View Full Version : Colorado Football Scandal

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 19th, 2004, 02:10:45 PM
So what do you guys all think of this mess. Here is some of the story for those who don't know.


First the Coach sounds like a piece of work saying that about someone who said she was raped. That is just horrible. Second if the alligations are true about this program, the NCAA should investigate. I mean they were tell recruits you were going to have sex, drugs and beer more here than any other school. They showed the kids pornos and strippers to get them to come as well. What kind of message is that? This program is a mess it might very well get probation the way things are going.

Feb 19th, 2004, 02:32:58 PM
I've been following this story too. What an utter embarassment. That program is out of control and I'd be surprised if that coach wasn't fired before the week was over.

Figrin D'an
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:16:34 PM
The accusations about the recruiting parties... yeah, it's bad, but honestly, we'd be fooling ourselves to think that this kind of thing doesn't go on, to at least some minor degree, at every major university. In that regard, Colorado is just the next school to have such things come to light, and will be the next NCAA whipping boy.

The Katie Hnida situation is far more serious, IMO. Barnett has proven himself to be an idiot in front of the camera in the past (at CU and at Northwestern), so frankly, if he gets canned, he brought it all upon himself. However, Hnida's accusations of sexual harassment and rape bring the entire Colorado athletic department under scrutiny, not just from the NCAA, but from women's groups and the general public. The simple fact that the first female to score points in a Division-1 college football game (albeit be it at New Mexico instead of Colorado) is now leveling these charges against her former coach and teammates is going to put the entire university under an extremely fine microscope. There will be pressure on the NCAA to nail Colorado to the wall with penalties and sanctions, and to save face, the NCAA will probably oblige those sources of pressure.

In short... CU's athletic department is screwed. Big time.

Feb 19th, 2004, 07:25:19 PM
Good. I hope they get thrashed by the NCAA if the allegations are proven true.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 19th, 2004, 10:19:07 PM
Well other schools probably do it but if you get caught it is the end. I was reading that the coach his staff, the Athletic director and the University President all could lose their jobs over this which shows how big it is. Also another woman is saying now she was raped, which brings the total up to 4 and there could be more.

Feb 20th, 2004, 12:11:18 AM
Given what that coach said about that poor girl, he NEEDS to be fired. FAST. That's just totally unacceptable.

Feb 20th, 2004, 07:12:50 AM
Definety fire the coach, he's a dirt bag.

As for the recruting parties, yeah we all know it happens, porno's, strippers, etc are one thing but they're up to 6 rape allegations now, thats totally wrong.

Tear the program down, make them a example.

Ka' el Darcverse
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:13:30 AM
Of course they entice players with promises of sex and parties. Hasn't anyone every noticed who most of the University's recruiting assistants are? Good looking young women. And the players are of course going to show them the best time they can, parties and what not, because they want the recruits just as bad as the coaches do.

When I was graduating High School, I had the opportunity to play football at a few D3 and D2 schools and one Div 1AA program that was very interested in me. First thing the head coach did when he called me on the first day he was allowed to contact recruits, Ask me to come out and visit the college and stay with one of their players for a campus visit. It was the first question he asked me, not if I was interested, not if I even wanted to play college football, but to come out and visit the campus. Combine this with the fact that it was an Ivy League school not allowed to give athletic scholarships and yet somehow I was offered a 3/4 Presidential Leadership scholarship for my achievements in High School (I wasn't a slouch, but there was no way I deserved a 3/4 Scholarship to an Ivy League school)

Its just proof that we as American's worship our Athletes. The Roman's began doing the same thing just before the collapse of their empire, not saying that America is going to fall apart, because I'm sure other countries have sports atheletes they go just as nuts over, I'm just saying that perhaps its time to take a step back and realize, if you start treating young men and women like they were some kind of greek or roman God, then they are going to start behaving that way.