View Full Version : RP's will be slowing down a bit...

Quay'Na Rakai
Feb 22nd, 2004, 02:20:45 PM

Pretty much everyone knows who I am. And I'm like on all the time, usually up to date on my RP-ing. But, things are changing.

I've recently had a life-changing experieince and it's all good, but it's also made me realize, yes I love to RP, but...I'm also a mom and I really need to focus on being a mom more.

I love my kids dearly and they love me and I am going to be spending some more time with them. I have twins, as most of you know and they are 8. I didn't really realize how much time I spent on the computer RP-ing, while they waited.

I see that now and so now to change that, my RP's will be still on everyday but, when I'm usually on after I get off work for an hour or so, that is stopping.

I won't be going on now until after the girls go to bed and I'll be on in the mornings before they get up. So, in conclusion, my RP's will slow down, but in the time I'm on, I will work hard to get to them. And I know at first, it will probably drive me crazy, because I'm so used to that time.

But, ya know I have to think of them and that they aren't going to be kids for very much longer and before I know it they'll be out on their own and I'll be left wondering where all the time went. So, this is a good thing and I know all of you that RP with me, will understand....I hope. So, that is just it in a nutshell.

Oh, and I will be on if I have the day off, while they are at school, like tomorrow...:)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 22nd, 2004, 02:42:48 PM
Here, here!!! :D

Good for you for realizing that the time with your kids goes all too quickly. Mine are almost 17 and when I look at them I have to wonder where the time went. In another couple of years or so, they'll be going off to college and ..................I'll be lost without them :cry

Feb 22nd, 2004, 03:37:34 PM
Nope..they'll be back for food and laundry :p trust me

Rognan Dar
Feb 22nd, 2004, 04:08:19 PM
I'm glad to here this. I dont have kids, thank goodness, but I know how much it means to kids that they get as much of your time as possible. Its great that you realized this before it was to late. And dont worry about RPing. You should know that RL comes first. And family comes before RL does. :) So go spend time with your girls!