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Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 08:27:48 PM
Light bounced off the durasteel table like jagged shards of glass. The room was cold, nearly enough so that you could see your breath. Khendon wore his Imperial garb; resilient, pristine armor encompassing the vitals of his body. Slung low on his right thigh was a simple black cylinder.

The Imperator stared into the eyes of the culprit, his harsh face reflecting in her eyes. “Do you understand the severity of your actions,” he said through nearly clenched teeth. This simple person had nearly forced Khendon to deploy two thirds of his military might and leave his home front open for invasion.

The former Vice-Diktat slammed his hand into the table with a resounding thud, “Damnit! Answer me!”

Tianje Xhu
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:24:53 PM
Things always seemed more simple in black and white but when you added the gray areas, life tended to get cloudy. Like now.

Sevon's brows were drawn, knitted tightly over angry eyes - eyes that she clearly remembered as being kind and gentle though filled with pain.

It was over a year now that she had last seen the Imperator. S'ilancy had taken the street waif under her wing and on board her ship to teach Tianje the finer points of thievery. Unfortunately, it hadnt lasted. The Vice-Diktat had been severely injured saving the young girl from one of his own Executioner Death-droids and his condition must have worsened, for in the shirt time that the teen had left the ship to purchase more medical supplies, her benefactor had lifted off and left the girl behind. Tianje bore her no ill-will. It wasnt the first time she had been abandoned and certainly wouldnt be the last. Right or wrong, Xhu had surmised it had been to get Sevon to a medical facility. Whatever the reason had been, Tianje was secretly thrilled that the Imperial had been saved.

As Sevon now ranted, raved and demanded an answer, she could only watch, cringing under his lashing tongue. If only she had known that Star Dust belonged to him, she would never have agreed to do what she had done. Not against him.

Tianje flinched as his hand pounded the table and she looked away unable to face his piercing gaze. Shame was a rare emotion to her but one she was feeling in spades right now. Squirming on her chair, the teen glanced up at the Khendon.

"im sorry. i wouldna done it if i had known it belonged to you, honest i wouldna. it was all their idea."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:43:08 PM
The dim lighting of the room cast the girl’s face in relief and for a moment Khendon felt sorry for her. She’s so young, he thought to himself. The Imperator pulled out a chair across from Tianje, the muscles in his face relaxing momentarily as he sat. “Alright,” he said calmly, “let’s go over this from the beginning.”

Khendon knew most of the details of the story. Overall he was somewhat impressed with the girl’s ability; however, not enough to pardon her. At this rate, she would be spending time in Federal adjustment facilities. Piett’s program would have her listening to propaganda reels designed to reestablish her faith in the government and make her a “productive citizen.” Eventually chemical would be introduced to alter her conceptions about the Federacy and finally she would be released with a new life.

The Imperator placed his hands on the cool table, nearly jerking them away from the frigid metal. He let out a controlled sigh and looked deeply into the girl’s eyes, gently reaching out in the force to touch her mind.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:27:57 PM
"twas all wonky's idea. hes seen me do thangs an he thought i might be able to agin. me bein small like i am and quick, he said id be perfec' for the job, that we'd get lotsa creds for the ship. i aint never had much b'fore an' it sounded good."

Stealing a glance across at him, the girl was glad to see that his stormy gray eyes had calmed and that his posture was more relaxed. To her it was a good sign indeed and so she continued.

"creeper work'd it all out, wrote it down an' stuff then 'splained it to all us in the group. wonky had the chore of gettin' codes an' after he did that, we was all given differ'nt chores. theres 'bout nine of us. a couple come an' go some."

Tianje's voice trailed off, accompanied by a slight shiver. She had been kept waiting alone in this small, cold room for hours. No one had offered her food or drink or a trip to the closest watercloset, which was desperately needed.

"mister sevon, im real, real sorry for what i done. truly, i wouldna done it had i know it was yourn. please, cant i go? i wont do nuthin like this agin!"

Nervously, the teen twisted on her seat, glancing around the room. Something was poking at her mind, trying to twist its way in and she didnt like it.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:48:44 PM
The shadows of Khendon’s mind swirled like a rising mist. A wild storm began to form, energy bristled and the hairs on the back of the Imperator’s neck stood on end. With the most delicate of touches minds met. She’s so disoriented… nervous. He was making her nervous. She knew what he was doing. How?

Wild was the only way to describe Tianje’s mind, wild and powerful. What if I… Khendon shot images into the girl’s mind of Star Dust and the secure room. That simple lab had been designed to house some of the Federacy’s greatest secrets. The picture he painted was of the hulking door slightly ajar, looking in upon the rows of sleek, black craft. What do you think of this, Tianje, Khendon mused to himself as he gently read the girl’s reactions.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 13th, 2004, 11:04:58 PM
Mismatched eyes glazed over as pictures entered her mind. How were they getting in there and where did they come from? Shaking her red hair, Tianje fought to close her mind to the images - and to the thoughts that accompanied them. Hadnt she just promised the Imperator that she wouldnt steal from him ever again?

Jumping up from her chair, the girl clamped dirty hands over her ears though it wasnt any sound that was disturbing her. Squeezing her eyes shut did no good as the pictures continued streaming into her conciousness, revealing things she shouldnt see.

Turning to the wall, Tianje smacked her head sharply against it, willing the unknown to stop.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 13th, 2004, 11:14:30 PM
Khendon shook his head slowly as he watched the youth bash her head into the wall with a loud, resounding strike. “Tianje,” he said in a liquid, calm voice, “Tianje.” The Imperator frowned deeply, lines tracing on his forehead as he scolded. Look into Khendon’s eyes, he whispered through the force.

The former Vice-Diktat stood, his cloak flowing around him as if there were wind, eyes penetrating the girl’s mind. “Tianje, look at me. Look at me,” he commanded in a low voice.

The youth had committed a grave crime against the Federacy. Although she seemed repentant, a lesson would be required. The girl had attempted to steal a prized possession. If it had been sold the sworn enemies of the Federacy might have been the buyers, it could have spelled doom for Khendon’s empire.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 13th, 2004, 11:38:16 PM
Once when she had been a little girl, back before her parents had been killed, Tianje had watched her mother pour a sweet honey-flavored syrup over their morning bread. Fascinated, the child had watched as it dripped ever so slowly over the edges of her bread, drifting into and filling the tiny cracks in the crust. The thick liquid moved at a snails pace but gradually gained some momentum as it trickled downward onto the plate.

Thats how it was when Khendon's voice finally reached her. With her hands over her ears, it was hard to hear him at the beginning, but slowly his deep tones slipped through, easing her fears and anxiety as his thoughts sought to sooth her own.

Turning back to face him, Tianje's fingers unclenched then gradually straightened as she let her hands fall back to her side. Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, the youth forced herself to look up into the eyes of Sevon, uncertainty and wonder dueling within her mind.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 14th, 2004, 02:14:05 PM
Khendon’s eyes sparkled with intent as he mentally coaxed the girl before him. “Clear your mind,” he began, a sly smile smoothly crossing his face. He relaxed himself, starting at his feet and moving his concentration upward. “Tianje,” he said softly, “do you know exactly what just happened to you?”

One of his eyes narrowed slightly as he slowly focused his mind on the girl. “Do you understand what you’re feeling right now?” There was something about her that wouldn’t let Khendon throw her to the sharks. He simply couldn’t allow her to follow the fate that S’ilancy had endured.

The coolness of the room seemed to vanish as Khendon slowly tried to entwine his mind with that of the youth in front of him. There has to be a way to figure this all out, he thought to himself as he let out a deep calming breath.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 14th, 2004, 05:49:52 PM
"i see thangs sometimes. they just come to me an' its mostly when im sleepin'. mostly. theres been times when im awake an' i just start seein thangs pop up in my mind, only its not all inside here, ya know?"

For emphasis, the youth jabbed an index finger to her temple, twisting the nail against her skin.

"those are the ones thats more real. i call'em my 'walkin dreams'. i don' think thats what just happen'd tho, izit? s'more like somethin' put'em there, those last pictur's. but no, i don' know how they come to be there."

Word by word, Tianje relaxed until she was leaning comfortably on the wall behind her, the earlier fears and trauma forgotten in Sevon's calming aura.

It came again, that strange, niggling prod at her inexperienced mind but she didnt resist this time. Somehow she knew as before, Khendon would protect her.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 14th, 2004, 06:52:24 PM
Khendon’s smirk widened as his mind worked its way through the intricate neural pathways that were Tianje. Ever so delicately he sent calming thoughts and images. The Imperator stood gently, his voice soft and silky, “Why don’t we take a walk… get a bite to eat.” Khendon made a sweeping motion with one of his hands, pointing towards a dark door submerged in shadows.

He narrowed his eyes, “can you open the door, Tianje?” Naturally the metal door was intricately locked, circuits ran in it that would have to be severed before it would simply slide open. The single light in the room flickered for a moment.

Like every interrogation room, there was but one light. That single glow came from an overhead lamp directed down on the table. Everywhere else the room was cast in darkness. The tests begin…

Tianje Xhu
Feb 14th, 2004, 08:58:19 PM
One brown and one blue eye met those of gray once more and the girl answered with a nod as she took a step toward the door. Focusing all her attention on the door, Tianje began to let her mind drift as she stared unblinkingly at closed structure.

Only after her encounter with S'ilancy, Khendon and his war droid, had she began to realize that her ability to make odd things happen wasnt random at all. Hour after hour the girl worked, training her mind and honeing the art of manipulating objects. Feathers, pebbles and small clods of earth soon gave way to rocks, pieces of metal and more valuable items such as wallets, chronos and jewelry.

Plying her trade from one small town to another, Xhu gained a bit of notoriety and when a local constable came calling, she knew it was time for a bigger move. Sustaining herself from one planet to another wasnt terribly difficult once one learned the habits and quirks of the indigent peoples and the teen managed quite nicely for herself.

While enroute to another planet, Tianje became acquainted with a young man named Wonky, whose background was as dubious as her own and in trading tales, he had divulged his particular talents to the girl who had done the same in turn. Knowing a good thing when he saw it, Wonky lost no time in recruiting the girl to help him and his friends make the 'big score'.

Arriving at Star Dust, the pair quickly joined up with the others and once Tianje had proven her usefulness, she was welcomed with opened arms. Unfortunately for her, the Imperials werent as friendly and that was why she was where she was now.

Beneath the cap of red hair, her mind expanded, penetrating the inner panel of the cold steel door. An inner 'eye' gazed upon the intricasies within, delicately side-stepping and weaving around the components until she had found the correct one - the single circuit which would set the others in motion after it was tripped.

Examining this tiny bit of technology in minute detail took a gentle touch, for if she nudged the wrong mechanism the door would lock and she would fail this test miserably. Uneducated though she was, Tianje was not stupid nor was she a fool. Mister Sevon had set a task before her and out of gratitude, she would complete it.

Gently now and softer than a whisper, Xhu carefully broke the connective circuitry. For a nanosecond there was no sound or movement and she lifted a hand to her face, wiping away the beads of sweat that had formed.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 15th, 2004, 10:14:58 AM
A hiss escaped the door as pressure was released from the securing mechanism. Khendon’s smirk turned to a wide toothed grin. “Not bad,” he said with tones of pleasure as he walked towards the disabled door. The Imperator placed his fingers on the cool metal, gentle impact sounds resonating off the durasteel.

Khendon applied pressure and the door smoothly rolled into its wall socket. A signal suddenly shot into the Imperator’s head and was quickly translated by his neural cognition chip, Detention level 4 access violation, Hell Cats deployed. A sly smile painted itself on Khendon’s face as he turned towards Tianje, “After you,” he said with a short bow, extending his arm out into the hall.

The Imperator quickly sent a message to the Hell Cats’ relays and accessed their droid brains; he let them know exactly where they were going.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 15th, 2004, 10:13:35 PM
Ducking out of the room ahead of Sevon, the teen stole a glance up and down the corridor. Already her quick mind was replaying the route by which the guards and brought her in and just as quickly, it was searching for a way out. There was no need for it, yet it had become habit, a second nature to the girl who had been forced to live off her wits and speed for many years past.

Imperator Sevon turned opposite from her previous path and automatically Tianje began mapping the way. His were the only footsteps to be heard, the hard-soled boots sending echos up and down the metalic hall. Xhu followed, staying close to his side, her soft leather soles muffling her movement.

Pleased. He had been pleased with what she had accomplished and Tianje had heard the tones plainly in his voice and saw it in the smile he bestowed upon her. It had a distinct warming effect.

A rumble of hunger rolled in the girl's empty belly and she placed her hand over her stomach, as if the act alone would prevent it from happening again. Embarrassed, Tianje offered him an apologetic smile.

"s'been a spell since i ate anythin."

Khendon Sevon
Feb 16th, 2004, 11:30:38 AM
The corridor was small and very metallic. Although the glow panels were located low to the ground, there was ample light to see where one was going. The smell of food wafted through the air lightly. Khendon smiled sympathetically, “We’re actually going to the mess hall right now,” he said in a somewhat concerned voice.

The mess would be the perfectly place for an ambush. At this time of day only a few food servers would be there, maybe an off duty guard or two. Khendon sent a quick burst transmission from his neural implant to the control center, telling them that he was testing security and for all guards to have weapons set to stun only.

Something about Tianje made it so Khendon couldn’t let her fall into the clutches of the Federal rehabilitation centers and their brainwashing. A spark burned in her that was both intense and ginger. Something was special about her, her connection to the force perhaps?

The Imperator walked on and fell into step next to the youth.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 16th, 2004, 12:03:51 PM
Pushing her head forward, the teen sniffed the air as her nose sought to identify the various aromas wafting on the fan-forced air. Smiling delightedly, Tianje looked up at her escort.

"tator buds, steak, fresh baked bread, somethin' green i think from the smell of it an' a choc'late des'rt!"

With her mouth beginning to water, the redhead quickened her pace as her sense of smell led her directly to the large mess door. Carefully, she hid her impatience at Sevon's falling behind and waited politely for him to catch up. She wasnt being intentionally rude, but she was hungry!

Khendon Sevon
Feb 16th, 2004, 12:58:14 PM
Tianje’s enthusiasm filled Khendon with interest. Simple things made her so happy, it almost made the Imperator wish he were her age again. He beamed at her, “That’s amazing that you can tell just by smell what’s being served,” and in truth it really was miraculous and mysterious.

Bright lights filled the room and the aroma of the food made Khendon’s stomach scream at him. After we eat we can face the droids, he thought to himself as he looked around the room. In truth, the Imperator had never been in the detainment facility before and as such had never experienced the vittles firsthand.

Like Khendon had anticipated the room had sparsely a soul. A single guard sat at a far off table sipping some stimcaf while reading a datapad, two men were behind the immense metal serving tables piled high with foodstuffs.

The former Vice-Diktat shrugged and began walking towards an area where plates and utensils were stored.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:08:15 PM
Xhu was right on his heels and so close that they kept brushing arms as they simultaneously reached toward the large stacks of trays and cups. Sliding thier containers along the sleek chromed rails set in front of the serving counter, the girl watched as food was heaped on the Imperator's tray. The cooks and servers glanced nervously at each other, waiting to see if the meal would suit the man before them now, who was most certainly used to the finer art of dining.

The younger force sensitive paused at the counter. Smaller she might be of the pair but she was hungrier as well.

"ii'd sure be happy if youd heap more of that on my tray, an' some of them peas, too. could i get more of that bre'd while your' at it?"

Satisfied with the gobs and piles of food ladled on her tray, the red haired girl hurried over to the table where Sevon was now getting situated, meticulously laying his utensils in thier proper place before partaking of his meal. Tianje, on the other hand, slid into her seat and grabbing up her spoon in a fisthold, began voraciously shoveling mouthfuls past her lips and nodding.

"ish iz gud!"

Khendon Sevon
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:35:30 PM
A million words could describe the textures produced by the food entering Khendon’s mouth. The steak really wasn’t that bad, though it wasn’t amazing either. It had been a tad overcooked, but the charcoal taste added flavor. The real issue was that the meat was chewy. A few sips from a mug of some sort of fruit juice made everything go down easy.

Khendon smiled in between bites at Tianje’s habbits, “I’m glad you like it,” he said with mirth, “otherwise I’d have to fire the chef.” The Imperator looked down a few times at his chrono.

Sharp, angular demons stalked outside the mess hall, red eyes constantly surveying the scene. The beasts waited for Khendon’s signal, waited to do what they had been designed to do… cause trouble.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:19:08 PM
Safe within the walls of the mess, Tianje had no idea of the trouble awaiting her. Steadily, the large piles of tater buds and peas disappeared and most of the bread, though she remembered to slip a couple of slices down into her worn vest.

Now on her third glass of milk, the girl set it aside as she contemplated the rich chocolate dessert still resting on her plate. It looked almost too good to eat but that had never stopped her in the past. With obvious zest, Xhu dug her spoon into the first helping of the thickly iced layered cake, then closed her eyes as the full flavor exploded on her taste buds. A sigh of pure bliss slipped past her chocolate streaked lips as the teen savored the moment of what was to her, luxury. It didnt last long. The cake was simply too tasty to ignore and soon Tianje was gobbling down both servings.

Imperator Sevon ate with more dignity though he was amused by the girls enthusiasm. Waving her spoon in the air, she caught his attention and pointed with the utensil toward the door, flinging small crumbs across the immaculate floor.

"wha's that?"

Khendon Sevon
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:31:23 PM
It took a moment for Khendon to realize exactly where Tianje was pointing. After following her waving spoon to the general direction of the door he cocked his head inquisitively, piercing gray eyes looking for a sign of what he knew was about to come. “I’m not sure,” he said slowly as he carefully stood up, “wait here.”

The Imperator unclipped his elongated hilt that waited on his hip. He could sense the lust for battle emanating from the sacred weapon as he casually walked up to the door. A simple, flimsy window was at the top of the metal portal. Through the transparent fitting Khendon clearly saw the wagging tail of a Hell Cat, its gatling and curved blade unmistakable.

Now… his mind whispered. Suddenly the door burst open, a giant, sharp, angular demon greeting Khendon, its teeth bearing and red eyes glowing. With a snap-hiss the brilliant silver energy blade in the Imperator’s hand came to life, the guard rotating into a sharp mace-like structure.

The beast pounced on Khendon, front paws ripping holes in his clothing as he flew to the ground. The warrior lost his grip on his saber and it went sputtering out of control on the floor towards where Tianje was.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:49:08 PM
Xhu's mouth fell open and the half-chewed bite of cake plopped out onto the table. The girl was already up out of her seat and turning to run when the armored animal leapt.

First hand, Tianje had seen what Khendon could do with his weapon and realized that if he could be disarmed so quickly, then he would need help fast! She herself didnt know squat about using his glowing sword and when it skittered across the floor at her feet, she ignored it and fought back as she knew how.

Red eyes diappeared beneath a glob of potatos and as the animal's head jerked up, it caught the girl's tray square in its face. From behind their table, the teen was throwing food, utensils, cups and plates with accute accuracy. When that didnt work, she picked up a chair and charged the beast, her warcry bouncing off the walls.

"git off'n him ya mangy critter!"

Khendon Sevon
Feb 17th, 2004, 05:23:45 PM
Khendon was sure that if the hefty droid on top of him were made of flesh and blood it would lick him. The creature’s red eyes gleamed down at the Imperator playfully, teeth bared slightly in affectionate way. She’s obviously not up to this challenge… she’s failed. The thought flashed into the warrior’s head, his eyes narrowing and rage building up within him.

The former Vice-Diktat lay sprawled on his back. Two very deadly paws pressed firmly against his chest keeping him in place. Gray eyes shot towards the warrior’s saber, which had been intentionally thrown as part of the test. Khendon’s mind narrowed, he focused his extra sense on the coursing cylinder, with a mental yank the weapon flew towards the free palm of the Imperator.

The droid suddenly went on alert, its arm batting away the saber and claws digging into the flesh of Khendon, crimson fluid releasing upon his garments. This… better… be… worth… it. the Imperator thought as he bit his lip, the taste of blood flooding his mouth. A burst of blue energy signaled the firing of the Hell Cat’s stun weapon.


Tianje Xhu
Feb 21st, 2004, 03:00:09 PM
She froze and from the absolute stillness of her body, the girl might have been sculpted from stone.

what th' hell do i do now??

Panic was rising in her throat and carried a bitter, acrid taste along with it. Mis-colored eyes darted back and forth throughout the mess hall, desperatly seeking some form of escape or resistance.

So far, the creature hadnt noticed her but Tianje knew with her first move it would in all likelyhood pounce and she would be in the same boat as Khendon - or worse. She had to do something!

As her mind raced, one thought rose above the others and suddenly clarified. With all the metal and hardware this thing was packing, surely she could trip some of its circuitry as she had done earlier with the locked door.

With a clear plan in mind, Tianje focused her gaze on the beast and began mentally creeping into it's head.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:44:33 PM
The ceiling was typical of a Federal facility, harsh and white. Over the years the ventilation system had water stained several of the uniform squares of flimsy material a putrid brown. A gust of cool freshly recycled air burst from the concealed ports, causing the dull, yellow light from the glow panels to sway, waves of gold washing into one another, shadows shaking wildly. Hinges squealed in delight under the stress of the moving panels. All went unnoticed.

Lunch servers stood like carbon statues, spatulas filled with whatever they had been dishing out. Gray sludge dripped from one gawking man’s large spoon as he watched the scene unfold. The security guard stared straight over his datapad, eyes unfocused and his face contorted in surprise.

On the cool, metallic ground lay the body of the Federacy’s leader, eyes closed, arms limp, body sprawled. The large, demonic, cat-like beast sharply turned its large, fanged head. It snarled an electronic eruption and leapt from the motionless heap that was the Imperator towards the little red headed girl.

Tianje Xhu
Feb 24th, 2004, 09:09:05 PM

The large silver utensil bounced off the cat's side and then another spoon followed. Encouraged by the head cook's show of bravery, the other kitchen workers joined in, flinging whatever they could lay thier hands on, at the armored beast.

Negating its leap by half, the battle cat diverted its attention from the teen and now laid red eyes on those who beseiged it from behind the counter. Lowering its head in a stalk, the cat padded forward, ignoring Tianje as it targeted the men behind the counter. Bolts of blue stun energy ripped from its shoulder mounted guns as it fired at its attackers.

Ducking and dodging, the mess clerks grabbed pots and pans, chucking them blindly in the beast's direction. "Move, girl - MOVE!! The cook's bellowing fell on deaf ears as Xhu continued her probing of the droid's mind.

Circuitry and relays were humming while the Hell Cat unleashed bolt after bolt at the men pinned behind inside the kitchen, making it almost impossible for the girl to lock onto any one action or circuit. Furrowing her brow, Tianje dug deeper into the computer mind of the felinoid, which had now made the easy jump up onto the countertop.

Three circuits kept incessantly chattering away, filling the redhead's mind with noise. Out of frustration, she almost ignored them until she realized that they were coinciding with every stun bolt being fired. Turning slowly to face the beast, Tianje watched as the mounted guns rotated, trying to find the best angle for its next shot.

Razor-sharp claws dug through the metal counter as the droid lept down behind the counter, confronting the men face to face. It was over in mere seconds as the stun bolts connected with flesh and the mess room grew eerily silent but for the clacking of metallic claws.

Sweat was already beading Xhu's forehead and upper lip as she watched the beast climb lazily back up on the counter, its fixed stare letting her know that it hadnt forgotten that she was there. With a nonchalance of a housecat, it stepped down and paused, its tail twitching before rising up and hooking over its back, showing off the deadly scythe at the tip.

Dropping its jaws in a soundless snarl, the droid gathered itself and lept unhindered straight at her. Biting her bottom lip and squeezing her eyes tightly shut, Tianje toggled first one circuit then another. In unison, the mounted guns turned inward and abruptly fired, twin bolts hitting the cats head and immediately scrambling its internal signals. With a heavy clank, the Hell Cat dropped like a stone at Tianje's feet, its legs and paws jerking in an odd circuit-fried dance.

Her eyes snapped open and her pent-up breath whooshed out in relief. Spinning on her heels, the teen rushed over to Sevon and dropped onto her knees, lifting his head and cradling it carefully.

"mister sevon! can you hear me? i don' know how ta get a doct'r in here and ev'ryone else is out cold!"

Khendon Sevon
Mar 12th, 2004, 06:58:34 PM
Whiteness. No. Darkness. No. Etchings, yes, yes etchings. The Imperator blinked his silver eyes, the charcoal drawing of a young girl staring squarely at him. Khendon’s mind felt like it had literally been put in a vice and clamped with the force of swoop bike taking off from the starting line. Waves of pain ran wantonly through his body, he clenched his teeth.

An attempt to sit up caused the pain to swell up and for Khendon’s head to feel heavy as stone; he relented and collapsed on the ground. The cool metal was extremely uncomfortable, then again, so was the white noise that filled his ears. All he could hear was an incessant, droning electrical sound and the resounding thump, thump, thump of his pounding heart.

Khendon felt like throwing up, he could feel the food he had just masticated moments before rushing up towards his palette, I’m never… going to… stun, my, self… AGAIN! he screamed in internal agony.

He blinked quickly, his eyes watering. The Imperator felt so weak, so… limp. Suddenly the world began to close up around him, the shadows pulled over what shapes were visible like thick, wool blankets, encompassing everything. His heart was like a rattling drum. His breaths were sharp and fast. The Imperial’s body convulsed suddenly, his fists clenching without him telling them to do so, WHAT’S HAPPENING!. He screamed. Khendon had lapsed back into unconsciousness.

Tianje Xhu
Mar 16th, 2004, 02:52:34 PM
Sevon's confusion and pain leapt out at her as he passed out. In a near panic, the girl almost dropped his head on the hard flooring as she jumped up to seek help. As an afterthought, Tianje jerked off her vest and placed it gently beneath his head before reaching over and picking up the Imperator's lightsaber. A look of determination came over her young face and her chin jutted out stubbornly at the idea that more of the droid cats could be roaming the halls. They wouldnt find her such easy prey this time, if that were the case.

Looking over the cylindrical hilt, the teen thumbed the blade to life before trotting over to the doors she had first come through. Scanning for more Hell Cats through the small windows in the doors, the youth slipped quietly into the corridor and began the search for help.

Khendon Sevon
Mar 16th, 2004, 03:59:18 PM
Each metallic step that Tianje took out of the room crushed Khendon’s eardrums. His head pulsated with pain, his temples blared in agony. It was as if someone had detonated a proton torpedo within the catacombs of his mind. What was I, doing…? he asked himself, Wh… his face flinched and muscles curled.

Once Tianje was out of sight a tall security guard walked up to the Imperator from the shadows, shaking his head. He took a knee and removed a syringe filled with a misty orange liquid. “This will hurt,” he mumbled as he slid the needle into “Mr. Sevon’s” flesh.

No… no… NO! Khendon woke with a start, cool perspiration running down his face. “Where is she?” he mouthed through parched lips. He felt like someone had taken his head and used it for target practice.

“She’s going down corridor B, Sir. Let me help you up.” The Federal officer held out a hand only to have it ineptly batted away. The dark warrior called upon the force and twisted it to his will. Give me power, he spoke softly into the ear of the mystic beast, give me POWER, he demanded of the force.

The contorted form relaxed further until finally Khendon stood smoothly. He wiped off his uniform, cool, silver eyes burning holes in the officer, “Take me to the security center,” he demanded of the man.