View Full Version : Palpatine/Anakin connection theory

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:31:47 PM
I'm not sure if this has ever been discussed here before, but as I was riding up to Illinois today with a friend of mine who's a stormtrooper in the 501st, we were talking about - Star Wars - of course.

He had mentioned that someone posted this theory on the MWG (Midwest Garrison) board in the members only forum. The more we talked about it, the more it made perfect sense so I thought I'd post it here to see what others think about it:

(Note, I'm doing my best to remember the entire thing. My friend (TK-118) is typing it all out for me tomorrow so parts of this might be edited to ensure the accuracy of the theory)


It's known that Palpatine has cloning facilities on Byss and Camino, this is documented in the films as well as the books. It's also known that Palpatine has cloned himself.

Anakin has no father, this is stated in the film when Shmi is talking to Qui-Gon. Palpatine, atleast until Anakin becomes Vader, is the 'most powerful' in the galaxy.

Who's to say that Palpatine hasn't laid out exact plans long before his ultimate rise to power by having Shmi impregnated with his own clone?

Since Shmi is a slave on Tatooine and in Hutt controlled territory, it wouldn't be hard at all to keep tabs on young Anakin Skywalker. The Hutts are in deep with the Imperials (or rising Imperial's if you will).

It could conceivably have been arranged that Anakin would be 'discovered' by Qui-Gon, set up so that Anakin would eventually win the race and be taken off the planet to learn the ways of the Jedi; thereby eliminating the need of having to train the boy in the ways of the force himself.

As training went on Anakin would be 'knocked down' repeatedly by his Master(s); which would slowly build up the anger and resentment: IE: Obi Wan putting Anakin in his place when en route (or when they are at) Padme's to become her escorts for a short time.

It also could have been 'arranged' to have Shmi abducted by the Tusken Raiders, knowing that Anakin was off doing something else at the time, and that she would die. The news, of course, would get back to Anakin (as it did) and he'd go off to find her.

Finding his mother dead, pushes him further along the path of the Dark Side ( as we saw in the film).


Palpatine continually strokes Anakin's ego during the films, making himself look better than Yoda and the Jedi Council in the young man's eyes. A few well placed words here and there has Anakin seeing things in a whole new light.

Episode III will set off the rest of the events that lead up to the complete turning to the Dark Side, etc etc ....


Please do note that this is a basic rough outline of sorts of the theory we discussed earlier today. (Forgive me, its been a really rough past five weeks). I will edit it in a day or two so that its stated properly, but this was the basic idea behind it.

I'm just curious as to what others think about it.

Feb 20th, 2004, 11:20:48 PM
While it's a nice bit of creativity, I think it's way too vague. Everything is predicated on "it could have been arranged that..."

It should also be noted that whatever is in the EU can be at any time thrown out the window by Lucas and therefore is all but inadmissible.

Doc Milo
Feb 20th, 2004, 11:53:38 PM
One of the things -- aside from the Palpatine clonging himself is info only established in the EU -- that seems "out of sorts" about this theory is the "trust" it puts in Anakin being "put down" by his Jedi Masters during his training. I don't think that could have been arranged unless Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are working for Palpatine. Otherwise, how would Palpatine know that Obi-Wan and Anakin would have a love/hate relationship -- how could Palpatine trust that Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship would be so tumultuous. Palpatine, as we've seen, leaves nothing to chance. This would be him leaving much to chance, if he trusted this is the way things would work out. No, he'd need a much more on-hand way of manipulating their relationship, from both Anakin's and Obi-Wan's end of the straw.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 21st, 2004, 12:44:26 AM
I think Palpatine is planing Anakin as his apprentice though he is manipulating him seeing his weakness, but my guess this begins sometime after TPM but I don't think he saw anything that far in advance and the clone theory really has problems. I could believe Palpatine impreganted her over that really.

Feb 21st, 2004, 11:13:10 AM
Did the Emperor clone himself? I thought that was only brought up in the EU?

While it's a good theory, I agree with JMK that too many things are left to hypotheticals... Also, the thing that doesn't make sense to me is that I don't think Force abilities are transferred in the cloning process (I don't have anything to back that up, just a thought that I have). If they could be transferred, then it seems that rather than clone an "ordinary" person, Palpatine would clone a Force user and use that army to destroy the Jedi. Think of an army of cloned Darth Mauls... :) The problem, there, though would be that the clones would be a lot harder to control and he might lose power, however maybe he could have them engineered with a weakness so that if they ever turned on him he could destroy them.

I don't know, I'm rambling on a bit here, but while it's a good theory, I just don't buy it. However, we'll just have to wait until Ep. III actually comes to pass - you never know what GL has up his sleeve.

Figrin D'an
Feb 21st, 2004, 04:29:48 PM
Originally posted by Darth McBain
Did the Emperor clone himself? I thought that was only brought up in the EU?

It is.

It's "canon" (ie. from the films) that there are cloning facilities on Kamino, but everything regarding the Emperor's facilities on Byss, and the cloning of himself, is strictly EU (thusfar, anyway).

While possible, the theory does seem to have an awful lot of linkages, with factors that seem difficult to control, even for someone as powerful as Palpatine.

My personal gripe with this theory is that it takes away even more of the mysticism of the story. We already had the Force knocked down a notch with the whole midichlorian thing... now, we'd have the entire "Chosen One" prophecy become even more contrived. The Son of Suns/Chosen One/Skywalker family story is wonderful because of the unknown and misunderstood aspect the Force plays in it. Bringing cloning into it just seems completely self-defeating to that entire concept, IMO.

Doc Milo
Feb 21st, 2004, 08:11:48 PM
I agree with Figrin. It like the "will of the Force" has become the "will of Palpatine."

I think Palpatine's overconfidence comes from believing he alone knows the "will of the Force" and can manipulate things around that end. To make everything Palpatine's will subtracts from all that.

Feb 21st, 2004, 11:26:44 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
It's "canon" (ie. from the films) that there are cloning facilities on Kamino, but everything regarding the Emperor's facilities on Byss, and the cloning of himself, is strictly EU (thusfar, anyway).

Yeah, that's what I thought. I haven't delved too much into the EU, but I was thinking that all that is truly canon regarding cloning are the clone troopers from Kamino, nothing else. To bring all that EU stuff into the movies, not that it couldn't happen, certainly doesn't sound like GL's style.

Feb 22nd, 2004, 01:03:08 AM
That EU stuff doesn't count towards the SW movies. Cloners are on Kamino. Maybe they're elsewhere, but not as far as we know.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 22nd, 2004, 12:12:31 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if they are elsewhere, and the clone emperor stuff makes sense to (doubt that will ever make it into the films) but of course Anakin being a clone of Palpatine doesn't work to me.

Feb 22nd, 2004, 05:37:50 PM
I dont think she was suggesting that Anakin was the close, but instead that Palpatine cloned himself to impregnant Padme... So Palpatine's clone would be Anakins father. :huh

Feb 23rd, 2004, 09:00:45 AM
Originally posted by Darth007
I dont think she was suggesting that Anakin was the close, but instead that Palpatine cloned himself to impregnant Padme... So Palpatine's clone would be Anakins father. :huh

I assume you meant Shmi instead of Padme???

James Prent
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:26:50 PM
I thought that the theory we were discussing was that Anakin was Palpatine's clone...implanted non-sexually, hence Shmi saying there was no father.