View Full Version : Time for needed practice(open)

Feb 16th, 2004, 02:39:54 PM
V'aelna was still in the process of making a map of the GJO that she could understand. She stops in one of the training rooms and pulls out her paper map, ink well and feather, and adds what she has seen of the training ground so far to the map. When she looks up she see that along the walls of the room are racks and racks of weapons.

She puts away her maping tool as she walks along the walls reconizing some of the weapons, thought most of them were new to her. She backs away quickly when she comes to a rack of Stun batons, and yet again when she reaches the wall of blasters, reconizing them as the weapons that the Slavers used to capture her people.

When she reaches daggers and staves her eyes lighten up, as she looks them over. She picks up each dagger and flips it around like a well trained warrior then places it back on the rack. After she has checked out all the daggers she goes back to a long dagger in the middle with a slightly curved blade, and takes the blade, belt and sheath for the dagger off the rack and puts it on her person.

She then looks over the staves in the same way she did the daggers, picking out the one that suites her the best. She then grabs the staff in the middle and starts to swing it around like an staff expert fighting many people at once. As she spins around in one of her practice moves she sees a person standing in the door way watching her..

She backs away slightly out of supprise. She says to them in a warry tone....

"Hao... Wha tu Waa?"


Feb 17th, 2004, 05:40:54 PM
Spada stepped from the doorframe and revealed his Kel-Dor face from his cloak hood. He did not quite hear her and said,

"I couldnt help but notice that you were training with a staff. Perhaps I could train with you?"

Spada walked to the weapons racks and ran his hands along the hilts of the weapons until he stopped at a straight, single edged vibroblade. Pulling it off the rack, he faced her and said,

"by the way, what is your name? I am Spada Elhow."

Feb 17th, 2004, 05:48:15 PM
She smiles and points to herself...

"Ma Nee a V'aelna. Ma Aprera grat Spaada."

V'aelna takes up a defencive stance with the staff, griping the staff near the middle, her hands spaced apart the width of her body.

Feb 17th, 2004, 05:55:05 PM
Spada stared at her a moment.

"Uuuuh sorry. I dont speak your language. I picked up 'My name is Vaelna' I think."

He placed his hand under his chin and said,

"Perhaps you could think a picture of what you want to say. I could read your mind and get the image."

he then focused his mind on her's, his external organs beggining to pump quickly with blood.

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:03:29 PM
She Nods letting Spada know that he guessed the first sentance correctly, but takes a few steps backwards, and her mental walls go up faster than Spada could blink when he trys to get into her mind.

She then rests the tip of the staff on the floor and leans it ageinst her shoulder, then uses her hands to say with Galatic Sign language...

"I say, I pleesed meet you."

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:06:55 PM
Spada nodded,

"Oh. I see. I apologize for not asking permission. I take it that you understand basic."

He bowed to her and held the blade point up, saying,

"Shall we begin?"

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:11:37 PM
V'aelna nods twice in answering both questions, then grabs the staff, getting into her defencive stance again, griping the staff near the middle, her hands spaced apart the width of her body, and this time with the left tip of the staff slightly lower than the right.

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:15:49 PM
Spada got the idea that he should start and he dashed foward, putting all his power and momentum into a vertical, downward swing aimed for her left shoulder. His vision became slightly blurred all around except for V'aelna, as it always did.

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:22:55 PM
V'aelna brings the staff up to the blade, catching it in the space on the staff between her hands. She then spins off to her left, allowing her right hand to let go of the staff, and goes to bring the right tip of the staff down at Spada's knees.

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:26:39 PM
Spada saw the staff heading for his legs and hopped over the swing, barely clearing the staff's reach. He then landed, brought the sword to his right side, and made a horizontal swing at her midsection. He was surprised at the speed of the woman and was having trouble keeping up with his stronger but slower attacks.

Feb 17th, 2004, 06:44:20 PM
V'aelna brings her left hang up the staff so that she is holding it near the end, and steps backwards quickly, putting her just out of the range of the blade, and bringing her right hand up so that it is grasping just above her left hand she pulls down quickly causing the staff spin in her left hand, and causes the tip of the staff to come swiftly down apon Spada's right arm as it is at the full extent of his swing.

Feb 17th, 2004, 07:36:24 PM
Spada could not move fast enough this time and was caught off guard. The staff glanced off his shoulder and the crack echoed through the room. He winced for a few seconds and recovered, ready for the next attack.

"That was impressive. Very Impressive."

Feb 17th, 2004, 07:41:39 PM
V'aelna smiles, grabbing the staff in the middle again, with her hands spread out as she had them before. she then brings the end of the staff on her right down towards Spada's shoulder.

Feb 17th, 2004, 07:46:47 PM
(ill say this as if youre looking at it to save confusion)

Spada was expecting it this time. He rotated the sword clockwise and caught her staff cleanly. He then rotated the sword the way it came inwards and pushed the staff to the ground, his sword keeping it held down.

Feb 18th, 2004, 12:51:50 AM
V'aelna trys to fight the staff from going down to the floor , but she is completely out matched by Spada's strength, so the just let's go of the staff as Spada is focused on keaping it on the floor and brings right foot up into a fast, pushing kick to Spada's gut.

Feb 18th, 2004, 06:42:03 PM
Spada held the staff down a moment until he realised that she was not holding it and looked just in time to see her leg coming at him. He sidestepped to the side swiftly and careful not to hurt her badly, he swung inward from where the staff was and horizontally hooked the flat side of his blade towards her thigh.

Feb 20th, 2004, 03:22:32 PM
V'aelna uses the upward's motion of her kick to put her self into a backflip, allowing her leg to barely move out of the way, giving her a mild cut as the blade's tip grazes her bum slightly. She land's about 2 meters away from Spada, in a crouched position. She holds out her hand and mutters a short chant in her language and her staff comes flying to her hand.

Feb 21st, 2004, 07:34:51 PM
Spada threw down his vibroblade seeing that he had cut her. Darting his hand towards the rack, a wooden sword with a rubber hilt which was about the same length as the vibroblade shook and darted towards him wobbilly. Getting into a defensive position, he prepared for her attack.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 02:38:10 PM
V'aelna Does a Quick role forward, closing the distance between her and spada, landing in her crouched position just within her range with the staff. She grabs both hands on one end of the staff and swings it at Spada's knees.

Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:04:05 PM
Spada, in reaction, sprawled out allowing the staff to pass under him. He landed on his belly and began to stand up, not able to attack before Vaelna did.

Feb 24th, 2004, 03:12:34 PM
V'aelna quickly stands and brings the staff down at Spada's left shoulder while he is just starting to stand.

Feb 24th, 2004, 04:18:40 PM
Spada saw the attack coming and rolled to his right, avoiding the staff and bringing himself to her side. As he stood back up, he brought the wooden sword up too and swung for her ribs.

Feb 25th, 2004, 01:54:41 PM
V'aelna grabs the staff with both hands and moves it between her and the sword, blocking the attack. She then puts all her weight on to the staff, to suport herself as she sends a high kick a Spada's head.

Feb 25th, 2004, 04:38:46 PM
The sting of the sword on his hands stunned him for a moment. The foot of Vaelna connected with the back of his head, sending him falling to the ground. He tucked in his head and rolled, turning to face her at the same time. After rolling, he planted a foot on the ground and shot off towards her to tackle her at the waist.

Feb 26th, 2004, 11:54:23 AM
V'aelna trys to dodge the tackle but, unable to do it. Spada's arms wrap around her waist and both of them hit the floor, with Spada on top of her and his face landing accdently between her breasts, causing V'aelna to call out in suprise...

"EEEEEEAAAA!! Wha Tu Eeetaa a dee ah!?!"

V'aelna pushes Spada off of her and starts laughing, as she remains lying on the floor.

Feb 26th, 2004, 04:50:30 PM
Spada stood quickly and helped her to stand.

"Sorry, I get too into the fight sometimes. Well, I need a new weapon."

he glanced at the rack again and noticed a Stun Pole against the wall. He pulled it towards him and grasped it with two hands, holding it vertically in the air to wait for her attack.

Feb 27th, 2004, 02:42:12 PM
V'aelna looks up and sees him weilding a Stun Baton over her. She quickly roles off to the side back to her feet, and takes a defencive but Hostile position.

"Feeca! Eeoh A Ee Feeca!!Tu Nota Trepa mae Eeann!!"

He eyes narrow on to the Stun Baton as she mutters another short chant three times, and on the last round of chants The Stun Baton is thrown backwards with the force, wrenching Spada's arm back in the same way.

As soon as the throw starts V'aelna Charges at Spada with the look of a traped wild creature, ready to fight for her life, swinging her staff at Spada's midsection.

Feb 27th, 2004, 02:47:50 PM
Spada saw that she was very upset by him taking the stun pole. He dropped it just before she swung at his midsection.

Why did she get so crazy when I took the stun pole? I guess she doesn't want me using it

He jumped up above the staff and kicked with his right leg towards her shoulder, fliping away at the same time.

Feb 27th, 2004, 02:53:31 PM
V'aelna aborts the swing with her staff, and drops into a role, bringing herself under the kick, and slamming her shoulder into Spada's only leg still contacting the ground.

Feb 28th, 2004, 09:58:41 AM
The roll from Vaelna took out his base, causing him to fall foward over her. He tucked his head and rolled, poping up after regaining control and getting on his feet. He turned around and sprinted towards Vaelna even though she was carrying a weapon and he wasn't.

Mar 1st, 2004, 03:25:44 PM
V'aelna Swings her Staff at Spada's legs, hopeing to knock them out from under him.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:29:57 PM
Spada skidded to a halt in the nick of time and lowered his level enough so that the staff was moving towards his elbow. He held his hand out slightly and caught the oncoming staff end, grasping it with both hands firmly.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:35:31 PM
V'aelna tugs on the staff trying to get it free from Spada's grip, but has no luck. It looks as if she is starting to panic, as she relises that her Weapon is in Spada's control, so she drops her end of the staff, and backs herself into the corner drawing the dagger at her side.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:37:37 PM
Spada was now thoroughly confused. He did not know why Vaelna was afraid of him, and threw the staff backwards away from them.

"What's wrong?" he asked, wondering why she was acting like a cornered Rancor.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:45:32 PM
V'aelna looks up at Spada's eyes. As she looks him in the eyes again, she starts to plant a vision in his mind....

There is a woman in decorated animal skins standing in front of a number of almost nakid people. She looks important. She looks like a younger V'aelna. She seems to be the one in charge, making the choices of Justice and Contravercy. It seems like the people look up to her, respect her, and come to her for help.

The Image then fades to the middle of the night, looking into a bunch of tents in the middle of a desert. The stillness of the night is broken by large bolts of light comming from the sky. V'aelna rushes out of her tent, to see three landing craft coming down from the sky. She yells something to the others and shortly after the other people are running deeper into the desert or dying from the bolts of light, But V'aelna dosen't run. She drops to her knees with her hands above her head and starts to chant something.

As she starts to chant, the sands of the desert start to rise as the wind starts to howl around her. The winds get so strong that some of the landing craft crash into each other, but one of craft makes it to the ground, and people waring black shock armor come storming out of the transport.

Some of the shock troops charge at her the rest swarm into the desert after the fleeing people. V'aelna waves a hand and yells something towards the troopers going into the desert , and causes a sand dune to cave in on them submerging most of then under a pile of sand.

The rest of the trooper charge her with stun clubs, as she picks up a staff, and takes a defencive stance. she takes out 3 of them with the staff before a stun bolt from a blaster hits her in the back, and the image blacks out.

The image then fades in again with the picture of people in the cages. Some of the other people in the cages look like some of the people that were running away in the desert. Thugs walk between the cages Armed with Stun Club, and blaster.

V'aelna breaks Eye contact with Spada, and the vision stops. She keeps herself backed into the corner, and the dagger between her and Spada.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:51:18 PM
Spada felt as though he were remembering something that happened to him and realised that it was Vaelna planting it there. He held his hands in the air and began to slowly walk towards her,

"I'm not one of those people. I am a Jedi, like you. Put down the knife please."

He did not want to sound like he was talking to a baby, but he didn't want her thinking that he was hostile.

Mar 1st, 2004, 04:57:44 PM
V'aelna keeps herself backed in the corner, but slowly puts the dagger back into the sheath on her belt, but keeps her hand hovering near the dagger so that it could be in hand in a moment's notice.

Mar 1st, 2004, 05:06:18 PM
"Now, I think we've both gotten a little on edge from this duel. What do you say I walk you back to your room?"

Spada held out his hand, beckoning her to follow him.

Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:44:24 PM
V'aelna ignores the out streched hand, but walks over to the staff, picks it up and goes to take it with her, as she walks out of the room behind Spada.

Mar 2nd, 2004, 03:55:18 PM
Spada stopped a moment, outstretching his hand and moving the weapons he used back to the rack slowly and wobbily. He was learning still and used every opportunity to practice. He glanced back at Vaelna and began to walk out, saying,

"You are a good fighter. I never have faced someone who could fare so well against me even though I am stronger."

Mar 2nd, 2004, 04:16:21 PM
v'aelna gives him a half smile, and signs to him...

"I learn fight since small. Must learned since people need strong leader."

Mar 2nd, 2004, 09:23:24 PM
Spada nodded, catching most of her sign language,

"Yes, a physically powerful leader is a good way to enforce your leadership. We had leaders like that where I come from. Hopefully our skills with staffs and swords will help us when we start using lightsabers more often."

Mar 8th, 2004, 01:03:44 PM
V'aelna nods, not really know what he weens by lightsaber. It was not a term that she had heard before, but if it was part of what she had to learn she hoped that it was something that current skills could be adapted to use.

Mar 8th, 2004, 08:48:31 PM
"You don't know what a lightsaber is?"

Spada was doing it again. He read Vaelna's thoughts and did not realise it. He tried to act like he hadn't done it,

"Do you want to do some lightsaber sparring?"

Mar 9th, 2004, 03:23:28 PM
V'aelna shakes her head and signs....

"Why I spar with unknown thing?"

Mar 9th, 2004, 04:48:08 PM
Spada pulled out his hilt, saying,

"I'll show you. Come on, we have to get you a training lightsaber. I'll tell you what one is as we walk."

Mar 11th, 2004, 11:47:15 AM
V'aelna follows Spada with caution since she is still not sure about him, But she is willing to give him another chance.

Mar 11th, 2004, 12:28:45 PM
Spada looked back, saying to her,

"Well, a lightsaber is the modern sword, in a sense. It is just a metal handle which contains a power cell. The energy is used to send a beam of light out which is similar to a controlled lazer. It is the weapon of a Jedi."

they reached a booth and Spada said to the Jedi at the station,

"Ummm, she needs a training lightsaber."

The Jedi looked over Vaelna and handed her a lightsaber hilt which suited her well.

Mar 11th, 2004, 12:33:03 PM
V'aelna looks at the handle, questioningly. She tests the weight, and finds that it hardly had the weight to be a small club. she thinks that this must be the most useless weapon she has ever seen..

Mar 11th, 2004, 01:15:01 PM
Spada noticed Vaelna's confusion and said,

"Come to a training room with me. I'll show you how it works."

Spada began to walk away towards a white door, wanting Vaelna to follow.

Mar 11th, 2004, 01:20:09 PM
V'aelna folows, still confused.

Mar 11th, 2004, 01:53:50 PM
Punching in a code, Spada entered one of the training rooms. After Vaelna entered, he grasped his lightsaber hilt with his two hands and said,

"Now a beam of light will come out of this, so don't be surprised when it is."

He moved a finger to a small knob and turned it. The streak of green light poured out and stopped a few feet out.

"It may seem strange, but the light is the weapon. Now you try, and don't touch the light that comes out."

Mar 12th, 2004, 06:35:55 PM
When the lightsaber is turned on V'aelna drops the training saber, spins around and sprints off out of the room. Screeming in terror...

"Eeowa! Ah D'mai! Rea! Rea!"

Mar 12th, 2004, 09:22:45 PM
Spada yelled, "No!!" and held out his hand. Trying to concentrate, he focused on Vaelna to try and stop her from moving with the force.

"Theres nothing to be afraid of!"

Mar 15th, 2004, 11:45:52 PM
V'aelna mutters something and a mental shock wave comes from her body forcing Spada to let her go. She falls on her face but quickly scrambles to her feet, and starts to run down the hall again.

Mar 16th, 2004, 03:14:30 PM
Spada yelled out again,

"What are you doing?!?"

and sprinted full speed, his large figure covering the distance quickly. He chased her down the hallways and said,

"This Isn't like where you live!! STOP!!"

Mar 16th, 2004, 03:27:04 PM
V'aelna turns a corner only to find it a dead end hallway. she puts her back to the wall, and moves her self to the corner. It's clear that she is frightend, and doesn't know what to do.

Mar 16th, 2004, 07:26:02 PM
Spada ran her into a corner,

"Why are you running?"

he waited a few seconds and said,

"Whats the point? I'll leave you if thats what you want..."

He wheeled on one heel and quickly walked away from her, angered by her mistrust.

Mar 17th, 2004, 03:18:02 PM
V'aelna was suprised that he just went to leave her. She was still frightened, since all she has ever known is life in a dessert, and life in a cage. Over her years as a slave she as grown a fear for technology. Little does Spada know she was told of storys of demons that use colored blades of light to slaughter her people. She had seen a lightsaber once before but was not in a position to get a good look at it. Though seeing Spada with the glowing blade just made her panic.