View Full Version : Into The Wrong Hands Request...
Feb 21st, 2004, 03:34:51 PM
Hey I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a thread I was thinking about. Heres how it goes;
A large supply of Chemtrox, a lethal gas used in chemical warfare, has been found on the planet of (open to suggestions) . It was rounded up by the New Republic to be sent to (Open to suggestions) to destroy it.
After stopping on Coruscant to refuel, the ship carrying the gas was attacked and the gas was stolen. The attacker of the ship was unknown, but the whereabouts of the gas have been traced.
This gas cannot fall into the wrong hands, or it will have deadly consequenses, and the entire planet of Coruscant will not be safe.
Feb 21st, 2004, 03:37:15 PM
Here I am looking for a Gang/Organization who would be willing to be the group of people to steal the gas while the ship is refueling. I am also looking for suggestions of where the gas is from and where it is being sent.
If you are a Jedi and are interested, you can apply in the Official Oratory Chamber in the Temple Avalon.
Feb 21st, 2004, 06:48:46 PM
SFF could probably do the theiving for you.
Im fairly busy myself, but some of the other dudes might want to. Ill get back to you on it.
Vhiran Crescent
Feb 22nd, 2004, 08:51:40 PM
Got yer theives right here pal ;)
imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 22nd, 2004, 08:56:23 PM
We'd be happy to steal it.
That just sounded weird. Meh.
Feb 22nd, 2004, 09:10:53 PM
lol that sounds good. alright i got a change of plans as to the local of the gas.
instead of on a ship, it will be in a warehouse to save confusion, unless ppl can think of a planet where it would be taken to for disposal and where the gas was found in the first place. also im still open to wiling thieves.
Vhiran Crescent
Feb 22nd, 2004, 10:11:44 PM
Gas could have been found on Yavin 4 and it coulda been taken to...Kessel or maybe Etti IV for disposal.
Travis North
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:53:47 AM
From Ryloth to Ord Mantell
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:22:03 PM
yea i was thinking yavin VI like it was there from the battle. we coul;d make this work im just waitin on a few more Jedi and theives cause i got me an 2 otha ppl for the jedi side.
oh and byt he way, do any of you guys have NPC's who will be in this thread? it would be for the best :)
TN; if you tell me wher Ryloth and Ord Mantel are then maybe ill pick it :)
Travis North
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:29:25 PM
Ryloth is at the end of the Corellian run, in wild space. Ord Mantell is at the other side a bit away from the end of the Corellain run. It's basically from one side of the galaxy to the other through the core worlds.
Ryloth is home to the Twi'Leks and has a large system of tunnels and mines. The planet doesn't rotate so one side is always facing the sun. The Twi'Leks live in tunnels and cave along the boarder of the light and dark sides.
Ord Mantell is a planet dotted with spaceports and large junkyards full of salvage and parts.
Note to self: Go there and look for parts to add to the Renegade Angel.
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:34:44 PM
I'll go with that since it would definately require a fuel stop. any objections?
p.s. im still looking for recruits so dont be shy now :Poke (i dont know why but I've wanted to use that smiley :lol )
Vhiran Crescent
Feb 23rd, 2004, 06:33:14 PM
Originally posted by Travis North
Note to self: Go there and look for parts to add to the Renegade Angel.
Spada don't worry about other theives, we'll get the job done ;)
Feb 28th, 2004, 10:00:50 AM
alright. but i need to know; will you be using NPC's too? we got a big boost in jedi recruits and it may be too many jedi for 2 thieves. either way itd be no problem i just need to know :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 28th, 2004, 01:56:24 PM
Rping hint: RP's work better with less people involved. You'd be better off picking the first two volunteers and so then you'd have three Jedi against the crooks. It'll make your RP flow easier and turn based play doesn't get so confusing then.
Just an idea. You are of course free to do whatever you like within the rules.
Ace McCloud
Feb 28th, 2004, 02:55:52 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Rping hint: RP's work better with less people involved. You'd be better off picking the first two volunteers and so then you'd have three Jedi against the crooks. It'll make your RP flow easier and turn based play doesn't get so confuing then.
Just an idea. You are of course free to do whatever you like within the rules.
Agreed. But we might use NPC's if needed.
Feb 29th, 2004, 10:56:50 AM
yea NPC's make everything better... ok ill pick the first 2 volunteers and you guys can have NPC's if you want. i gotta get through something to get permission. :) ill tell you when the thread starts.
UPDATE: alright im starting the thread in roleplaying named Stolen. I wont be putting it up today but it'l be there in a lil bit.
I have me and 2 other jedi on the other side just giving you an idea of how it will be set up
(if you have questions my AIM sn is on my profile and i have to talk to you thieves about something before i put up the first post)
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