View Full Version : Family: The Breakfast Meetings[part one] (Natia)

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 11th, 2004, 04:48:27 PM
The Greater Jedi Order LQ, Room 2401

5 AM

After the long night of the ball, Falcon had been trying to catch up on some sleep. It's been a few days since that night, and it seems the effects of being awake for so many hours straight was finally beginning to wear off. Thank Goodness.....

Despite the fact that he was still catching up on sleep, Falcon Gyndar had left a message for his daughter, Natia, to have a breakfast meeting. It had been some time since they'd done this, and considering some of the news which had come to his ears lately, this meeting was a must. So before the sun arose, he was up, showered, and starting on preparing his much-praised pancake breakfast. This was an important part of the breakfast meetings.

5:15 AM

Soon, the pans were sizzling with bacon, sausage, pancakes and homemade syrup...enough for two, and a bit. How he managed to pay attention to all four burners at once was anybodys guess...It must have been something his parents had taught him.

If the delicious smells woke anybody up in the nearby rooms, well that just meant it was good.

5:45 am

Except for the eggs, which were always done with people at the table, breakfast was ready. He'd kept everything warm by placing it in the oven, and now the 3o-ish year old man was writing, as he did every morning, while he waited for Natia to arrive.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 12th, 2004, 09:01:52 AM
7:30 AM

*Natia skids to a stop outside the door to her Father's quarters. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't stop soon enough and she bangs into his door. She'd been up since 2:00 AM that morning and away from the GJO, doing some things that she felt needed doing.

To her, things aren't always easy living here, but being elsewhere. She's dressed in a dark gray bodysuit which looks rather dirty, her hair's tied back, but is a mess since she's been busy. And on top of all that, she's got a nasty bruise forming on her face and her right cheek is bleeding from a knife wound. It had started bleeding again when she collided with her Father's door.

Figuring that Falcon would have heard the collision with is his door, she just opens the door and walks in, a smile on her face as if she's just gotten out of bed to come here*

Dad?? You here??

*Natia calls out hoping her Father won't question why she's here so much later then she normally is. Usually for a breakfast with her Father, she's here by 6:30 AM at the latest*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 12th, 2004, 05:45:39 PM
Falcon looked at the chrono....

7:30...This is first thing in the morning for her now?

"Yes, I'm here. Just writing, darling."

Finishing the last line in a paragraph, and then placing his materials back in the desk, he push back his chair with a noticeable but not too loud screech as the seat slid back, and a squeak when the knight left it. He left the room just off the kitchen and came out to the door.

Falcon frowned. The girl was a mess.


"Nice shiner, honey." He said, attempting a smile. "You're ah...." He gestured to his own right cheek. "...bleeding. Why don't we get that cleaned up? Medkit's in the bathroom..."

This must have something to do with whatever she's been hiding... "We'll talk about where you collected that wound over breakfast. "

He went into the restroom, and grabbed the medkit while talking. Falcon came out a few moments later, handing the kit to Natia. "Here we are.Go take a seat at the table and start cleaning that out. I'm going to go get everything out of the oven. You want eggs?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 13th, 2004, 05:52:17 PM
*Natia gives her Father a hug when she sees him. A smile on her face as he hands her the med kit*

Thanx dad. The collision with your door probably got it bleeding again since I know it had stopped bleeding. And sorry for being in such a mess and for being so late. Lost track of time.

*Natia goes and sits down at the table, placing the med kit on the table*

Eggs sound wonderful dad.

*Natia opens up the med kit and pulls out some disinfectent and dabs a bit on the cut on her cheek, not even wincing as she does this*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 14th, 2004, 12:24:55 AM
Falcon went and retrieved everything from the oven and placed it on the table.

"How do you like your eggs? I've forgotten... I take mine sunny side up."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 14th, 2004, 09:03:03 AM
I'm wondering how you could forget that I like my eggs cooked and I don't care how they get cooked just as long as they aren't burned so cook away dad.

*Natia continues tending to her cut and finishes off by putting a band-aid over the cut, not caring that she'll look a bit silly with it on. It's better then bleeding all over the place*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 16th, 2004, 12:53:40 AM

So Falcon went to cook up the eggs. All sunny side up. The sizzling didn't make too much noise.

"So what did you do that kept you up all night....That is, what earned you that gash?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:08:46 PM
I haven't been up all night. Couple days ago I caught wind of something happening this morning, and well, I went to deal with it. Got beat up a bit, but I dealt with the problem. Took longer then I was wanting though, but what can you expect when your attacking a large group by yourself.

*Natia shrugs the matter off as if it's really nothing*

You don't have to worry about me Dad. I'm keeping myself safe and I know when to run.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:46:27 AM
"Mmhmm..." Falcon Gyndar let all these things stir about in his head. Of course he knew she was telling half-truths, but he wasn't going to push it.

There was a few things he'd found out recently about his daughter, and one ore two other things he'd thought about. Shifting the eggs off the spatula onto two plates, he brought them to the table, and set them in place, sitting down himself.

"I trust you. But taking on a group by yourself sounds a little foolish to me....but I trust you. And you can run to me, you know."

Falcon Nytrau piled a few pancakes on his plate.

"I take it you're still talking to your mother...Yes, I've noticed her absence, and I'm sure you know all about that. But regardless of that, how's she doing?"

He didn't mention any names. Somehow, he thought it best to step lightly in the area regarding Xazor and others....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:50:10 PM
But it needed to be done Father. And I knew about it and didn't want to disturb anybody else so I went to deal with it.

*Natia gets a surprised look on her face before quickly changing it to a questioning look, wondering how he would know to ask her about her Mother*

Mother's left the GJO Father. She got arrested for something and the Council let it happen.

*Natia's wanting to find out exactly how much her Father knows about this before giving any answers. She watches him closely as she moves some pancakes onto her plate*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 01:30:05 AM
He'd fixed his breakfast, and was now pouring some orange juice for himself.

"I see. You want to know why I ask? Because I notice when things change. Like when people disappear..."

His sentence trailed off as he sipped some OJ.

"You see, honey. My mind is like a hurricane wind..Fast. It's hard for me to miss things, unless I have not even the barest of clues to go on. My own mother always told me that if I weren't a Jedi, I'd probably be a detective. I miss her, you know."

He smiled. Thoughts of his mother always made him smile.

"I'll be fair and leave that subject alone for now. Your expression came across as suprised...caught unawares, when I broached it. You tell me when you feel it's necessary." He changed the subject. "So I met your older brother the other day...."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:01:35 AM
*Natia listens to what Falcon says about his being a detective if he weren't a Jedi. She nods her head slightly at that, making a mental note that she's going to have to be even more careful around her Father then she'd like, but she doesn't want to lead him to her other place of residence.

If one surprise isn't enough for the morning, she gets another one when Falcon mentions her older brother. This time she doesn't bother to hide the surprised look on her face*

Older brother?? As far as I know, I only have one brother, and he's my twin brother whom I've never met and only heard about from Faith.

What's he like?? What's his name??

*Natia questions eagerly, wanting to know as much as she can about this brother of hers*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 24th, 2004, 01:29:25 AM
He crunched some bacon in his mouth while listening to Natia.

She seems releived that i've left it alone...

"Well, to add to be careful around me about your secrets, which I have previously mentioned just now that I will let you broach them on your own time...Well, your older brother, Tharinye, I have gathered, is Faith's twin...and an upholder of the law on the planet of your father. And he has, for some reason to do with your father, warned me that you're not what you seem. I was skeptical about this."

He shoved some pancake in his mouth, chewed it up and washed it down.

"Speaking of warnings, he also said something about you, the dark side and the Black Hand. I'd like to hear this from you. I beg you, be honest...straight with me. Not being so could put a big kink in your life...I would expect no less than honesty and integrity from you. So..please."

Thus, he halted his words, allowing Natia to answer, and to work on consuming his breakfast.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 25th, 2004, 01:16:37 PM
*Natia winces mentally as her Father mentions the Darkside and the Black Hand. Topics she would rather leave her Father in the dark about with her*

I take it if I tell you that it was nothing, you wouldn't believe me.

*Natia stands up and walks over to a window and looks outside, her hands clasped behind her back as she thinks of how to tell her Father something which he's already been told, but wishes to hear from her.

After several minutes of silence she starts to speak*

Well, to put it simply, while you were gone, I turned to the Darkside. One night I was sitting in the B&G when a lady approached me and offered me a quicker way of getting what I wanted. Me being a kid at the time, still hurting from what my legal guardian had done to me, I jumped at the offer. I turned to the Darkside and became the apprentice to Taja Loraan who was a member of the Black Hand at that time.

What I did to my birth Father, I did in ignorance and fear. I had no idea what I was doing and I got even more scared. Apparently, my homeworld holds me responcible for what I did to him, even though I was not yet 5 years old.

I found this last bit out a short while ago when some Force Law Enforcement came to arrest me. Needless to say, they didn't succeed because some other ppl came in and stopped them.

*Natia continues looking out the window, not wanting to see the look of disappointment on her Fathers face that is sure to come with the news she has just told him. Though she gives no reasons for why she did this or what brought her back*

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 25th, 2004, 04:10:03 PM
He half smiled, and got up from the table. Falcon walked slowly up behind her, and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"You may think i'm disappointed. That time when disappointment came was when I heard about this, and it was shortlived. I can only smile now, knowing that you came back from that place, and that you must have learned something from it. You are my daughter, and I will always love you. Nothing can change that. I forgive you for anything you might seek forgivness for. Now, how about a hug and we continue eating out breakfast, hmm?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 26th, 2004, 09:04:37 AM
*Natia smiles at what her Father says to her before she turns around and gives him a great big huggle*

You aren't to disappointed it me?? I didn't want you upset about my falling so I never mentioned it. I thought that if I kept quiet on the matter, you wouldn't find out about it.

Falcon Gyndar
Feb 27th, 2004, 01:41:33 AM
He laughs, hugging her tight.

"I'm hard to upset, sweetie. And I find out about most things eventually...one way or another. I just want you to know you can trust me with anything."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Feb 27th, 2004, 11:12:50 AM
*Natia smiles at her Father but thinks that she can't trust him with everything, but she lets no sign of that thought show*

I know I can trust you with anything Father. There just might some things I don't wish to disappoint you with. And it took you quite awhile to figure out about my turning to the Darkside.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 1st, 2004, 01:20:06 PM
He laughed a little.

"Only because I had no clues. Besides, I'd hate to look suspicious, paranoid and overprotective, constantly watching your every move. It'd drain time I should be using to do my job. You're your own person, with your own life, and I know you won't be near me forever. "

He went and sat back down in his place at the table, and drank some more OJ.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 2nd, 2004, 01:25:10 PM
Believe me Father, you couldn't watch my every move, even if you tried to.

*Natia walks back over to the table and sits down in her seat again*

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 8th, 2004, 12:52:00 PM
Falcon laughed.

"I know that. Same to you...You couldn't watch my every move either, young lady..." He started on another pancake.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 9th, 2004, 09:47:47 AM
And I wouldn't try to unless I truly believed you to be in danger. In which case, you wouldn't be able to pry my eyes off of you, no matter how hard you tried.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 10th, 2004, 01:54:04 PM
Falcon wasn't entirely sure how she would manage that, but he just let it slide.

"I beleive you. And appreciate your concern for if I were ever to be in danger."

He crunched on some bacon, thinking things over. "How's Leten, by the way? I haven't seen the boy in a while..."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 12th, 2004, 11:48:33 AM
*Natia gets a smile on her face at the mention of Leten*

He's doing rather well. Both him and I are spending a bit of time together when we can. More like when my busy scheduale allows it.

Falcon Gyndar
Mar 16th, 2004, 01:54:17 PM
Falcon nods.

"I know how it is to be busy, and wish to be with someone elsewhere. Both myself and A'jorrah are busy people, but oddly enough, we manage to find time, what with my being on the council, teaching and other things. and her being on another council of sorts, and having her other job. It only gets busier when you become an old goat like me..." He laughs..."...and have more and more responsabilities."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Mar 23rd, 2004, 11:09:34 AM
*Natia smiles, hoping her Father won't ask her about her spending so much time away from the GJO*

Even someone as young as I am has a lot of responsabitilities Father. Not just old goats like you.