View Full Version : The Fueding Parkers...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 8th, 2004, 10:37:56 PM
First off let me say this: Ambrose, what is said in the Mod forum, stays in the Mod forum. Understand? :)

Now.....for those of you who dont know, Alana and Dalamar are married in RL but are getting divorced. As some of you have noticed, their animosity is seeping onto the board. Im trying my best to intercede and to keep the situation to a low roar.

Please be patient with them and try to understand that both are going through a rough time. If anyone else is having a problem with them, I'll be more than happy to speak to both about it...just let me know.

Thanks :)

EDIT: btw, Ive already sent Alana, Dalamar and Gangrel PM's concerning this issue.

Feb 8th, 2004, 10:42:29 PM
They need to can it. This is a RP forum, not a marriage counseling venue. Its only going to get hideous if its flung in the open like this.

Alana Stormcloud
Feb 8th, 2004, 10:46:31 PM
First I would like to say I am sorry. I went into that thread and just commented on Jens post and I left it at that. I did not have any intentions of sharing my life with everyone but Dalamar seems to feel the need to do this. I come here to get away from rl and to have fun here to rp my char and leave it at that. Once again I am sorry that it was aired in that manner It was not my intention.

Feb 9th, 2004, 07:06:18 AM
IMO Dalamar is off his rocker. His needs to be warned for cursing, and making personal attacks against several posters. No one was saying anything non-constructive to his thread's purpose and he lashed out on each person in turn.

Divorce or not, you don't air it out here. We all have problems; it's no excuse.

Daiq, what did your PM say? I want to know if he's been warned, and I want to know who closed the thread, and if anyone talked to him.


Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 9th, 2004, 02:45:05 PM
I warned all 3 of them nicely - Im sure alana can tell you that. Lemme see if I still have a copy.......yeah, here it is:

Daiquiri Van-Derveld wrote on Today 08:32 PM:
Ive just sent a similar PM to Lord Gangrel (whoever he is) and Im sending the same to you and Travis...here it is:

Unless you want the head honchos crawling over you, keep the bickering and the private lives, private.

Id like to think we're mature enough to be able to handle situations such as this like adults. Please, from now on use PM's and dont air dirty laundry on the boards.



(Im saying this because both of you are my friends and Id hate to see either of you in trouble)

Feb 9th, 2004, 06:16:33 PM
Originally posted by Eve
Daiq, what did your PM say? I want to know if he's been warned, and I want to know who closed the thread, and if anyone talked to him.Doesn't look like there was any RP staff warning involved.

When closing threads its a good idea to say why especially when a poster asks it to be. We don't want posters to think that they are in charge of what threads stay locked and/or unlocked. ;)

As for who closed it, the edit thread detail says Shawn closed it. That is all I know.

Feb 9th, 2004, 07:55:14 PM
I had warned the thread earlier. When I came back, there were several new posts, and I didn't like the direction the thread was heading, so I had decided to close it before I even saw Dalamar's post.

Although it's good form to post a reason before closing, I tend to have a more "silent" approach to moderation. I'll make a note in the future.

Zasz Grimm
Feb 9th, 2004, 09:38:05 PM
Originally posted by Eve
IMO Dalamar is off his rocker. His needs to be warned for cursing, and making personal attacks against several posters. No one was saying anything non-constructive to his thread's purpose and he lashed out on each person in turn.

Divorce or not, you don't air it out here. We all have problems; it's no excuse.

Daiq, what did your PM say? I want to know if he's been warned, and I want to know who closed the thread, and if anyone talked to him.


Couldn'tve been said better.

Any more, and despite whats going on in his own personal life, would warrant a banning. But then again, that is my own opinion.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 10th, 2004, 07:56:19 AM
I think the situation has been handled well. Hopefully, all parties involved will heed the advice Daiq gave them, and it's a dead issue.