View Full Version : "Politics is a nasty business..."

Tiberius Anar
Feb 19th, 2004, 12:43:08 PM
I have been thinking about this thread whilst I was away. As it is concerned with events in the past (i.e. pre- Op. Scyhte) it will include various events that may have bearing upon our present work. Therefore it seems prudent to outline these events so that you are aware of them. They are listed in approximate chronological order.

De Nostradaum made Head of State

Appoints cabinet

Education and Health Policies- successes

Anar becomes CEO of Xaltin Bacta

De Nostradaum takes control of Inquisitorate (appointment of Esalis as High Inquisitor)

Given title of Chancellor

Anar is made special adviser to Cabinet.

First attempt to direct military policy (thwarted)

Creation of Civil Defence Force (limited form)*

Military Campaign that drains Armed forces funding. (Suggestions please)

Civil Defence Force Expanded- creation of the planetary defence fleets. This relieves pressure on armed forces to act as garrisons.

Campaign to capture Yaga Minor begins.

Imperial Armed Forces run short of funds. Turn to Treasury for finance and De Nostradaum refuses.*

Breger memorandum leaked- plans for the creation of a Ministry of Defence. Desaria reacts badly.*

Desaria meets with Anar. Decision to removed De Nostradaum taken.

Elimination of De Nostradaum (suggestions for how please)

Anar becomes Chancellor

Speech about policy (including promise to leave military matters in Desaria’s hands and new Foreign policy).

Operation Scythe launched.

NB: * indicates involvement of Anar that I do not want to reveal at this time.

You may notice that some of you are mentioned in connection with events. I will contact you when you assistance is required. If you do do not wish to be included please let me know. If you are interested but are not mentioned post here and I will see what I can do.

Any suggestions that you may have are welcome, please post them here. I will post here from time to tme with further information.

Travis North
Feb 19th, 2004, 02:13:34 PM
Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
Elimination of De Nostradaum (suggestions for how please)

Dead or removed from the government.

If you want to him killed I suggest assination. That will be blamed on the Federacy later.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 19th, 2004, 02:22:53 PM
^Thats a very, very good idea.

As for the millitary campaign, how about a outward expansion in the direction of the Elrood sector, a number of independant (I belive) habitable planets..

That the would be good to do, have everyone participate. Anar on Thyferra, the millitary Rper's working togther as well. The drain would be explained by the fact we had already used up alot of resources in the Yagan campaign.

Tiberius Anar
Feb 19th, 2004, 02:48:22 PM
The drain takes full effect with the begining of the Yagan Campaign. The unknown campaign that I mention occurs earlier and is what weakens the military so that the Yagan campaign proves too much. I was hoping that a completed campaign could be used, as it need only be a passing reference in the 'textbook' part of the thread.

Jarek T'chort
Feb 19th, 2004, 03:08:46 PM

The battle of Hilari might be suitable.

Feb 19th, 2004, 04:08:39 PM
Like i said before...as the resident assasin if you need someone dead...just ask.

Teleran Balades
Feb 19th, 2004, 04:54:07 PM
The assualt on Hilari was as taxing as the attack on Yaga Minor. I'd say that the results of the battle was more of an embarassment than draining funds, unless we spent credits to chase down Travess.

Tiberius Anar
Feb 21st, 2004, 01:41:52 PM
Lost troops, ammunition used, cost of rebuilding infrastructure (armed forces jurisdiction so they had to rebuild everything).

Yes, I think it'll do. Thanks.

Feb 21st, 2004, 05:44:17 PM
That sounded snippidity..

Aegis Du' Caat
Feb 22nd, 2004, 01:02:27 AM
As far as assasination, we commandeer a Federacy gun boat or fighter and use it to destroy a shuttle which the Chancellor happens to be on

Tiberius Anar
Feb 22nd, 2004, 12:06:41 PM
You're all very sneaky. I like that!

Travis North
Feb 22nd, 2004, 06:13:19 PM
Remember this plot never happened.

How do we get this Fed ship if we choose this idea. We could simply poison his lunch or desert him somewhere or send his ship into a star/asteroid(what have you).

Tiberius Anar
Feb 24th, 2004, 01:14:30 PM
Right, well I knew there was a reason not to frame the Fed, and I found it.

The problems with the Fed are now- Op Scythe onwards- de Nostradaum's elimination is in the past. To frame them would be illogical. No. Well keep it strictly as an internal affair.

Travis North
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:55:26 PM
Frame the NR as another excuse for the invasion.

Telan Desaria
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:05:20 PM
I love your plotting, Anar. But the Empire simply does not run low on funds because we are bacta. We make in excess of thirty billion credits per week. (Yes, I figured that out once)

Do as you see fit. I will call Silancy this evening and make my wishes more well known through her. My pain sedative is kicking in.

Tiberius Anar
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:16:53 PM
The sovereingty might not run out of money but the armed forces can.

De Nostradaum will be collecting the taxes and running the Treasury. He controls the flow of money to the armed forces becasue he controls the source of that money source.

The idea is that he uses that control to influence the armed forces (i.e. you). You have enough cash to do as you please, for a time. You launch a few campaigns and win up using up your cash reserves. This puts De Nostradaum in the dominant postion. He can try and take control of the armed forces away from you using money. when he tries this, you fight back by enlisting me and all my Xaltin money as a new source of income for the military. Free from the niggling constraint of having to beg for money from the Chancellor you can do as you please. Then after the Yaga Minor campaign ends you get rid of De Nostradaum and put me in his place.

Telan Desaria
Feb 26th, 2004, 07:31:34 AM
Ah. I am confused. Err,,,,,I was. Now I am in love with the plan. Unlimited military funding after a period of fiscal stringency - - Desaria will be bending over backwards for you.

Proceed, Your Grace.

Tiberius Anar
Feb 26th, 2004, 12:21:46 PM
*Smiles benignly*

Your Excellency, dear Baron, Your Excellency. I am not a duke.

Telan Desaria
Feb 27th, 2004, 03:41:45 AM
I forgot what I appointed you. Let us do that. You're elevated Duke of Aragorn, with its accompanying estate on Eriadu. This way I'm right.

Alexi Hesith
Feb 27th, 2004, 03:57:47 AM
(This is Tiberius, having trouble gettin online normally)

Okay, but let us work it in as part of my character development. A new title granated after we take Bestine perhaps? This way we are both right. :-)

Tiberius Anar
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:44:37 PM
Going a bit slow at the moment, but I am getting there. I am planning to include this in the thread:

A decree to formalise the powers and position of the Civil Administration

1. The Civil Administration has proven itself a successful means of handling the domestic affairs of the Imperial Sovereignty. So that it may continue its good work the Civil Administration is hereby confirmed as an organ of the State.
2. The Civil Administration shall have control over all matters of domestic policy and shall exercise that control for the good of all Imperial Subjects.
3. To carry out this task the Civil Administration shall have control of all Ministries and Agencies as are deemed necessary.


Comments please.