View Full Version : Chiss Relations

Feb 6th, 2004, 01:16:17 AM
Due to the instability between the Imperial powers. The chiss will put a hold on all diplomatic relations. I feel the situation of the empire is heading in the right direction but Until all Imperial powers fly the same flag, I can not let it seem I am swaying towards any one faction of the empire no matter how righteous its rule may be. The Sovereignty will always be considered a friend of the Chiss but for the time being until any hostilities between Imperial groups is active the Chiss will sit back and do as we have for thousands of years. I wish no ill relations just the secured neutrality of the Chiss people.

Supreme Prefect Stela'shlit'nuruodo

Telan Desaria
Feb 24th, 2004, 10:07:59 PM
The Empire may have to call on its allies, the Chiss Imperium, should internal conflict require the attention of the Imperial Military to be drawn from exterior expansion to the supression of rebellion.

((((Lash - - - pm me. I wil speak to you when I get a chance. Damned wounds.)