View Full Version : The Blossoming (Council, Morgan)

Feb 19th, 2004, 06:37:15 PM
:: This was the first term where AB had declined to be one of the members of the Council, and yet coming before them felt no different. They were her collegues and more importantly her family and friends. ::

:: She entered the chamber at the time given to her to appear before the Council and bowed in greeting. ::

My dear collegues and friends. I come before you today with a proposal that Master Evanar and I have been working on.

:: Speaking of which, Morgan had said he'd be there, but something must of been holding him up. He'd told her to go forward, however, even if he weren't there. ::

For some time we have felt suffocated by the bustlings of this planet. I don't mean to say we are not happy here, but we feel we can do more.

Both he and I wish to start an extension of the Order on Yavin. A small schooling ground, nothing more than a place where students can go to study for half a year or so; like an exchange program.

:: Her eyes lit up. ::

I know I would enjoy being on the jungle planet once more, and certainly allowing budding students to better their skills there with the freedom of space and objects would be a plus.

:: She spread her hands and looked to her peers. ::

Your thoughts on this proposal?

(OOC: This idea is stemming from what was shown in KotOR, where you had the main Council in the Jedi Temple on Couscant, but had branches on various planets with sub-councils.)

Feb 21st, 2004, 07:55:52 AM
Satine thinks for a second before replying.

"I think that is a good idea. We might have others who feel stifled here, which, on Coruscant, is easy to feel. I just have one question. How many students are we talking about?"

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 21st, 2004, 07:57:54 AM
After Alpha had spoken, Dasquian let his thoughts be known. "Coruscant can be almost... suffocating on the studies of a Jedi. I believe this is an excellent idea. I can see this being beneficial in many respects. You have my support, for one."

Finishing then, he awaited the Jedi's answer to her fellow Masters question.

Kelt Simoson
Feb 21st, 2004, 08:47:44 AM
' Of course i also agree...' Kelt started, his face pleased that this idea had actually been submitted.

He to sometimes missed the lush green of Yavin and could well imagine that others did also.

' As my friend Dasquian said, i believe it would be a very learning and beneficial project to those who have already been there and those who have not...'

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 24th, 2004, 04:45:17 PM
Wei nodded. "I've often times wondered why we moved back to Coruscant in the first place. Your idea has merit, but you must forgive me if I'm a bit more stubborn in my approval of this idea. I just want to know some more stuff about it first."

Wei arranged the questions in his head. "First, how many students would stay at the Yavin campus, and for how long. Second, how many Knights and/or Masters you would need to help with things such as teaching."

Truth be told, Wei liked the idea a lot. He just wanted to see how much of the idea was thought out and planned for.

Morgan Evanar
Feb 24th, 2004, 06:22:26 PM
Morgan walked in and stood next to Rie. He took her hand.

"It depends, but we have allotted for ten students between the two of us. I've worked out the logistics for up to fifty Padawans."

He drew a breath. "How long depends upon the student. I'd guess at the minimum, two or three months. Rie and I would teach basic survival skills, especially pertaining to botany, tracking, and animal behavior. Further, Yavin is so much quieter than Coruscant and its billions. Some of the more empathically and telepathically tuned students may wish for a longer stay. I see no reason not to grant that."

"I already have more than adaquate funding waiting from the Senate, if the rest of the Council agrees to the plan."

Wei Wu Wei
Feb 24th, 2004, 06:47:10 PM
Wei smiled from ear to ear.

"You really have thought it out. I think the survival skills classes will be a good addition to the curriculum. I think this plan will work out very well. You have my full support."

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:10:27 AM
Falcon Gyndar shifted in his seat. A smile crept over his face. This type of thing brought him right back to all those years on Tyntia. Growing up and earning his wings, so to speak, as a Jedi and a close contact within the native communities.

All of that started to make him feel...nostalgic. The look on his face showed this off quite well.

"I fully support this. It reminds me of the order I came from, and I can see no wrong with it. No doubt, it will provide some excellent opportunities, and help, ah, alleiviate the stuffy feeling that is present here."

I may even drop in on this operation sometime..

Figrin D'an
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:31:39 AM
"Council support for this seems strong," Figrin observed, "and I must say, using our facilities on Yavin IV once again would be very advantagous. You certainly have my approval."

Feb 25th, 2004, 06:34:06 PM
:: So far the Council had been in unison in agreeing with Morgan and her proposition. She couldn't help but smile and squeeze Morgan's hand. ::

:: They had to hear from the last three members, unless ruled that majority was sufficiant. ::

:: She looked expectantly at the three remaining, then back at Fig to see if perhaps he would shed light on where the ruling would end. ::

Estelle Russard
Feb 28th, 2004, 01:16:32 AM
Estelle saw no reason for this not to go ahead. A satellite academy could only bring growth both to the Jedi Order as a whole, and increase the influence and opportunity of good. Estelle saw it as a tangible step forward.

"We will be sorry to not have you both here on a daily basis Masters AB and Evanar - but Coruscant's loss will be Yavin's gain. I, too, think this is a good idea."

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 2nd, 2004, 04:42:56 PM
"I concur with what has been said as well. There would be more opportunity for our Padawans to learn and grow, not to mention bringing back a home that was dear to many of us. You have my approval as well."