View Full Version : All about the Cizerack

Feb 8th, 2004, 03:08:33 AM
Always one to jump on a good idea when I see it, I figured I'd use Mitch's info session idea to do a Q&A session about the Cizerack, so ask away.

Feb 8th, 2004, 03:19:01 AM
How did the Cizerack become a female-dominated society? (I mean, moreso than any other society.)

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 8th, 2004, 03:34:08 AM
Originally posted by Mitch
How did the Cizerack become a female-dominated society? (I mean, moreso than any other society.)

Originally, the Cizerack were something akin to a republic, with fairly equitable (although violent) representative rule.

About a thousand years ago, Carshoulis Prime was racked by a pretty terrible famine. The leadership at the time, which was incidentally male, was at a loss for ways to circumvent the hardship. A female by the name of Jaissaarra Feessaarro seized this opportunity, using religious pretense, obscure prophecy, and
a charismatic presence, she shattered the power structure of the planet with a coup, and through draconian law & order, she organized a rationing program that allowed the Cizerack to survive the famine. After the hard times had passed, Jaissaarra made certain that her power was absolute, and cemented in Cizerack culture a concept of feminine absolutism, in essence stating that the true power of leadership was instilled upon females through birth. This allowed Jaissaarra to perpetuate an unbroken royal bloodline for the next millenia. The Feessaarro dynasty still controls the Pride today.

Feb 9th, 2004, 11:08:09 AM
1. How do you pronounce "Cizerack"?

2. What is the history of the Cizerack as regards the Old Republic, the Empire, and the Rebel Alliance? Or were they far enough away to stay neutral?

Feb 9th, 2004, 11:27:58 AM
1. Sĭ-zər-ãk

2. The History of the Pride regarding outside forces is a long period of isolationism punctuated by either trade or violence. The first 1200 years of Cizerack interplanetary travel was done without interference from the Old Republic. About 350 years before the Battle of Yavin, the Old Republic initiated contact with the Pride. In the initial phases of first contact, something went wrong, and a brief, extremely violent war broke out. Officially known as the battle of Syragor, it claimed roughly a billion casualties, mostly Cizerack, but a large portion of which were outer rim settlers from the Republic, as well as various defense forces, and even Jedi.

After this violent conflagration, both sides remained largely aloof of each other, preferring to stay out of each other's way. When the Old Republic became the Empire, the Emperor sought out a mercantile existence with the Pride, whose trade network on the Outer Rim was far more developed than his own. The Pride provided a link between Palpatine's Empire, and the far flung riches of the outer expanse. However, it wasn't really a benevolent arrangement, as the Empire fixed prices at gunpoint. For decades, the Pride could do nothing to affect this deal.

When the Rebellion started, the reigning Pride Mother at the time shrewdly chose to arm Rebel forces clandestinely. The Cizerack trade network operated in zones of influence consistently held by the Rebellion, which made supplying their cause quite easy. The Pride Mother generously extended a line of credit, hoping to exact a certain amount of influence on the emerging faction, who would have large debts by the time war was over.

Once the Empire was defeated, the Pride wasted little time in cementing the trade relationship it developed with the Rebellion - now the New Republic. In addition to this, the Pride Mother continued trade and supplying operations with the Imperial factions, now with the bargaining leverage to fix price on many exports.

The shrewd business politics of the Cizerack Pride have served to enrich the felinoid nation in the years since the Battle of Yavin. Carshoulis Prime, its coffers glutted with Republic and Imperial trade credits, has grown quickly, as have its satellite planets within the Carshoulis Cluster. Carshoulis Prime is one of the major trade centers of the Galaxy, behind only Coruscant and Corellia in its influence.

Conflicts still exist, however. Notably, a treaty squabble between the Cizerack and New Republic continues to flare up into tension. One of the concessions of the Treaty of Syragor was that the Republic would recognize all planets within the Carshoulis Cluster as the Pride's territory. One problem was the fifth planet of the Yendi system, called Calan. The planet was aligned in such a way that its orbit bisected the boundary of the Carshoulis cluster, thus making it difficult to say whether it lay inside or outside of Cizerack dominion. The Cizerack have hotly contested Republic claims to the planet, and there is a great sense of unease related to Calan's fate.

In recent years, the Pride has made a play for galactic political prominence, consolidating trade relations with the Hutt families, remnants of the Neimoidian Trade Federation, Techno Union, Corporate Sector Authority, and the Shadowfaene syndicate. This economic consolidation, using the old moniker of the Trade Federation, has caused widescale monopoly and trust debates across the galaxy, as the group wields excessive market control over much of the galaxy.

Feb 9th, 2004, 03:47:21 PM
That last post made me curious about the Cizerack Military

So i have a few questions

1#, Where are the Cizerack in terms of military power comparing to the New Republic, Imperial factions, any other major power on the board im not aware of

2# How is the Cizerack Military made up? Are the females in command there too? Do they make up the majority of their armys?

3# This may be something you dont wish to divugle, but do the Cizerack have any weapons unique to their species? Or do they simply modify and equip common weapons/Tech found throughout the galaxy?

4# Where is the Carshoulis Cluster located?

Feb 9th, 2004, 04:07:14 PM
1. A fraction of the NR's military might. Perhaps on parity with one of the Imperial factions, give or take. Their trade fleet consists of around 30-50 capital class ships, with another 150 or so support vessels. They also contract out several thousand freighters, which are generally unarmed, although they have been known to employ privateer ships for trade route defense.

2. Females form the officer corps almost exclusively. Males serve either in ground forces, or in simple non-commission roles. All males in the Cizerack army are considered servants of the Pride Mother. The standing ground army of the Cizerack Pride numbers around 700 million strong.

3. Cizerack military technology is often imported from elsewhere, though they often use it in unorthodox methods. Their navy prefers to "close quarters" and attack up close, utilizing powerful Gorroka short-range particle cannons to obliterate shields, while variable frequency tractor beam batteries hold an opposing ship fast, making it easy to be boarded by infantry. Once an enemy ship is compromised on the inside, Cizerack shock troops can easily win the day.

4. Less than a parsec from the Yavin system.

Travis North
Feb 9th, 2004, 04:18:14 PM
What does society do to educated male Cizerack?

Feb 9th, 2004, 04:32:50 PM
Originally posted by Travis North
What does society do to educated male Cizerack?

There aren't really any, with the exception of the Emissary. At most, males learn a basic vocation that is beneficial to their mistresses, etc.