View Full Version : Blonde Knockout! (daiq and open)
imported_Blade Ice
Feb 22nd, 2004, 11:26:37 PM
Let's fight!
We're face-to-face, loyalty is what I need to see from you.
You're insecure, I can see the fear that breeds in your heart.
Where will you run, where will you hide.
I see the blood drip from eyes.
Who will survive, let's get it on, then we'll fight.
I know who you are, the leader of lost souls.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
I'm not afraid to die, my soul will travel on.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
Immortal, immortal.
I need the rush, there's nowhere you can hide before you die.
Why won't you face me? I can see the fear that's in your eyes.
Where will you run, where will you hide.
I see the blood drip from your eyes.
Who will survive, let's get it on, then we'll fight.
I know who you are, the leader of lost souls.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
I'm not afraid to die, my soul will travel on.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
Where will you run, where will you hide.
Where will you run, where will you hide.
Let's fight!
I know who you are, the leader of lost souls.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
I'm not afraid to die, my soul will travel on.
You can't kill me, I'm immortal.
You can't kill me. Immortal!
You can't kill me. Immortal!
You can't kill me. Immortal!
You can't kill me.
So the deal was on one fight one goal for blade that was to win. The prize was way too much to lose. The Blonde bombshell stood before hotter then ever but ready to fight. Blade carried a smirk of over confidence; he wanted to win the prize more then anything. If he won the fight he got to sleep with Daiq and if he lost he would probably be killed, so the only option was win.
"Are you ready or do you need time to prepare? I heard woman need time to get for things like this."
Blade brought out his sabers in front of him and ignited them, they where black with a red glow coming off them. The matched his glowing orange eyes very well. The battlefield seemed ready a park in curscant the sun was high in the sky. Blade was dressed in his normal tattered trench coat with a few secrets of it own. He looked at the blonde one last time with a smile that said I'm so going to love making love to you.
"I am a gentleman, Ladies first. Just remember I'm good, so don't be to disappointed if I win."
Selinica Miriya
Feb 23rd, 2004, 12:14:05 AM
Hey there girlfriend. See you got caught up in the hunt. I see the look in that man's eyes. Ooh, he wants you bad. Can you say lust, or can you say luuuuuuuuust...
Smirk. Golden hair sheening in the sun. A tilt of the head not to let too much of the high Coruscant sun to her eyes, Miriya watched her old friend prepare her mind for what was to come. The Sith Huntress knew just as well that if she were in Daiq's position, the fight would be pure exhiliration for her.
The thought of bloodying anybody made her thirst for a kill. But killing wasn't on her menu today, as far as she knew. Since she'd caught glimpse of Daiq, she decided Yes....Watch.
Besides, I got no reason to kill anybody here. There's no purpose to their deaths..but still...
She ran her tongue over her soft, light lips and grinned darkly.
You get him, girlfriend. Just like moving in for the kill...
And she stayed to the shadow of a tall, wide tree. Observing.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 23rd, 2004, 12:24:09 AM
"Slow down, big boy. Youre rushing into this way too fast. A lady likes to take things slow....and easy."
A smirk of her own crossed her lips as Daiquiri sauntered toward her opponent. Blade was eager alright and for more than just the fight. That was good. His over confidence would be his downfall and the Sith intended to start knocking him down. But, first things first.
"C'mon, about a kiss for luck - just to start out on the right foot, hmm?"
Boldly, she walked up to him, her hands weaponless. With a wink of one blue eye, Daiq leans up to kiss him, her lips trailing from his chin up towards his mouth. With her head rising up in his line of vision, its impossible for him to see what her hands are doing.
"And just what part am I supposed to be disappointed with if you win? The fact that I lost or what comes after?"
With the speed of a serpent her fingers curl around his wrists and she locks her elbows as she steps forward, one knee lifting high. Jerking her head back, Van-Derveld drives her knee hard into his groin then snaps her forehead against his as Blade begins to double from the pain.
Releasing his left wrist, Daiq's fingers dig into his palm and wrenches that weapon from his grasp. Ducking and tucking into a backwards sommersault the second she frees his other hand, the Sith barely managed to avoid Blade's angry slash from the saber in his right hand.
Gaining her feet, Daiquiri swipes at the trickle of blood from the cut on her forehead, compliments of the headbutt she delivered. It was a small price to pay in exchange for the lightsaber. Grinning, she blows a kiss at Ice.
"Was it as good for you, baby?"
imported_Blade Ice
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:10:39 AM
"And just what part am I supposed to be disappointed with if you win? The fact that I lost or what comes after?"
Blade had been caught in the moment of the kiss. Next thing he knew pain shot through his body he could feel his grion in his stomach. Then came the shot to the head it knock him a away just enough so his saber could get ripped away. He had swong back angerly and in pain mostly seeing red to just barely miss her with is right saber which was now his only saber. then he slowed down to let the pain sobside a bit and watched her wipe her blood away.
"Two things. I let you have that one but no more.Also I drew first blood." Blade groaned
Worst part of this all was Blade could sense a spectator watching the happenings. Good part was it put Blade back into the right state of mind all he cared about now was pounding the witch into the ground. The part that came after didn't matter no payment was worth getting kneed in the groin.
He was still hunched over panting making it look like he was having a hard time recovering. He used his force speed to come up in a blur his saber coming at daiq to her left side in an up swing to her right shoulder. Bladed wanted this ended quick.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 26th, 2004, 07:48:34 PM
Slower to sense the presence of the onlooker, Daiquiri made an almost fatal mistake in turning to see who was close by. Only from the corner of her eye did she catch a blur of movement and in the split second it took her to turn back in Ice's direction, he was nearly on her.
Lunging sideways toward his left, the Sith hooked the tip of her blade beneath his, jerking it up and slightly off the course that she was sure Blade had intended. As his momentum carried him past her original position, Daiq let the long edge of her saber sizzle along his unprotected side. To add insult, Van-Derveld shoo'ed Ice further along his trajectory by adding a force push - right at a decorative, water-spewing fountain.
Daiquiri allowed him to teeter precariously at the raised edge of the pool for a few moments before ending the small attack and letting him gain his balance. As he turned back to face her, the blonde grinned cheekily.
"Looks like youre going to need some new threads, Blade."
On the ground between them laid a sizeable swath of material cut from his trench coat, the scorched fibers easy to see.
imported_Blade Ice
Mar 5th, 2004, 12:50:34 AM
Blade looked at the coat for just a second and a sneer crossed his face. She was ruining a great relic of sith past, the only one of its kind. She didn't know what she was doing, if she where smart she would have already sensed the force energy coming from the coat.
He studied Daiq for a moment judging his next attack. She was toying with him playing a bit of cat and mouse. It was a game Blade didn't care for he was more for the straight up fight or at least fights he knew he could get away with cheating in.
"Is this how you fight? Ha I would have thought Vega to pick the woman who could fight. I guess I was wrong, he just goes for the type with the nice racks."
He laughed as he came at Daiq again this time a little more cautiously so not to be in the same predicament. He didn't raise his saber to her this time it was out defensively as he moved towards her. His free hand reached for a dagger in his coat actually three of them. One by one he tossed them with accuracy aimed for Daiq's pretty face.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 9th, 2004, 07:28:08 AM
Quick, sharp flicks with the tip of her saber took care of the first two daggers, batting them away to lie broken on the park grass. The third one, Daiq let slip past with a leaning twist of her head, hearing the soft 'thunk' as the blade embedded itself into the trunk of a towering old oak tree behind her.
" 'Nice rack'? Well, thanks for noticing."
As Blade moved forward, Daiquiri retreated the few steps to the tree, her shadow lost in the bigger one of a large overhead branch. With another step or two, Blade would be directly beneath the heavy limb.............there!
Turning, the Sith swung her lightsaber like an ax, its orange blade sizzling through the wood and cleaving the branch neatly from it's parent trunk. Jumping back, Daiq watched as the thick branch crashed down toward Ice.
Selinica Miriya
Mar 9th, 2004, 04:31:46 PM
She was laughing to herself...
Miriya knew Daiq could most definetly hold her own. And that showed itself here as it had many years before. Ice was putting up quite the raging fight, too. The sith huntress was watching Blade Ice mostly, because she didn't know him at all...
Ice blue eyes glinting in the sun, she leaned against a tree, and continued to watch the battle in silence.
imported_Blade Ice
Mar 17th, 2004, 03:14:23 PM
Blade was just beneath the branch when it was cut by his stolen saber. Blade just sensed it in time to dodge out of the way but before a smaller branch whipped across his back cutting through the trench coat into his back. He was now in more pain was this fight even worth it anymore.
Blade smiled as he called on the force and pulled the saber daiq had let loose on the branch to his free hand. Blade now held an advantage Daiq was unarmed. Blade could feel the wound on his back bleeding but he ignored it as best he could.
Blade then leaped up into the trees jumping from branch to branch in a furious blur causing Daiq to loose him with her eyes. Then he dropped right behind her and kicked with his right leg at the back of her knees trying to get them to buckle.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 28th, 2004, 02:09:26 PM
The thud of his boots hitting the ground behind her came a tad too late. As the Sith began to turn, one of Blade's booted feet came lashing out, catching her at the back of one knee and forcing her joint to buckle forward.
As she dropped on her knee, Daiq used the action to reach back and sweep hard with her other foot, hooking it behind one of his. Her hand snaked into her waistband and jerked out the vibroblade as she leapt back up onto her feet and faced him.
imported_Blade Ice
Apr 17th, 2004, 06:48:13 PM
Blade stumbled back has he was tripped up by Daiq leg sweep. It gave her just the right amount of time to get to her feet and draw her weapon. This wasn't going to be as easy as Blade had hoped; she was good at anticipating blades moves. Maybe he should stick to some of his more old school tricks from this point forth.
Blade disengaged one of his saber and slipped it back onto his belt and in the same fluid motion he produced an item from his trench coat. He showed it to Daiq with only a grin on his face that asked do you feel like living today. Blade was holding a thermal detonator that had a dead mans switch on it.
"Do you like to gamble Daiq?"
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