View Full Version : Such Great Heights [open]

Vahid Hesam
Feb 22nd, 2004, 12:54:02 PM
OOC: This thread is continued from here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33674). If you have any questions about it, please feel free to PM me. The outcome of the thread is entirely open, so all types of character - Jedi, Sith, Hunter, etc - are welcome, although Jedi help would be logical.

The rush of cold air hit Vahid’s skin like a tidal wave, bringing with it all the sounds of the hub world Coruscant. Mechanic grunts and growls, the churning of a great industrial machine. Even with only this sense alone to base judgment upon, the planet already seemed both awesome and terrifying all in one. Emerging into the great unknown, Vahid Hesam could not help but feel as though he was in for a rough ride. Ahead, the form of the assassin droid was silhouetted against the sun, surrounded by a halo of white light that made Hesam lift a hand to cover his eyes.

“Aside the droid moved aside, I caught my first glimpse of Coruscant – a towering building of some kind, literally buzzing with the energy of the vehicles swarming around it. I had never seen so many transports in all of my life! It was phenomenal. Following traveling partner, I found myself almost tripping and stumbling numerous types, as I tried to maintain a fixed gazed upon the never-ending skyline. I had to remind myself of my current situation to drain away the enthusiasm.

Having only moments ago landed in the hangar bay, I was already in peril. The craft I had arrived was the possession of one Lord Maelstrom, my malefactor thus far. I was, apparently, a precious quantity to him and I had no doubt that somewhere within this sea of people he had accomplishes waiting. Not for me, of course, but Kit, the now dead Lieutenant of Maelstrom himself. Luckily, I was in the accompany of an assassin droid. HK-83, though not the most trustworthy of creations, had thus far done me no wrong. I suspected, however, that his trigger finger was just itching to show the people of Coruscant a little humility.”

“Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Coruscant. Docking fee, please.”

Vahid whirled around to be greeted by a man wearing an unnerving smile. He was in a uniform of some kind, and was holding his hand out, presumably expecting some form of currency. Bewildered, the Gados looked to his robotic counterpart.

“My apologies, sir,” the droid said in a monotone voice, “My master has been experiencing some difficulties with his central processing unit. Here, master, look inside…”

The droid extended a hand and gave a tug at the coat Hesam wore. The blaster nestled within the breast pocket was momentarily visible as Vahid fished out a handful of the oddly marked cards that Kit had been carrying before coming to an untimely demise. The uniformed man accepted them with a smile, “Thank you, sir. Have a good stay.”

Pacing away, not in any general direction other than away from the ship, Vahid hissed, “He saw the gun. I saw it in his eyes. He’s bound to call some kind of security.”

“Sir, let me inform you as to the practices of the people of Coruscant. It is more likely that he would have called in reinforcements had you not been armed. Most every civilian possesses a sidearm of some kind. I hope this reassures your paranoid delusions.”

“I sneered at the droids sarcastic remark, yet upon glancing around the crowd found that he was right. People passed me by with guns strapped to their wastes or hips, openly in view. Some even carried bladed weapons. Some, I wagered, were large enough to not need a weapon, save for their own fist. As we walked, I found myself jostled between people, barged back and forth. It was disorientating and for a moment I thought I had lost my way, only to find myself plucked out of harms way – narrowly avoiding being swatted aside by the swing of some great elephantine creature.”

“Oh thank you HK-!”

“I turned expecting to be faced with the assassin droid, but instead found only an assassin. A man in dark robes! Panic set in as he dipped his hand down into the folds of the cloth he wore. My instincts set in, as I fumbled for the blaster on my person, but I simply was not quick enough. He drew his weapon as I tried to run, merely colliding with the crowd. Though I cried out for the droid, for help, I was not quick enough – a shot hit my leg. I yelped, stumbling down to my knees, expecting to see blood staining the cuffs of my trousers. Instead, I saw and felt nothing – he stunned me. I pulled myself up to stand, as another loud shot sailed past me-


-into another pedestrian, knocking them unconscious. I heard then another gun fire – this one I recognized. It was HK-83, struggling through the throng of civilians. His warning shot had provided distraction enough for me to escape the mans line of sight, but I was not in the clear yet. Unable to run, thanks to my now dead leg, I managed to pull myself onto the back of a luggage trolley that was being pulled towards the spaceport interior. Just as I was beginning to feel a mite of sympathy for the droid, I was once again greeted with the sight of my attacker, as he charged through the crowds towards me, his stray shots ricocheting through the air and setting the crowd alight with panic.”

Zachariah Darmok
Feb 28th, 2004, 06:54:52 AM
Lights of greens, reds and saber blues streaked across the sky like a stray comet splashing through the atmosphere on a summers day. The missle, whatever it was, silently struck and smashed a speeder from its parked position into so many sections that it was hard to tell what it even was as it came crashing down into the market place some feet away from the main disruption. It had made a easy entrance for its weilder to follow the confrontation ahead of him

Screams came from behind the Assassin and Vahid as a new contender entered the uproar that had cracked the market into a jumped emss of running and fleeing tradesman. The figure was humaniod which was dressed cleanly in pitch black garments with a errie red trim. It sported icy pale hands and a deathly white face which was covered in black, greasy hair which hung just below shoulder lengh.

It did not speak, it not make a sound ether has it followed the Assassin and its prey through the crowed in persuit. It did not run, it did not walk, it floated erriely through the crowed, its feet unseen.

The crowed stopped in its tracks and parted ways, making a funnel through the crowed so that the Mage could pass through with ease.

Vahid Hesam
Feb 28th, 2004, 07:08:45 AM
As a Gados, a member of the species of the Abragado system, Vahid was exceptionally nimble and agile. When another stun bolt came from the assassin’s pistol, he twisted into the air in a flip. His hand caught the edge of the low roof that ran the edge of the port check-in. His body whipped up, with the momentum, and his feet landed steadily on the roof’s angled surface. Years in the circus as a child hadn’t left him with nothing. Steadying himself, he realized then that in this elevated position, he would be easier to hit, despite having a good vantage…

“I left through the air over a gap in the roof as I ran to dodge the fire from below. As I moved, I saw that where once there was panic amongst the crowd, now there seemed to be a kind of entranced awe. I doubted this was to be credited to my acrobatic display. I dropped to a roll that brought me behind a sturdy durasteel pillar and glanced out a moment to see where my attacker was. It was then that I saw another man in black, the reason for the change in atmosphere it seemed. He moved in a most unearthly fashion and I had no doubts in my mind that he must have been a cohort of the other black-robed figure...

Where had HK-83 gone, I then wondered. I could not see the droid, and the gun fire he had provided had ceased. In fact, most everything had ceased. As I emerged from my hiding place, I saw that the robed assassin was looking directly to the lank haired newcomer. I took the moment to swing myself down from the room, shimming down a pillar.”

Upon landing, Vahid fumbled into his pocket for Kit’s blaster. He pulled the weapon out and gripped it in two hands, training it exactly on the first man who had attacked Hesam. With a squeeze of the trigger, a green bolt screeched through the air.

“I had taken first blood. The man stumbled forwards; letting off a succession of no less than three stun-bolts in the second man’s direction because of his fall. With both temporarily unable to get to me, I made a run for the check-in, assured that I would make a safe getaway now.”

Zachariah Darmok
Feb 28th, 2004, 07:28:12 AM
The bolts prooved practicly useless as they hit a invisible sphere which was circled around the lanky pale darksider. The red bolts slammed into the sheild and made a popping-fizz sound as they did and turned the ball-sheild into a oily water colour like a bubbles would look like when the sun reflects upon it.

This was the assassins mistake, fireing on the icy figure.

It took a few moments for the sheild to fade to invisiblity again and by which time the injured black robed man had stubbled and clawed his way back into a dead end, marked places lined the small alcove in the road but nowhere really to hide.

Quickly advancing on the assassin, the darksider towered over the cowering man looking down upon him with little pitty. Sniverling the man poited his blaster up towards the equily black clad figure but it was no good, the Mage slapped the blaster with ease from the hands blood stained hands (where he had been gripping his wound).

'I give you no mercy...' Spoke the greasy haired warlock and placed a cold hand upon the assassins undefended head. For a moment nothing happend but after a few uncounted seconds steam rose from the mans ears, nose, mouth and most disturbingly, his eyes. Blood started to pour from the mans air holes and between the Mages fingers.

The assassins eyes rolled upward, his body shkaing violently in Darmoks grasp. His mouth spilled open and like a waterfall blood swep out and over his black robes, his skin started to droop slightly, sagging on the bone but before this happned Darmok pulled his hand away and the body fell to the floor.

A hole had been burned through the mans skull to his brain, which was now exposed and dripped tenderly from the wound. Had has essentially cooked the man alive.

The mage composed himself, and followed the building around, yet again int the persuit of the running man, this time on a quick walking pase.

Vahid Hesam
Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:32:46 AM
“I was entirely unaware of the grotesque display that had just transpired outside. Whatever was going on, it was giving me the needed time to push through the crowds. In my jostling and shoving, I managed to come across the droid once more – or perhaps he had come across me? Regardless, I was surprisingly pleased to see his glowing red eyes. Hurriedly stuffing the blaster pistol I carried into my jacket pocket, I fell into a calm walk beside HK-83 as we passed by the port guards out onto one of Coruscants many streets. It was buzzing with life, and yet at the same time there was an overwhelming feel of depravity and decay, so unlike any other place I had ever been.

We walked and conversed. I chided the droid for disappearing, while he reproached me for drawing so much attention to myself. I suppose you can take the boy out of the show, but not the show out of the boy. As we walked, the droid pointed of various miniature landmarks. I was interested, but my underlying worry limited my enjoyment of seeing such a strange new world. I suspect that had I not been on the run from assassins, I would have loved every minute of it. It was so different to Selonia, and even to Abragado. It was in a class all of its own. Perhaps I was naïve to think it so, but it seemed so marvelous.

On HK-83’s advice, we turned into a small café on one of the streets. I thought it would be nice to sample some local cuisine. He had no such need for nourishment, but thought that we would be able to loose our attackers easier by staying inside, out of public eye, for a while. Perhaps even staying over night. We sat down at a table and I ordered the first think I read from the menu, with a glass of Selonian ale for old times sake…”

Zachariah Darmok
Mar 6th, 2004, 06:12:11 AM
From a distance the Mage watched with a sneer upon his face. This boy prooved interesting and protentialy useful. Taking a step from the pavement the dark clad figure made his way towards the cafe.

OOC sorry its short..im tired

Vahid Hesam
Mar 8th, 2004, 12:09:58 PM
Vahid, now clasping a tall glass of something frosty in his hands, was trembling slightly. The shock and excitement of the chase had not yet worn off. Every time someone tried to speak to him, even a waiter, he would jump and almost instinctively go for the blaster in his pocket. HK-83 had taken this as a sign that it needed to be removed from his person, for everyone’s protection. The café owners had asked that the droid be stored where weapons and the like where, but some protest had been made and in the end 83 had been allowed to sit with Hesam.

“I’m disappointed, you know… I always thought when I got off that slagheap, I would get to relax, to spend a day just enjoying the sights or whatever… but where do I end up?” Vahid shook his head, taking a gup of his drink.

“On the lam with an assassin droid, would be one way of putting it sir.”

“Will you pipe down!” he hissed, “Someone will hear you and then we’re screwed. We’ll get collared,” Vahid shook his head, “You’d think you actually want to get turned into scrap.”

Zachariah Darmok
Mar 21st, 2004, 09:38:19 AM
The hooded black figure strode into the Cafe this time walking rather than floating. It seemed the staff knew better than to ask him if he wanted a coffee and seemed to steer quite clear of the eerily clag humaniod as it made its way towards the man and droid he had followed back from the market.

' You...' He started sweeping off his hood to reaveal the indiffrent, greasy face of Zachariah Darmok, Dark Jedi Warlock and Mage. ' Proove to be quite illussive...' His voice slimey and soft, sneeringly so.

Vahid Hesam
Mar 21st, 2004, 09:59:23 AM
“How had I failed to see the man enter? When he addressed me, I froze in my seat. I was still unsure as to whose side he was on. I noted, from a nudge to my thigh, that HK-83 had trained his blaster rifle on the man covertly, so that it would not be noticeable to the man himself. I narrowed my eyes, lowering my glass to the table and raising my head, as if to silently ask ‘and what of it?’ The man was an odd looking one, a direct contrast to my own sun-baked, muscular form. I couldn't help but wonder what rock he'd crawled out from underneath.”

“You have to be, when you have cloaked madmen after you,” Vahid replied, with a slight sneer in his tone.

Zachariah Darmok
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:52:17 AM
Without permission the man sat on the opersite side of the table from where the young gentleman was and staired unblinkidly for a few moments before returning to a stait of readiness.

' Who was that after you...' The Warlock said placing both his icy hands upon the table, a sign he was showing that he wished no halm on the boy, or his robot friend.

Vahid Hesam
Mar 21st, 2004, 10:57:21 AM
“You tell me!” Vahid blurted.

“What my Master means to say,” the assassin droid said, “Is that we no knowledge of who our follower was, other than that he wished to do great harm to us, and apparently you also. I believe Master Hesam was of the opinion that you could explain the attack to us.”

Hesam frowned, “I was?”

HK-83 nodded his metal head very slightly.

“Perhaps,” he said, quickly, “but I don’t take information from strangers.”