View Full Version : Its not a party by yourself (open)

Kyle Krogen
Feb 12th, 2004, 11:48:34 PM
Kyle entered the B&G and handed his lightsaber over to the guard and proceded to an empty booth which he sat down in. He was happy today since it was his birthday and he was now fifteen but he really wished he could have been at home to celebrate with his step-parents

A service droid rolled up to him "I'd like a light salad and a glass of water" The droid beeped and turned around and rolled away to get his order

He sat back in his seat "If only they could be here to see what i've become since I left" He said to himself in a near wisper.

Zacharia Dawnstrider
Feb 13th, 2004, 09:09:48 AM
It had been a long and strenuous day, but Zacharia was still chipper and smiling as always. Training had been going so well, but he always felt tired and drained after a session. Today he decided that it was time for a break, and so, the Padawan pushed through the doors of the Bar and Grill and stepped inside.

There had only been a few occassions when he had visited this place. His schedule barely allowed any free time, but when he did come here, he always felt a certain peace. There were Jedi gathered here and there, chatting with one another around tables, over drinks, and over food. There was one, however, that sat alone.

"Wonder who that dude is." Zacharia said to himself as he reflected on never seeing the loner before. With a friendly smile, the young man approached the table that Kyle was sitting at. "Wasssssup?!" He exclaimed, shocking several people around the nearby seating area. With a grin, Zacharia extended a hand to Kyle. "I'm Zach -- never seen ya before, dude! Like, do you mind if I take this narly seat?" He questioned in a strange accent with even stranger speech.

Jame Kaman Dar
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:50:39 PM
Jame came into Yog's B&G smiling. She was having a good day so far, despite the fact that she had nothing going on. The young woman had only worked on her current piece, ate breakfast, went for a walk, and watched some of the other members of the order train when she passed through the training grounds.

When she entered Yog's, a man at a desk up front asked her for her weapons. "Oh hey..How're you? That's good. Sorry, no weapons. I don't even have a pencil with me this time...Thank you, too. Have a good day."

And continued on her way, until she spotted Kyle, and went to join him, sliding into the booth on the seat beside him..There was a man across the booth from then who she didn't recognize at all. He seemed in prety chipper spirits, so she wasn't concerned. Jame Kaman looked at Kyle and smiled. He felt a little unhappy, but he didn't look it. Conflicting emotions...Always fun.

"Hi Kyle...You look happy, but the emotion i'm getting from you says otherwise...Why so glum?"

Kyle Krogen
Feb 13th, 2004, 11:01:08 PM
Kyle looked up at Zach with happyness in his face but sadness in his eyes, He was jsut about to answer him when Jame plopped down beside him "Oh, hello Jame" He said motioning for Zach to sit "Its by birthday today and I wish I could be home with my step-parents"

He looked over at Zach "My name is Kyle Krogen, nice to meet you Zach."