View Full Version : I must apologize...

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 17th, 2004, 07:09:25 AM
...for not being around at all the past few weeks. Quite frankly, I've been swamped. Although school is no problem (yet...:lol), I just had a soccer tournament in Tianjin...and then I went to the ISAC theatre festival in Shanghai. Oh, and did I mention that I went to Australia for Chinese New Year?

I can't blame it all on my extracurricular activities, however. I've basically been motivation-zero on the computer. Not just for SW-Fans, but for the other forums I participate on, as well. I just keep jetting tired of watching threads get claimed by lazyness. Besides this, I haven't found much to do lately for Lion; the Roleplaying section hasn't piqued my interest much.

For a while now, I'll be focusing my effort towards the New Republic. After exhaustive discussions with Telan Desaria, Jarek Tchort, Marcus, and several other members of both the New Republic and the Imperial Sovereignity, I think we've finally hammered out a way to get Fleeting back on its feet (Yes, I'm aware I've said "FLEETING IS BACK!" several times now...:p). This time, however, we've organized it much more efficiently. Fleet arrivals will be staggered to keep it from becoming a war of attrition. Secondly, we've agreed on a far more character-based style of RPing. We've decided to split the engagement up into two threads: One to handle the political side of things, while the other thread will concern the actual combat. Finally, we're integrating both ground and naval forces into a cohesive force that needs to rely on each other in order to accomplish their objectives, which will hopefully keep this thread in order. All in all, we've had a great start to the RP, with several members coming out of the woodwork and really setting up a strong base for this RP to build on.

I've also continued working on my fanfic, and it recently passed the 50,000 work mark (Hurrah!). Despite the fact that it has been pushed to the side several times, the setting changed, and the main characters swapped in and out (often...^_^; ), it's still coming strong. Maybe I'll be able to punch the first chapter out before summer....:lol

Anyways, that's just an update on my status. If anybody wants me to participate in an RP, send me a PM, otherwise I'll be lurking.


Azhure Darkstone
Feb 20th, 2004, 08:06:17 PM
LION! you went to australia for chinese new year and you didnt tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is very very angry*

James Prent
Feb 20th, 2004, 09:06:35 PM
Do not piss off the shelia. :)

WB Lion :wave

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 22nd, 2004, 05:04:26 PM
James: Thank you! :D

Azhure: We bought a house in Sydney...nobody saw that one coming. :lol

Azhure Darkstone
Mar 12th, 2004, 08:27:53 PM
*still not happy, could have called you*

Well next time your up there tell me, ok buddy? Or I will get the merciless tickle droid out next time and thats very scary.

I guess I can forgive you this time...accept for the fact your dad chose sydney and not melbourne lol