View Full Version : Feelin Lucky [open to anyone]

Feb 10th, 2004, 04:43:25 PM
Maximus walked into the bar after a hard days work and sat down at a table and thought about the two people he had killed. He had to watch a package he had no idea what was in it or what importance it had, but he did not care it was his job to protect it and he would do so even if it meant his life. After about an hour Maximus felt something in his presence so he hid in a dark corner and waited. He saw two men one of the men had on a dark robe with a black mask over his face. The other man was wearing a business men suit and had a tattoo of a snake on his face. Maximus saw that these men both had weapons the one with the mask had a long sword and ninja stars around his belt. The other man had what looked to be a grenade in a pouch and a dagger on the side of one his boots.

These two men did not see each other because they were coming from opposite sides of the room. Maximus new he had to act quick so he quietly ran over to the man in the suit and slit his throat with his sword. He then pulled the man back to the corner that he was in and waited patiently for the man that looked to be a ninja. Maximus pulled his dagger out from the side of his belt and being very cautious walked behind the man and stuck the dagger right into his heart turned and walked away.

After thinking back on his day Maximus called for a drink and told one of the men playing cards to deal him in.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 10th, 2004, 11:52:52 PM
The dealer looked up at the new comer then down at the deck of cards in his paws, Jaas was not a human, He was a cizerack, a large felinoid species and at the moment was winning most of the games of poker he had been playing that evening

"Rjight jyou arrre sssjirrr" Jaas said dealing out the cards to the other players, There where only 4 players including Jaas and Max after the other players had exchanged the cards in their hands for new ones Jaas looked at Max "Need anjy morrre carrrdsss pal?"

Feb 11th, 2004, 01:55:10 AM
Maximus looks up at the dealer and says give me two. You look like you have been pretty lucky so far seeing that you have most of the chips. Maximus gets his cards and bets 40 credits Jass folds but the other two call. What do you have they ask Maximus. I have a full house two kings and three fives. They through away their cards knowing they lost and Maximus pulls the credits towards him.
Maximus looks at Jass and asks,"what kind of work are you in if you dont mind me asking."

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 11th, 2004, 11:01:53 PM
Jaas smiled as he watched Max pull his prize to his side of the table "ji'm a bountjy hunterrr" He said as one of his ear fluttered a bit "and a dang good one too" He gave Max a toothy grin "what about jyou?"

Feb 13th, 2004, 12:51:55 AM
Maximus answers I dont really have a job I just find people here and there that need help with certain things, but I might as well be a bounty hunter considering that almost every thing I do for people someone else gets killed by me for trying to steal something or kill someone. Maximus says,"Why do know of any jobs that you think I might be interested in?" Or maybe you might need some help and I can be your lets say back up in certain cases."

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 13th, 2004, 10:43:02 PM
"ji mjight have sssomethjing jyou could help me out wjith"Jaas said slowly "but jit matterrrsss jif jyourrr good enough"

He smiled a bit "What weaponsss arrre jyou packjing?"

Feb 17th, 2004, 11:51:39 PM
Maximus looks at Jass and says, "oh you know just the regular a couple of blasters and blades." Then Maximus grins and says this is my baby, shows him a silver sword with a dragon on and thens says,"It lights up blue when someone or something is in its midst, but when the dragon lights up red that means something evil is in its presence. Then Maximus says only I can hold it for when I found the sword my hand print was worn into the sword as soon as held it, and if anyone else takes it then its powers will not work and it will become heavy and useless."

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 18th, 2004, 11:09:45 PM
Jaas listened to Max as he listed his weapons "sssoundsss jike a verrrjy njice sssworrrd" He said scratching his neck for a moment "ji carrrrrry all heavjy weaponsss" He gave Max a toothy grin "ljike a heavjy repeaterrr rrrjifle, Therrrmal detonatorrrsss, and a few sssmallerrr weaponsss."

Feb 24th, 2004, 12:03:08 AM
Maximus looked at Jass and saw the smile on his face and could tell that he was proud of his weapons. Maximus then said, now that you have heard about some of my weapons do you think that you might have a job that I could do with or for you it doesn't matter what it is i'm the man for the job.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 24th, 2004, 11:01:40 PM
"jI got sssomethjing forrr jyou to do wjith me" Jaas said looking around the gloomy room "But ji thjink we ssshould move sssomewherrre elssse to dissscussssss jit"

He stood up and walked out of the building making sure the Max was right behind him. After they where both outside Jaas made sure no one was close enough to hear them "Jy need to fjind a man who owesss mjy contact alot of monejy and wantsss hjim taken out, the onljy problem jisss that he hasss a knowsss ji'm comjing and has a large securrrjtjy forrrce prrrotectjing hjim so" He paused "We'd be takjing hjim and hjis forrrcesss on tonjight..... that jis ofcourse jif jyourrr jinterrresssted...."

Feb 25th, 2004, 10:07:56 PM
Maximus listened to Jass's proposal, looked to him with a grin on his face and then silently says of course I will join you in taking on a whole security force and taking out the leader. Maximus checked all of his weapons secured them on and then says to Jass how are we going to go about this you say they know who you are and are waiting for you and i'm sure you know this place better than I do so lets hear the plan and be on our way to get this man for not paying back what he owes.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 27th, 2004, 03:55:21 PM
Jaas smiled a toothy grin "We ussse ssstealth and sssneak jin thrrrough a sssjide path that ji found jisss not asss prrrotected asss the rrressst" He said laying out the plan "and we just kjill the few guarrrdsss therrre and get jinto the bujildjing and take out the tarrrget."

Feb 28th, 2004, 01:05:32 AM
Maximus listened to Jass as he told him the plan, then says "ok lets be on our way and take out these scum bags." Maximus then says,"well since you know the way i'll follow your lead to this place." Then Maximus tells Jass to hold on and checks out all of his weapons to make sure they were all there once he made sure they were ther he says lets go.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
Feb 28th, 2004, 10:14:57 PM
"Wajit herrre a moment" He said moving into the alley between the bar and another building, Jaas soon returns holding his headvy repeater rifle "dude jin the barrr wouldn't let me have jit jin there"

They headed out and after twenty minutes of walking they arrived at ten foot tall stone wall, Jaas turned and walked along the wall until he stoped at a small metal gate

He signaled for Max to be quite by pressing his finger to his lips. The large cizerack then pulled out a blaster pistol with a silencer on it and pressed the gun's barrel between the bars of the gate and pulled the trigger

The guard that had been standing there slumped forward "Let usss move forrrwarrrd" He wispered as he broke the lock with the butt of his gun, It opened without a noice and Jaas and Max sliped in

A couple more guards where standing not to far away as the two killers kneeled in the shadows my the gate "whjy don't jyou do the honorrrsss?"