View Full Version : Coming out of retirement for one last story
Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Feb 15th, 2004, 07:14:02 PM
Hey Hera it's me again after another one of my trademark gapes of time where I disappear. I was supposed to come back last time and start rping again after I wrote a few stories to get me back into Star Wars rping. It didn't work. It's not 2000 anymore and I am no longer 16. I am starting my career as a photographer and will only have the time to browse the boards of star wasrs news.Everyone that I knew back in the day has either left or transcended into a new identity. Liam Jinn, Turbogeek, Fire Hazzard, Cal, Jed Rebel and much of the old guard is long gone. I read the posts, but it doens't seem like there is any direction like there used to be, only challenges. Remember when there were battle threads on the different ezboards where there would be over 250 posts a night? That's when i had the most fun. Then there came bad times. I said things that upset many people mainly because I was upset with myself and my lack of drive in putting out rps. I just came back to thank you for staying a friend to be through that and always being civil to me when i came back. Since i don't like things being unresolved, I am going to write a story for Lance Casey that will explain who he is, what he has done, and an end that I can be happy with that will take the character out of limbo. Some of it will be retrospective and end most of his relationships with those in the force world. I am asking if I can use your character in a short cameo in this story.
Lance Casey
Destiny Rides a Motorcycle.
Feb 15th, 2004, 10:20:15 PM
Hey there Lance - I figure its about time you did a drive-by here again :D
Its great to hear about your photography career -- I hope everything goes well for you. Im sure you'll do great.
Thats no problem to use Hera in your story. She and Lance always had a twisted sort of friendship lol.
You are welcome here anytime. I know you've said before that you are sorry for things that happened a long time ago, and I think you should allow yourself to feel that apology accepted. And if it isnt by the people you apologised to - then that is for them to deal with. Your part is done.
You were always a friend to me, and I remember a time where you kept coming by to make sure I was ok. I havent ever forgotten that.
I look forward to reading your story. Its nice to see you again.
ps) you remebered your CT from the old board :)
Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:06:02 PM
Thanks for the kind words Hera. Don't worry, I'll still haunt this place and hopefully have the free time to talk in the movie and news forums.
Feb 16th, 2004, 10:21:03 PM
Sounds good :)
Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Mar 8th, 2004, 07:53:59 PM
It's me again. I have been busy writing the story and know how it's all going to end, but while writing it I started to get into it and started to have fun again. I realized that one story isn't really going to explain everything I have written, so I planned to write a few episodes, I think right now i am commited to doing eight episodes which will lead up to my series or season finale. Depending on how I feel after doing all this, I may decide to continue doing episodes in time periods where I am able to write, or I will end it with the last story I wrote. Either way, the story is going to be opened ended in a way that I could continue rping. Just letting you know that I didn't disappear again nor forgot.
P.S. ( I figure your guest shot will be in 4 then a return cameo in 7).
Mar 8th, 2004, 10:10:12 PM
(I take it by episodes you mean threads? or are you talking Chapters? Or did I sign a mini-series deal I dont know about?)
Anyway, sounds like you are jazzed about it all, so Ill show up when you need. :)
Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Mar 9th, 2004, 10:05:50 AM
Probably a mini series contract. :)
Mar 12th, 2004, 10:30:45 PM
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