced each bolt of energy was eager to bring forth its destruction onto any unfortunate to be caught in its path.

Jarek T'chort
Mar 18th, 2004, 09:17:53 AM
As the morning sun clambered into the pale blue skies of Bestine IV, General Daniel Krill, a well built man of forty years old, let his foot sink slightly into the mud of the LZ, his chin microphone chaffing against his neck as he stepped down form the armoured shuttle.

"General, welcome to Bestine IV"

Krill nodded to the Colonel who stood strode up to him, field cap grasped in his hand as a viscious wind began to whip up from the surrounding ocean.

"Not much to look at Colonel, I can't say I see why High Command wants this rock!" Krill declared loudly, watching the scene around him. The lead elements of the 7th Panzer Division had settled down on a peninsula directly north of Colonel Drayton's 63rd Mechanised Divsion. The plan was for the two forces to loop around the nearby city of Gorki and race to secure the planetary defenses to the south, in which Colonel Tear's Intelligence troops were now holed up.

Imperial Panzer Grenadiers in camoflage battle gear, coalscuttle helmets perched upon their heads, rifles clasped close, advanced past landing transports, which in their turn disgorged hovertanks and yet more soldiers. The operation was going smoothly so far, initial Republic resistance had faded, leaving the Panzer troops to set up a secure perimeter.

Krill straightened his olive green uniform and strode forward amongst the scurrying soldiers. The Imperial Army was a well oiled machine, of that there was no doubt. Far ahead, where the land rose slightly, the recon elements advanced, rifles, cannons and minds poised for battle.

Teleran Balades
Mar 22nd, 2004, 03:53:40 PM
A second passed before the transparisteel viewport's photosensitive coating could adjust to the flare of torpedoes hitting shields. Crew members on the bridges of the nearby ships blinked their eyes to clear the darkness from their vision. Lorrar's shields held admirably, for the first few seconds. Sparks ran over her hull as both the regular and backup generators strained to hold up the protective barrier, but concentrated detonations tore holes in the energy field and plunged into durasteel plating. For a full minute weapons fire stopped as the rest of the Republic forces looked on in shock, and the pair of Star Destroyers flew over the flame-encompassed ship. Several secondary explosions shot plumes of flame into space as the engine reactors overloaded and exploded.

On the Feanor Captain Teleran Balades looked on in fascination, training drills where one thing, but to see the true effect of the Aurora?s power in battle gave the feeling of invincibility. Teleran shook his head, such thoughts would only lead to grossly overestimating his ships' power, but he did gain a new respect for his flagship, it was an honor to be in command of such fine vessels.

"Helm bring us to flanking position on the Malice."

A slight shudder went through the ship as Feanor dove back down to meet the other Aurora. Teleran turned to look at the ship's damage assessment screens. Nothing, except a few laser scores on the hull showed.

"Engineering, what was that?"

"Sorry Captain, we took some ion damage when the Lorrar?s engines overloaded. A few of our maneuvering thrusters blew out when we tried to adjust our heading."

The Star Destroyer was sluggish at best, but with handicapped maneuvering, would be even slower. It probably wouldn't matter in the long run, once this skirmish was over the thrusters could be replaced.

"Weapons give me a lock on the nearest enemy vessel."

A Nebulan-B Frigate by the name Intrepid appeared on the tactical screen. She and another frigate were swiftly moving in on the Aurora, quartet of gunships following closely behind.

"Send targeting telemetry to the Malice, combine fire with her. Break Intrepid's spine"

Both the Star Destroyers simultaneously began pouring green lances of energy into the frigate's shields protecting the slim section of hull that connected the bridge to the engines. Durasteel armor slowly melted away as turbolaser bolts started tearing through the shields.

Admiral Hagen
Mar 24th, 2004, 08:52:24 AM
The Imperial Fleet hung slighty back, the wedge shaped Destroyers keeping a slight distance from the awe inspiring fire fight that surrounded Captain Balades' Aurora's.

The hangars of the four Imperial Class IV Star Destroyers had disgorged the landing craft to the surface of the water world, the faint drive trails of the craft still visible from the bridge viewports of the Antiphas.

Admiral Hagen watched the viewscreen next to his command chair with disengaged interest, his eyes sharp and flicking quickly from the multitude of information presenting itself in holographic form. Around him, the bridge was calm. The air of tension that had pervaded the bridge in hyperspace had dissapated. Now the crew was focoused and calm, their minds set to working dilligently on the task at hand - the destruction of the Rebel defense fleet. The tight V formation of the fleet began to break up as the fleet spread itslef, the Interdictor Cruisers powering up the gigantic gravity wells. Not only would the Republic fleet be soundly defeated, there would be few survivors to run back to Coruscant - thought Hagen with some satisfaction.

"Admiral, we are in Hex V formation, Interdictors deployed." Captain Maximus' voice called up from the bustling crew pit.

Hagen nodded and noted the trio of X-Wings that shot their way through a number of Defenders in brilliant explosions on the port side of the Antiphas, clearing the way for two antiquated looking Gunships to swing on the Destroyers axis and strafe the Imperial Command ship in a short, sharp burst of energy.

"Captain, Blue Squadron is letting themselves be sliced to peices, what the hell does Commander Klepp think he is doing?" Hagen stared daggers at the blue blips on his screen that represented the fighter screen. "Thats the second time those blasted X-Wings have penetrated the screen."

"Yes sir."

"And track starboard batteries on the lead Gunship, it's shields are fluxuating heavily."

The barrels of the heavy turbolasers pumped emerald energy after the swooping Gunship, bolt after bolt of searing heat coursing through the void beyond the confines of the Destroyer.

Zara Drecker
Mar 24th, 2004, 09:19:07 AM
As I paced around the bridge waiting for a response over the comm, I glanced out the large window before me and my jaw dropped. A large ship and a star destroyer combined fire and were now attacking a member of my own team. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I could not help myself and of course, received a few stares from my crew. They went to work once again as I stood at the center of the bridge and called for my weaponry crew.

"Okay, this is what we're going to do -- ATTACK THAT DAMN DESTROYER AND DO IT TWO MINUTES AGO!" They appeared puzzled for just a moment before running to their stations and readying our weapons for battle. Just a minute after giving the order, our own series of shots were being fired on the star destroyer, but their sheilds seemed strong. "Up the power, you idiots! We're not even making a scratch!" I demanded, hoping that my point was clear now.

Grabbing my comm, I made a quiet distress call. "Okay everyone, this is Captain Drecker -- where are our men? I have a small fleet up here and it's dead! The only thing that's happening is from the other side and we're not doing anything about it! We need to get this destroyer off our backs NOW!" I keyed out of the comm and clipped it to my belt before changing my mind and picking it up again. "Change our position and get closer to that destroyer! Keep a steady course until we're close enough to do some real damage!"

Danik Drayton
Mar 24th, 2004, 01:42:07 PM
The 63rd began its advance. With recon elements out ahead they had begun to move several hours ago and thankfully had met no resistance. Colonel Drayton’s HQ staff had been sitting in command vehicles pondering over their next moves. Drayton himself was in his personal vehicle with his batman and Major Gratonor. They sat and talked. There was little for them to do but sit and wait.

Mar 25th, 2004, 01:30:23 AM
On the Command deck of the Artanis no one made a noise. The clock counted down to reversion and all eyes were on it. No one knew what they would find when the arrived at Bestine IV. During the Jump from the last way point Reshmar issued a fleet wide upgrade to condition red. He expected to fall into a bas situation and wanted everyone prepared for anything.

Reshmar sat in the command chair looking over the most recent map of the Bestine system. It was a normal system with no real obstacles to deal with. The fourth planet was a world consumed in water with long masses of land. It reminded him of his home. He looked up from his data pad to look at the counter at the front of the deck above the forward view port.


Little more then 10 minutes left before he and the bulk of his task force were at Bestine. He would have preferred the entire group be at his disposal. Mon Orishma, suffering from reactor problems had be unable to make the jump to Bestine and Reshmar was Forced to go one without it and the support group it had left to protect her. With his group at 65 % strength he hoped the initial reports from the Scout had been mistaken. The possibility of 4 Destroyers with escorts worried Reshmar. He had faith in his ships and there crews but the fire power he had to face could cause a problem for him no matter how good he , his ships, or his crews were.

Looking once again at the map he studied ever aspect of the system. If he had to run he needed to know where to run too. From behind the OOD announced the 5 minute warning. The crew of the Artanis were busy preparing for whatever was to come.

Mar 25th, 2004, 03:21:37 AM
Lieutenant Krist continued cursing as he shouted orders. The Old Hull of the Dreadnaught groaned from the stress of the engines being pushed past there maximum safe thrust. The hull was starting to shake now and Krist continued demanding more speed. The massive ship was racing for its very life. Krist knew it was just a matter of time before the coils recharge on the Ion cannon and it fires again. He intended to be outside its range before that happened. The Dreadnaught lugged along faster then it had ever been intended to. Blue Ion thrust blooms swelled in a inferno of heat and energy began to flicker. A loud hiss and a sudden thud shook it way through the ship fallowed by the concussion of an explosion.

The ship shook and trembles as the reactor overloaded and exploded. Fire washed through the engine room killing all who had been working on keeping the aging engine going.
Lieutenant Krist struggled to stay standing as the thrust of the engines stopped and the hull below him shook with the force of the explosion. Immediately He began shouting. "What was that. Why have we stopped."

Confusion riddled the face of everyone on the bridge. Officers began looking over info and status reports. The horror of what had happened did not take long to figure out. Damage control was the first station to realize what had happened. Engineering was down and no data was coming from the aft quarter of the vessel.

Krist stood frozen, his race was over. he knew he could not have cleared the range of the Ion Cannon. The ship was still moving. the inertia carried it but without the continued thrust the ship would never make it.

"Range to planet?!" Krist yelled at a sensor officer who seemed shocked and confused he was being spoken too.

"590,000 Kilometers Sir." The ensign looked at the data to double check he has told Krist the right answer. The panel read a scrolling number which continued to increase. Krist did not wast time waiting for the ensign to respond again. He ran to the Damage control panel and read over the first reports from the engineering deck. there was no mistake the ship was dead. backup power had kicked on and time was running out.

"Weapons! do we still have backup power to the turbolasers?" The pause was more then Krist could stand. He ran to the weapons panel and looked at the charge indicator. The officer looked up at Krist who was now standing over him.

"Only enough for a few shots sir. then our backups are gone." he looked at the status of the ships weapons considering a last ditch effort to shoot down a few transports before the Ion Cannon took care of them. Krist bolted from his gaze at the panel by the voice of a young Ensign manning the long range sensor panel. "Sir come look at this. We have multiple contacts emerging from hyperspace. They are coming in behind the Second wave of Destroyers." The officer seemed upset. Krist could see the fear in his eyes. He himself was afraid. What had started as a normal day in his dull eventless life now looked to be his last.

The sensor officer gave out a yell which made everyone on the command deck look in his direction." Sir there ours. Designated Artanis Group Task force Mon Orishma. The calvary has arrived!"

A cheer rang through the Command deck and for the first time in what seemed like forever Krist had some good news. The New Republic had come and now maybe if he played his card right he would live to see tomorrow.

"Ok everyone rig for blackout!. Kill everything! Its just a matter of time before that cannon gets us and I do not was to die in the tub!" His voice was loud and everyone on the bridge felt the same as he. Old Iornsides my be down but her crew may yet live to fight another day.

Mar 29th, 2004, 01:38:40 PM
Reshmar Sat in the movable Command Chair favored by many Calimari Commander. He watched as the Star lines before him eclipsed into small dim points of light. Immediately alarms sounded and crew mumbled as the data from the sensors began scrolling in. "Interdictor field Admiral! If we get closer we will be unable to jump out." Reshmar had turned to face the sensor officer as he gave his report. A cough came from his husky bulbous face as he spoke. I would have been disappointed had there not been on lieutenant."

Reshmar turned to look out the view port. in the distance he saw small shapes which he knew were ships. as he counted Captain Jontor looked up from the tactical display. Admiral we are reading "6 Star Destroyer type vessels. and several smaller escorts." a pause and silence came from Captain Jontors voice. "Sir the Lorrar has been destroyed and most of the defense fleet is reporting damage of varying degrees."

Reshmar expression turned to one of grim sorrow. There had been 8,000 souls on the Lorrar. Reshmar had seen war and the thought of losing people was the worst part of it.

"Bring us in full speed Captain. Target the lead Star Destroyer. Have group Two and Three split into hammer formation and fallow us in. all gunners are cleared to and fire at will."

Redic Scott
Mar 29th, 2004, 07:13:41 PM
Redic had grown tired and anxious just looking out the view port into the tunnel of hyperspace. He wanted to get there and help to save that planet and the NR forces there. This why he was in the military, to defense people who can't defense themselves. Inside, he hoped that there were still people and ships left to defend. He had a feeling that it would be hard fight ahead of them.

Around the bridge an alarm went off, "Sir, 5 seconds until reentry."

"Ready shields and weapons, I want a full sensor sweep when we get out."

"All systems green, Three... Two...."

Suddenly more alarms when off and the ship groaned and shook as it came out of hyperspace. Far ahead of them, much further than expected, was Bestine.

"Sir, Interdictor Field, we came out early."

"I can see that. Where is the rest of the task force?"

"To our port sir, all ships made it."

"What's out there Con?"

"Sir, we have 6, repeat 6 Star Destroyers. 4 Imperator MKIVs and 2 unknows, the computer hasn't seen them before. Targets labled Sierra 1 through 6. Numerous escorts also present and there is an Interdictor to our far Port at Three..One...Nine, labeling target as Indigo 1."

"Our Escorts?"

"Avenger and Glasgow are coming up at our Port and Starboard. "

"Alright, initiate Delt Formation."

"Roger that sir. Sir... Artanis is accelerating, launching fighters."

"Stay with them, all forward batteries target Artanis's target, tell the gunships to target any fighters and might want to come close. I want full cover."

With that the Assault Frigate accelarated with the MC Cruiser and started to close on what was labeled as Sierra 2.

Teleran Balades
Apr 2nd, 2004, 07:45:47 PM
"Captain, Republic ships emerging from hyperspace aft of us, 12 warships total."

"Put them up on the tactical screen."

A dozen ships, two heavy cruisers and supporting craft, appeared on the holographic display, lines and numbers representing course headings and ships' status apeared as well. The Republic force had been forced out of hyperspace by the interdictors and were pushing their engines to make up the lost distance. The holgraphic images slowly turned, red course heading lines intersected with one of Admiral Hagen's star destroyers.

Tel turned to speak to the helmsman, but was cut short by dozens of crimsons flashes. A viscous barrage of energy bolts slammed into the Feanor's shields creating a dazzling light display.

"Shield status?"

A frantic, young officer, yelled back from an engineering console, "Holding at 80 percent, sir." A second salvo cast a garish light ithrough the bridge viewscreens. The young man looked up with a worried look on his face. "Make that 70 percent"

"Route auxilary power to shields." Tel looked at the starboard camera screen. The source of the barrage was an assault frigate, another Nebulan-B, and a pack of gunships. The group was driving in hard, every weapon blazing.

"Arm torpedo occtets A1 and A2 two, target the Intrepid's weakpoint. Fire as soon as you get a lock. Helm, once torpedoes are a fired, bring us to bear on that group."

16 Capital-grade torpedoes raced toward the damaged frigate, penetrating the already weakend armor and detonating within the superstructure. A roilling cloud of flame enveloped her slender neck as the atmosphere vented and ignited.

On the Tac screen the Intrepid no longer registered as a single vessel, but as two seperate ships. As the flames subsided
the true extent of the missle barrage's damage became visible. The ship had been blasted in half at the point of impact. On the rear section, the engines still blazed, powering the unguide section away from Bestine IV. The front section twisted away a lzyily began decending into the planet's gravity well. Escape pods blasted away from both sections.

Teleran picked up the reciever for the FLEETCOM system. "Commander Glenn, stay where you are, let the Admiral take care of the newcomers. Target the gunships."

Apr 5th, 2004, 04:44:23 PM
The Emancipator and its accompanying ships were in hyperspace en route to Bestine and it would not be long before they reached their destination

Tie was in the captain's chair on the bridge issuing orders. "Ensign, make sure all weapons and defense systems are operational. Have damage control teams standing by on all decks." Tie turned to the Captain who was the Fighter Commander. Tie's own personal fighter would remain in the hangar bay this mission as it was his job to command the fleet from the bridge here not the cockpit of his fighter. "When we exite hyperspace I want our fighters launched immediately. The A-Wings will launch first and will provide cover for the others. I want the X-Wings escorting the K-Wings as they make their runs on the Imp cap ships and the E-Wings will stand by either to assist the A-Wings in defending our capital ships or to take out any missiles coming out way." The captain saluted and issued the orders.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Apr 5th, 2004, 06:02:34 PM
Darriann and his crew braced themselves for impact. The loss of the shuttle's wing had sent it in a spiral to the ground. Metal screeched as the craft hit several trees. The trees though had slowed the carrier but not enough for it to safely crash. The ship's nose had buried with a loud grinding sound.

Darriann's head hit the consul fracturing his skull. The pain exploded in his mind he fell unconscious due to the shock. A couple minutes had passed before he came to. A young female ensign had awoken him. It took him a minute to regain full awareness.

"Sarge!" She yelled, "Sarge! Come on pull yourself together."

"Aww my head." Came Sollak's reply, "What's going on ensign.... Haxx?"

Haxx set Sollak back up in his seat slowly. She tended the one on his head with an emergency medpac while she spoke.

"Ress and 3 others are dead." She said trying to hold back her emotion, "4 others are in bad condition..."

Darriann looked at Ress's body as she went on. His restraint had snapped sending him full force into the controls. Darriann looked away in disgust. Why is it that people must die for doing what they are asked? He thought looking toward the aft section. He heard shouts of pain.

"Ensign get back there and help the wounded I'll be fine." He said trying to regain control. "I'm going to do a systems check."

She left him and went to treat a soldier with a shard of metal in his arm. Darriann looked toward his control consul.... Offline. Then he realized that the only things that were on were the emergency lights. He went to the landing ramp. He pushed the safety release mechanism. Nothing. The ship it seemed had lost all power. He moved back to the pilots seats. He looked for the vieport release handles, he pulled the first which released and then tried the second one. It was jammed so he pulled out his blaster and shot it couple times. He waited while the metal cooled and the tried again. It came loose and with a large shove so did the massive window. He pushed as hard as possible against the think object. And with a final shove it opened large enough for a person to get out.

The crew cheered in his success. He moved to the back while the medics in the group finished tending wounds.

"Ok the Imps know we're here so be careful the objective still remains the same I sujest all able bodies, except for the medics and to other men, come with me. The rest of you be careful I'll send a distress call for an evac." He said.

The group nodded and did has ordered. Sollak and the soldiers climbed out off the downed shuttle and made there way to the Ion cannon which could be heard firing shots into space. The group kept a look out for an Imperials that may come looking.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 5th, 2004, 06:53:12 PM
A harsh sea wind blustered angrily across the peninsula on which the 7th Imperial Panzer Division had made it's precarious landing. With the beachhead secured, the 7th began a cautious advance inland.

The damp dirt rumbled to itself as the heavy treads of massed Panzers rolled over, crushing the innumerable blades of grass that covered the northern continent of Bestine. The valley and intersecting highway that led to one of Bestines main cities, Vermel, loomed ominously ahead of the dripping Panzer Grenadiers who hiked over the grassy hillocks of the peninsula, advancing behind the ever present AT-ST walkers, that stalked ahead.

General Krill's troopers shivered under their coalscuttle helmets and clutched their rifles tighter as they saw the faint whisper of civilisation ahead - a small town, with not more then five thousand souls inhabiting it's low slung and utilitarian buildings. Imediately the light recon vehicles and scoutroops had entered it's outskirts, exchanging brilliant flashes of energy with the small Republic garrison. The Imperials, with much experience in urban pacification, moved in hard and fast. The walkers fell back to the outskirts, allowing heavily armoured Panzer repulsor tanks to hover down the deserted streets, with suppourting Grenadiers following behind.

As they swept the town, cannons roaring at the Republic positions, Krill's left flank bypassed the town, the motorised troops leaving great palls of dust and smoke in their wake.


Captain Marc Hemmer hefted his blaster rifle up into a cradling position in his crossed arms. Utility packs and ammunition were strapped to his body armour and camoflauge smock. His face was a pale grey under his helmet, his eyes sharp and tight. He turned to his squad who crouched in door ways and behind walls and with a flick of his hand they followed him toward the dull thudding of a repeater blaster.

In a second storey window, three Republic troopers had set up an E-Web, which was succesfully pinning down a squad of Imperials across the street, the walls they hid behind becoming increasingly pock marked. Hemmer and his men, however, had circled around to cut off the E-Web. With several fluid movements the squad had entered the small buisiness that had been comandeered by the Rebels. As rain began to splatter outside, the six troopers huddled near the stairwell, their anxious faces facing the direction of the thudding blaster cannon. Hemmel led three of six up the stairwell, toward the second floor room and the men they needed to silence.

With a snap, a single grenade burst from Hemmels rifle, landing with a clatter near the ajar door. The grey corridor was instantly lit up in a firey flash, the corridor now a chared black. Hemmel and his pointmen burst through the door, rifles held ready, fingers tightly wrapped around their triggers.

Even as they did, the bleeding form of a Republic soldier slid to his side on the floor, rolling over his dead comrades. He lifted the now tripod-less E-Web and pumped energy into the first Imperial. He fell like a sack of stones, his armour errupting in flame, before it died and flared out, like the man it was supposed to protect.

Hemel fired. One bolt between the dying mans eyes. His crimson blood intermingled with that of the other Rebels, forming small pools on the floor of the concrete floored room. The veteran Captain knelt, his eyes blank, then with a swift hand motion he pulled the dogtags from his dead subordinate. His hand bone white from gripping his rifle.

Such was the lot of the grunt, thought Hemel, as he rose again. The sounds of the battle outside echoed dully in his ears, jerking him from his thoughts. The ground battle had only just begun.

Redic Scott
Apr 7th, 2004, 05:45:32 AM
The New Republic Military Command on Bestine saw the small town as a road block for the Imperial forces. They had sent a small force of regular troops and a few Special Operations Units into the town to fortify it and keep the Imps as busy as possible. These troops had evacuated most of the civilians out of the town, but some had chosen to stay. These troops had set up road blocks to focus the Imperials into steets that the NR controlled. Outside of town mines were placed and set off as soon as the Imperials got close. The few tanks they had, were hidden inside buildings and fired upon Imperial tanks as they went by. After firing these tanks would move to new reinforced positions.

The 23rd Special Operations Group (SOG) had been on Bestine for months now, on training missions, but now it was time to actually use those skills. None of the troopers in the 12 man team had ever seen combat before, but they were all highly trained warriors. They had been inserted into the town under the cover of darkness and had started to scout for good ambush positions. Under heavy rain, the team entered an abandoned intersection and had taken to the roofs of the four buildings of the intersections corners.

Under the skillful watch of stealth armor clad troopers, the two demolishion experts of the SOG installed heavy anti-tank and anti-personel mines on the road where the Imperials were forced to take. The mines were buried in the ground and some building on the sides of roads had been rigged to fragment with explosions. Just as the Demo specialists finished their work, they got the call to pull back. The two men rushed into one of the buildings with heavy blaster rifles in hand. They raced up the stairs and onto the building's roof top, where 2 other troopers were ready.

One of the troopers carried a proton torpedo launchers on his back. He took it off and assembled the waist support unit. Out of his large ruff sack, he pulled out a heavy magazine and inserted into the Launcher. This same process went on on another roof top, on the oposite side of the street. Two other men, on two seperate buildings surrounding the intersection had pulled out one time use Ion Cannons.

In the distance tanks could be heard comming down the road. The Leader of the team, Captain Wilinson, pulled out his microbinoculars and looked up the road. He saw four heavy tanks moving down the street, surrounded by squads of Imperial troopers that ran beside them. Wilinson knew that his team would not be noticed. They were wearing camo/stealth armor. This armor was made to mimic its surroundings as well as disipate the wearers heat to help avoid detection.

"Team, wait for my mark." The captain said and waited for their other members to acknowledge.

Soon the tanks were almost near and the NR troopers without missiles or ion cannons pointed their heavy blasters as well as two medium repeaters at the street below. Wilison watched the tanks for a moment still and then...."Mark, blow it, blow it." He screamed.

Instantly three anti-tank mines exploded, taking out the lead tank and heavily damaging the next one down. Even before the anti-personel mines blew, troopers were already shreded by the massive tank mines. The anti-personel mines torn through the Imperial troopers as if they where nothing. Body parts littered the ground below as blood soaked the already rain wet ground. As Imperials rushed to assist their wounded, the three buildings on the side of the road exploded, raining debris and shrapnel into the troops. Right after, the buildings collapsed into the street, crushing the already damaged tank and tens of troopers around it.

"Fire, Fire!!!" Wilison screamed and looked over the edge of the roof, unleashing precision fire from his heavy blaster rifle. His team opened fire instantly on the troops on the ground. Their fire was accurate, but the teams two snipers had a field day. Along with these trooper, their two missile men stood up and targeted one of the tanks. They let two torps race out, which smashed into the tank, exploding it almost instantly. The last tank had turned its turret to one of the roof tops. Instantly two thick ion beams hit is, making its systems shut down and it crashed into the ground. Just before it shut down though, it fired off one blast. This his the roof top and exploded, sending 2 of the Special Ops troopers flying. One was alright, but the other was dead.

Right after that, two torps slamed into the tank and tore it appart. In moments the engagment was over. Imperial bodies littered the ground. After picking up their fallen comrade, the now 11 man team rushed off the roof tops and went on to pick new positions and rearm at a small army command center within the city.

Just outside the city a small, 4 man Army squad, wearing Stealth Camo gear advanced with the manuevering Imperial Armor that had bypassed the city. This team sat in a small hut outside the city and spyed on the Imperials. As they moved past the hut, they were 700 meters away from the NR troopers. Using rangefinder binoculars and targeting lasers, the NR team pinpointed the Imperial location and instantly sent it to the main Command Center in the theater.

Within moments a battery of 4 artillary pieces unmasked themselves as they opened fire from 40 km away. The first barrage of Heavy Missiles closed the distance in less than a minute and exploded above ground. The missiles showered the ground with anti-armor mines. This first barrage was followed seconds later by high explosive missiles who's sensors had locked onto the tanks seconds ago. They raced in on the Imperial Armor at supersonic speeds. This barrage continued none stop, with 10 seconds between every volley.

At a small, isolated area 100 km out of the main city sat a small house. Around it, activity started to stir as people ran out and pulled off camo tarps from 4 modified V-wing air speeders. These had recieved ordered only a minute ago and were taking off as crews finished mounting missile pods and bombs to their wings. These speeds took off in a diamond formation and turned toward the Imperial Forces advancing on Vermel. They flew fast and low, staying under the Imperials detection.

Apr 12th, 2004, 01:30:05 AM
"Group designated Bravo one is accelerating on our position sir!" came the voice of Captain Jontor From somewhere behind Reshmar.

Before him a three dimensional display laid out the currant situation of the battle ensuing before him. A bright flash exploded as a frigate which had been engaging the new Star Destroyer design was cut in half by Torpedos. Chatter and excited voices behind him carried on there conversations as he watched and studied the halo. His chair spun around .

"Captain Launch all fighters. Have them take up positions around Group 1. Have the Monarch and Prompt fall back behind us. Tell Captain Reynolds on the Gurtosk that he and the Mortus are to run policing runs along the outside of our Battle line. Let them come to Us gentleman don't go in too fast. Close on the group. All Weapons controls are open and Gunners are to fire as targets present themselves until we get in close."

Reshmar turned once again to look at the ever changing battle before him. The two unclassified Star Destroyers were making short work of the defense fleet and the four Imperator Iv's were closing on the Artanis rapidly. Reshmar swung around once again.

"Weapons Control time till weapons range?"

An officer spoke up "42 seconds Admiral.

Reshmar swung around partly so to see the halo from the corner of his bulbous eye.

"Launch a full volley tubes one through six in 30 second waves. Lets see what were dealing with here."

Danik Drayton
Apr 13th, 2004, 01:10:29 PM
Captain Renaic looked over the leaf covered mound he had taken cover behind. His lead vehicle had been ambushed five minutes ago and things weren’t getting any better. They were taking fire from enemy troops and their advance had come to a halt. Renaic had ordered his signalman to call for support. To his right an APC erupted in flames, spreading debris everywhere and setting fire to trees. Ammunition from the first burning vehicle then detonated adding to the noise. He signalled to his sections to prepare for an assault.

Travis North
Apr 14th, 2004, 03:41:24 PM
Travis cursed under his breathe as he juked right. An X-Wing caught him off guard firing missiles at him. He had just finished blasting another fighter when the enemy lock indicator went off. His two wing mates we're busy with their own targets, and the rest of the squadrons fighters we're in their own little dogfights.

The missile exploded after it ran out of fuel Travis had out maneuvered it. It sent bits of its casing into the shields of the fighter. Travis accelerated into a loop placing his fighter behind the enemy X-wing who was trying to get a lock on another fighter. Travis let loose a barrage of green bolts on the target. It's shield absorbing as much of the energy possible. Another volley penetrated the aft shields and hit the engine causing it to ignite. The engine then exploded into flames but were quickly extinguished by the vacuum of space. The X-wing broke off it's target just as Travis sent the final shots into the craft, destroying it.

Travis hit his comm. "Shade Squadron, report."

"3 here sir. 2 just took a missile and was destroyed. My fighter is a little scratched up." Came the voice of Lt. Chris Janus.

"We shall avenge Vlad's death." the angered voice of Lt. Jeffers blared through the comm, "My wing is a little scratched up we're mopping up the rest of the X-wing squadron."

"Sir, my wing is badly damaged. 8 is losing shield power, 7's engines are acting up due to missile damage, and my weapons system has gone offline." Flight Officer Stevenson's voice crackled through the comm.

"Withdraw from battle and get repaired." Travis ordered.

The last wing reported in with minor damage and the rest of Shade Squadron moved to engage fighters with the rest of the fleet.

Admiral Hagen
Apr 14th, 2004, 08:04:32 PM
"Sir, we have enemy fighters closing fast!"

Admiral Hagen pursed his lips and watched the scene unfurl before him. The Republic rescue forces had arrived, it would seem. With a flash of annoyance, he watched one of the Lancers in the picket line take the brunt of the torpedos that spewed forth from the Republic ships. The Lancer flared and flamed, all but disabled in the first exchange of fire. As he watched, the rest of the torpedos thudded into the shields of the Antiphas

"Wonderful." He spat, "Just wonderful. Pull back our picket line, launch Xenner wing if you please, Captain."

The bridge still maintained it's effecient air, but a hint of trepidation crept into the minds of the men and women of the Imperial Navy, from crewer to XO. Even Hagen himself.

Outside the durasteel hull, the lancing turbolasers swiped outwards at the Republic cruisers, azure beams of intense heat that crashed into the enemy shields, making them flicker and wann recklessly.

"Ready forward batteries. Gunners, concentrate your fire on the lead heavy cruiser"

Apr 14th, 2004, 11:32:33 PM
Reshmar watched the first volley of Torpedoes slam into the 2 lead Lancers and the Lead Star Destroyer. One of the Lancers had taken the brunt of the attack and now seemed moderately damaged. Green bolts impacted the shields of the Calimari cruiser spreading out over them like a light show.

"Shield Status Captain?"

Reshmar waited for a reply. It didn't take long . Captain Jontor replied with a shout over the now thudding which was a constant reminder of the Star Destroyers which faced them.

"Shields holding at 93 % Admiral."

the Artanis creeped along through space slowly towards the Sovereignty Fleet.

"Order the Flame and its group to move up on our Port Flank. Have Commander Scott and His group move to take out those Interdictors. Have all ships launch all reserve Fighters and Bombers."

Reshmars order was relayed through the fleet. Moments later the Ships of the Orishma Task Force began spreading out and began forming a Battle line. slowly the Flame of Rebellion moved from behind the Artanis Group and accelerated Into its assigned Position fallowed by its escorts. Immediately green bolt began striking its Shielding. Poised for battle the two Cal Cruisers began moving on the Star Destroyers.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 25th, 2004, 12:53:31 PM
The Imperial troops in the narrow streets of Vermel had been bloodied by the determined Republic defense, their advance and recon elements taking heavy casualties. The town, however, was not a major objective. With brutal exchanges of fire Imperial walkers, AT-PT's, backed up with almost pin point light artillery, smashed strongholds. The concealed tanks the Republic troops had dug in were sitting ducks once spotted by the advancing Imperials, though all too often the Imperials would take heavier casualties then the Republic forces in clearing the west of the town.

From the east, heavy bore artillery boomed out, near the waiting 63rd, zeroing in on the hidden Republic howitzers and the twon itself, lobbing shells into the small streets and crushing residential structures like paper.

Meanwhile the rest of the force swept past the town, up past some undefended ridges and down onto the cross continent highway that ran past Vermel almost directly to the capitol, Bestine City. With Imperial troops dug in on the highway, General Krill turned his full attention to the troublesome town. The V-Wings had swept low over his own command cavalcade, strafing a nuber of vehicles until the heavy AA batteries set up just beyond the towns outskirts ahd picked them up, loosing their AA projectiles after the V-Wings and scoring several hits.


The walkers of the 23rd Walker Brigade crunched through the by now shattered streets of Vermel, cockpit mounted cannons sweeping the buildings and bare grey streets. Imperial Panzer Grenadiers moved forward, slowly and deliberately, lobbing anti personnel grenades into open windows and doorways, peppering enemy positions with blaster fire.

Every now and again, a rocket would smash resoundingly into a repulsor tank or walker, ripping the armoured vehicles to shreds, but by now the Imperials had full advantage in numbers and artillery. When a strongpoint was encountered, the whistling of shells broke the evening air, followed by dull thuds and crackling explosions as it impacted.

By 0800 hours, the town of Vermel lay split, the east side up to the factory zone was Imperial, the rest was a hotchpotch of Republic positions and Imperial spearheads.

Apr 27th, 2004, 11:53:43 AM
"Two minutes till reversion sir." the helmsman reported to Tie.
"Alright, I want our shields to be up as soon as we're in system and to launch the fighters right away. Colonel I want you to implement a plan I have here for your fighters. It will entail the XJ-Wing squadron and the K-Wings. It's going to require some pinpoint timing to do but I think we can pull it off. All other fighters are to form up into a defensive screen initially." Tie issued orders to his officers. The bridge was now a hive of activity as officers scurried about between consoles performing last minute system checks. Soon enough the ship shuddered with the re-entry to realspace. Out of the viewport Tie saw capital shipsd blasting at each other at close range while starfighters chased each other through the void. The New Republic ships were holding their own but were outgunned.
"Launch fighters now. Have the fleet move forward at flank speed towrads that destroyer." Tie ordered his fleet. The destroyer in question was currently pounding the New Republic ships that were attempting to screen one of two MC-90 cruisers. The fighters streaked away from the bays. The X-Wing squadron streaked towards the destroyer first.
Tie sat in his command chair waiting to give the order which if not executed properly would be disastrous for the NR starfighters.
"Launch torpedoes now on the X-Wings vector." he ordered. Two other fighter squadrons launched twenty four torpedoes total right behind the X-Wings. The guidance packages on the torpedoes were deactivated making the torpedoes little more than unguided missiles. Seconds after the K-Wing squadron raced after the missiles. A squadron of TIE Defenders appeared in front of the X-Wings to stop. Laser fire from the TIEs and the destroyer blew away two X-Wings. On command the X-Wings broke off their run and pulled steeply up. THe Defenders sent half their number after the X-Wings leaving the others left for the A-Wings they thought that were surely coming next. Instead they found themselves face to face with twenty four proton torpedoes. Before they could do anything the Defenders were blown away and 12 torpedoes still racing in at the Destroyer. Point defense weaponry destroyed 8 of the torpedoes but four imacted on the shields. Seconds later the K-Wings arrived and unloaded everything they had into the shields of the Destroyer. THe first salvo of missiles an bombs overloaded the shields while the second impacted on the hull. Massive chunks of hull were missing and atmosphere was venting. The X and K Wings pulled off to head back to the Emancipator. The Republic had taken its losses too, 5 X-Wing and 6 K-Wing pilots would never answer another roll call again. The actual damage inflicted still left the large majority of the Destroyer's combat capability intact, one starfighter run could never seriously cripple a Star Destroyer, but Tie's fleet now had the Imps attention drawing pressure off of Reshmar.

Admiral Hagen
Apr 27th, 2004, 05:18:53 PM
The previously silent, empty space above Bestine was now alive with the motions of battle.

Hagen watched through narrowed eyes, the scene unfolding before him. With a calm, clear voice, that cut through the constant hum of bridge conversation, he issues his orders.

"Captain, bring us forty degrees to port, concentrate our fire on the MC-90, if we can cripple that we'll have half our work done."

Captain Maximus relayed the orders and the huge superstructure of the Antiphas turned slowly, bringing its heavy port batteries fully to bear against the approaching Republic MC-90.

"Look like there's a certain fishhead in command sir," noted Maximus dryly from the crew pit, "their transponder codes check out as being from the Mon Orishima task force."

"Well well. We seem to have stirred them up nicely." Hagen smiled tightly, though his words conveyed humour non apparent in his face.

"They are converging on our arc sir."

"So it seems. Have the Abrogator concentrate Ion cannon fire on the second MC-90, bring our Lancers about, have them protect the Interdictors from enemy fighters." Hagens mind raced as he issued the orders, knowing full well a wrong decsion could mean defeat. "Have the Leon and the Neb's hammer those Dreadnaughts."

Beyond the tapristeel bridge, the heavy batteries of the Imperial flagship pounded away at the approaching Flame of the Rebellion, with racing and weaving star fighters blasting at each other between the interchanging turbolaser bolts. The Barzel and Abrogator, leftmost of the Imperial ships and closest to Bestine, brought it's forward batteries fully to bear against the Artanis and it's suppourting Dreadnaughts. Within minutes the battle was a seemingly confused yet utterly deadly exchange of pulsing energy, the heavy weapons of both sides smashing away at their opponents flickering shields.

Apr 28th, 2004, 11:23:18 AM
Reshmar watched the battle unfold. Out gunned and out numbered it was just a matter of time before The more advanced shielding of the Cal Cruiser's Failed. Reshmar knew there was only one thing to do.

" Captain. Get Commander Scott on the horn. Tell him I want those Interdictors gone. Have the monarch and Prompt run a blocking pattern for him.we will keep the destroyers busy."

Reshmar looked back to the tactical display and watched fighter after fighter explode. The Empire had better then 2 to 1 odds in fighters but the NR squadrons were holing there own. Behind him another alarm sounded. He turned in his command chair to investigate.

"Lieutenant what is it now?"

Reshmar half expected another Imperial Fleet. but that was not the case.

Sir Republic Task force dropping out of hyperspace. Looks like commander Yamagi's group"

Reshmar turned to the tactical display and watched as it updated and showed Tie's group.

"Good he can draw fire. Order a system wide retreat for all non military vessels. Evacuate as much as we can. We wont win here today gentilmen but we will let them know we will be back."

Reshmar watched as Ties initial volley slammed into an unsuspecting destroyer. that will get there attention

"Open a fleet wide channel."

Reshmar waited till he was informed the channel was open.

"This is Admiral Reshmar. All ships are to converge on the fleet and make best speed for the Interdictors. We have to knock them out in order for refugees evacuating the planet and survivors to get out of the system. The Artanis and Flame of rebellion will engage the destroyers at point blank range. all other ships proceed to engage the Interdictors. Use us to block fire for as long as you can. Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen."

Redic Scott
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:18:37 PM
Redic stood on the bridge and looked out at the streaks of light racing through space and slamming into shields. Ships were now moving quickly through space, attacking their prey with sprays of laser fire. The dance kept expending as the larger ships closed on each other.

"Sir, we have recieved orders to take out Indigo One."

Redic nodded, "Change course to three-One-nine, all ahead full. Bring us under that Star Destroyer. As Reshmar pounds from the top we'll move under and try to cause some damage along the way."

In moments the ship, along with its gunship escorts, turned towards the nearest star Destroyer, the Barzel. The Guardian and gunships moved under the Artanis and closed on the wedge shaped battle cruiser that was pouring fire onto the Calamari cruiser. As it concentrated on the MC-90, the three ships of Gaurdian task force got even closer and lowered in space. They were now 5 km lower in space than the Barzel.

"All batteries target Sierra One's hanger area. Gunships are to fire their missiles. Fire in two waves, focus on the hanger." Redic called out.

The orders went out and instantly turbolaser batteries opened fire and laser energy lanced out at the ventral side of the SD. Following the Guardian, the 2 gunships also opened fire. All turbolasers converged on the hanger area. Redic hoped that the shields of the star destroyer would be reinforced at the top, to help against the Artanis assault, leaving the ventral shielding lowered. Along with the turbolasers 4 assault missiles fired from one of the gunships and raced for the hanger. Seconds later 4 more were launched from the other gunships and went for the same area. After the first wave hit, the second one would. Hopefully the shielding would be weak enough that one or two would pass through and slam into the hanger.

The Destroyer responded at once and the laser fire spread over the Gaurdians shields. "Sir, shields down to 90% but holding."

"Tell the gunships to race ahead and go after that lancer floating behind Sierra One."

The gunships responded with heavy fire from their turbolasers and quad laser cannons spread out. turbolasers at the Star Destroyer and the quads at the defender fighters flying around. They raced out, faster than any of the other ships could go and closed on the lancer, stating to rack it with Turbolaser fire and missiles.

The Gaurdian kept firing at the Barzel's hanger, until the Assault frigate passed by it. Its shields were glowing blue with energy as blast after blast rocked it. Lucky for the Guardian, the Star Destroyer mostly had weapons on the dorsal side. Redic watched the Star Destroyers hulk pass over head and bolts exchange between the two ships. His frigate fired at enemy fighters as it moved through space, destroying some defenders with quad lasers, as they chased New Republic fighters.

"Reinforce aft shields." Redic called out as the Guardian came out behind the Barzel. As it did, its forward batteries shifted their attention at the Interdictor off to its port. It was at maximum range and the batteries opened fired at a great distance.


On the ground, the New Republic forces had taken their toll on the imperials and had pulled back, engaging in small ambushes. Most of the troops had been transported out of the town, to it's very edge. They would attack to cut the imperials off from their reinforcements. Artillary and missiles kept hammering the imperial lines as Special forces spotters moved around the lines. The hidden artillary kept on the move, firing and moving. Some were hit with the Imperial return fire, but most escaped. The trojectories of the incoming Imperial fire was tracked and positions of their artillary was determined.

As soon as those were recieved, extended range missiles took off. They raced in at supersonic speeds and flew over the artillary positions. At 50 meters above ground the missiles burst and spread explosives over the area. As the explosives detonated, Special forces teams ran out from behind the lines and started to assault the anti-air batteries with protable torpedos. As quickly as they assaulted, the teams vanished back into to woods and the town. A few of the soldiers were carrying dead or wounded as they ran away.

In front of the Imperial lines, New Republic tanks emerged and opened fire into the Imperial lines, targeting the heaviest of the units with missiles and turbolaser turrets. Even though the New Republic soldiers were somewhat out numbered, they fought hard and always kept on the move. With the Imperial respond, few of the tanks exploded and other ground troops were killed. Soon the field was blooded and bodies started to mount. The NR troops would hit fast and hard, than move away and group, than reengage and sweep through the lines.

At the barn, in the country, the two remaining V-wings landed and started to get rearmed. Both were now scared and blacked with carbon scoring. One even had a hole thing wing. As they were getting rearmed, the pilots at and mechanics patched the speeders back up.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:39:49 PM
"Interesting..." was all Lion could make of the starlines flashing past his viewport. Despite the thousands of hyperspace jumps he'd made in his career, the beauty of it all never failed to inspire him.

"Sir, we're exiting hyperspace within the hour. Engineering and Navigation have both been getting mass collision alarms in their respective sections intermittently." reported Rear Admiral Kaylok.

"Hmmm...." Lion began, thinking. "Interdictors."

The other man nodded; clearly his thoughts had mirrored Lion's.

"Sir, if Reshmar's Battlegroup can't destroy those interdictors in time, we're going to come out of hyperspace several thousand kilometers from our intended entry point."

Lion nodded. "I know. We're just going to have to trust our allies at Bestine. I have no doubt that Reshmar will find some way around that. Besides, even if we drop out of hyperspace, the rest of our battlegroup won't know that."

Rear Admiral Kaylok was silent for a moment.

"Sir, do you think that there's any chance of saving Bestine?"

Lion laughed once, a short, mirthless laugh.

"Think, Admiral? No. I believe that we have a shot...but I'd be content just getting our fleets out of there in one piece. Better to rise to fight another day than risk losing everything in a foolish game."

The Rear Admiral nodded. "Unlike the Imperials. They're risking everything...so is this truly just a game?" he asked cryptically.

Lion shook his head. "I don't know."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:06:22 AM
The Republic troops were playing a cat and mouse game with the Imperial Panzer divisions, but the Imperials had the deciding factor - numbers. Despite taking heavy losses in Vermel and it's surroundings, General Krill's soldiers had taken the main highway and by now the 63rd Mechanised had begun their advance toward the heavy Ion Cannons near Bestine City.

The Imperials had finally dislodged the Republic troops from Vermel after an all night firefight. The Republic tanks had unwisely left their hidden positions, allowing the Panzerjager squads to knock them out like sitting ducks. The lot of the Panzerjagers was not so much better the the Republic tankers. Small arms fire from Republic troops beating their retreat from Vermel had picked off many of the Imperial tank killers, their rocket launchers making them visible targets.

Waves of stormtroopers, in camoflaged armor, raced forward, their attack bloody and brutal, they took no prisoners. No quater was asked for, none was given. In the streets of Vermel, AT-ST and AT-PT walkers led swarming stormtroopers past fire bases and bunkered Republic troops, their cannons boiling from blasting at anything that moved. With the break of dawn, the decimated troopers held the crimson tinged town, the walkers reforming and refitting to begin phase two of the battle plan.


Near Bestine City, the second half of Krill's forces arrived. The 21st Panzer, led by Major General Desaria, brother of the Grand Admiral himself, hit the ground running from the transports. Their heavy Repulsor tanks poured into the city, led by AT-AT walkers, with long range howitzers lobbing shells into suspected strong points. The Republic had little choice but to fall back into the center of the city under the heavy and unexpected onslaught.

With the drive of the 63rd from the south, the 21st from the north the Republic troops were forced into a funnel away from Bestine City and toward the heavily populated costal areas.

Apr 29th, 2004, 03:53:24 PM
The remaining fighters from his first strike returned to the battlegroup. Tie surveyed the situation at hand. Reshmar was in danger of being mobbed by superior Imperial firepower and numbers as he detached some of his ships to go after the Interdictors. Tie then issued his order accordingly. "Bring the Emancipator into weapons range. I want a TOT barrage on the destroyer that hammering that MC-90 over there. The Stormhawk and the gunships will give us some cover. Have the fighters ready to make a run on the Destroyer as soon as the barrage lands." Tie ordered the helmsman and weapons officer. They both acknowledged the orders crisply as Tie sat back in his command chair. It was going to be a slugging match, and as a fighter pilot he hated slugging matches.

Teleran Balades
May 1st, 2004, 06:28:47 PM
Volley after volley of intense heat and light creased the dark space between the 4th Response Squadron's ships and Bestine's defenders. However, the firefight nearer to the planet looked like sparks from a dying fire compared the blazing spectacle in the distance. Bright flashes representing detonating warheads and exploding fighters flared between slavos.

The arrival of a Defender-class Star Destroyer and several more support vessel slightly evened the strength of the two forces. Their own weapons blasts adding the the artful display.

Tel had little time to pay attention to intricate dance of destruction, his own ships still had their own problem to deal with.

"Shields on port side down to 30 percent." Tension on the bridge grew as the numerous republic warships slowly hammered the Aurora's shields.

"Helm, roll us 90 degrees starboard. Give them our undamaged side."

Concentrated fire from the enemy vessels would quickly wear threw the imperial's defenses if their numbers weren't reduced, quickly.

"Paint torpedo locks on those gunships and send the targeting data two two of them to Malice." The gunships were more of a threat at the moment than the large frigates. They were maneuverable enough to doge most of the Star Destroyer's heavy ordinance weapons, and could swing around to hit the damaged potion of the Feanor.

More of the 30-megaton torpedoes rushed from the destroyer's. With each series of massive explosions more of the Republic vessels were rendered useless. Unlike the gargantuan Auroras, the smaller ships couldn't take more than a few salvos before succumbing to the damage.

Admiral Hagen
May 3rd, 2004, 05:51:25 PM
Hagen watched unfolding battle with an intense look in his narrowed eyes. In a grating voice he issued vital orders.

"Captain, I want our flanking Lancer II's pulled back, tighten it up. I want those Lancers protecting the Interdictors."

The Lancer II was as good as junk against the powerful turbolasers of the MC-90's but a terribly formidable weapon against the swarming Republic fighters.

"Lock onto Whiskey bearing down on our left. Launch our protons, full spread."

Maximus relayed the order, as proton warheads coursed through the void, slamming with unforgiving fury against the wanning shields of the Artanis.

"Sir, the Barzel is taking a beating."

"So I see, nothing Captain Moore can't handle," Hagen chuckled, causing Maximus to look up from the crew pit, "have him roll on his axis, bring the dorsal quads to bear."

The weapons of the Mk IV Imperial Star Destroyers were far more powerful then the weapons on even the MC-90's, giving the Imperial warships a decided advantage. Heavy turbolasers and heavy quad turbolasers loosed volley after volley of intense heat and light at the enemy ships, the gun crews minds transfixed on their targets as the giant, angled vessels rocked with the sheer power being unleashed.

May 3rd, 2004, 11:30:08 PM
Reshmar swung around to yell at Captain Jontor. The pounding of the superior firepower from 2 Destroyers was deafening. The pressure the shields put on the hull was increasing with each Volley. The shields were holding for the moment. This was Reshmars only advantage in this fight. But the concussion of the Blasts which struck the shielding also pounded through the hull like primitive drums. The Artanis traded weapons fire with the Destroyers until it was in point blank range.

"Cross their T Jontor. Shift shields on the facing side and let them have a full broadside. Have the Flame break off and take out those Interdictors."

Reshmars orders were transmitted to the ship along with tactical data received from the Artanis sensors. The Artanis shook as the thrust was thrown into reverse then thrusters kicked the bow of the ship around to bring there broadside to bear on the lead Destroyer. The maneuver was not instant but very quick for a ship of 1200 + meters.

"Let her have everything!" Reshmar screamed. a voice from behind him was muffled but still audible.

"shields shifted port side Sir. all Batteries preparing to fire."

At one instant 36 Turbolaser batteries fire simultaneously letting lose a spider web of red bolts. As the ship finished her maneuver the ship shock and the lighting flickered.

"Sir Plasma Torpedo Hit. Shields down to 40 % Secondary Backups have shorted. they caught us as the weapons drained the banks."

Reshmar cursed under his breath then went back to monitoring the data streaming in. The massive barrage of red bolts slammed into the Destroyer with a wide dispersion spreading the shielding thin.

"Sir 4 batteries down. the plasma torp fused power conduits 234 b and c."

Reshmar cursed once again. "All weapons full charge. wait till i give the command to fire. tell the Gurtosk and Mortus to link there Torp fire control to the Artanis. Were going to pop there bubble."

Reshmar waited till he got word the Gunships had moved into position behind the giant cal and were awaiting orders. Reshmar watched the green bolts hit the shields volley after volley. The Artanis could not stand against this for long.

As the Artanis was being pounded the Flame Of rebellion had new orders. They saw the Artanis turn and take up a defensive position. the Captain was worried but he had his order. 3 Destroyers pounded on his ship. His shield though holding were decreasing by the minute in there backups. It was a matter of time. He knew the Interdictors were his ticket out. And out was what he wanted. The Flame engaged the Destroyers then maneuvered to pass bellow them bearing the stronger top of the Cal to the weaker bottom of the Destroyers. He didn't care about them now he had a new target. One which he was going to get.

Back on the Artanis Reshmar grew concerned. his ship was dieing and he hoped he could hold long enough to break the interdictor field. On the Tactical Display Reshmar saw one of the Dreads The Prompt. It had broke lose from the rest in a cash for the Interdictors. The ship was now taking the brunt of the far left hand Destroyer. the dread had taken a hit midship and was venting atmosphere. A volley from the Destroyer concentrated on the weakened area and penetrated the hull. Fire and sparks exploded out of the 600 meter ship like a fireworks display. the ship sizzled then disappeared in a cloud of Smoke, plasma, and fire.

Reshmars day was getting worse by the minute. The Prompt was gone and so were thousands of souls aboard her. Reshmar look onto the ships before him. there data displayed and there assumes conditions from field reports.

"There that one!" Reshmar pointed to a Star Destroyer on the 3d display. "The Brazel. its hurting. look at her rate of fire compared to the others. She is pushing power to her shielding. Target her with all we got. get a torp lock on her and load tubes 1 through 6. Fire on my Mark."

Reshmar sat quietly for a moment. Not a voice could be heard over the thud thud of the turbolasers hitting the shields. Reshmar stood and walked to the front of the command deck. looking out the view port to the Brazel. He spun around.

"Now launch all torps! hold turbolasers!" the 6 Launchers of the MC 90 exploded with gas as the Torpedoed escaped there tubing. Behind the massive ship 8 luanchers on each of the gunships did likewise. Linked to the Artanis' Firing Computer they fired with the Cal cruiser to send 22 torpedoed at the Brazel. Lash watched as the torps slowly spread across the distance between the ships

"Time till Impact Lieutenant?!"

The lieutenant looked at the data and replied.

"Sir 22 seconds." for ours and 25 for the Guns ships."

Reshmar stood quietly for 2 seconds then turned once again to face his crew. "Range to target?!"

"6 Kilometers sir."

Reshmar stood motionless. his mind going over the math and the constant tactical thought he had committed his brain to during times of battle.

"Fire all batteries now Captain Jontor!"

6 torpedoes slammed into the side of the brazel fallowed almost instantly by 32 heavy Turbolaser Batteries. Red fire shot out over the sheilds then 12 of the 16 torpedoes slammed into the Brazel. 4 having been destroyed by anti projectile weapons and fighters who had been attempting to screen the Destroyer.

May 4th, 2004, 05:06:13 PM
Out of the viewport Tie saw the leading gunship take the brunt of the Imperial fire and explode in a cataclysmic fireball, and a second had taken serious damage and was venting atmosphere from the port side. The two MC-90s were being pummelled their shields near the breaking point.
"Fire TOT barrage on my command. Have the fighters ready to move in after that. And pull the gunships back a bit" Tie ordered.
"Aye, sir." his weapons officer acknolwedged.
The Emancipator closed with one of the Star Destroyers.
"Fire now!" Tie commanded. All of the weapons on the Defender class SD fired as to ensure that all of their destructive output would impact all at once on the enemy shields. Seconds later the weapons fire hit the shields of teh Destroyer. Gouts of plasma and flame roiled up around the shield. Eventually gaps appeared as the shields started to overload in that part of the ship.
"Have the fighters make their run now." TIe ordered. One squadron of E-Wings and the remainder of the K-Wings swooped in to fire their missiles causing more destruction and havoc.
"Alright, now all ships, lets create a corridor so Admiral Reshmar can get out when he needs to."
Return fire from Imperial shipsd impacted on his Destroyer.

Redic Scott
May 5th, 2004, 06:35:44 PM
On the ground the New Republic forces had held the imperial troops out of Bestine City long enough. During the battle that had been initiated the NR forces people many people had been evacuated from the city, as well as most of the NR troops except for a few demolition and heavy weapons troops. The whole city had been wired and it was desided that nothing of importance would fall into the imperial hands.

As the Imperials entered the city there was little opposition. The NR waited for half the Imperial troops to cross over rivers and then when with Imperial tanks and troops on the bridges, blew them. The bridges cracked in half and sent up clouds of debris and dust. As the bridges blew so did the spaceports, warehouses, port, power systems, communication equipment and anything else of use. Demo experts had placed mines and other explosives on the roads and had booby-traped houses all over the city.

The NR commanders in the field waited for the main thrust of the Imperials to enter the city and then came out from all sides. The NR forces, although small in size, hit hard and fast at the rear of the Imperial lines. Other forces, taken from Vermel came in from the rear, attacking the less experianced and less armed troopers. They attacked supply convoys and tired to limit the Imperial resupply. Around Bestine City, NR forces closed off almost all interections leading out of the city and made them death traps. Torpedoes raced in from all availible launchers at the units still outside the city and at the last of the units entering it.

The Commanders knew they couldn't hold out against the massive number of Imperial troops, but they hoped to maybe cause more damage to them by using their large numbers agains them. If the Imperials wanted to get out of the city, they would have to funnel their troops through small, narrow streets which made for great attack points.

To finish things off the two V-wings screamed in and droped out hundreds of anti-vehicle and personel mines. They spread them out around the exit points of the city and in front of the path of the income Imperial convoys. Laser fire met them almost at once and right after one of the V-wings dropped their cargo, bolts smashed into its wing, tearing it off. In seconds the V-wing slamed into the ground and exploded. The second one was hit twice and started to smoke. It vered away and the pilot managed to eject before the speeder crashed in the forest.

In space, the battle was still raging. Redic stood at the bridge of the Guardian and watched as his ship passed under the hull of the Brezal. Suddenly the Destroyer started to spin, but it was too late. The faster assault frigate was already past and racing towards the Lancers gaurding the interdictor.

"Tell the gunships to break from the lancers and go after Indigo One. "

"Roger that sir."

Instantly the gunships broke off and turned towards the Interdictor cruiser. They came in hard and fast, trading fire with the larger cruiser. Their missiels raced in at the middle of the ship, in the center of the GravWells. Two different salvos of missiles raced in, one after the other. After the gunships pastm they turned around quickly and started to make more passes, manuevering so that they wouldn't take one too much damage.

"Target the lancers with all forward batteries, let them have it."

In moments all the farward batteries fired out, spliting their fire between the lancers as the Guardian speed between. Redic brought the assault frigate in the middle of the two lancers.

"Split them and give them a full broadsides." Redic commanded as the Guardian went between the two lancers and exchanged fire with them. They more armed and shielded assault cruiser took their fire and returned in kind with more batteries.

"Shields down to 86%, but holding and recharging as normal." The shields tech called out.

"Target their shield weakpoints will all available weapons. Fire all weapons at once and keep doing that, they shouldn't last too long. Concentrate on the rear."

The acknowledgement came in the form of all weapons spitting out blasts of fire and lighting up the black space around the lancers and frigate. The bolts slammed into the rear of both lancers. Exploded in a brilliant display of blue plasma and shield energy.

Lion El' Jonson
May 6th, 2004, 04:48:02 PM
Lion slowly tapped his fingers against his command chair. They were less than 45 minutes from their destination point. He tapped the transmit button on the side of his headset.

"All pilots to ready rooms. All pilots to ready rooms. Be launch ready by 0045." Lion's voice echoed over his ship's speakers. He assumed that, aboard the other cruisers, the same was happening. Although it was a fairly routine operation, it signified something: This cold war was about to get hot.

Lion had wondered what in the world the Imperials were playing at several times during the trip in hyperspace. Bestine was neither strategic nor very close to the Imperial border. The Imperial fleet was spread thin as it was; they shouldn't have the manpower of material to embark on these operations.

He was also worried because his fleet was going in to assist Admiral Reshmar. That meant he'd have to destroy enemy vessels...and that meant that he'd be taking lives, something that 3 years in the Jedi Order had taught him not to take lightly. He shook his head; he needed to focus. As he gazed out at the majesty of hyperspace, he whispered something. Lieutenant Riemann, his primary aide, leaned down next to Lion.

"What was that, sir?" asked the Lieutenant. Lion smiled.

"Nothing." he answered, and Riemann walked away. The words had been Fate favors the Bold.

imported_Darriann Sollak
May 11th, 2004, 03:36:09 PM
The trees became less dense the closer they got. Darriann and his squad slowly crept up to the large planetary gun. They made their way to a section brush just on the outskirts of the area surrounding the base. Darriann un-clipped a pair of elctrobinoculars and peering out the branches scanned the area. The sun slowly came up beyond the horizon. It interfered with the binoculars a bit but Darriann could still see. The entrance gate was open which seemed a bit odd until he zoomed in and saw explosive burns. He looked up to check for any guards or defenses. No guards were about but 2 gun emplacement were active and scanning for intruders. Suddenly a patch of tall grass started to move beside the group. They all brought their weapons up ready for anything.

A large snake slithered out of the green blades and onto the bare ground surrounding the base. Immediately the guns swirled and locked onto the unsuspecting serpent. With in a matter of seconds the snake was history and all that remained was blaster holes in a curved line.

Darriann looked turned his attention back to the guns. He picked up a rock and hurled it near where the snake had been. The guns didn't track it. Thermal scanners. He thought to himself. He shifted around and grabbed a flare from the back of his belt.

"Ok. Here's the plan half of you take the left turret and the other half take the right. Now when I throw this flare the guns should track it and shoot it. Before it goes out we should have enough time to take out the guns. Got it?" Darriann said getting ready to ignite the flare.

The group nodded and took aim at their targets. Darriann lit the flare and lobbed it as close to the wall as he could giving the guns a hard time to get a clean shot. The turrets let loose as the flare arced to the ground below them. Sollak’s team moved in, the guns not altering their position. The team began firing and within moments, two explosions signaled the destruction of the turrets.

The team moved up cautiously toward the gate. Not sure if the enemy had been alerted. Darriann signaled to one of the men to move forward and check the interior. It was clear, he moved up to the door and signaled the others to move up.

Travis North
May 11th, 2004, 04:07:50 PM
The Defenders like darts struck through the exchange of laser fire and split up. Each taking targets. Formation didn't matter now the battle was too intense for order. red bolts mingled with green and it looked like a fireworks show gone wrong.

Travis's face ran with sweat it was beginning to get hard to maintain control as soon as he got a lock he had to move out of a spray of bolts. His mind was in complete chaos. That was when it clicked, everything became clear. Order had come he began to think ahead and perceive everything. The intervals between laser bolts the distance between him and his enemy.

Travis pulled hard sending the craft straight up. It shot out of the mess of scattered red and green. He then angled the craft back down and set his sights on a K-wing. He pushed the throttle to full power and like a hawk swooped in for the kill. He dumb fired a missile to where he estimated the K-wing to be within the next few seconds. He then switched back to lasers and began firing in single shots at the K-wing. Each shot cutting at the shield and the missile hit. The explosion tearing the helpless fighter apart. It's own ordnance exploding doing damage to anything near by. Travis let grinned behind his dark helmet. He hit the comm, "Now that’s how it's done. Lets finish these fools!"

A few hard laughs came back through. The other Defenders in the squadron were blowing fighters to bits. Two more pilots though had died from torp. hits being exchanged. That made Travis madder and he began to do a strafing run on a preoccupied gunship. Travis launched a missile at the turbolaser firing the most upon a star destroyer. After it exploded it wasn't long before Travis was a target he did best he could to avoid the blasts. They clipped at his shields.

Admiral Hagen
May 15th, 2004, 12:57:02 PM
With pursed lips and a creased brow, Hagen clenched his fists as he watched the Barzel let an assault frigate slip past, the Destoyers shields taking a dangerous pounding.

"Concentrate all our firepower in Whiskey 1, loose our torps at it."

The excited voice of the comm officer broke into Hagens thoughts.
"Admiral! The Kelper is gone!"

Hagen slammed his hand against the armrest of his command chair as he watched the GravWells of the Interdictor detonate and explode in a flurry of brilliant light and terrible glory.

"NO! What is blazes is wrong with Moore! Have him and the Leon turn about and throw everything they have at that Mon-Cal!" Hagen yelled, his rage directed at the diminutive operations officer in front of him.

Maximus winced as Hagen blustered, while giving his orders in low, calm tones.

The huge hulk of the Antiphas loomed closer to the Artanis , it's heavy turbolasers unrelentingly hammering the Republic ship, causing it's hull to become increasingly pockmarked with small explosions.

Hagen stood up dramatically and stabbed a finger toward the viewport, in the direction of the Artanis., his face contorted with pride and anger.

"Loose everything we have on them Captain!"

May 17th, 2004, 09:15:35 PM
The Flame Of Rebellion was now past the Imps and concentrating on the Interdictors before it. Reshmar Stood now the adrenaline of battle was too much he could sit no longer. The mass of the Destroyer Squadrons now barred down on the Artanis. Shields were beginning to fail and let Turbolaser fire through. Sections of the Hull now scorched and burnt had managed to withstand the blasts but it was a matter of time. Reshmar had to act and act now.

"Captain Open a channel on all Republic bands!"

yelling over the constant pounding of fire against the hull of the great calamari ship Reshmars request was heard and carried out. Captain Jontor Signaled Reshmar that the channel was indeed open and ready to transmit. Reshmar Nodded then began to speak into a color mic he had attached to his uniform.

"This is Admiral Reshmar I am hereby issuing a full system retreat. All Republic forces are to cease there fighting and move to leave the area of Bestine. Use any means available to escape. The Interdictor field will be down in approximately thirty Minutes. Be prepared. Once we take the field down you are to proceed to rally point alpha. any who can not make alpha are to proceed to any safe location. The Bestine system is lost. We can win this day. We shall regroup and begin co-ordinateing a cunter attack. I know I ask many of you to leave your homes but we will be back. Clearance Alpha two Omega seven. Everyone make for a safe exit point as soon as the interdictor field is down."

Reshmar turned off his mic and turned his attentions back to the battle. In a bright flash An interdictor exploded. The Flame had made it past the Imps and was now engaging the Interdictors.

A loud boom was heard and then the massive ram of the Artanis Shook. From behind he heard the report.

"Backup shield generators are offline. Massive failure in banks ten through Fifteen."

The brunt of the Antiphus weapons slammed into the Artanis causing a massive power flux throughout the ship.

An explosion in the forward ordinance bay shook the ship causing a seventy meter tear in the organic hull of the ship. Fire shot out covering and scorching the hull around the gash. Power fluctuated as the Shields strained to contain the continued pounding they received. Yet another massive salvo from the lead Destroyer slammed into the Ship. This time causing a brief failure in the shielding. without the backup generators there to protect the ship much of the massive power of the volley slammed into the Hull of the Ship. Gashing and tearing through the armor of the ship causing deck after deck to vent into space.

Reshmar was shaken and knocked to the floor as the Massive firepower of the Star Destroyer slammed into the Artanis Moments later the Shields were back up and holding the fire and destruction at bay once again.


Reshmar turned to look at the faces of his bewildered crew. Many were scared now. the once proud battle tested Crew of the Artanis had been shaken. The saw before them there end. Jontor looked up, his face covered in blood from a gash on his forehead.

"Sir Shields ate fourteen Percent. Were going to lose her sir."

Reshmar knew Jontor. He knew the words he had spoken came at a dear cost to his honor. He was a fine commanding officer and the loss of his ship was something he could not bear. Reshmar turned to look once again at the Tactical Halo. He pointed to a location between two of the Destroyers which were now turning there attention back to the Flame.

"There Captain Move us between those two Destroyers. Fire full broadsides at both. We cant let them slow down the Flame. the Interdictors have to be destroyed or no one will survive this day."

Jontor limped to the Helm Section and made sure the Ship was heading to the location Reshmar had ordered. The Artanis groaned as its engines pushed the burning hull. snaps of weakened girders and fire melted beams could be heard throughout the ship. They were the death song of the Massive ship. The sound of a once great beast fighting for what it new was its last few minutes. The Monster still had some fight left in her and She would tally up a score of her own before she was gone.

"Full Speed. Jontor . All weapons fire at Will!"

Reshmar;s voice was now horse from the constant yelling he had to do to issue orders over the deafening noise. The Massive vessel moved up between 2 Destroyers swapping Broadsides at point blank range.Reshmar turned to his crew.

"Emergence Stop. Here is where we make our Stand."

The Ship Moaned and popped as the Retro Thrusters ignited and slowed the massive Mass of the Ship. Volley after Volley were exchanged between the Artanis and the two Destroyers which were now to each side of her.

The exchange was taking its toll on the Artanis Her hull was not a black and orange mass of metal and fire. Her life was over but still she and her crew fought with everything left in them. Again the Shields failed allowing a volley of fire from the Destroyers strike the hull unprotected. A bright flash of light and the sight of the beam striking him was the Last Reshmar would remember of the Battle. Power Conduits exploded throughout the ship causing electrical panels to spark and ignite through out the ship. A support beam broke free and struck Reshmar knocking him 15 meters across the Command Deck into the Starboard Wall.

"Corpsman!" Jontor Screamed as he rushed to see to Reshmar. The Calamari Admirals side was gashed and bruised but he was alive. Blood gushed from a cut on the side of his head and he had multiple fractures throughout his Fishlike Frame. Jontor looked at the Medics now attending to Reshmar.

"Get him to an escape Pod. do what you have to so he survives then launch it."

Jontor turned to look at the tactical Display. His mind a wash of fear and anger.

"All Hand this is Captain Jontor. Abandon Ship All personnel make for Escape Pods. I repeat All Hands Abandon Ship"

Jontor turned to watch his command crew. Non moved all look back at him with a determined look only heroes could wear. Jontor knew non of them would go. Even if he ordered them to. He turned caught his breath. and turned back to face his crew.

"Lets see to it the rest of the fleet gets Home gentlemen. Engage Auto Targeting systems and continue to pound those Destroyers."

The guns of the Artanis were now on auto systems. They pounded away at the destroyers for as long as they could. Jontor watched as Life pod after life pod shot away from the Ship.

"Inform Valkyrie Squadron they are to guard Escape Pod 14 until it has been picked up. Admiral Reshmar must make it through this day."

The order was received and the Elite A2-wing Squadron began its chore of guarding the Pod. around them fighter after fighter and vessel after vessel ignited as the Battle raged on. A second Interdictor Exploded under the Guns of the Flame as she closed to engage the third one. From the Corner of his Sight Colonel Renyolds saw a bright flash and giant fire ball as the Mass of the Artanis exploded in point blank range with two Destroyers covering there shields with fire. The massive ship suffered a direct hit to the reactor core and the fallowing shockwave broke the ship into four sections before exploding completely. Many friends had been aboard the ship. Friends he knew he would no longer see. A few of the Pilots began talking about the explosion in disbelief. He himself thought he would never see the Massive ship die. but this was no time to morn or let the surprise and shock set in. people died that way.

"Cool it guys. We all came here knowing the cost. Now shut it and get back to doing your jobs."

Reynolds looked back once more at the ball of fire which was once his home. he would miss it but like he told his men. Now isn't the time.

May 17th, 2004, 09:36:25 PM
Deeper in system the Remains of the Defense fleet received Reshmars order to evacuate the system. Ship after Ship ran a gauntlet of death from the surface into space trying to make it away from the planet and into a position where they could jump into Hyperspace. The Hilku had suffered minor damage and no was picking up survivors from the Intrepid. Few had escaped the explosion of the Firgate but those how did had to be saved. The Claymore was now engaged with an Aurora and was quickly losing the battle. The Jutland and Rattler were the only remaining gunships and both had suffered damage. The Rattle more so. It was moving slowly away from the battle area venting plasma from its port side. The battle of the inner system was over with one bright flash as the Claymore was cut in half by a salvo from one of the Auroras. The system was truly lost. Now the survivors had to escape. Captain Fartik knew it was only a matter of seconds before the Auroras attention were on him and his ship.

"Full Speed take us away from those destroyers. Have the Jutland pick up survivors from the Rattler, Scuttle her then make for rally point alpha."

The message was sent and the frigate began its race away from the Massive Auroras now turning to fallow.

May 18th, 2004, 01:04:28 AM
On your heels a hound hunts. A soft breeze passing through the trees and tall grass, causing the green to shiver and quake as if they felt the bitter chill of cold. Perhaps it wasn’t the cold that made the flora quiver but the cold presence of an instrument of death.

Tear had been watching, tracking them since they had left their downed shuttle. He watched, like any predator would watch. Reading the movements, isolating the weak from the strong, leaders from the followers and lambs from the wolves. It was easy to pick out the leader of this pack. A leader in his own right, wounded slightly but still carrying his head high as if no pain would effect him or derail his mission. This one was their leader, the one they looked up to for support, the one they carried out orders calmly in the chaos of battle. The Colonel continued to watch as their leader cleverly disabled the turrets guarding the entrance and began to move his squad in toward the entrance. Down into the rabbit hole with a snake following…

He waited, waited until another soft breeze caressed the land, causing the trees and grass to rustle and shake in commotion and that’s when he made his move. Tear reached out from within the shadows of the underbrush. Quickly up turning his gloved palm and curling back his fingers in a hard wrenching movement. The effect of which would be felt by those in the rear positions of Travis’s squad, who would quickly feel themselves snapped backwards by an invisible force. Tears hands quickly dropped to his sides unholstering his twin custom DL-44 blasters, sliding with the pleasant sound of metallic barrels over hard leather. The Imperials weapons leveled onto the prone troops who had been yanked backwards, searing red bolts of energy exploded from the barrels of Tears weapons as he released a barrage of fire from the cover of the trees and bushes.

Back at Ion Control

Ylor paused as the security camera’s watched the rebel squad began to approach his newly acquired base. Loud thuds of the mobile turrets on the surface above exploding marked the bright flashes on the camera screens.

“Bren’lar those trip mines and remote detonators are still in place right?”

“Yes sir, they are all networked through the corridors. They’ll have to disarm each branch before they even get close, that is if they even find them of course.”

Ylor nodded solemnly as he continued to watch the rebel troops move in. The soldier turned from one tactical display to another, this one displaying the battle raging on in the heavens above. The Empire it seemed was prevailing.

“Sir,” Naomi glanced up from her screen, her back arched as her fingers continued to pluck away at the keyboard in front of her, “I think the rebel ships are in retreat. They seem to be pulling back.”

Gentle fingers began to caress the course stumble that had grown over Ylors chin, contemplating his next chess move. This victory would be short lived if the rebels managed to retake the shield generators and ion cannons. He couldn’t afford any men to leave their positions to meet the invading squad of rebels though. Ylor gave a brief grunt as a decision was made. “Naomi lay down a blanket of cover fire around our indicators. Just one volley to fend off any ships closing in on them. Then concentrate all firepower in front of the retreating rebel fleet. Cut them off from any escape.”

“Yes sir.” Naomi had already been programming targeting solutions on rebel positions before Ylor had finished his orders. With each keystroke of the female operative’s fingers titanic mechanical orbs hummed and buzzed with life, rolling to point toward their targets. The anticipation as they slowed to the slow syrup stop of machinery, a brief pause before the inevitable release of a storm of energy being fired upwards into the pale blue sky.

Redic Scott
May 18th, 2004, 08:47:39 AM
Redic sat in his command seat and let his calm deminer fill the bridge. His face showed no expression, but it also looked never calm. Even as screams were coming through the comm unit and explosions were being viewed outside through the viewports, Redic sat there, calm as could be. He didn't show any fear in him. The bridge crew that looked at him felt relief in seeing their commanding officer like that. Some were scared most so than other, but all were scared none the less. All they could see were ships dieing and they knew that they were losing. Looking at Redic gave them a better feeling, a feeling that everything would be alright.

Looked around the bridge, Redic smiled to all the crews. "You've all done a great job today, you should be proud of yourselves. Even thought we probably wont win this battle, we will be back. The Empire should mark our words. We will not leave this world for long. Oh yes, we will be back, back and in full force. The SOV will be sorry they ever started this war."

Redic stood up an all eyes were on him. "Press on the attack men. Lets get that Inderdictor down and help our people out of here."

No sooner then he had turned to the viewport, fire errupted from the Interdictor. He could see the large ships shields failing and his gunships and his Assault frigates turbolasers start to hammer away at it. All four of the top GravWell domes burst open and them laser fire went through them and shot out the bottom. Redic smiled gently and the rest of the crew cheered.

Redic looked out the viewport and screamed out quick orders, "Get to work people, lets finish this. Engines to full, staroard board batteries keep firing at Indigo One. Forward Batteries engage Indigo II. Port Batteries target those lancers and keep them pinned. Redirect power to shields, we have to hold on for just a little longer. Lets knock those Interdictors out."

Crews went back to work instantly, "Get the gunships to make the same runs on the Indigo II only on the bottom side."

As he spoke, his two escorting gunships flew off toward the next target. One had been hit on it's port side and was venting a little atmosphere. That soon stopped and its shields returned, but they were now weaker. The only thing that let the gunships survive were their speed.

Shields turned blue as laser fire started to impact Assault frigate. The lighter weapons of the interdictor had to work harder to get through the shields. The lancers in the area also fired at it as did some long range fire from the Star Destroyer. For a moment sheilds went down in the back and a few shots impacted them, melting hull plates and scorching the hull. "Get that shield back up!" Redic yelled out.

"Rear shields up and holding." Said the shield officer. "It was a power drain as all the weapons started to fire. We forgot to compansate. Wont happen again."

"It better not." Redic shot back.

"Sir!" The XO called out, "Admiral Reshmar is called a retreat order."

"About time." Redic said, "Where is the admiral?"

"He's heading between those two star destroyers, Sierras two and three. His ship can't take much more, its pretty damaged."

Redic looked at the screen and shook his head. That was a good ship. She had done more than was expected of her and she will be missed. "The Admiral is EV. Artanis is poping escape pods, Flame is coming in to deal with the other Interdictors."

Redic thought for a moment, "Where is the admiral's pod?" He looked at the screen and pointed himself, answering the question, "There. It's guared by the A-wings. Alright, turn us about, get us to those pods. Lets pick them up."

"Sir, shuttles coming up from the surface. They have wounded."

"Order the gunships to move in to protect them. Lets escort them out."

The large Assault frigate started to turn away from the interdictor line and head toward the escape pods. It fired at anything that got too close to it or the pods. Its quad lasers clearing a path through masses of imperial fighters and pounding away at smaller escort craft with turbolasrs.

Admiral Hagen
May 28th, 2004, 06:11:22 AM
The bridge of the Antiphas filled with light as the Artanis exploded in a furious fireball, a swirling cloud of oranges, red and yellows unfurled against the backdrop of the ebony void of space.

The death throes of the Artanis left it perilously close to the Barzel, the mighty Destroyers shields already flickering a hazy azure. With the remnants of the Mon Cal slamming into the Star Destroyers' superstructure, yet more flaming flashes of light lit up the cold black of space. Fighters, tiny in comparison, swept away from the explosions as the hulking mass of the Barzel tilted drunkenly, as smaller explosions and releases of gases dotted it's thick hull.

Aboard the Antiphas, Admiral Hagen stood silently, his fists clenched as he watched the tradgedy unfold beyond the tapristeel viewport. The bridge fell silent for a moment as the Barzel listed and again lit up with larger explosions, it's dark hull now ablaze in many places, the jagged wreckage of the Mon Cal lodged into the Destroyer like a dagger to the heart.

In what seemed an age, but was only a few minutes, the Imperial Fleet had lost several thousand of its finest men and women, lost in the frighteningly powerful erruptions of fire on the Barzel.

Beyond the armoured hull of the Imperial Destroyers, their heavy turbolasers now turned on the second Mon Cal, the black suited gunners with even more determination to break the shields of their foes. With a renewed vigour, spurned by a lust for revenge, the Imperials battled on, the turbolasers of the Leon finding another gunship, shredding it's armour like tin foil.

Hagen turned from the scene, his face taunt and grey. His voice was hollow, the previous anger had been lost with Moore's Star Destroyer.

"Pick up any survivors, call in our reinforcements over Teyr, Captain."

Maximus nodded, his own face that of turbulent emotion.

"Use FLEETCOM and order Balades to eradicate the last of the defense fleet, now, and Captain?"


"Stay focused. We still have a job to do."

Danik Drayton
May 28th, 2004, 11:28:38 AM
The 63rd were lucky, they had seen as few as 6 buildings on their advance, but there had been many skirmishes and firefights along the way. Captain Renaic and his recon unit were up front as always. A bridge lay ahead, it was to be taken before the main force could, cross and spread out towards their objective. It was expected that the bridges well built arches would probably be mined.
Shots flew from the supporting unit’s weapons as Renaic and his 1st platoon charged. The bridges only visible defence was a light bunker which gave its heaviest fire at the 1st platoon. Under fire they continued onto the bridge. Renaic ordered half his men to search for demolition charges as the rest made their way for the bunker. He stood at the friendly side, his back pressed hard against one of the bridges many girders.

May 28th, 2004, 12:26:39 PM
The Crew of the Flame of Rebellion did not think of the death of there friend behind them. They had only on thing on there mind. The Interdictors. If the Cruisers holding them in there grasp were not Destroyed then none of them would make it out. From the Aft the fire was beginning to increase as the Flame became the New designated target of the Destroyers. Shields were holding and the crew thought little of it. two Interdictors had ben destroyed, The remaining Cruisers were now in the sights of every member of Her Crew.

The remaining elements of the Task force were breaking off and moving into a position where they could make a hasty retreat once the fields were down. having to fight furiously as the ran the toll of the battle continued to escalate as another Gunship was destroyed in a fireball.

3 Ships remained of the Defense fleet, One crippled and limping into a location where it could transfer its personnel. The other two trying to outrun the firepower of the mighty Destroyers which were now more determined then ever to see there end then before. From the planet bolt after bolt of ion fire splashed against the shielding causing massive spikes in the power but with the excessive range the power of the bolts were not enough to overpower the massive shielding of the Calamari vessel.

All around People were dieing. Ships after ship exploded in what seemed like a continuos rate. in all Task Force Orishma had lost a Dreadnought, one Assault Frigate, a CR-90 Corvette, 2 DP20 Gunships and the acting HQ the Artanis. Now all but the Flame of rebellion ,which was fighting a losing battle in order to save the remaining forces of the task force, were desperately trying to escape the battle and make it to a clear jump point to regroup and come back for revenge.

Teleran Balades
May 30th, 2004, 02:38:29 PM
The mottled green and brown planet below silently roated beneath the two massize craft keeping a close watch over her. It had been several weeks since the planet had been siezed, but unrest was still high. Fear of swift punishment from the assault cruisers were the only thing keeping extremists from challenging the imperials.

On board the Defiler, acting-commander Kordon was awakened from his sleep by the high-pitched beep of the com-port near her bed. Blinking grogily, Kordon clumsily fumbled for the switch.

"What is it?" she asked while stiffling a yawn. A glance at the chrono showed the time to be 0520 standard time.

"Sorry to bother you commander, but there is a prioity alpha messeage for you. It's from Hagen's fleet.

That woke her up instantly. She dressed in a hurry and was standing on the partialy deserted bridge in less than four minutes.

What does Hagen want? They only left a few hours ago. They couldn't have taken care of Bestine already. She strode to the comm station and motioned for the ensign there to move. Her flingers danced across the panel, entering the decryption codes. The orders she read seemed strange, the admiral was asking for reinfocements. Puzzled though she was, she could't disobey a direct order from an admiral.

"Lieutenant, get on FLEETCOM and have everyone to the asigned ships. Have the pilots prep there fighters, somethings happening over Bestine." she paused to think for a momnet before adressing the lieutenant again. "Leave a legion grounside with two fighter squadrons for support. Inform Admiral Hagen we're on the way"

4th Response Squadron flagship-Feanor

"Captain, the rebel forces are breaking away, their heading for exit vectors." In the aftermath of the destruction of the Artanis everything had broken into chaos, the tactical computer was having trouble sorting out ship from ship in the massive skirmish taking place on the fringes of atmosphere. The ships were packed to tightly together and energy flares from dying ships didn't help the problem. Visually, however, it was rather easy to see that Republic ships were had forced their way past the bulk of Hagen's battleforce and were inflicting serious damage on the Interdictors.

"Tell Glenn to break off pursuit and defend the Interdictors at all costs. We'll take care of the rest of these."

May 30th, 2004, 02:40:53 PM
"Artanis is gone sir." the sensors officer reported. Tie uttered a quick prayer for those who served aboard the Artanis.
"Increase pressure on the Imp flank. We need to distract them so the rest of the fleet can get out of here. I want an all out attack run by our fighters here and here." Tie said indicating two spots on the holo display. Through the viewport Tie saw the remaining fighters streak off into the stars on their attack run, sowing death and destruction. The Emancipator, Stormhawk and the one remaining gunship added their firepower to the display of destruction. Tie felt the thudding of the Imperial return fire on his ship's shields. "Divert more power to the bow shields, we need to keep this up until the rest of Task Force Orishma can get out."

Jarek T'chort
Jun 3rd, 2004, 07:43:19 AM
The Imperials had suffered heavy casualties entering the capitol city, with the wounded being medevaced by every ten minutes, their afflictions ranging from shrapnel fragements to terrible blaster burns. However, the overwhelming fire power and close air suppourt avalible to the Imperial commanders soon left NR strong points smouldering holes in the ground.

TIE Defenders from the orbiting Imperial Fleet swept down across the city, sending blistering cannonades into NR held buildings and covering the slower Scimictar bombers. Hundreds of sorties held back determined NR counter attacks toward the rear.

In several places along the Imperial lines, where bridges had been blown, Imperial Pioneers worked under firestorms of lasers, throwing up pontoon bridges. Time and again, NR barrages would smash the bridges and their builders to peices, yet, time and again the Pioneers would advance under heavy covering fire to the churned up river banks, the 547th Engineering Battalion. For three hours, Imperial engineers battled the tide and enemy soldiers as they fitted the sections of floating bridge across the swollen river.

As soon as the Imperials gained a foothold, light armoured vehicles and Stormtroopers raced across, driving at the light bunkers on the far side, intense firepower knocking these obstacles down. The Stormtrooper squads, in urban camo armour, split into small squads. They soon dissapeared into the mass of buildings, causing panic and confusion amongst entrenched NR soliders.

Behind this, rolled up the tanks of the 252th Panzer Brigade, their heavy cannons ripping into duracrete like it was paper. Imperial Panzer Grenadiers, who had suffered horrendous casualties in the first drives into the city, pushed up alongside, consolidating the gains made in the wake of the storm troops.

By mid afternoon, the capitol square was surrounded, the Imperials only kept at bay by ferocious resistance from the Republic troops, hidden away in whatever cover they could find.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 3rd, 2004, 07:44:35 AM
If anybody had been watching, it might have been rather funny.

In the middle of a massive firefight, while damaged fleets exchanged fire, a Mon Calamari Cruiser dropped into the midst of the fight, right at the edge of the Interdictor's field. It had clearly been pulled from hyperspace by the grav-well generators. Most Captains, upon being yanked from hyperspace, would have turned and ran.

Strangely, however, this cruiser did not pull out. It instead came about and headed, undaunted, towards the middle of the fight...and as it came closer, it was apparent that something was different about this ship. It vaguely resembled the venerable Mon Remonda, in the way that its massive "wings" flared out to both sides. However, these wings weren't covered in the numerous weapons blisters commonplace on MC-80B cruisers. There were only four blisters on the wings, but each of them was massive, slung in an "under-over" fashion on the wings.

While commanders scrambled to identify the strange ship, it lumbered to a stop. There was a momentary power surge aboard the vessel, and the lights dimmed.

According to the sensors aboard the Flame of Rebellion, this newcomer's shields had just dropped by 15%.

And around this strange cruiser, something miraculous happened: The interdiction field disappeared. Men aboard both the New Republic and Imperial fleets scrambled about, trying to figure out what the hell had happened. The fields were still up aboard the Interdictors...but around that one newcomer, a deadzone has been created, and gravity was back to normal.

The ship pulsed off a single message...

...and 20 seconds later, three MC-90's burst onto the scene, arriving precisely within the strange cruiser's bubble. On the lead cruiser's bridge, Admiral El' Jonson smiled. His gamble had worked. Tapping his headset, he spoke into the microphone.

"Attention, all New Republic Vessels. This is Admiral El' Jonson. Sit tight boys, we're here to get you home..." he toggled the transmit button again, and then sat down. "Tactical, I need an assessment. How does it look?" he asked, concerned. Almost as an afterthought, he opened a channel to the strange Mon Cal cruiser.

"Excellent work, Restoration. You opened up the door."

Captain Dohren's voice came back across the comlink, and Lion imagined the Mon Cal grinning. "It was our pleasure, sir. Now please, let's rescue our comrades."

Lieutenant Riemann turned towards Lion, reading off of a tactical chart. "Sir, it doesn't look good. The Remnant has several cruiser-class or higher vessels in the area, as well as smaller ships and several wings of fighters. We've got debris in the area indicating that the Artanis went up...and the Golan is fried. The Intrepid and Claymore are also down. An escape pod is broadcasting Admiral Reshmar’s personal identification code. Quite frankly sir, I don't think we can win this one.”

Lion laughed. “Win, Lieutenant Riemann? We’re not here to win. We’re here to save the brave men that have been fighting and dying out there. Anything else comes second.” He glanced at the tactical display being projected in front of him, and then did a double take as he glanced at the last remaining cruiser, harrying the Interdictors. “The Flame of Rebellion…” Lion said to himself. “I don’t believe it. I’ve never seen anything so determined to survive, human or machine.”

The durability of the Flame was legendary, even when considered alongside the histories of other, newer vessels. She’d survived 85 separate engagements against superior forces, and boasted one of the highest kill records in the fleet. She’d been rammed, torpedoed, bisected, boarded, and yet she never truly died. Lion wished every cruiser was that durable. He opened a fleet-wide channel on all New Republic frequencies.

“New Republic Forces, I’ve transferred my flag to the Mon Nako. All members of the Bestine Defense Force are ordered to abort their run to rally point alpha and instead make all possible speed for the Restoration. The MC-90 Mon Sondra will stay behind and safeguard the Restoration. The Mon Nako and the Mon Karren will move to cover the Flame of Rebellion. Blue Squadron will escort the shuttle Gambit as it moves to recover Admiral Reshmar, and then coordinate with Valkyrie Squadron and return to the Restoration. All other fighter squadrons are to regroup on the Mon Nako and provide fighter cover. Commander Yamagi, I need the Emancipator to join the Mon Nako. Surprised to see us, Tai? We’re going to pave a path out of here.”

He didn’t need to add that they were leaving. Although they boasted enough firepower insystem to force a standoff with the Imperials, it would be impossible to maintain that standoff. With one of the largest Imperial Naval Bases less than 24 hours away, Lion’s forces would be overwhelmed if and when the Remnant’s reinforcements arrived. Besides that, Imperial forces apparently held control over most of the planet below. For now, this was the only battle in which Lion could do some good.

He watched, satisfied, as ships across the void acknowledged his orders. There was a noticeable change as vessels abandoned their mad rush across space, and slowly came about and made for his impromptu “fleet”. Some ships moved slowly, spouting flames and plasma from leaking drive conduits. The shattered wreck of the Claymore drifted far away, spewing out chunks of superstructure as explosions continued to chain its length. The Emancipator was the largest ship left, and was clearly visible as it headed for the Mon Nako, occasionally loosing a volley of fire to discourage pursuers. Lion spun his chair around and barked orders to his bridge crew.

“Let’s suit actions to words, people. Helm, plot a course towards the remaining Interdictors. Instruct the Mon Karren to plot a similar course, then send our path to the Emancipator and instruct it to intercept us. When we’ve rendezvoused, order the Mon Karren and the Emancipator to establish a triad formation, and prepare for tactic Solo-2. Ops, Engineering, push the reactors to 100% output. Increase energy to the shields and forward turbolasers; post additional personnel in damage control and the weapons blisters. Tactical, get me targeting solutions for anything that might try and stop us. Starfighter Command, I want quartets of fighters guarding our blind spots.”

There was a flurry of action as his bridge crew complied, hurrying to their designated tasks. There was a momentary rumble through the durasteel deck as the engine came fully online, and over in Ops, a temperature display spiked as the reactors increased their power before they began to cool again. The Admiral grinned…they had a chance. The Flame of Rebellion was taking a pounding, but it would be possible to save her. Thousands had died, and that could never be reversed...but perhaps by saving the men and women aboard the Flame, Lion could salvage a bit of good from a hopeless situation. He could only imagine the same thoughts going through the heads of every other captain, from Tai and Reshmar to Redic and Dohren.

"Hang on, guys" Lion called, standing up and pacing to the forward viewport. "We're going in."

Redic Scott
Jun 3rd, 2004, 04:04:39 PM
Redic stood at the front of the Guardian's bridge and looked at the raging battle. How many men had died today? How much was lost? These questions and more kept going through his mind. Staring into the destruction didn't help the matter, but inside he knew that everything would be alright. They would get out of this.

In the distance he could see a batch of escape pods and a squadron of A2-wings buzzing around them like Bees protecting their hive. They were hurting every imperial fighter that dared to get too close. "Open fire around the pods, watch out for our fighters. Clear a path." Redic commanded in a calm, but powerful voice.

In seconds every front battery responded with precision fire, knicking a few defenders as they started attack runs on the A2-wings. A tunnel was made around the pods and the Guardian closed in, stopping almost on top of them. As they stopped, the sensor officer called out, "Sir!! New hyperspace contacts. More ships are coming into the system."

Instantly light errupted at the edge of the gravwell and a ship came in. Within moments the Interdiction field in that area was down. Redic had never seen a ship like that before, but it was broadcasting NR transponder codes. "Looks like help has arrived boys and girls. Lets hurry this up."

As he said this more ships came into the system, bringing a smile to Redic's face. AS the new ships came in to secure the area Redic could see the relief on the faces of the crew. He was glad that they would get to see the light of the next day, but they still had a lot of work to do before they would leave. The imperial fleet will try to hold them insystem as long as possible. Redic swore to himself that they wouldn't succeed.

"Valkyrie Squadron, you are relieved of guard duty. The guardian will secure the Admiral and all of these pod. Carry on with your mission. Keep those defenders off our backs."

As the squadron acknowledges and peeled away, the invisible force of tractor beams shot out and grabbed hold of the escape pods. The first was of the admiral and was taken into the small hanger area. This continued for only a few more moments, until all the pods were on board. In side the hanger crews worked quickly to open up the pods and they got the admiral out quickly. Seeing that he wasn't in such good shape, he was take immediatly to the sick bay.

"Sir, the Admiral is on board and so are the rest of the pods."

"Excellent, move us to the edge of the battle, we have to hold the imps back until the shuttles make it out." Redic keyed in the NR fleet frequency, "To all NR ships in the area, Admiral Reshmar is now onboard the Guardian. As of now the Guardian is acting Flagship for Artanis Task Force."

He turned to the sensor ops, "How are our gunships doing?"

"Sir, they have taken some minor damage, but nothing they can't handle. They are on their way out, requesting to stay with the Gaurdian sir."

"Tell them to get out while they can, we wont stick around much longer as well."

AS orders were relayed, the Guardian accelerated outward, out of the zone again. However, as it went on, fire was traded with the Star Destroyers. The Assault frigate delivered massive broadsides against the damaged shielding of one of the SDs caught in the Artanis explosion. The return fire rocked the Frigate and lowered shields at 60%, but the frigate had to distract the ship. Like a fighting mystical beast, the Assault frigate picked on ships over twice its size. Delivering broadsides left and right, it stood at the front and in the middle, but lower in space, between too massive Star Destroyers. It poured out turbolaser fire without stop into the belly's of the ships. The guardians engines had been taken off-line and the energy used to increase shielding. All non-essensial system were off line and lights were almost off. All power was holding back the massive imperial barrages.

In some places, the ship was getting hit and blasts going through, tearing into the hull. Fires burned in a few places, but weapons out as soon as blast doors were shut. They only need to hold position for a little bit longer.

On the ground, most of the NR forces were out of Bestine City. They had left almost nothing of any use behind them. All supplies were either taken out of the city in truck convoys and that which could not be carried was destroyed. The only NR troops to stay in the city were 2 Special operations squads. These were there to relay targeting data to missile batteries outside of the city.

Once they did, tens of heavy missiles and cluster munitions rained down on concentrated Imperial heavy tank positions. Houses were demolished in the process, but this would all hinder the imperial movements. Roads were blocked and would need clearing. Others were trapped with mines. Fuel storage facilities were booby trapped and would exploded if anything got too close to them, others were just destroyed.

As the defenders came in, surviving troops, even some civilians that had been enlisted fired on them with homing torpedos as the defenders past. The city was starting to be turned into ruins. Soon there might not be anything left. The Ground commanders knew that the imperials had many more forces than the NR and would soon over run them. The only question was when.

Teleran Balades
Jun 9th, 2004, 02:37:19 PM
"What the hell? Play that back on screen 4."

Another Mon Cal cruiser had been pulled out of hyperspace by not even a minute ago, then a few seconds later a Republic fleet showed up as well Inside the interdiction field!.

A viewscreen shifted over the the recording of the arrival of the newcomers. The only tell-tale sign of anything amiss was a breif energy surge from the first ship.

"All right people, the Republic has a few tricks up their sleeves as well. Helm, break of pursuit and put us on an intercept course with the lead cruiser."

The forces were too close of a match now. The remainder of the 4th Response Squadron would be needed if they were to hold off an all-out counter attack. It was a lucky thing that Hagen had called the group in. Tel new Hagen was an excellent commander and was good at predicting the enemies moves, but he could help but wonder if the Admiral had known about the incoming forces.

As the massive bulk of the Feanor began her gruellingly slow about-face, the Malice already far ahead was quickly nearing one of the remaining Interdictors that was being harried by enemy gunships. The second the Aurora was in range of the gunships, torpedoes erupted out of their pods and raced in at the smaller vessels. A dozen minature novas flared as torpedos impacted their targets. Several torpedoes raced past the intended vessels and detnated once the targeting lock was lost, filling space of deadly shrapnel.

While the mass of warships spat beams of death at each other, the Feanor finally brought her prow on a direct line in front of the lead Republic cruiser.

"Captain, we'll be in firing range in 2 minutes and 14 seconds."

"By that time the damage will already be done. Push the reactors to 120 percent."

A worried lieutenant looked back. "We'll overload the engines before we even reach them."

"We'll take care of that when we need to."

Tel sighed, they were too far out to help their allies, and would take too long to enter firing range. Three seconds later an idea clickd in Tel's mind.

"Commander North, break off your attacks. Paint the lead NR cruiser with a missle lock and transfer your targeting data to us."

Jun 10th, 2004, 07:39:43 AM
Tie saw the arrival of Lions fleet.
"Its time to leave gentlemen." Tie ordered. "Recall all of the fighters. Intensify forward firepower to cover our excape. Helm plot us a course out of here back to Folor."
"Aye, aye sir." the officers acknowledged. While the Republic had put up a heroic defense Bestine would now be in Imperial hands.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 13th, 2004, 05:32:50 AM
Lion steadied himself as the massive Aurora's came about. Alarms wailed, warning that the powerful Mon Nako had been targeted. Despite all of her shielding, Lion wasn't eager to pit her against a full salvo of torpedoes. He needed to seize the initiative.

"Flame of Rebellion, prepare to fire a full broadside at the Feanor. Target her aft shields with a full spread of photon torpedoes, and follow up with a broadside against the engines and lateral thrusters. If you can disable her maneuverability, you're home free."

Lion looked back at his tactical map, noting with concern the steadily approaching terminator line that marked when the Malice would be able to fire her torpedoes. Yes, this could work...

"Emancipator, paint the Malice with targeting beams..focus on the starboard shields, and fire whatever you've got. Mon Karren, target the Malice's port weapon's batteries. Passive targeting only, don't activate anything that could alert her to your target. The Mon Nako will dumb-fire a full spread of proton torpedoes against the Malice's port shields. When they hit, Mon Karren, bring all targeting sensors online and attack. Standby to fire on my mark. If this works, they won't know what hit them. All hands, brace for warhead impact. Helm, give me a 10 degree per second roll. We need to spread any impacts across a wide area."

The man in charge of weapons looked up, concerned.

"Sir, a roll will make dumb-firing our torpedoes difficult.

Lion shook his head, smiling for a second.

"It's a Star Destroyer, weapons. I very much doubt that you can miss something that big." He looked down at his timer. "Execute."

Admiral Hagen
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:46:14 AM
A single bead of sweat rolled down Admiral Hagens features, falling from his forehead and soaking into his tunic. His face was tight featured, brow furrowed.

The arrival of the Republic rescue fleet had been half-expected, but it was still an unwelcome suprise when they had dropped into the middle of the battle.

"Looks like they aren't here to fight, they're covering the retreat."

Hagen didn't look at his musing Captain as he spoke, instead concentrating on the scene outside his viewport.

"Have the Ovid come about, engage the newcomers. The Leon is to keep up pressure on the Defender class. Bring us about to starboard, launch our recon and bomber squadrons."

"Aye sir."

The Antiphas rolled slightly to it's right, bringing it rougly alongside the fleeing Guardian. As it did so, a full broadside errupted from the ships heavy turbolasers, sending intense energy at the flagship.

The comm officer looked up sharply. "Admiral, reinforcements inbound."

Hagen smiled grimly as the two Aurora Star Destroyers dropped out of hyperspace just inside the Interdictor field. Their massive engines flared as they pressed forward toward the furious engagement being played out above the water world of Bestine.

Even if they couldn't wipe out the escaping rebels, he would make damn sure they were severely crippled.

Jarek T'chort
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:58:46 AM
The city was smouldering, great plumes of smoke drifted into the pale blue skies, accompanying the distant sounds of blaster fire and shell explosions.

On a bluff overlooking the expansive city below, General Daniel Krill held a rangefinder to his eyes, scanning the ruins before him. His face was solemn, his eyes grey. The Imperial Army had suffered heavy casualties on entering the city, even more as they had pressed onwards into the center. Some forward units had taken more then 40% losses in crossing the Fererm River. The city had been hurriedly encircled, yet the XXI Motorized Corps had failed to stem the flow of Republic soldiers fast enough, allowing many to slip away into the surrounding countryside.

Krill's forces had soon re-grouped and sped north, bypassing Republic positions, to reach the crucial Ion Cannons and Shield Generators and the coast. AT AT walkers led stormtrooper assaults of strongpoints, suppourted by creeping barrages by Imperial heavy guns. Further landings east of Bestine City had caught the Republic unawares, allowing the Imperials to hold a line cutting the main continent in half.

Redic Scott
Jun 18th, 2004, 01:36:25 PM
"Sir, Sierra Two is preparing to launch fighters. She's also coming around towards us." Called out the sensor officer.

Redic thought quickly and telled out orders. "Guns, when you those fighters start to launch, open fire with all quad lasers. Helm, bring us down 2 kilometers and put us under that beast."

As the ship decended in space, the Star Destroyer had come around and just started to open fire. Being already lower, only half of the ISDs batteries hit the Assault frigate. Even with this reduced number, the Frigate shook and vibrated as the shields struggled to hold off the tremendous amount of energy.

"Shields down to 58%, but holding!" Yelled a bridge officer.

"Transfer shields to the top. Open fire will all batteries against the bottom of that Destroyer."

At once, all batteries that were in place, opened fire into the ISDs belly. The Quad laser cannons opened up on the hanger as the fighters and bombers started to emerge. The slower bombers would probably be the most hurt.

"Turn us toward exit vector and tell me how many NR ships are left."

The bridge tilted as the ship turned toward space and their exit vector. "Sir, all the ships have made it out. Only the Flame left and it is being escorted out by Admiral Lion's fleet."

"Alright, we can't hold out against this Star Destroyer." Redic said, pointing up toward the bulk towering over them.

"Give me flank speed, move us away and jump us out as soon as you can."

The reply came in the force of the ignition of all the frigates engines. The large ship lurched forward, accelerating faster than the SD could. "All shields back." Redic called just as the SDs forward batteries lanced out at them. Some shots got through and melted armor plates once more, popping bulkheads and exposing sections to space.

"Jumping in Five...Four...three...Two...." The ship shook as shields started to go down. "..One...Mark."

As "mark" was rechieved, everything got quiet and then the ship lept forward into the safty of the blue/white tunnel.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Jul 14th, 2004, 03:44:54 PM
The sound of blaster fire and the thud of two soldiers on the ground rang down the hall. Darriann quickly turned around and aimed his blaster to the bushes they had just came from. He saw nothing a couple of soldiers fired off bolts into the flora scaring off a bird.

Darriann knew it was gonna be hard to get in the control room, but this just made it a whole lot harder. He scanned the area one last time before he told the group to move up. He took rear to make sure they wouldn't get jumped, and whoever was following them would easily be seen now as they moved down the hall.

Suddenly an explosion blew all then men off their feet. A trip mine. Darriann should have guessed. He quickly got up and looked to see if any had survived. Three.

"Damn, this whole place is rigged!" A frightened soldier said, "I'm taking my chances out there!"

The soldier ran off before Sollak could tackle him. "You idiot. Get back here. That's an order!"

"Screw orders." The young soldier said before running out the door.

Two men now. Sollak looked around they weren't equipped to defuse so many hidden explosives. They had to find an alternate route. One of the remaining soldiers pointed out the ventilation duct. "Sir, do you think we could make it through the vents?"

"It's worth a shot, drop your packs and only take your weapons."

They quickly got the vent cover loose and climbed into the dusty shaft. Now it was just a matter of finding out where to go.

Jul 17th, 2004, 12:30:11 AM
Just outside the Planetary/Ion Cannon base

Leaves crunched lightly as an armored body lay back against the trunk of a nearby tree. The smell of ozone still filled the air. The soldier grimaced painfully. His body was bruised, beaten and bloody. A small droplet of blood fell from the corner of his lip, joining the crimson gathering under his chin as various cuts and lacerations over his face contributed. All were reminders, some of actions done hours before, others just mere minutes.

Twin pistols raised up to either side of his head, he paused silently awaiting the click and spring of the spent energy cells ejecting.

Tear sniffed lightly causing the drop of blood gathering under his chin to drip and fall over his mud covered armor. A swift motion slammed fresh energy cells into both pistols simultaneously, giving a resounding click and dull hum of charging plasma. Mere inches away the ground was still smoldering from a blaster bolt that tore through the bushes narrowly missing Tear in the process. A lucky shot, almost too lucky.

Tear legs trembled lightly, rejecting to the movement, letting his muscles burn with the build of lactic acid. Sliding up the tree using his back for support. His body felt like lead having been pushed past its limit for far too long, his wounds were beginning to show. Tear glared forward, he would finish his mission, his duty, the only thing he had left in this life.

A flash of motion, foot steps speeding through the underbrush but not coming toward him instead running from the base. Fear could be a powerful motivator. The republic trooper sped passed. Tears weapons raised training on the soldier as he ran for his life. The ground shook suddenly. Tears body nearly gave out as he fell against the tree trunk he had been sitting against. It shook again this time bringing with it a rhythm of foot steps. The familiar metallic gray face of an At-st walker appeared above the treetops, bounding along with the elegance of a machine. Stopping suddenly its twin turrets swiveled around and contracted spilling out a flash of red ending into a plume of orange and yellow flames. The walking tank paused as if admiring its handy work before resuming its romp toward the ion cannon, leaving behind a dead republic trooper.

Ion cannon- Weapon control room

The room shook violently various consoles, computer screens and electrical outputs exploded in a shower of sparks and shattered glass. The room’s inhabitants picked themselves off the floor as lights flickered above, leaving them to scramble to their stations in sporadic darkness.

“Report.” Ylors voice was groggy before a quick throat adjustment reaffirmed his question.


“Corridor two. The republic troopers tripped the explosives I had set up there.” Bren’lar managed the situation report even though his immediate attention was over the blaster wound in his shoulder. The bloodied bandages had torn in the explosion.

“Naomi situation?”

“Scans look like the republic is fleeing the system. Looks like their reinforcements are just giving them cover. Ion cannons are still opening fire on the ships heading toward the indictators.” The woman paused to brush a mass of bloodied hair from her forehead, blinking in concentration, her fingers fell over the keyboard in a series of quick strokes. She looked up at Ylor with a mix of concern and relief smeared over her soot dotted face.

“Imperial reinforcements have arrived sir. But I’ve lost the cameras in corridor two. I don’t know where the republic troopers have gone.”

Ylor waded through a sea of broken furniture and sparking cables that hung, fallen from the ceiling. “Nothing? They aren’t on any of the cameras? There!” A gloved finger jabbed the display of camera 17, showing the outer courtyard. “Who’s that?”

Naomi squinted briefly before looking back to her commanding officer with a smile over her lips. “He’s still alive…”

Entrance to the planetary shield/Ion cannon Republic base

Tear slid along the metallic walls, pocked with blaster bolt marks, moving with a dead determination after his quarry that continued to evade him. His weapons rose in front as if they were eyes, spying the way ahead. Adrenaline began to pump through his veins filling the void where his body could no longer function.

The Imperial Colonel spun around a corner of the corridor expecting with almost certainty to meet the republic troops he chased but instead only saw the charred wreckage of an explosion…and an open vent.

“A sad mistake on your part my friend.” Tears voice was little over a hiss as his hand reached into his pocket removing three spheres, hunter probes. Usually their bigger cousins were used by bounty hunters to track targets over a populated area or pin point a location. But whatever the use these small floating probes could reach places were no other could or would want to reach willingly. In this case, Tears fingers tapped over small control panels, setting the droids to home in on the source of carbon dioxide. Unfortunately for the republic troopers crawling through an airtight vent, that was made to efficiently move air from source to source, an easy if not effortless task. Upon finding their targets they would detonate, again the vents would probably only help the flow of the blast, making escape almost impossible.

The orbs floated from Tears open palm, hovering in mid air for a moment as they sensors locked in, they then bolted down the vents in search of their targets. Tears chest burned for a moment reminding the soldier to breathe once again. Exhaling, the colonel smiled to himself and began to make his way toward the command center.

Redic Scott
Jul 18th, 2004, 09:49:38 AM
At the edge of the Bestine System there was nothing but blackness, specks of light beaming from lightyears away, and on this day something winked into existance. Four relativaly tiny craft emerged from a light tunnel called hyperspace and entered the void of real space. At four different edges of the system, they appeared almost at onces. The 28 meter black ships floated for a moment as spy sensors powered up and interception gear started recieving data and storing it for a short time before sending a short encoded burst transmittion toward NR Intelligence relay bouyes.

The internal droid brains started matching their position to star charts and determined where they were. One position was known, all system checks commenced as the computers ran through all the ship's systems. As the systems came up all green, the brains determined that the mission could begin and started to run through mission checklists. The internal guidence systems and sensors intermingled and determined the best speed and course to avoid detection. Estimated fleet positions were pluged in and the drones started to passivally scan and map the area. Anything found would be charted and all information pertaining to that object would be stored and sent to Headquarters.

Once all calculations had finished, the chemical engines fired once and died after a few seconds burst. Together, the four Ferret spy ships slowly pushed their way toward the imperial locations within the system. All communications heading in and out of the system were intercepted and passed on. All ship movements would be recorded and sent on their way as well. The almost invisible ships, both visually and sensor wise, had a job to do, and they would do to the best of the droid brains capability.

Travis North
Aug 25th, 2004, 01:01:45 PM
Just before the salvos of the Flame fired Travis had got the message and painted the target. He transferred the data to turret command aboard the Destroyer and then looped out before he could be shot.

Torps blazed around the TIE and nearly clipped the wings. Travis wasn't sure if he would live but he raced toward the Feanor's bay. He slowed up and slipped into the hanger. It was rough. He quickly slipped into the grappler but was jerked to the side a bit from an torp' explosion against the shields. He wasted no time running down the flight deck to the hanger control room. Where he could be safe from being rocked about. He watched the read-outs. Today was a major victory for the Sovereignty.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Aug 25th, 2004, 01:20:17 PM
Darriann and the remainder of his group crawled through the vents until they reached a block, an energy field ment for clensing the shafts. It was gonna be hard to get by. They couldn't shoot a blaster or it would alert everyone, and the controls were out aswell apparently it had been overloaded by ion discharge. Sollak wondered how the field survived but it did.

They were trapped. Before the group could think of anything to do, a humming noise could be heard behind them. Darriann had heard that sound once before. On his own ship. A bounty hunter had a hit on him and sent a droid tracer after him to locate where he was on the ship. This droid made a similar sound. All Darriann did was say, "Son of a..".

An explosion incinerrated the person behind Darriann and rocked the vent shaft forcing his head to come in contact with a vary hard panel knocking him out. The trooper ahead was also knocked out in a similar fashion. What was to become of them remained uncertain.

Admiral Hagen
Aug 26th, 2004, 04:00:14 PM
A deep sigh escaped the lips of the seated Admiral Hagen. For the first time since the engagement had began, his white-knuckled fists released the edges of his command chair, as the Fleet officer allowed himself to relax. His temprament was never wholly stable, but he was fast and decisive, what the Sovereignty needed in situations like this.

The bridge was still a hive of activity, there were still Republic fighters to be dispatched, stricken fighters and escape pods needing to be picked up and the seemingly endless situation and damage reports coming in from the Antiphas and the rest of the Fleet.

Hagen straightened his tunic and stood, signaling the Comm officer.

"Instruct the Fleet to take up defensive positions, standard clear up operations are to proceed."

The officer in the crew pit nodded and transmitted the relevant information. About him, crewers continued their tasks, while the ever vigilant Captain Maximus kept them focused and sharp. They were young and many inexperienced, but they had gone through their trial of fire, passing with flying colors. The battle was over, the Republic had fled, but much needed to be done.

Turning toward the angled bridge windows, Hagen mused as he watched the sphere of Bestine turn silently, it's azure surface masked by cloud. The Imperial Sovereignty had won a great victory here today, it was now up to his superiors where the battle weathered Fleet went next.

Teleran Balades
Aug 29th, 2004, 08:59:53 PM
Teleran leaned back heavily into the command chair with a hand across his brow. All of the pressure built up from weeks of preparation escaped in a collective sigh across the bridge. The relaxed state wouldn't last for long. A lengthy ground battle and a New Republic counter attack would be inevitable. Fortification of the planet would have to begin immediately.

The stoic captain stood and moved to the holo-display, soaking up damage report data as crew members and officers rushed back and forth coordinating rescue shuttles picking up Extra-vehicular personnel, escape pods, and damaged fighters. Balades winced involuntarily as the report from Malice came in. In the final barrage the behemoth had been the focus of a trio of enemy cruisers and a bomber wing. The move had been unexpected and caught both Lieutenant Commander Glenn and Balades of guard. The vessel was now pock-marked with dozens of craters, burned bulkheads, and shredded weapons batteries. After a stream of follow up data Tel figured a few other ships in the fleet were in similar reapair, or worse, especially the Interdictors.

"Captain. Orders from Admiral Hagan." The Junior officer manning the practically had to shout over the commotion on the bridge.

Balades turned and strode back towards his command chair. The message transferred from the comm-station to the pad at the arm rest. Tel glanced at it for a moment, sat down, smoothed the creases from his uniform, and motion to the crew pit. Almost immediately the activity calmed down.

"All right people. We're not out of this yet. Helmsman, take us to grid 47, we are to take up a defensive position in that area. I want fighter patrols scouring every asteroid, piece of debris, and whatever else you find out there. I want no surprises." after a second Tel added, "Pick up any escape pods and downed fighters on the way."

Tel paused a moment to let the relevant crew members get to work.

"Engineering, program the maintenance driods to get our maneuvering thrusters back online and get hull breaches sealed."

While the massive bulk of
Feanor slowly maneuvered on the massive primary engines alone, Tel set to work filling out requisition forms for lost assets. Fighters, personnel, and replacement torpedoes made up the bulk of the order. Checking the damage reports again, Tel typed in one more thing. A mobile repair platform. He would need his ship at full fighting power when the counter-assault came; there'd be no possible way for maintenance driod to repair any of the major damage the fleet sustained.

Unconsciously Teleran glanced out the starboard viewports. Outside the wreck of Artanis floated by in a slow death spiral towards the clouded, blue planet below. The destruction brought a triumphant smile to Balades's face. After months of fighting rebelling colonists, pirates, and other Imperial factions, it was satisfying to finally exacting a measure of revenge on the Republic. They would no doubt be howling for blood once news of the attack reached the Senate. Tel would be glad to oblige them the fight.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 1st, 2004, 06:12:38 PM
In the hub of the Imperial High Command complex on Orrl island, the news of the victory over Bestine had been met with barely reserved jubilation - mainly from the younger staff officers. Months of planning and preparation had paid off. The plan had gone smoothly, despite the inevitable losses. Orders and reinforcements had been sent right away, every man and woman involved knew this was but a respite before the true test of the mettle of the Imperial Armed Forces would be tested to it's very limit by the Republic counterattack.

The problem was, how, where and when the counter would fall. Intelligence was on overdrive, assimilating information and monitoring Republic military movements and build ups. But information, for now, was scant. Defense of the prize was the order of the day.

The orders of Field Marshall Tchort were clear - the remnants of resistance must be eliminated, Bestine must be held. No quarter would be given to the insurgents and those fighting out of Republic uniform. Excecution as terrorists awaited them.

Even as the sun rose high over Orrl island, light glimmering from the assorted structures, the command complex was switching gears, the initial phase was over, now would come the defense. The result would determine perhaps the fate of the entire galaxy.