View Full Version : Thrust into a new life without a clue - (Open)

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 15th, 2004, 10:38:58 PM
Life on Necropolis isn't all that much different than it is elsewhere in the galaxy - if you overlook the fact that the planet's surface is shrouded in a perpetual mist. Its history is ancient, and civilization goes back thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin.

Whereas most others in the galaxy are free peoples and their day-to-day life is dictated by society, need and making choices; the day-to-day activities of Necropolitans is dictated by the Master of Cerements, who works to ensure that the Curse of Sycorax will not be invoked.

He achieves this by making sure that the ancient customs of the planet Necropolis are observed. Among the traditions are: having pretend "mummies" greet off-worlders who came to Necropolis, in an effort to scare away evil spirits; setting aside a portion of every meal for the dead; and burying all those who die in the cemetary - whole and intact - without cremation or disintegration.

The current reigning Master of Cerements is K'hardale Vin'Drae; a pompous man whose arrogance knows no bounds. It had been pre-arranged - Arahisie would marry K'hardale and her family would be set - both financially and politically.

The banquet hall had been decorated beautifully and the aromas of the ten course meal to be served made one's mouth water and their stomachs grumble from a mile away.

A shame that it all went to waste. No one made it to the reception.

It happened during the ceremony. As K'hardale was reciting his vows to the unhappy bride, something came sailing through one of the windows, striking K'hardale at the back of his neck, killing him instantly.

Blood splattered the bride, as well as the Father of Ceremonies and the attendants. Chaos ensued. The guests fled in fear of their lives - as well as in fear of invoking the Curse. Many were injured from getting trampled on; a few were killed.

It only took a half an hour for the authorities to arrest Arah, accusing her of hiring someone to kill K'hardale. It was no secret that she didn't want to marry him and that she had no way out of the arrangement.

It took two full years for the investigations, hearings and testimonies to be completed.

Though all charges against Arahisie were dropped due to a situation similar to that of a hung jury, the peoples of Necropolis were outraged that the person they believe to have arranged the murder of the Master of Cerements got away with it.

With nothing left for her on Necropolis, Arahisie's father arranged transport to get her off the planet and out of the system, with instructions to never contact them and never to return or it would be her death.

The past week or week and a half has been spent travelling and transferring ships to travel some more. Finally, the ship lands and a voice comes over the intercom, thanking everyone for their business and hoping that their trip was a pleasant one.

People rise from their seats, collecting their carry-on bags and begin flowing down the aisle. Arahisie melds with the flow and lifts a hand to shield her eyes from the bright light of the noon sun.

Once her eyes have adjusted, she lowers her hand and crosses the tarmac, entering the main building. Signs show her the way to the baggage claim area where she collects her own bag and makes her way back outside.

Wherever she is, its quite busy. Skycabs, speeders, hovercars and other various crafts zoom along the streets and airlanes; people bustle about in all directions in a hurry to get here or there.

This is so overwhelming for the young Arahisie Silentwrath of Necropolis. Enough so that all she can do is stand there and look lost and out of place while trying to figure out where to go from here.

If only she knew exactly where it is that she is....

Vista Alor
Feb 18th, 2004, 10:42:38 AM
Vista had slipped out of the GJO Grounds early in the morning, before Rognan had even woken up from his rest. Over the last several days, she had started to feel like a caged animal and just needed to get out of awhile.

Several hours after leaving, she comes across a stranger standing still and looking lost. Real lost. So, the young child runs up to her with a smile on her face.

"Hello Lady and welcome to Coruscant. You look lost so I might be able to help."

Vista says cheerfully, skidding to a stop infront of the lady.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 19th, 2004, 10:22:59 PM
Dalamar stood on his perch high above those below. He looked for his next meal something that would satisfy his eternal pain of a thirst. A exotic female stepped off a transport the Warlord was drawn to her instantly something about the tilt of her head had attracted his attention. An innocent yet covered in death. She was a mystery and an enigma to the Vampyre.

Leaping from his precipice he landed like heavy thunder on the next ledge. She seemed confused and lost. He could sense the dead on her like one of the nightwalker's but she was not.

Just then a child stepped forward and spoke to her. Dalamar adjusted his black cloth wrapping that allowed him to move in the day he had to be very careful not to expose himself. But his eye's never left the female as her and the child began to speak...

The Vampyre could feel his hunger grow....

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 20th, 2004, 12:45:29 AM
Growing nervous with apprehension on what to do now, Arahisie looks as if she may just break down and begin to cry. Then a child appears, smiling brightly and greeting her in a friendly way.

"Hello there young one. Thank you for the warm welcome.", she replies, a smile appearing in return to the child. On Necropolis, adults believe in getting down to eye-level with a child when addressing one, so Arahisie inches up the skirt of her gown a few inches and kneels a bit.

"There. That is much better. Did you say this is Coruscant?"

As the child nods her head, still smiling, Arah looks around again; seeing as to how busy everything is here, she feels a bit foolish for not realizing that she's standing on the planet considered to be the center of the galaxy.

"I'm very far from my home and I admit, I am very lost. I'd appreciate it very much if you could help me. Are your parents nearby? I'd like to meet them if that is all right."

Arah cranes her neck, looking past the child and then to the right and then finally the left, searching the bustling crowds for either a female or male keeping an eye on the child; but she doesn't spot anyone immediately.

Just then, a man cloaked from head to toe in black stands out from the busy patrons.

"Would that be your father, Miss .... Well, forgive my manners young one. My name is Arahisie Silentwrath. My friends call me Arah. What might your name be?"

Her attention back on the child, the man in black is forgotten for the time being.

Cyrel Annat
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:14:28 AM
How long had he been in isolation, alone with only his thoughts? At least a year, though likely close to two. Before that, there had been so much going on that he just needed the time away from everything, to be able to focus on that which was within. So, for the last however long it had been, the rogue Jedi had been on the planet Necropolis.

After Nar Shaddaa.

After Jessica.


Cyrel Annat was born on Corellia and had lived there for the better part of his youth. Early on it was known that he was a bit better than average when it came to things, especially in regards to the Force. A friend of his father who was a Jedi took him under his wing when Cyrel's parents were killed in a yet unexplained Imperial raid. Perhaps it had been Cyrel they were after, since the two were constantly on the run following their flight from Corellia. For that reason, Cyrel never received official training as it should have been.

But that was not to say that he didn't receive any training at all, as his new guardian took every opportunity to instruct the young man in the ways of the Force, which included the proper use of a lightsaber. For years the two traveled across the galaxy, all the while both running and learning.

But such was not the way of things for long. Within a few years, Cyrel's guardian was killed on Tatooine by a pair of bounty hunters that were after the young man. Cyrel barely escaped, but he did, and the flight continued. That was the first time that Cyrel went away on his own, to hone the skills that were taught to him and learn to defend himself.

That time passed slowly for him, though it was for the best. Eventually, he landed on Nar Shaddaa and found himself in the middle of turmoil once again. Imperials were thick, though he managed a couple acquaintances and one friend among those that fought back. Armed with a blaster and his lightsaber, Cyrel aided in more than a couple altercations against the Imperial forces stationed there, which included a high-speed duel atop a pair of airspeeders.

Betrayal would follow, as one of those trusted acquaintances turned over to aid the Dark Side, and Cyrel and a companion left the moon. For good.

Jessica was her name, a woman who also showed some glimpses of Force ability though she was a bit too reckless to properly refine her skills. Cyrel had tried, but had finally decided that he was not strong enough himself to properly instruct her. Better to leave the ability untapped than to fail and leave her more vulnerable.

The two traveled for some time before arriving in Coruscant, where the two eventually parted ways. The rogue was torn, a strong emotion ripping through his body even though the Code forbid it. One of the reasons that he never pursued the formal training. There were certain things that he did not agree with. Which in turn did make him just as vulnerable. Only his personal morals and ideals to keep him from breaking.

That was why he had left Coruscant, leaving behind his mentor's starfighter with a close friend to be picked up at some later time. Finding seclusion on Necropolis worked well for him, and again he was more at peace, more in-tune with his feelings and his abilities.


Stepping off the same transport as Arah had, Cyrel let his dark brown gaze pass over the area. He was reminded of days before when he had stayed here, and also of certain pains that those days had brought. But they no longer plagued him, his mind and body cleansed of such impurities.

Solid footfalls echo down the walkway from the ship, the dark brown robes that he wore swirling a bit around his legs with each step. Beneath the brown robes, he wore black pants and a beige shirt, the silver cylinder that was his only present weapon hanging from his belt off to the right. It was unlikely that he would remain in this city for long, but he was here nonetheless.

The later time to pick up his starfighter had arrived.

Vista Alor
Feb 20th, 2004, 11:06:26 AM
*Nope. No parents around. My Mom's dead, never knew Dad but a kind person has taken me in but he's not here.

I'm called Vista.

And no, I don't think that man is my dad."

Vista says without even turning to look.

"I can help you a bit but I'm not this planet overly well. Just enough to move around and lose ppl. Where you want to go?"

Vista questions cheerfully.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 20th, 2004, 10:12:52 PM
Arahisie smiles to Vista, nodding a few times in understanding of the child. Hearing the fate of the young girl's parent's brings a gentle frown to Arah's otherwise kind looking features.

"Well met, Miss Vista. I'm terribly to hear of your parents. You must miss them."

Arah stands again, running the palm of a well manicured hand over her skirts to smooth the material out. The colors of her gown are representative of her homeworld, each one signifying a different symbolism. Regal in appearance as well in mannerisms, Arahisie composes her dignity and smiles to Vista once more.

"I have an idea young one. I suppose I'll trust in you that you will help me, if first you allow me to buy us both some breakfast."

Vista Alor
Feb 21st, 2004, 11:43:44 AM
"I miss my Mommy, but never knew Daddy. Mom always moved around so I never stayed in one place long cept now that I live with the Jedi.

And I know the perfect place for food here. It's not far either. It's close. You want go there?"

Vista questions happily, not at all sad about what happened to her Mother.

Cyrel Annat
Feb 21st, 2004, 07:28:28 PM
The rogue Jedi pauses briefly at the end of the walkway from the docking bay of the transport, getting his bearings a bit on exactly where he was. There was always a sense of awe about the city, though he could not exactly place why. Perhaps it was the large number of speeders and ships that constantly sped through the skies above. Perhaps the grand scale of the city-planet, being such a rare thing. Perhaps it was just bad air.

With his initial survey complete, he continues across a street and down the sidewalk, still looking around and enjoying the change of scenery. Granted, he did not figure to remain here long unless something dictated otherwise, which wasn't altogether an unlikely prospect.

Approaching a pair of people, one he recognizes from the transport though had seen her only from a distance, and one a young woman. A simple nod and friendly smile are offered to both as he passes, though he does not interrupt their conversation. It was not too far to his ship, though a bit of leg-stretching was in order first.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 21st, 2004, 08:28:29 PM
'I'd love to go there.", Arah responds to the seemingly sweet and happy child standing before her.

As Arah lets the child lead the way, she looks around again, not really paying too much attention to the others around her. It's when she nearly walks right in front of Cyrel that she blushes a bit from embarassment for not paying attention.

"I beg your pardon. Good day to you, Sir.", she states to the passing man, returning a friendly smile. Her brows knit gently in thought as she swears she's seem him from somewhere before but can't place it immediately.

As she continues to walk with Vista, she glances back over her shoulder on occasion, trying to place the man's face.

"I remember now, he was on the same transport I was on."

More or less an assuring thought spoken aloud, than anything else.

"Miss Vista, is it always this busy around here? How does everyone get around without walking into each other?"

As if on cue, Arah bumps into someone and in turn, someone bumps into her.

"And how is it that you don't get dizzy from all of the hustle and bustle!?"

Observers might find this to be rather amusing. A grown woman looking around in awe and fear as a child would when in a place unfamiliar to them.

"I'm sorry to ask so many questions. Please, if I am going to fast, asking too much or driving you insane, say so. I need to find somewhere to stay as well. Are there any nice local hotels nearby?"

Poor Vista; how gracious of the young lass to be so kind and helpful to a woman whom has been exhiled from her own homeworld.

It's very obvious that she's never been off her own planet before; most likely noticed at the way her expressions change when seeing some of the other alien species mixed in with the human populace.

Arah's heart begins to beat a bit faster, which in turn increases the rate of her breathing. This is so overwhelming! Inwardly, she decides its best to remain close to this Vista, atleast until breakfast is finished and she can get a hotel.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 21st, 2004, 10:25:28 PM
Dalamar looked on with growing interest. When suddenly the lady he was stalking looked up and stared directly at him. Her eye's!! like piercing stone. Excited yet flat, he had never seen anything like her. Where had she come from?

Dalamar leaned back, the lower ledge obscured him from her view. Without hesitating he pushed the window behing him aside. A older couple was sleeping in there bed. The warlord slipped past them without waking them. Then moving silently he opened the door and went down the stairs and out the building.

Immediately some clumsly fool bumped into the Dark Lord. His red piercing gaze met the mans own. With a palm to the chest Dalamar knocked him out of the way. Quickly he followed the two female's trail. Slipping up behind them he tried to remain unoticed.... :wings

Cyrel Annat
Feb 22nd, 2004, 01:12:34 AM
"Lady," he answers to Arah, affording her another small smile before she and Vista walk past. He remains standing there a few moments, still glancing around a bit and rather than trying to figure out where he was, he was trying to decide where he wanted to go to first.

Food, perhaps. He would wait until later before finding any suitable places to spend the night since he wasn't certain that he would be staying. Deciding that he was a bit in the way of the passersby, he steps back against one of the buildings, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly.

"And where shall I end up next?" he asks himself, not quite certain of the answer. Corellia, perhaps, though there was little point in returning there with no family or any other ties to the place.

Turning again, he begins the stroll the way he had originally been going, some distance behind the woman from the transport and the young lady with her. Some distance behind the dark cloaked man as well, though Cyrel paid little attention to the man right off. In Coruscant, there were all kinds.

Vista Alor
Feb 22nd, 2004, 10:54:57 AM
"Oh yes. Coruscant always busy. This a quiet time though. Can get much busier. Hotels not good in this area. Better in other areas and I'll show you.

Stay close or you get lost."

Vista says cheerfully as she navigates the crowds. The farther away from the space port they go, the thicker the crowds get.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 23rd, 2004, 08:13:02 PM
The child's mobility through the crowds proves to be more agile than Arah's as a few times she has had to call out to Vista, asking her to hold up just a moment as she catches up to the young lass.

Near an intersection, Arahisie gets held up by the crowd as they wait for the signals to turn and the flow of traffic to cease so they may cross the street.

"Oh! Pardon me, its a bit crowded in this city.", she states to the man behind her when she looks back and up over her shoulder to him. Either she bumped into him or he into her - packed in like sardines as they are at the corner.

Crossing the street, Arah catches up to Vista and chuckles lightly as she avoids the oncoming flow of pedestrians.

"Why aren't the hotels in this area good? Things look decent enough to me." And they do; well, most of the facades look as if the interiors would be decent too. As with any major city near a spaceport, there are those buildings that are run down and in need of demolition. The air is rather dirty and there seems to be a haze that is permanently settled over the entire area. Still, all in all, the aspiring skyscrapers and architecture is beautiful to see.

"Does this city have a name?", she asks while passing the windows of some of the clothing stores and Arah's eyes are everywhere. Some of the outfits placed on the mannequin's are a bit ... racier ... than she's use to seeing. One mannequin was modeling an outfit cut in the most provocative of ways, the material of the high-priced glittergown was all sparkly and sheer, leaving nothing left to the imagination. And yes, she does blush a bit, perhaps embarassed for the plastic mannequin for being dressed so skimpily.

More wares and whatnots, knick-knacks and such are displayed in other windows along the avenue; some of these gizmos are gadgets that she has never seen before.

"Young one, are there any stores that sell clothing that isn't so .. so ... well that sells actual clothing and not these pieces of string? I ask because I'm going to have to expand my wardrobe some.

"Is this really the standard of dress in this city!?"

Poor Arah. Ok. So perhaps there are a few more striking differences between the peoples of Necropolis and those of Coruscant.

Vista Alor
Feb 25th, 2004, 12:56:07 PM
Vista slips one of her hands into Arah to help guide her along without letting her get lost. Much like a Mother does with her child.

"Hotels in this area not good cause bad ppl are there. And this city called Coruscant. It's a planet city. No natural things here 'cept in ppl made gardens.

You can get just bout anything you want here. Just depends on what it is to tell where you need to go. Anything goes for clothing as long as you be decent. Not show your naughties."

Vista giggles at this point as they continue navigating the walkways.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 25th, 2004, 11:20:17 PM
Feeling a smaller hand taking her own, Arahisie looks to the child, then to their joined hands; smiling a bit. On Necropolis, children are revered, treated as if they are the most precious things life has to offer - and they are.

"I see. Well if there are bad people in the hotels in this area, why doesn't the local law enforcement just get rid of them?"

Arahisie's eyes widen a touch and she too giggles with the young Vista.

"Yes, showing too much is not a very lady-like thing to do. I'm glad to see that you don't seem to follow the fashion trends as I've seen others do."

Horns blare above and Arah looks up. Seems to have been an accident or something in the upper airlanes. Across the street on their right, a small crowd has gathered at the entrance of an alleyway. Curious, Arah tries to get a view of the happenings through the crowd to no avail.

"I wonder what's going on over there...", she muses idly. Good thing that Vista has Arah's hand or she probably would of strayed over to catch a glimpse of the action.

From the corner of her eye, she thinks she notices the man from the spaceport; the one who was dressed in all black. But, each time that she'd turn to see, the image wasn't there.

'Must be my eyes playing tricks on me.', she thinks to herself.

"Vista, the hotels that are good - is there one close to here or will it be a long walk?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 26th, 2004, 01:08:11 AM
The Lady was sweet and succulent but to strike in the day was foolish. Her discarded carcass was discovered to soon. The strangled scream of strangers rose above the din. The Vampyre Lord soon seperated himself from the crowds, Massive death was not on his mind right now. Just the Lady with the stone flat eye's interested him at the moment. That and the hunt.

Weaving between the crowd he got tantalizingly close to her. He reached out and brushed his hand across a soft tangle of her hair. His hand descending on her throat. Suddenly she turned around and the Vampyre mingled and misted into the crowd just out of sight. Waiting he knew he would get his chance.

Cyrel Annat
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:45:03 PM
A few more moments of pause while he let his feelings and senses stretch out a bit. Something wasn't entirely right within his mind, though pinpointing it in this city took abilities in the Force that far exceeded his own. In truth, there were many aspects of his powers that were lacking, though he had come close to mastering a couple. His ability with the lightsaber was likely his strongest suit. That and piloting.

And while he knew very few in the city these days, and even less acquaintances, something told him to remain near the woman from the transport. Perhaps it was her apparent innocence and naivety to the world around her. Perhaps it was something else. Regardless of the reason, something told him to keep an eye on her, at least until she met up with whomever it was that she was to meet in this city. At least, he assumed that she was meeting someone here.

Besides, bearings gained, his ship was on the same course as the woman was presently walking, in a roundabout sort of way. Alleys and backways didn't really seem too enticing to him at the moment. No point in diving right back into the fray of testing his skills. Not just yet.

Another point was that a vaguely familiar face was better than none at all, and the young lady that was with the woman likely wouldn't be able to do much in the way of protection. A bit perhaps, as something else was sensed around the two, but he wasn't certain how much.

So, down the walkway he continues, dark brown eyes narrowed slightly to keep his vision sharp.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 28th, 2004, 05:11:13 PM
As Arahisie weaves through the crowd with the child, they pause as a bunch of school children skip past; following their teachers. Must be on their way to a local museum or something for a field trip.

It's during this pause that Arah feels something touch her hair. At first, she dismisses it as a breeze, but then she realizes that there hasn't been one. 'It is rather busy.', she thinks to herself, and looks both left then right; searching for whom it may have been that possibly brushed past her quickly.

She turns, checking behind her and that's when she feels something against her throat. It's subtle, but it's there. It's as if someone has just caressed her throat in the way a man might do with his love just before pulling her body against his, embracing in a passionate kiss.

Yet, there is no one there. A chill brings gooseflesh to Arah's arms as she lightly rubs her throat thrice with the tips of her slender fingers while scanning the immediate area. Her brows knit, worried ... but why worry? There are plenty of reasons to worry if you happen to be a Necropolitan. First, and foremost, is the Sycorax and with what she's been through in these past two years, its possible that the Curse has found her. Deep belief that the dead will rise and seek retrobution is not far fetched, after all.

For a moment, Arah's coloring fades to pale and she looks a bit frightened. It's strange to feel as if you've just been physically violated when there is no one physically visible who possibly could have done it. What if it is a ghost?! What if its the ghost of the dead Master of Cerements coming to get revenge?! What if ...

"Oh stop it, Arah.", she chides herself quietly.

Vista tugs at Arah's hand, coaxing her into walking again. Arah heeds the child's insistancy and forces a small smile.

"Sorry. There's many distractions here."

Vista Alor
Feb 28th, 2004, 07:26:44 PM
"Law enforcement not know bout bad ppl. To busy elsewhere. It not far from restaurant for good hotel."

Vista pauses for a moment before turning down a quieter street.

"It's not far now."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 29th, 2004, 09:14:23 AM
Again!? The female has sensed me again. Dalamar could sense the tense aprehension in her, the quickening of her heartbeat. He allowed a contact with his eye's she saw him, but she did not see him. Those stone flat eye's scanned the crowd there eye's locked only momentarily. Sending a vibe, a feeling the vampyre willed her, compelled her. An act that would merely let her know that someone and something was there. Like a wave of power it rippled thru the crowd aimed only at one. Accompanined with words that would not be heard but would echo in her heart with fire and passion, stopping her in her tracks.

"You are Mineeee...."

The Sun was setting soon these sacred garments would be shed like a snake shedding his skin. Then in his black glistening battle armor she would be made one of his own. Her soul would belong to him like so many before her....

And no fool... Jedi Master, Or Dark Lord of the Sith would save her. Then I will know why you stare at the world thru stone flat eye's. Why your spirit screams of life and death. How can anyone exude guilt and innocence... The Warlord had to know....for after all it was new... and Dalamar had long gave up on finding any new thing in his long existence...

Arahisie Silentwrath
Feb 29th, 2004, 05:41:01 PM
So caught up in her own growing fear that the Curse of the Sycorax has followed her across the galaxy to this bustling city, Arah hadn't realized that the child is leading down a quieter street, busy looking behind herself rather than ahead.

"Perhaps we should hurry then, hm?"

Her voice - the slighest quiver to the tone - might alert the child that something seems a little ... off ... with the woman she is leading to a local diner for breakfast.

A breath is drawn, slowly, then released and Arah seems to have nearly regained her composure. Until the tiny hairs gracing the back of her neck rise and stand on end, sending a cold chill coarsing down her spine. A slight tilt of her head as she reaches up and rubs her neck, telling herself inwardly that she's just being overly ridiculous.

But the warmth of her own fingertips against the soft flesh of her neck does nothing to chase away the cold chill; nor does it relax her nerves any.

Her breathing begins to increase, as does her heart's beat. Her footsteps slow to a near stop and she looks around. The hem of a curtain flutters on the outside of an open window a few stories above. A bird's cheerful song is heard, coming from a cage swinging lazily in the gentle breeze which has begun to blow again. A couple is heard arguing about how much the female spent at the shopping district the other day.

And though Arah hasn't spotted anything out of the ordinary, she cannot shake the feeling that she is being watched. Slowly, Arahisie does come to a complete stop, letting go of Vista's hand as she turns in place looking to the windows and balconies overhead in search of whom it might be that is watching her.

A mother hanging the laundry out on a line to dry, a man snoring the morning away all stretched out in a lounge chair and an elderly woman enjoying her breakfast with a view of the city.

No. It's not one of them who is giving her this scary feeling.

Accompanined with words that would not be heard but would echo in her heart with fire and passion, stopping her in her tracks.

"You are Mineeee...."

Arah's face turns ashen in color and the way her body hitches would make one think that she's just been struck hard in the chest to force the air from her lungs, but the sound that comes forth dispells that assumption - her scream of fright pierces through many of the noises cluttering the area. Eyes as vivid as a newly polished emerald grow wide and wild with fright and a hand folds itself across her stomach, the other against the swell of her bosom. Never before in her life has she ever been scared like this.

"Who said that!? Show yourself!"

Turning in place, the look of flight expressed in her fair face, she looks to Vista.

"Did you hear that? Who said that?"

Alone on a planet that she knows nothing about, the very strong feeling that she is being followed and the run-away, vivid imagination she has working overtime, Arah's eyes fill with tears.

As fear dictates reaction, Arah melds into the crowd that Vista had just taken her out of. No idea where to go or what to do. She pushes a few folks out of her way as she moves against the flow of the people, apologizing at times and not bothering with politeness at others.

As the crowd begins to thin, she tries to stop a couple of people, asking ... no ... begging ... them to help her. However, being in a major busy city, the people are too caught up in their own lives to give a second look to the frightened woman, leaving her to stand alone in the center of the walkway to fend for herself.

Vista Alor
Mar 1st, 2004, 10:14:02 AM
Vista shakes her head when asked if she heard what Arah did. Then Arah goes off, without her, she follows right at her heals, trying to get her attention. After Arah stops, she slips her hand into hers again and looks up, concern in her eyes. When she speaks next, she unknowingly using the Force to add power to her words, encouraging Arah to do as suggested.

"Come Arah. We not far from restaurant. It safe there. Come."

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:13:19 AM
The touch of Vista's hand into her own causes Arah to jump from being startled. She looks around once more then looks to Vista. She blinks a few times then smiles from feeling embarassed.

"You ... didn't hear anything?"

The look in Vista's eyes and the small shake of her head tell Arah that the child didn't hear it. Arah nods once then glances around a final time.

"Well, alright then. Forgive me, please, young one. Must be my imagination being ... on a new world and surrounded by so many new and strange people and things. I suppose that is enough to make anyone a bit jumpy. Lead the way."

Cyrel Annat
Mar 4th, 2004, 05:09:17 PM
The woman's scream does gain the attention of the rogue Jedi, considering that he had been concentrating more on her than the rest of those around. Still, with all the hustle and bustle on the busy streets, his vision was clearly blocked so he saw nothing at all. Only heard the woman's scream. Perhaps it was nothing at all...perhaps it was something more. It did fit with his sense that everything was not entirely normal at this point, though in Coruscant, when was it?

As the woman and young girl continue in their direction, Cyrel follows, quickening his pace just a bit and still searching outwards, sensing. It was not obvious that he was looking since he was using his mind to feel around more than his actual eyes. Vision could be clouded, blocked entirely, but giving one's self to the Force and using that as a guide was always the best option, even if he had not even gotten close to prefecting his skills in the area. Still, he did have the advantage over the common man.

His walk, while quicker, was still more on the casual side. He made no effort of showing that he was following the woman, or that she had even gained his attention. If anything, he simply looked like a man trying to get to his destination quicker.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 5th, 2004, 01:02:31 AM
Smiling inwardly he moved on with his prey. Suddenly the vampyre sensed 'something' the force. Someone was reaching out. Dalamar stopped, his red hot eye's searched the crowd for the force signature that he knew so well. That had fed him for so long...

The crowd was to dense he only got a feel for the general direction, somewhere behind him. Cattle!, a whole planet of cattle mixing and mingling getting in my way, the vampyre spat in disgust. Hmnn a warning then, Dalamar calmed himself and sent a message via the force, mixed with a little black Sith magic.

The black garbed death knight chanted under his breath ancient rune's and incantation of long dead races. Purple lightning crackled in his taloned hand as the incantation waned on. The lightning would travel along the lines of the force and would give pain. The glow of the force signature would shine in the Warlords eyes. The deed done Dalamar turned back to the female knowing full well that, 'that' someone would be revealed and if need be dealt with, before his feast with the lady of dead stone eye's....

Hissing with impatience that dealing with the intruder had caused him he sent out again.... "You are mine....." he sent it out stronger than before. She would not shake it, nor ignore it this time. Then changing the tone of the message he enticed her. "Dalamar" is my name. With the announcement of his name pleasure washed over her body like no other....

Cyrel Annat
Mar 5th, 2004, 05:42:16 PM
Without any manner of defense of that extreme up, the lightning would find it's mark, breaking any concentration that he had at the moment. And while the pain was definitely there, the rogue Jedi made no sound, only the stiffening of his body evidence that he felt it at all. The signature, however, would be unmistakable. But perhaps the brief attack was for the best, as it was a reminder of how dire the situation really was that he was present in Coruscant. Any number of people were out there with nothing more to do than make life for others miserable, and he was no exception.

He still had no solid visual on the one that sent the incantation, nor of the woman, but one thing that he did still have was the Force, and the ability to use it, if at some times limited. Gritting his teeth against the pain that was beginning to subside, his own message would be sent out to the woman's mind. A simple message and all that he would risk lest the pain return with his action, and his willpower to remain silent fail.


While a command, the tone and the voice would likely both be much softer and sound much more concerned and caring than that of the black-robed man. With the message sent, the rogue hurries his step a bit more, right hand slipping with his own robes until the tips of his fingers brush against the metallic cylinder that was essentially his life. He hoped that he would not need to use it, but he had a feeling that hope was gone on this planet.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 5th, 2004, 11:25:34 PM
Releasing the child's hand to smooth back a few strands of hair, Arah's stopped dead in her tracks yet again as that voice - that cold, chilling and commanding baratone voice - is heard deep in her mind; this time in an authorative fashion.

"You are mine....."

Immediately, Arah's emerald eyes shoot to Vista; the child had to have heard it this time. The coloring in Arahisie's face vanishes, leaving her features masked in ghostly white. Realizing that the child either hasn't heard it or has and just choses to ignore it makes no difference to Arah now. Whomever is hunting her has to be nearby; just has to be. Those vivid eyes, wide and full of fright, dart around, seeking out the owner of that taunting voice.


Clearly, passersby are now noticing the woman as she becomes more and more frightened. Trembling, looking everywhere at once, and about to break down in tears. Most give her a wide berth, a few cross the busy street just to keep a clear distance. Still, there are some who appear concerned but are too fearful of what may be ailing the young noble woman to make them stop and offer assistance.


This is a new voice; softer spoken yet done so with enough concern and urgency that it overpowers the first voice. Though she is terribly frightened and unsure of just what to do, Arah grabs Vista's hand and insists that the child runs with her.

Thankfully, as Vista promised, the diner is nearby. As the two run, hand-in-hand, Vista guides them to safety. Once inside, Arah catches her breath, keeping her wild-eyed gaze on those passing before the windows.

"Welcome to the Galaxy Grill. Is it just the two of you dining this morning?"

The whiney metallic voice coming from behind Arahisie makes her jump and whirl around with a start. The glowing eyes of the serving droid remain as vacant as ever, aside from a flickering in the left eye due to a loose wire.

With her hand pressed against the swell of her bosom, Arah closes her eyes briefly, expelling an audible breath of relief. She nods, swallowing, and manages to put on something that might actually pass as a smile.

"Y-yes, please. A table for two."

"Right this way, hon."

Servomotors kick in as the droid wheels away with Arah and the child in tow.

Seated, Arah takes the menu and holds it loosely within her fingertips, her attention focused on the people passing by the windows.

"Please tell me you heard it that time back in the alley, Vista."

Arah's attention turns fully to the child now.

"You had to have heard those voices."

Well, in Arah's mind the child had to have heard them. If she didn't, then how will Arah's mind process the thought that she's been followed by the Curse of the Sycorax and it will haunt her until it can kill her?

Unpleasant thoughts to have, especially while on a planet that is not ones native home and surrounded by strange new things. Never before has she felt this vulnerable - or homesick. At this very moment in time, she wishes she had a friend she could turn to for comfort and perhaps help.

She looks to Vista still and snorts a quiet derisive laugh while shaking her head and massaging her temples, the menu temporarily forgotten and left laying flat on the tabletop.

"This is ridiculous. I'm hearing voices and apparently its all in my own head..."

Vista Alor
Mar 6th, 2004, 09:27:10 AM
"I only heard ppl talking around us, but you may have been picking up on other ppls thoughts. That happens to me on occassion if I'm not focusing on anything. If you worried about being attacked, I call home and ask for help."

Vista offers, knowing that as a kid, she has no way of helping.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 7th, 2004, 10:43:18 PM
The whirring of servomotors announces the arrival of the serving droid moments before it actually arrives at their table.

"Take your order?"

For the moment, Arah forgets about what just happened outside and waits for the child to place her order. When Vista's finished, Arahisie recites her own and the droid wheels off.

"I'm becoming deeply worried, young Vista. You see, on Necropolis, there is a curse - the Curse of the Sycorax. It's a long story but suffice it to say that a tradition of my peoples has been severely broken and a very important figurehead to the Necropolitans has been killed. I fear that this Curse has followed me across the stars. I'm not sure anyone you may know at your home is able to protect me from it."

Arah reaches across the table and gives the child's hand a gentle pat.

"Might I ask where your home is? Do your caregivers know that you're out and about in this busy city?"

Service is quick, as the serving droid reappears and sets their orders down on the table before the two. Arah murmurs a word of thanks and looks over the food a minute before lifting the fork to begin eating.

"How is it that one who is not a Force user can hear the thoughts of another? This ... Force ... or religion of it .. perplexes me, though I have heard of it."

Rognan Dar
Mar 7th, 2004, 11:21:22 PM
At that moment there was a noise rising up from the entry way of the restuarant. The seating droid was yelling, more like talking loudy to sound like it was yelling, at a dark skinned man wearing just about all white, with a little light brown here and there, in the fashion of a Jedi. As he entered, the droid saw that he was not alone. There was, in fact a black fur Wevicat at his side. The droid was saying something about pets not being allowed. If the Wevicat was not busy with something else, she would have torn that piece of metal to shreds.

To most, the Wevicat looked like a panther. But only those that knew her would know that she was much more then a 'pet.' She was as smart as most humaniods on this planet, which is not saying much considering most of the population. She could easily understand basic, and if she had the right parts for speaking, she could. And it was probably best that she didn't.

As the droid continue to rant on about Yarden, the man seemed to be busy with something else. He was looking around the dinner for someone. Not able to see her from here, Rognan decides to venture in. At once the droid goes into a new rant.

"Excuse me, sir, but you cant just walk in without being seated! You must return to the door and wait like everyone else. Sir! Please stop. I will inform security if you presist on continue this action..."

He was then stopped short as a older couple came into the restuarant. The droid looked worried, as much as could be told from a hard, metal face. It looked between the man's backside and the couple that just came in. It then apeared to come to a disition. It did the thing that it knew best. He went on to seating the new guest, giving Rog one last look before forgetting about him.

As Rognan walked around the dinning area, he finally found who he was looking for. With Yarden at his side, he walked, more like firmly ran, to Vista. He grabbed his arm and pulled her out of her seat and looked at the woman.

"Who are you? What are you doing with Vista?" There was no kindness in his questions. They were strait to the point. And he wasn't going to take 'nothing' as a answer.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:04:34 AM
Arahisie stared at the man. No, not at the man the dark shadow that appeared over his shoulder. Piercing red eye's flashed at her a white gleaming razor blade smile joined it. The sun had gone down there was no more need for caution. The taloned hand of the vampyre clamped on the mans shoulder like a iron vice. With a flick of his wrist he tossed him across the room and into some tables and patrons. Smashing with a thud and a crack in the wall.

The small child looked at her hand shocked that it was empty. She sat still and unmoving as the Warlord moved in closer. The lady with the stone dead eye's moved away from him. He heard her mutter loudly.

Before she could do anything else he was upon her. She thrashed in his arms. As her blood filled the vampyre with ecstasy. He pulled her close like a tender lover and proceded to feed. Somewhere in his blood filled haze of lust and hunger he heard someone scream.....

{Hope thats better:smokin }

Vista Alor
Mar 8th, 2004, 09:22:09 AM
Vista is about to say something to Rognan when Dalamar shows up. She lets off a loud and piercing scream, more from surprise then anything else. She looks at Rognan, and then at Arah, and then to Dalamar, not knowing what to do.

Mar 8th, 2004, 10:43:05 PM
It only took a second for Yarden to understand what was going on. The woman that she had been following, when she was really following Vista, was running away from something. And as Rognan flew threw the air, her rage was set of and she pounced on the man that was now sucking on the female. She landed, heavily, on the back of Dalamar, opened up her mouth wide, and clamped down on his right shoulder, sinking her teeth into his flesh.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:44:18 AM
(OOC: Bear with me on this post as I do my best to work with a few surprises thrown my way with my character)


As Arahisie and the child eat, idly talking and laughing here and there, a ruckus grows louder from somewhere behind the area where they are seated. Recalling that is where the front door is, Arah turns a bit, glancing over her shoulder to see if she can see anything that might be going on.

She can't of course, as the heads of other patrons and the separating wall is just a bit too high to give her a good view of the entry. With a light shrug of her shoulder, she turns back around and proceeds to enjoy her breakfast with the good company of a lovely young child whom has a heart of gold to help out a perfect stranger that is literally lost in this world.

While Arah was dabbing at the corners of her mouth with the napkin, as well as hiding the laugh which the child had drawn from her with a joke she told, Vista's grabbed from her seat by a man whom apparently knows the child.

"Who are you? What are you doing with Vista?" There is nothing kind in his voice and Arah slowly puts the napkin down, her eyes firmly glued to Rognan.

"Sir, please .. calm down. I'm sure we can speak to each other as adults and get this odd-looking situation straightened out quickly. I have not harmed the child and I have no intentions of harming this lovely child. You see, I am new to this planet and she was helping me; I'm afraid I am lost and ...."

Arah's coloring instantly turns pale, as if she's just seen a ghost. Perhaps she has - or is - as her words are cut off by the visage of a shadow with burning red eyes and gleaming razor sharp teeth for a smile appears over the shoulder of Rognan.

Frozen with fright, her jaw agape, Arah's only physical reaction is seen in her eyes; as they become wider and wider with hopes that Rognan picks up on the blatant hint.

As if starring in a really bad B-rated horror film, the clouds (or so Arah assumes its the clouds) fill in overhead, blocking out the beautiful golden light of the sun; throwing the world into midnight darkness - atleast for a few minutes. Unknown to Arah, today is the day of Coruscant's solar eclipse, and the minute the world goes black, Arah sees Rognan thrown around the diner as if he were nothing more than a child's ragdoll.

Her heartrate quickens - more like races - and she swallows a hard, course and dry swallow, edging away from the beast and closer to the window which blocks her escape. However, she is not without an escape and when one is incredibly scared, natural instincts take over to control ones actions and reactions.

Before she could do anything else he was upon her. She arched and thrashed in his arms. Her blood, pulsating rapidly through her veins, fills the vampyre with ecstasy. He pulls her close, like a tender lover, and proceeds the attempt to feed off of the very essence which gives her vibrant life. The thrashing, squirming and writhing of her body against his, fills his blood with a haze of lust and hunger that is almost lost as someone screams.

The scream eminating from the child is joined in by other patrons, now forming an ear-piercing cacophony of high-pitched screams. Chairs are overturned, tables are discarded and shoved away as the people scramble to get away from the commotion as fast as they can.

With the fanatical fight that Arahisie puts up against her attacker, she somehow manages to slip between the table and the booth seat she was seated on, thudding against the floor in an awkward position with the Vampyre atop of her.

Needing to get her into an area that is more open than the cramped space beneath the table, the Vampyre manages to keep her close to his form while dragging her out from under the table. It's when he succeeds in getting her out from under there and flips her over onto her back that her perfectly manicured and painted fingernails coming raking across his left cheek.

That which is dead does not bleed, but that doesn't mean the scratches are anything less than grotesque looking. Rotten flesh mixed with black and dead tissue doesn't make for a pretty picture.

Arah's screaming mixes with those of the others as she fights and struggles against the beast that weighs much more than she does and has more physical strength than she. Something as sharp as a razor grazes against the soft, creamy smooth skin of her neck and she jerks her head away. Again, she feels it as the Vampyre tries desperately to sink his fangs into her flesh to drink the very blood that drives him crazy with lust, desire and need.

Just as the Vampyre nearly succeeds in accomplishing his mission to feed from the succulent young woman, the air is forced from Arah's lungs when the full weight of the Vampyre is forced upon her lithe body.

Something just pounced her attacker!

Whatever it is, Arah is grateful, but with the weight of both on top of her, she can't easily move to get out from under them in order to get away.

It's when the panther-beast clamps down on the Vampyre's shoulder, piercing the dead and rotting flesh with its own long, razor-sharp fangs and keeping an iron-clad grip upon the creature of the night, that Arah squirms free. The only reason she is able to do this is the fact that when the panther-beast bites his shoulder, it would force his grip upon her to loosen and his body to arch up and back, releasing much of the weight that had been thrust upon Arahisie.

Crawling away, under a few tables and across the room, Arah stands and looks around; her breathing heavy. Something warm is felt against the side of her neck. 'He must of scratched me...', she thinks to herself as she dabs at the area with her fingertips. Pulling them away, she looks at them to see that they are in fact covered with a warm, tacky fluid the color of crimson.

No time to clean up now as she has to get out of here. In all of the insanity, Arah manages to spot Vista over by the recovering Rognan. Lifting her skirts, now dirty from rolling around on the floor and having food and drink spilled upon them, Arahisie hurries over and helps Vista get Rognan to his feet.

Assuming (and leaving this up to Rognan to decide) that Rognan directs both Arah and Vista out of the diner through the back door, Arah looks to the child, seeing she is just as scared as she is.

"Are you all right, Vista?"

Arah hasn't even realized that she's been crying, though her cheeks are wet and stained from her salty tears. The realization of what's just happened finally sinks in and Arah begins to quiver, feeling rather cold and very homesick.

"People. Must be surrounded by people.", she mutters unto herself. So, with the need to be surrounded by people in order to feel relatively safer, Arah gets herself back out to the front of the building and hurries further away without any idea as to a destination in mind.

The solar eclipse hasn't lasted long; seven to ten minutes at the most. Thus, the darkness slowly gives way to the light again, bathing the planet in its warm, radiant beauty.

Poor thing. She looks like such a mess! Blood trickling down the side of her neck, snaking its way over the swell of her bosom to follow the cleavage created by the snug-fitting bodice of her dress. Her hair looks rather unkempt at this point, once it was held back neatly in place by the small tiara which is a custom on Necropolis that she wears it. Her pretty dress, dirtied and soiled from the attack at the restaurant. It's no wonder now that the passersby look at her strangely...

Cyrel Annat
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:26:37 PM
There was a faint lingering of the pain induced by his use of the Force, though as the other's man attention again was placed upon the woman, the effects of his attack on the rogue Jedi wore off, leaving the choppy-haired man to watch a moment and try to come up with something. He sensed the Force in another being nearby, centered close to the restaurant that the woman had disappeared into. If such was the case, that man would likely be able to assist the woman, along with the usual number of would-be heroes that tended to crop up from time to time.

For this reason, the rogue remained outside of the restaurant, as if guarding the doorway for anyone else that might either be aiding the black-robed man, or might seek to harm the other Jedi simply for who he was. While Cyrel was not a part of the official order, he still held both a respect and a certain bonding to those that were. Perhaps because his one-time mentor had been a Jedi.

Beyond that, he was not to venture into the restaurant, unless there was some major evidence of a commotion. Of course, it didn't take long for that commotion to start as the sounds of screaming, growling and the crashing of the establishment's furniture soon fell upon his ears. Too many people were crowding the doorway for him to get through without being quite rude and moving people himself, and such behavior was not too becoming of him. With a hand on the silver cylinder at his side, he turns to head around the outside of the building to the rear entrance. Just as he arrives at the alleyway, however, the woman from earlier almost bumps into him, moving past at quite a pace and looking no better than what she had earlier. Booted steps would follow her as he does, raising his voice enough to be heard over the crowd, and ignoring the murmurs and fingers being directed towards Arah's retreating form.

"Miss? Are you alright?"

And while they had never spoken before, the voice would be recognizable, as it had the same sound as that which entered her mind just a short while before. The one that told her to run.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:49:52 PM
Hissing with want Dalamar turned towards the woman. Her sweet blood ran down his face. Flinging wildly he grabs the panther from off his back. Grabbing the animal by the neck he pulls him in face to face. Growling, he bares his blood covered fangs and stares into his black eyes with his own red ones.

Pulling his short sword he prepares to disembowel the animal, When it shakes loose. In the warlords anger he kills the man crawling next to him, pinning him to the ground with his black and silver Katana.

He scans for the female and he see's her exit thru the door and into the street. Roaring in his rage he moves to stalk her. The people scatter as the screams in the room grow. The vampyre kills everyone in his way like trampling on ants he moves toward the exit. The force floats around his body like black smoke purple lighting crackles along the edge of his sword as he killed and walked in the same motion. Like a juggernaught of death limbs and blood filled the room as the Warlord made pincussions out of any one foolish enough to block his path.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:12:26 PM
The voice is one she recognizes, which whirls Arahisie around on her heels to come face to face with Cyrel. There's faded areas of blood on her cheek, from where she dabbed at her tears with the bloodied tips of her fingers. She cants her head gently, peering at Cyrel, as if recalling his voice to match with the one she heard telling her to run earlier.

When recognition does finally register, she looks a little relieved as tears of pleading well up within her eyes.

"Help me? Please?"

Though she is a grown woman, her voice sounds like that of a scared, small child.

"This ... thing .. it attacked me in the diner and I fear it's coming for me again."

The fresh rise of screams eminating from the diner puts the fear back into Arah's heart again. Sirens, still a few blocks away are heard, racing towards the diner. As always, there has to be a mass of people gathered at any disturbance as their sick minds seem to take some sort of pleasure from the pain and hurt of others, and this is no different. A large crowd has already gathered on the walkway in front of the diner and another is growing across the street.

Arah looks back to Cyrel and repeats her request for his help.

"Please? I don't know anyone on this entire planet and I need help."

Rognan Dar
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:15:58 PM
The sound of Rognan hitting the wall was a terrible sound. Those close around could here something crack, if not break, from the mans now limp body. The blow had knocked him out. He lay there, on a table, dreaming off his worries, forgetting about thw world and the problem at hand.

It was only when Vista came to help him that he finally woke up. He didn't move at first; his body now hurt and he didn't remember why. All he could remember was the sensation of flying through the room at a unhealthy rate. Now he could feel a great pain in his left side. He was no doctor or anything close to it, but he suspected that something was broken. He slowly worked his way to sitting up. People were running and screaming all around the diner.

His agonized gaze came upon Yarden and a blakc clothed man. Yarden was attacking the man that seemed to be attacking a female. And then memories flowed back. That was the woman that he suspected to be kidnaping Vista. But why would she then be attacked so violenty? At times like these Rog wished that he was not a Jedi. He wished that he could be like thses people now running for their own lives, not even lifting a fingure to help, just to save their own pothetic skins. Blast it, he thought.

Rognan slid off the table, a little shakily, and was just about to help out when the woman tried to help him steady his feet. Surely a crimanal wouldn't have helped him. Or was it just because she would rather be protected then be kiilled by this crazy man? He didn't know which one was true, but he had other things to worry about.

"Vista...go with...her and get safe. You...you better watch after her. I'll take care of this...guy." The pauses came from the pain that he tried to hide. He then made sure that the two were on their way out before he went on.

Grabbing his lightsabre off the table, that seemed to have follen off when he hit it, he did his best to get infront of the man that was now going after the retreating woman. He ingited his blue sabre and stood his ground, waiting for the blood covered man to come.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:42:47 PM
The hiss of ozone could be heard as the pale blue light filled the room. "Ahh, so someone has some back bone after all." The blood crazed vampyre said with a laugh. Dark and evil was the laughter like the rattling of long dead bones. His Katana's pulled, their silver worked blades gleamed in the light in crisscrossing circle's before him.

Blinding sparks flashed as the blade's struck the ground in unison with his attack. Swinging low the wanna be Jedi met his blade well. So the Warlord spun inside and close, and caught him with a elbow to the head. Blood flew from his nose and mouth and had the vampyre more time he would have made a proper meal out of him. But time was short, and the female was getting away. Rognar went down and the vampyre merely shook his head. "All to easy." was all he said. But even he was shocked when he place his hand on the handle and he heard the lightsabre hiss to life again.......

The Padawan rose again. "Ahh, persistance will be the death of you I see, you Jedi's are all heroic fools!!!" Moving in this time the Warlord determined he would kill him. Then he would hang his body in the diner for all to see....

Rognan Dar
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:13:41 AM
"I will...not let you go....so easily," Rog said as he once again got to his feet. If he was in a better condition he would have had a fighting chance. Instead, he was already hurt, and now bleeding. This was now a fight for his life, and the life of the woman. He was not going to take this one lying down. He would fight to his death, if that was what happened. This was not to be a hero, this was not for fame and glory. It was mostly for himself. And for that, there was no reward.

As he stood up he wiped his nose on his sleave and spat out the blood on his lips. He was begining to hate waking up today. And for not keeping Vista locked up. Maybe this was all his fault. Maybe he should die here. If that was his fate, then so be it.

Cyrel Annat
Mar 10th, 2004, 12:36:42 AM
"Just calm down for a moment."

He heard the sound of approaching sirens as well, and while they were likely to quell the incident in the restaurant, he didn't much care to stick around to find out. His starfighter was still some distance away, much too far to walk to quickly at this point, though there were few other options. Obviously, melding into the crowd likely wasn't going to work.

In a way, he was thankful that he hadn't needed to fight anyone yet, moreso that she was able to escape without terribly serious harm. His eyes remain narrowed as he scans the crowd, just in case the black-robed man made his way out. For now, the coast was clear.

"This way, though we must hurry. I'll see about arranging some faster transport for us."

Eyes still towards the restaurant, he backs away from the building before finally turning and leading the way through the crowd. It was only a couple blocks to where he knew he could gain a speeder for the duration of the stay in Coruscant. It was simply a matter of getting there.

Vista Alor
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:12:51 AM
Vista hesitantly looks at Rognan when he tells her to keep the lady safe, before nodding and running after Arah. As soon as she's out of the restaurant, she galnces around for Arah and sees her a short distance away. Running as fast as she can, she skids to a halt before slipping her small hand into Arah's hand.

"It's just me Arah."

Vista says quietly so as to try and keep Arah from panicking even more.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 10th, 2004, 02:55:52 PM
As Cyrel looks back to the restaurant, Arah does too. Her breathing is almost back to a normal rate, but she's still scared nonetheless.

"I don't understand why this thing attacked me, but I don't think it's going to stop. I also don't think its part of the Curse of the Sycorax."

As Arahisie is about to follow Cyrel, she feels a small hand insert itself into her own, accompanied by a sweet voice she recognizes.

"Vista! Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

Like a worried mother, Arah gives a visual once over on the young girl, looking for any visible signs of injury. Satisfied with not seeing any, Arah motions towards Cyrel with her hand and begins to follow the man.

"This gentleman here is going to help me. Will you come with me? Just to be safe? I promise to get you back to your caregiver once the danger passes."

Cyrel Annat
Mar 10th, 2004, 07:38:31 PM
Dark brown eyes look over the girl briefly before one last glance is given in the direction of the restaurant. First things first. He was to aid the woman in getting someplace safe which basically meant anywhere but where they currently were. Once away from the restaurant, it was conceivable that the woman could hide. At least, she should be able to hide considering the size of the city and all the people within.

"Come, we must hurry."

And then he is off again, apparently with some manner of darker look in his eyes as those in front of him that looked at him gave him a slightly wider berth. It was possible. Either way, there was less of a mob impeding their progress down the street than when they had first traveled it.

After two blocks, the rogue turns to the right down a wider alley than those previously encountered.

"I should be able to gain us the use of a speeder very shortly. Anywhere in particular that you wish to go?"

The question could have been directed at either of the two presumably still following him.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 10th, 2004, 10:24:18 PM
As he stalked towards the foolish jedi, the vampyre 'clicked' his boot blade. Leaping onto a tabletop he crouched and cursed the mortal. "Viendo Eioso Muchata!!! Teanna TOra Muchata!!! Leaping towards the man he grabbed the hand with the lightsabre. Keeping the weapon away from him while clutching his frail throat in his iron grip. He lifted the padawan in the air his feet dangling. His eye's BLAZED red "Foolish mortal, I have hunted and killed your masters. What made you think that you ever had a chance with me."

"I was old before this world began you cannot fathom what you are dealing with, I am the darkness of the ages" As the ancient vampyre spoke the room grew darker and colder. Rognar's breath was now apparent so close to the Dark knight. "I will hang your skull in the diner as a warning to others, I am the night watchman and the wings of death hunt you all...." Rognar could feel the cold iron of his fingers squeeze threatening to pinch his head off in there vice like grip. The bones in his wrist threatened to crack as cable like muscles held him place.

Screams of terror grew worse and worse as the patrons where killing each other trying to get out of one door. The blood and the bodies filled the room with a sickening stench as the windows filled with darkness and started to ice over from the pure cold evil the was filling the tiny diner.

Vista Alor
Mar 11th, 2004, 11:18:16 AM
"I find Arah. I help keep you safe."

She goes to follow Cyrel with Arah, trusting both Arah and Cyrel to let her know of any danger as she would let them know. When asked if there was anywhere in particular where they wanted to go, first place that crossed her mind was the GJO, her home, but she remains silent for know, letting Arah have a chance to answer the question first.

Rognan Dar
Mar 12th, 2004, 12:42:00 AM
At that moment Yarden pounced on the black man, again, taking him down to his side. She then goes for the beasts throat.

Rognan, on the other hand, is trying to get back to his feet after the blow that took both of the men down. While the figure is struggling with Yarden, he goes for the advantage in this situation. He swings his blade at one of the hands that were now fighting with Yarden.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 12th, 2004, 08:54:59 AM
Arah smiles to Vista, giving the small child's hand a gentle squeeze, appreciative that the wee lass is brave enough to still lend a helping hand.

"Wherever you think is the safest, Sir. And thank you, for helping."

Arah and Vista keep up with Cyrel as he leads the way towards safety, leaving the fight between light and dark further and further behind them.

"Who was that man, Vista? I assume he knows you and that you know him. Is he your caregiver?"

Repeatedly, Arahisie looks back over her shoulder, making sure that somehow the man in black robes hasn't been let loose to come after her again.

The blood trickling from the twin cuts against the side of her neck has ceased to flow, now the liquid begins to form a tacky residue against her skin; soon to become the ugly reddish/brown of dried blood. Now and then, Arah touches the area with her fingertips, keeping somewhat of an eye on it. 'Why did that thing try to bite me?', she wonders to herself.

"I can't wait to be able to clean myself up. I feel dirty."

Rather odd to be thinking about that at this particular moment, but that is the thought that comes to her mind as she and the young girl navigate the walkways and alleyways with Cyrel.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:37:20 AM
The animal's weight knocked Dalamar to the side. Thinking he was a vampyre himself he went for the Warlord's neck. This animal was becoming a nuisance, one that had to end. The vampyre began to pull his weapon when a better opportunity presented itself. Spinning the creature he forced him into the arc of the incoming lightsabre. With a yelp of pain he bolted mostly in shock from the wound inflicted by Rognar's lightsabre.

With his hands in a downward motion Dalamar seized him much the same way he did before. "Who's going to save you now pitiful jedi?" The blood red fangs shined brightly in the dim light and Rognar knew his death was imminent.....

Vista Alor
Mar 12th, 2004, 11:24:59 AM
"The man that pulled me away is the one taking care of me. He's a Jedi Padwan."

Vista keeps her hand in Arah's, not willing to let her wander away from her right now.

Cyrel Annat
Mar 12th, 2004, 02:57:58 PM
Another two blocks down the same alley and it opens into a small parking area, with more than a few speeders in wait. Cyrel moves towards one in particular, not the largest of the bunch but easily able to fit the three of them in there. It belonged to an old friend of his, one that presumably was still around the area at his shop. The rogue Jedi made a point to come back and thank him in person for the unexpected aid the man was to give the trio.

"My ladies, your chariot awaits. I apologize that it has not been properly cleaned, but time is a bit of a commodity right now."

A bit of dry humor attempted by the Jedi, though it was all he could really do to try and ease the mood a bit. Certainly the child was worried for her caregiver and in a way, Cyrel was as well, but the woman had asked for help and he was going to ensure that it was given until needed no longer. Climbing into the speeder, Cyrel does a quick check over the instrument panel before closing his eyes. The slightest twiddle of the first two fingers of his right hand bring the speeder to life, if not a bit of a sputtery one.

"I see that maintenance on this thing hasn't taken a priority either. Just the same, it will serve us well."

Once the other two are inside as well, Cyrel backs the speeder out of its spot and turns it to exit the parking lot, glancing to both of them once again.

"Now, where are we going?"

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 13th, 2004, 12:14:02 AM
Arah, grateful for the determination of the child to remain close, squeezes the girl's hand lightly.

"I've heard of these Jedi. We use to hear stories about them all the time back home on Necropolis. Valiant Knights of the galaxy, or that's what we're told about them, anyways."

Arah gives the child a faint smile, then looks to the speeder that Cyrel points out as their chariot; the dry humor making her smile brighten just a touch.

"As long as we don't need to push it, it'll due."

Besides, it's not like Arah - or Vista - can be choosey at this point in the type of vehicle used to make their escape from the psycho in black robes back at the diner.

Arah and Vista get into the speeder and settle themselves in quickly. Hoping that this isn't going to become a habit in her future, Arah glances around, checking to make sure that the one who tried to feast upon her for dinner isn't around.

Worried, she drapes an arm around Vista's shoulders and looks to Cyrel as he enters the speeder, getting it moving.

"I do not know where to go; just away from here. I've never been to this planet before so I will have to hold faith that you know of somewhere safe to go."

For all Arah knows, Cyrel could be working with the vampyre; but there is something way down deep inside that nearly screams at her to simply have faith and trust in this stranger.

"If you don't know where to go, perhaps Vista might suggest somewhere safe?"

Vista Alor
Mar 13th, 2004, 10:47:18 AM
Vista looks from Arah to Cyrel and then back to Arah before speaking.

"GJO. It safe there and we get help."

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 13th, 2004, 12:32:20 PM
{OOC} For the sake of the rp Im going to move this along as Rognar is going to be absent for a week. See ya when you get back bud. Now on to the story.... heheehh

Though he hadn't had time to establish a blood call still he had a link with the fleeing stone eyed woman.

It was a fleeting touch, he would have to track her fast! He could feel her prescence growing further and further away.

"Jedi fool I don't have time for you." The Warlord threw the man, this time out the diner window and into the street. The breaking of the glass seemed to shatter all the screams and an eerie silence followed. Tossing a gold coin on the table he turned to leave. No need to be rude he thought...

Dalamar leaped to the hunt landing with a crunch on the hard concrete. He then sprung into the air to find his next victim. The vampyre tackled a nearby speeder throwing the innocent man to a grisly death below.

Gunning the engine the hunt was on. His black protective covering flapped in the wind....

Reaching out with the force he pinpointed her. Like a phantom claw his thoughts reached out. He found her fast beating heart to the west and travelling quick. He turned to follow sending a wave of nausia after her, she would travel less quickly if she was in the thralls of sickness. Just a touch of the vampyre's saliva would already begin to infect her......

Cyrel Annat
Mar 14th, 2004, 12:47:04 AM
"Then the GJO it is, though I do not know how long I shall remain there with you both."

There were reasons for this, of course, since he had not even joined an official order of Jedi due primarily to a difference in opinion on some of the standard beliefs. As the speeder turns in the direction of said destination, Cyrel reaches down to his belt to pull out a small comlink, inadvertently revealing the silver cylinder hanging next to it. It would likely be the first solid proof that he was more than just some random stranger helping out. While not official, he did have a good deal of morals when helping those in need.

They were not terribly far from their destination, and with a little aid from the Force, the speeder went that much faster, weaving in and out of traffic with a skill that was far from commonplace. Glancing over to Arah, he motions briefly to a compartment in front of her.

"Open the compartment and pull out the small headset in there, connect it to the comlink here..." he says, tapping his finger over the appropriate space. "And then hand it back to me."

The last is said just before the speeder dips a bit to avoid rear-ending a pair of smaller speeders. He was in full control, just made it appear as if he were a bit nuts. It was merely a way to keep anyone from following too closely and with the head-start that they had, it wasn't very likely that anyone could catch them, especially with the authorities having arrived near the restaurant shortly after their departure. Presuming that Arah does as he requests, the rogue would soon have the headset in place and the com channel open.

"A-4. A-4, come in. I need you to prep the starfighter and meet me at the GJO. Just find an open landing pad and keep the engines warmed."

A series of beeps and whistles would come back through his headset, though unheard by the other two. A brief chuckle from the rogue before he removes the headset once again.

"My thanks, Lady. We should be arriving at our destination within minutes."

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 14th, 2004, 03:24:45 AM
Definitely not use to being in a moving vehicle weaving its way in and out of a huge amount of traffic, which appears to be more like organized chaos during rush hour traffic in the modern day city of Chicago, Arah slaps one hand against interior 'wall' of the speeder while gripping the hand of the child tighter.

Holding her breath as Cyrel nearly rear-ends a pair of parked speeders, she squeezes her eyes closed, praying over and over that he misses the duo. Thankfully, he does and she can breathe once more. Her heart rate had accelerated so fast within her own chest that she heard the pounding in her ears! However, now that it seems as Cyrel has a better handle on the vehicle, the rate is slowing just a bit.

When asked to locate the headset, she does, handing it over to Cyrel once she's inserted the connecting jack into its home. Realizing that she had been squeezing the young girl's hand, she loosens her grip considerably, apologizing to Vista in the event that she caused any pain or discomfort to her.

Speaking of pain and discomfort, the two scratches along the side of her neck feel warm, this she just notices now. Letting go of Vista's hand, Arahisie dabs at the two minor wounds, noticing that they seem to pulsate with every beat of her heart. This scares her, and rightfully so. She has a madman stalking her, attempting to kill her - or so she thinks.

If there's any coloring in her face whatsoever, it is now gone. She's ghostly pale.

"It's the Curse. I've been marked and soon the Sycorax will find me and take my life in retrobution."

She never meant to speak that outloud, but apparently she has. Fear sets in, takes over and soon tears well up within her emerald eyes. They rest against the lower lid, shimmering as she refuses to let them fall freely over her porcelain cheeks.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 14th, 2004, 08:12:41 AM
He drives like a demon possesed the hunger is upon him now and no one and nothing will stop him. Countless years alive has honed his piloting skills. Taloned hands run across the controls as if the speeder was made just for him. Dalamar raises above the traffic lanes and heeds no laws, what others would go around he goes thru, where others would brake he grips the throttle in a maddening blur of speed he whips thru the streets.

He feels them he is getting closer, yet still to far away... He reaches out to her heart he can feel it beating, it only fuels his hunger and want for her even more... Again the phantom feeling of the force engulfs her this time clutching her heart "You are mine, do not run it is your destiny, I will only find you give up give up...."

Dalamar wielded the force in front of him wedging the air in front of him, and pushing the vehicle from behind. It acted like a boost of octane sending the vampyre spiraling like an out of control rocket... He would be upon them soon.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 15th, 2004, 10:05:26 PM
As Cyrel navigates the speeder through the traffic of Coruscant bringing them closer to the GJO, Arah's brows begin to knit as an odd feeling washes over her.

"You are mine, do not run it is your destiny, I will only find you give up give up...."

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!", she screams in horror from the back of the speeder, her palm pressed over her rapidly beating heart and the tears which she kept at bay flow freely. Panic begins to set in as fear begins to take over, and the poor young woman is beating against the side of the speeder, begging for Cyrel to go faster.

"The Sycorax! It's found me! Hurry, please hurry! I don't want to die!"

She snaps her head around, first left then right, trying to find the source of the voices echoing in her mind. Of course, the only things noticed are the blurred buildings and peoples of the planet as the speeder zooms past.

Turning in the seat, she looks out the back of the window, but her search is futile. Of course she can't see the Spirit of the Sycorax! It's a ghost for crying outloud.

"You heard that, didn't you?", she asks of Cyrel once she's turned back around in the seat.

"Please tell me you heard that voice." Of course, those who are sensitive to the force would have heard the voice as well.

These two strangers - Cyrel and Vista - must think that she's lost her mind. Hearing disembodied voices, speaking of the Curse and her actions.

Vista Alor
Mar 16th, 2004, 09:18:48 AM
Vista this time hears something as if it's mumbling, but passes it off as nothing since she's heard this mumbling before many time.

"Arah, calm down. We're going to a safe place where there will be those who can help you. Please, calm down."

Vista says to Arah, unknowningly using the Force to put power behind her words, compelling Arah to start calming down.

Cyrel Annat
Mar 16th, 2004, 08:13:03 PM
"Yes, I heard the voices. Do not listen to them. I will not let anything happen to you."

He hoped. But he had to say something to help calm her down. He knew they were being followed, though how the man had gotten away to chase them so easily he did not know. Even one strong in the Force would have had difficulty with all the people and the security on top of that.

Straining just slightly, he gains a bit more out of the engines, though the strain was not on him alone. He was pushing the speeder to its very limits if not beyond, but with just a short distance left to their destination, it was a risk he was willing to take. They had to get there, where the woman would be safe. Protected by those who were much better capable than he, not that he was helpless.

A few more intersections and he saw it, at least what he assumed to be it considering he had never been there in person. Just following a feeling. An intuition which prompted him in the right direction.

His comlink beeped with the sound of his A-4 droid, relaying where Cyrel's starfighter was currently docked. Under light guard, of course, considering it was an unmanned ship. Luckily, it was a large enough platform that the speeder would fit on it as well, if a bit cramped.

Easing back on the engines, and the additional boost he was giving them, Cyrel guides the speeder to the edge of the landing pad closer to the door, allowing Vista and Arah a quicker path to the inside. The speeder slows to a slightly abrupt halt, despite the steadily slowing speed upon approach. Glancing to both of the ladies as he powers off the engines, and then behind him, he speaks, hand lowering to the silver cylinder at his waist. Just in case.

"Go to the guards and get yourselves inside."

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 17th, 2004, 09:37:43 PM
She was fading from his grasp... Where was she her blood was 'different' more difficult to track... There she was entering the building. Too late to stop her from entering the docking bay. The vampyre cursed inwardly as he gunned the speeder down. There blocking his path a man with a lightsabre in his hand. A weapon quite inferior in Dalamar's eyes. Pulling out his black handled katana he pushed the speeder towards Cyrell. Backflipping he landed with a heavy crucnch on the cement floor.

He looked up with red eyes and a razor blade smile.... He waited to see what the wanna be jedi would do.

Vista Alor
Mar 18th, 2004, 02:23:36 PM
Vista takes Arah's hand and glances back the way the came. She squeezes Arah's hand tighter and starts to run towards the building.

"Come Arah, safe inside."

Vista says, wanting to get inside to where she know's it's safe.

Arahisie Silentwrath
Mar 19th, 2004, 06:31:06 PM
Continued (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34814) here.