View Full Version : At the other end of the Asylum.....

Feb 14th, 2004, 07:00:11 PM
Even in this day of technology and medicine that could put together a person almost from atoms, there were still some thigns that could not be understood or fixed. When prisons could use electronics and drugs to control and rehabilitate the worst scum of society, there were still those too insane for anything to help. It was mainly the non humans in these categories, the Galaxie's most populous species was well understood. Aliens presented challenges to science and medicine that still in some cases had not been worked out. Complex beings with complex structures, not the simple elegance of the human.

And hence, in this building with all it's screeching, howling, moaning and banging of the inmates who were beyond hope, but were not bad enough to justify execution, there was one solitary human. Dressed in the typical prision fatigues, chained to a bed, locked and double locked in some cases. A steel door, no windows. Catiter tubes drained fluids and the male human was fed by tubes. With such beasts as elsewhere in this asylum, there was an inordinate amount of fear for approaching this one skinny human.

His eyes stared straight up. He never moved. Never struggled. If it was not for the constant movement of his chest, he would seem to be dead.

The monitor was switched off, the image of the human dissolving.

"We even had a Jedi come in and examine this one. Apart from the noted hyper reflexes and speed, totally normal in all respects. No abnormal brain waves, no parasites, no viruses. Nothing to cause the distortion in reality this human experiences"

The three other beings shifted flimsys, which had all the details of this case scratched on.

"In fact, there seems to be nothing wrong at all, if you put his vitals next to a normal human. But as you can see, he is a danger to himself and also the public. No drugs have been able to change this distortion of reality he has, no treatments work, when they should Not a single human is immune to the treatments we can provide, yet he has resisted every single one, without knowing what he does"

"How is this possible?' asked a Ho'Din.

"That's why we bought the Jedi in. A force user might have the power to do it, but this...." And here the doctor standing checkeed his notes ".... self styled Moonwalker has not a slightest bit of Force ability. Nothing"

"Yet, the effects are real"

"That's why he's here and not executed, as he should have been. We're here to work out why"


The Galaxy had a beat. It had a melody. The human continued to stare upwards, patiently waiting. Patience was a true virture, rarely understood. whie he was chained up, he would wait, for it would only be a matter of time until he could hear the beat. His feet would move.

And Moonwalker could dance once again.