View Full Version : The hand that rocks the cradle.. (Han)
Razielle Shadana
Feb 19th, 2004, 10:27:38 AM
Hadn't she read that somewhere? The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world? Perhaps that was the approach that she needed to be using with her young..ward. It was too difficult to think of such a tiny package as worthy of being a Sith apprentice. For that matter, he probably didn't even know what a Sith was. So for her to be narrowing his dark circle to that path alone was already her first mistake. She could assume nothing with this boy.
At first, distraught with the prospect of spending her nights playing nursemaid to the gifted boy had infuriated her. But always just as she awoke, calmer and alone, she was forced to ponder a way to make it work. If it didn't work, it would be her failure to train him. Razielle did not intend to fail.
She would try reasoming with the child. Perhaps if she told him about how she spent her childhood, colorized by a flare for the drama that all children so adored, he would be more receptive to his role as learner? Go slowly Raz, lest he think you trying to lure him out of his wariness like a witch in a child's tale. Ready to pounce and eat him when he lower's his wee guard.
Razielle had no clue how he spent his days. But if he intended on learning anything from her he was going to have to adopt some rather strange bedtimes for a child. With resignation to the task at hand, Razielle knocked on Han's bedroom door.
"Let the fun begin..."
Han Fernua
Feb 19th, 2004, 11:41:28 PM
Sleep was not something he liked much. It made you leave the world. It shutted your mind down. It aloud you to be overcome. Even though Han needed the sleep, he resented it like everything else in his life. He watched the things that made the galaxy tick. He didn't want to take his eye's off it. If only he could make sure that he wouldn't need sleep. Then he could continue to watch. He knew people didn't like him. It was clear with the pale woman. He knew that if she could, she would kill him in his sleep. Or when he was awake. So what was stopping her. He made himself to be hard to be taken care of. It was his own personal test to see how others behaved. Even the most controlled person would break under the pain that he caused. They would not be able to keep their shouts back, their anger down He found pleasure in this fact.
A sound echoed in his eyers. The sound of a loud knocked came from the door, and the familier voice of the woman. Why did she hate him so but not leave him be? He was just getting comfortable in the bed that was given to him. Even if he was not asleep, it still was a nice spot to lay down and think.
Closing his eye's, and picturing a man that he had heard with a deep voice. He then took that voice and projected the man outside the door. He didn't know where it would end up. The point was that it was there. And with the image, he used it to talk.
"Why do you disturb me?"
Razielle Shadana
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:20:34 AM
Unamused, Razielle observed the lifeless creation that stood next to her. Starring at the wall directly across from them as if it would answer. "Very amusing, kid. Listen, I am not here to play with you, I am here as your Master. So get out here, or I'll come in and get you."
Her noble intentions towards her Apprentice were fading quickly. She would like to begin with his lessons and come to some kind of mutual accord with him. But if he insisted in behaving, a child, she would be forced to treat him like one, not the being she would mold him into.
Her own lodglings outside the palace were completed, she would begin his training by bringing him there with her and letting him have an enitre floor to himself. She thought perhaps he would enjoy the freedom to use his illusions there to his content, but right now she considered locking him in a closet.
Han Fernua
Feb 24th, 2004, 11:43:55 PM
This woman was not what Han would call...friendly. In fact, she was the complete opposite of it. She had venom in her voice and a temper toward him that could explode at any minute. As much as he hated to do what she said he still understood that if he did not, it would only get worse for him. And he was good at understanding what was about to damage his person.
Moving to the edge of the bed, he sat up. Then got to his feet and walked to the door. The bed was hardly ruffled. It was like he was a feather and his weight didn't mess the bed up at all. And he was still completely clothed. Seeing no need to sleep, he didn't bother to make himself a custom to the consept of a bed. He used it as a tool. And thats all he saw it as. Something to be used, not injoyed.
As he came to the door the image of the bulky man dissapeared to show the boy, standing in the doorway looking up at Razielle's pale face. Then a voice came from the walls, as if they were speaking for the child.
"I have come. What is it? Master." The last word was spoken out of spit then respect. Titles were just an excuse to govern over people. And she seemed to holdfast to it.
Razielle Shadana
Feb 25th, 2004, 10:37:07 AM
She leaned down to his level. Her actions emphasizing the fact that she was a great deal bigger than him, she could squash him like the pest he was if she so chose. She spoke softly belying her menacing nature. "We are leaving now. You are coming with me, Apprentice ." She spoke in the same disrespectful tone he had used, just to show him it was not her desire to be shackled to him either. Just perhaps his infantile brain could comprehend he was not the only one inconvinienced here.
He didn't appear to have anything with him. That was of no concern to her, she would provide him with whatever a child required. Let it not be said Razielle was not benevolent with her fortune. She swung around and headed for the main gates of the palace. He had better be following.
Han Fernua
Feb 25th, 2004, 05:49:15 PM
And he did. Only at a slower pace then that of Razielle. She hated him as much as he did her. They both did not know one another, but that didn't matter. Hate was a emotion, weither it was called for or not. One could hate the very air around him, even if it did keep him alive. There was no reason for this, it was just the way that he was always treated, and now, that was all that he could treat others.
But as he followed this woman, a thought sprouted in his head. It was that this person did not have to do anything to him or for him or even bother about him. So why was she? What did she want from him? Surely he was of no use to her. Or to anyone, for that matter. Everyone hated him and yet they always want something. But what was it that she wanted?
Razielle Shadana
Feb 26th, 2004, 11:18:29 AM
Keeping her hearing trained on his little mortal heartbeat, Razielle knew he was following her at a distance. That was fine, she didn't long for any incessant childish chit chat. Arriving a short walk later at the former prison, reovated into acceptable lodgings, she stopped outside that massive gates and waited.
When her Apprentice finally managed to skulk up as well, she opened them and headed for the entrance. "You can operate lift's, I am sure..? The second floor has been prepared for you. Feel free to cast your illusions to your heart's content there, and anywhere else within this building. The third floor has been made into a weapon's hall, if I see you there I shall assume it is because you want a lesson with one and shall proceed to give it."
Folding her arm's over her chest, she looked put out. "Fourth floor, you don't want me to catch you there at all. Questions..? Comments..?"
Han Fernua
Feb 27th, 2004, 05:31:46 PM
Pfft. Cast illusions on who? Myself? The air? What was the point of making one if there was no one to use it on? But it was a place to stay, or at lest called that. The place looked to be very big. But quantity was not the same as quality. And to what he could see this place was had plenty of both. Most of it was dark. No dought to the pale womans prefrence. And maybe that was why she wsa so pale. What, was she afraid of a little sun light?
Han stepped into the lift, not looking back to see if miss paley followed. He could care less what was in the fourth floor. Probobly a bunch of her tiny little secrets that people who stay inside to much do. Walking over to the bottons, he presses the one with the number '2' on it.
Razielle Shadana
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:02:25 PM
Razielle had been subjected to almost enough of her apprentice for one night, almost... Rolling her eyes she watched him enter the lift. Might as well start with your first lesson, pumpkin." Her voice carried to his little boy brain with her melodic laughter.
The doors of the lift opened to the second floor. The back of the lift started sliding forward, making it impossible for him to stay inside. As he stepped out onto the elegant carpet of the second floor, a rather fierce illusion of her own came to life. Along with some non-illusion suprises. The tassels of the carpet lifted and snaked around his ankles holding him immobile. Simultaneously the revenant servants of the house, mindless zombies that wandered unless commanded to do otherwise, stepped away from the far wall and began to stalk forward. The sounds they made would haunt the dreams of many adults, let alone children.
Rognan Dar
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:40:45 PM
Han Fernua
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:42:12 PM
Han was surprised that the lift walls closed in when he came to the second floor. He quickly got out and looked around the place. But before he was able to do so, his feet were intangled from the tassels of the carpet. He was unable to move. Or, at lest, so he thought. Just then a sound came from the walls, and figures started to advance on him.
What was all this? Some kind of trick? Was she trying to scare him? He has seen much scarer things in some of the movies that he snuck into. This was like some poorly, old, movie that didn't have the money to put in all the cool 3D effects. Though, he had to admit, the floor thing was cool. Bending over to investigate it closer, and trying to move from it, saw that it was not really keeping his feet from moving. In fact, it wasn't there at all. He blink, and all of a sudden it was gone, once he found out what it really was.
Then, looking back up to the costum figures that were now closer then he thought bad actors in cheap costums could get in that short time. If the rug was a illusion, then these...things...must also be, he asured himself. Using one of his favorite illusions, he sets the, to what can only be called, zombies on fire. He would have figured that his image would have cancled out the other. It didn't. But the effect he had in mind did slightly work: they things started, in a slow motion kind of effect, of being burned up. And to his amazement, some stopped jurking around and once again focused on him. Now he was toast. He couldn't take on these monsters!
Razielle Shadana
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:05:10 AM
Sorry sweetie, they aren't illusions... They are really there. Razielle hadn't heard a reply from Han yet, she wondered if he was capable of telepathic speech. He had quickly realized that the floor didn't ruely hold him, but he seemed unsure of what to do about the revenants creeping ever closer. Briefly he tried to burn them, or so it seemed, but they weren't very receptive to illusion. Even had they been on real fire they would have kept coming until they were obliterated. They were commanded to do so and compelled to obey.
Getting into the spirit of illusion weaving, Razielle smiled and the revenants halted their steps. As they did the floor beneath Han vanished. It seemed the whole room started slipping into a vortex in the center. Monsters, carpets, furniture began swirling about him, and he had no floor to stand on.
Rognan Dar
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:29:58 AM
Delete again...
Han Fernua
Feb 28th, 2004, 12:31:47 AM
Han started to step back when he hard the voice in his head. He dispised it at the moment. This was all her doing. The fact that she lead him here, tricked would be a better word, to be killed by these things with no purpose but to fall over dead, was what really made him mad. How could he have fallen for it so easily? He knew he shouldn't have listend to this woman. He knew that she was planning something since the very day that she knocked him out. You could see it in her eye's, you were able to see anything but the pale blue glow. He would get her back for this, if he ever made it out alive.
Then the dementid things stopped. But his world was still moving. Han's eye's told him that he was falling through the floor. But the way his body didn't seem to have had any sensation of movement at all stunned him for a moment. Then he realized, once more, that this swirling image was once more a illusion. No dought from Queen of the Pale People. Taking a testing step, Han tries to get out of the middle of the illusion. He couldn't see what he was standing on, but he knew that he was standing on something. He had to be. His feet didn't tell lies. He had to stop her. He knew she was close, but he didn't know where. Surely she was not doing this from a floor down. How would she know if it was working or that it was in the correct spot? She had to be in this room. But how did she get up the lift before he did? Unless...she didn't take the lift.
Counter, was the one word that came to his mind. If he was going to stop this he would need to stop where it came from. But how could he find her and once he did how was he going to stop her? The room was darkened by the vortex and the moving of the room. Everything was a blur. He focused a bright light above his head. As bright as the mid day sun with out the heat. He could now see the zombies as clear as, well, day. And the vortex was not as powerful as it once was. He looked into the corners of the room, looking for the woman.
Razielle Shadana
Feb 28th, 2004, 08:17:38 PM
Sunlight was not her friend. But this was artificial, so she wouldn't be harmed. It was still bright enough to irritate mortal, let alone immortal eyes. At the first lightening of the room, Razielle had known his intent, to find her and try to make her put an end to her end of the illusions. It was a good plan, she supposed. BUt he wasn't thinking on the right level. She was not limited to the floor.
Razielle, talon-like nails dug into the ceiling was directly overtop of him, wishing she could simply knock him out again. But that was no way to get his training accomplished. She needed to help him enhance his gift with illusion, not prevent him from using them. "I see you lost your fear of the play mates I found you... Shame." With a glare she sent the creations from the room to prowl elsewhere. The vortex had stopped and the room was back to normal. In fact nothing had been moved.
Flipping down to her feet beside the boy, Razielle smiled coldly. "I just thought since you were so fond of illusions, you would like to try a taste of your own pie.." Pointing at the double doors across the room she told him it was his bedroom. It was probably too fancy for a kid, but it wasn't like she had designed it for him. The other doors all led into halls that used to be lined with cells. He was free to do as he chose here, fill the floor with illusions if he wanted.
"This room, however will be for you and I to test your skills with illusions as you grow..."
Han Fernua
Feb 28th, 2004, 10:29:00 PM
Han was about to, or at lest try to, tackle the woman to the ground when she started talking to him. He wasn't expecting for her to go on as if nothing happened. To him, this was a trap set to dispose of him. But to what it apeared to be, it was only a test. A stupid test to see how he would handle such a situation. This only added to his anger. If he had something sharp in his hand he would have tried to kill this demon that has plagued him. Only he didn't have anything. And that, too, made him mad. The whole galaxy made him mad. And sometimes there was no reason for it. But his anger was there all the same. And to add to it, she was trying to give him, as some put it, a taste of his own medicine. If only I had the power to strike her down, he said to himself.
As he stood there infuriated, the woman continued pointing and speaking. He hardly paid her any attention except for giving her a glare the whole time. Hearing the words, he did not respond to them. Except for the end. She said that she was going to test him more? Dream on pale one.
Walking away quickly, hoping that it was rude, he walked off in the way if, as the woman called it, his bedroom. What a terrible name for the room. Why would someone want to call something after a item in the room, especially one like a bed? It was a effence to him. The first the he was going to do was burn the bed. This time for real.
Razielle Shadana
Mar 2nd, 2004, 02:44:45 PM
What an ungreatful little snot. Razielle glared after Han. She brought him here, gave him an entire floor. She would continue to look after and provide for him. She was attempting to bridge the gap of living and dead, child and adult, apprentice and master and he just brought it all down.
Done with him for the night, the Vampyre vowed his next encounter with her would not be so easily evaded. She would let him go for tonight though, figuring he needed sleep. It would not be until later that night that she listened to the sounds of the building and knew that he did not all. Interesting..
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