View Full Version : Like a fish out of water. (open)

Feb 7th, 2004, 03:27:13 PM
-It was a bright morning, the sunlight flooded the lush gardens outside the Jedi complex. It was early morning and so it was not quite mid day busey but the bustle on such a world was still too much to ignore.
Gray walked casually across the beautiful park, he was calm but his darting eyes betrayed his aparent stillness. A longcoat was not entirley out of place per say, it was just a little awquard in this weather, the man feeling the same of himself.
The coat covered a full suit of advanced armor, not an attempt to conceal it, rather an effort not to seam to aggresive or imposing.

He was actually looking to spot someone, not just anyone but not anyone specifically. Gray was scouting for a force user, and a trustworthy one at that.
Where he came from there was no such such thing as "force", dismised like the magic a madman would claim to posses; the again, they didn't believe in aleins either so there you go.

No, alot had changed in Gray's life; infact, Gray couldn't even call it the same life any more. Sure, he was the same, but if everything else was different then he might as well be a newborn child.
Many things had changed in his world and in an attempt to restore things to the tranquil thinking he once had, he sought to learn and understand the new way of things, the way he knew the old things that knew so well so long ago.

Of all the things thatchanged not leastof which was the force. Not so much it's exisitance but instead the acknowledgement of it's existance. Gray was a protector, a guardian, a soldier of old and the fact that he had nothing left to protect was irrelevant, he still sought the self-security he once bore.

Now he had been thrown in to a brave new world and he needed to learn.
With foes not to far behind, he neede to learn fast.
Not leastof his troubles where the new changes in the way people protect themselves. Blasters, personal forcefields, droids, aleins, it had all changed.
Not least of the change was the Jedi order.

Gray was a warrior, a veritable knight of the old code although the civilization has long been lost to the sands of time and so really it was now his code.
A knight of fortitude, of strength, of wisdom. A protector of justice and order.
And now he was thrown into a place where there was so much he did not know. So many things he could not defend himself from let alone any innocents.

Gray was here to learn the most dangerous of all such knew schools of engagement. He came to study and learn, to understand the source, the effect and the power of the force, of the Jedi, and in time the Sith as well.

Gray had come to see if any willing Jedi was prepared to teach this old dog some new tricks, or at least how to duck anyway.-