View Full Version : Just a Drink

Travis North
Feb 14th, 2004, 12:49:16 PM
Travis walked into the bar, his uniform boots clanging on the metal floor. He took a seat by the bar an ordered a glass of ale. He didn't care much about which kind, so he told the barkeep to decide. He tapped his foot on the floor to the steady beat of the music playing in the background.

Teleran Balades
Feb 24th, 2004, 05:05:19 PM
Teleran leaned back gazinig at the dark clouds moving in over head. He had finally managed get a leave of absence on Thyferra, but the planet's weather was not at all cooperating with his vacation.

Tel lowered his eyes to the hideously bright neon lights that marked out the local bar in this part of Xucprha City. He decided it would be best to wait inside for the strom to let up. A pair of stromtroopers standing at the door held him up when they notived the standard issue pistol holstered at his side. The trooper that spoke had spoke with the same monotonous voice that most of the soldiers favored, however this one sounded quite bored.

"No weapons allowed inside. You'll have to leave them in the lockers."

The armored fiqure gestured lazily toward a row a of compact weapons lockers. Tel produced an identification card that gave his rank and permission to carry the weapon on him. The lead soldier grabbed it from him and quickly slid through the slot on a handheld scanner.

"I'm sorry Captain, but I can't allow you to take that in given your circumstances."

Tel sighed, he was used to this, many people were still wary of him because of his former affiliation with the New Republic, even though Tel had proven himself to Desaria. Balades reluctantly opened a locker and slid his pistol in, he hesitated for a moment, then slipped the vibroblade he usually concealed in his right sleeve into the locker as well.

After making sure it was sealed, Tel stepped into the building. He made his way through the groups of peole, civilains and off-duty soldiers, to the bar and ordered a strong Corellian Whiskey. While waiting for his drink he turned around and scanned the occupants,

Travis North
Feb 24th, 2004, 07:41:24 PM
Travis watched Captain Balades enter the bar. He wondered why the troopers had taken his weapons. With his rank they shouldn't have. He didn't really bother with it that much since the captain was alowed in.

He got up and gave a nod to the captain before he went to a table where some cadets were playing sabacc. Travis was not one for gambling but he needed an escape. Stuck in a cockpit day after day got to him. He joined in an dropped 20 creds on the table.

Ben Koon
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:28:33 AM
A not so familiar face walks into the bar, and he prefers to keep it not familiar. He walks up and sits down and calls for a shot. He swivels around and looks out upon other people in the bar and notices some gamblers playing cards and a tired out man also at the bar having a drink.

"So wat rank are u?" "Captain,leutinant? The emperor himself?" Koon asks whil chuckling.
"My names Ben Koon. and yours?"

Teleran Balades
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:49:23 AM
Tel caught North's nod and returned it as the commander sat down at the Sabacc table. He wasn't a gambling man, so he was content to sit back with his drink and listen to the music.

So wat rank are u?" "Captain,leutinant? The emperor himself?"

Tel turned to the newcomer. He wasn't used to complete strangers coming up and speaking to him, but there'd be no use in ignoring the man. Setting his drink down, Tel extended his hand.

"Teleran Balades, I'm a Line Captain in the Imperial Soveriegnty."

Travis North
Feb 28th, 2004, 06:57:17 PM
North heard the voice of Captain Balades. He was talking to a stranger asking about his rank. North glanced at the stranger and then back at his game. He figured there wasn't much to worry 'bout.

Travis picked up a card, 3. He put arranged it in his hand his total now at ten close enough to eleven which would win the game. The round ended and the players showed their hands. 9, 12, and 12. Travis had them all beat being the closest to 11. He collected his winnings a total of 80 including his wager. He got up from the table and headed back to the bar.

He walked over to where the Captain was chatting. He ordered a glass of lum and sat in the stool next to the Captain. "You should have joined in rookies all of them." He said after retrieving his drink from the bar. Travis gave a nod to the stranger. "Sir." He then turned his attention to a holo ad while sipping his drink.

Ben Koon
Mar 17th, 2004, 05:50:33 PM
"Ben Koon" he replied.
"So you're a gambler?" he asked the newcomer to the conversation.
"Never was much of one myself" Koon said.
"Sit, have another drink" he invited him.

Travis North
May 4th, 2004, 04:00:02 PM
"Travis North." He said giving a nod to the man. "So, what brings you to this place. Most patrons are Imperial officers. You sir, don't seem like the soldier type."

Travis took another sip of his drink. He set it down and grabbed a handful of beer nuts. He put a few in his mouth. The salt on them made his tung curl. He quickly downed the rest of the drink to rid himself of the taste.