View Full Version : Saving Grace

Bo James
Feb 22nd, 2004, 01:01:13 AM
"You ask yourself what’s wrong with the world your living in. You look to the homeless guy on the street corner, the hooker hooked on spice, the man who beats his wife, or even to the lawyer whom's client just sued for millions because he spilt jawa juice on himself. The last person you look at is yourself, haven't you ever wondered why your the only person you consider normal. Get use to it your the freak and your what’s wrong with this world. Know one wants to see a hero save the world if we where all good there would be no more surprise.

No I look forward to seeing that one cracker psycho pulling gun and cutting down people. He knows how to live even it’s only for an instant before a cop busts him and puts him in cuffs. He may spend the rest of his days in a padded room but he at least got to feel that ultimate rush for one instant. Most of us never get to feel that, hell no one in upper curscant not even the watch gets the thrill of busting a wak job like that. No fella's that’s my job being from lower less desirable curscant. I would like to see some one on the watch do my job and say it was easy. I truly know what it is like to just about die everyday, it isn't easy being a cop. It’s even harder to try and be a good cop.

Yet here I am on my day off in upper curscant spilling my guts out to the richer side of society. I say one of you people need to learn to live and go psycho just for an instant to keep the watch on there toes. I may not be the most reputable cop but still I would pay to see that."

Bo set his drink down and looked at the gathering crowd that came to listen to his little speech rant if you will. He hoped for a fan, he hoped for a critic, and most of all he hoped for a member of the watch. This was his idea of living the high life antagonizing the people of upper curscant.