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Mordecai Lória
Feb 5th, 2004, 03:19:26 PM
Blonde hair, blue eyes...I didn't look my age.

"OW!!! Frell...."

Dammit. Rubbing the top of my head, wincing, I took in my surroundings, as I did each morning.

I must have sat up in bed too quickly...Where am I? After rubbing what was sure to form into a decent-sized bump, I looked at my hand. "Blood. Hmm."

"Hey buddy...you alright?" An unfamilar man, a little greasy, scruffy-looking and much older than I came into my view. That's when I knew. "Whoa, hey...you're bleeding, boy."

Blood doesn't bother me. I've seen my share in the short years i've been in existence. What I wanted to know is who the heck is this guy?

"Where am I?" I queried. The man, whom i'd figured out by now was probably the pilot of this junk-heap of a vessel, seemed not to have heard me. Instead, he was inspecting the top of my head. "Looks like you're gonna need stitches, bub."

That's when, without my knowing, my hand shot out, grabbed his collar tightly, and I held him up against the wall. "Where...am I?" Then I blinked, realized what was happening, and put him down. "I...apologize." My one normal eye blinked, but my cybernetic eye, gleaming red, stared.

He laughed at me. "You're on the Foolish Rabbit, boy." The pilot said, dusting himself off. The cybernetic eye probably creeped him out. "And in case you don't remember my name, I'm Ferret......"

Then suddenly, I remembered. "...Loskin. Yes, I know." The man looked relieved that I had remembered. He smiled at me.

"It seems you don't know your own strength, Mordecai."

I nodded. "We'll be coming up on Coruscant in a few hours." Ferret added.

"Coruscant?" Small bites of memory were coming back to me. "Oh, Yes. Thank you."

Well, I guess that says it. I was remembering everything now. What I couldn't figure out is how I got out of The Lockup. It was still a mystery to me. "I'll...umm...stitch that up for you."

"Thank you."


The next few hours passed by without incident. I must have fallen back asleep, because by the time I woke up, we were on Coruscant. When Ferret Loskin came to wake me up, it cut into the same odd dream I've been having... Of a girl, an owl, and...peace.

Saying my goodbyes, I headed off, to find somewhere to eat. Ferret shouted to me as I walked away. "If you ever have the need, just call me, my friend..I'll be around."

I didn't answer. But somehow I think he knew I was grateful. My stomach grumbled.

Where to eat? First priority. I walked up to some passerby, and inquired as to what was a good place to grab some food on this planet, Coruscant.

Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:08:26 PM
Shade turned to the young man and smiled.

"Well....that really depends on what you are in the mood for. What are your favorite foods?''

Mordecai Lória
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:18:58 PM
One eye blinked, the other, the red cybernetic eye, staring, examined the fellow.

Humanoid. Intelligent. Trustworthy.

My cybernetic implants worked with my personality and how I thought. I could gather information from computer systems, record things i'd seen...among many other things.

"Something edible, preferably." I was distracted by the reccuring image of the girl...who just seemed so familiar...and an owl. A white owl. And the fact that I could feel something about this man. Something my implants wouldn't pick up. Noticing that I'd become distracted, I snapped out of it.

You're not their butler anymore. Speak. You won't be out of order. Acknowledgeing that thought, I spoke to the man.

"I think I have a craving for a 'burger and some fries....Something filling..."

The guy probably had no clue that I was as young as I am. I looked at least 18....

Shade Magus
Feb 5th, 2004, 04:28:07 PM
"Well then, there is anice litte shop right around the corner. It is inexpensive, but from my experience they are quite good. Probably one of the best around here."

Feb 5th, 2004, 10:11:14 PM
A strongly built Kel-Dor sprinted to Shade, holding a spherical training droid, saying,

"Master! I need you to-"

he stopped when he noticed a man with a cybernetic eye. He felt like he was under inspection from the eye and felt uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I did not know you were talking... my name is Spada Elhow, and you?"

he said, holding out his hand for the man to take

Mordecai Lória
Feb 6th, 2004, 03:58:02 PM
I was about to speak, when a Kel Dor male came jogging up. MasterI I need you to-

Must be a Force-User. Spada Elhow....Trustworthy....Naive...

He had homed in on my eye. It made him uneasy...Just like Ferret. Odd, I think I miss the man already. Staying silent for a moment more, I analyzed the two together.

Teacher-Student relationship...Hmm

I started to open my mouth, but then I paused. I hadn't thought of what to say. Or perhaps I was just being cautious.

No use hiding yourself, Kai. This isn't a secret mission for House Prinn. Better introduce yourself...

Grasping Spada's hand, and looking to the both of them, seeing as I hadn't introduced myself at all, I finally spoke.

"Mordecai Lória...." I looked intently to the other man, offering my hand to him now...."You, sir?"

Shade Magus
Feb 6th, 2004, 05:10:03 PM
Shade shook his hand.

"My name is Shade Magus."

He turned to Spada. He could feel the uneasiness radiatingfrom his Padawan.

"You needed something?"

Mordecai Lória
Feb 6th, 2004, 05:16:24 PM
I watched as they interacted. The atmosphere of this place was far more relaxed than what I was used to. Any force-users were considered....dangerous amongst the noble houses of Phuiit.

But I'm not there anymore. And I fear nothing....

Spada was holding a small, spherical piece of machinery. A droid. I knew of such things being used in Jedi training.

Feb 6th, 2004, 06:15:12 PM
Spada looked over to Shade and said,

"Well I was wondering..."

his gaze shifted a little towards the man and his eye, but he continued,

"I was going to ask you if the council has given us any missions as of late. I was returning this to you since I figured you needed it back."

he handed the training droid to Shade and looked back to Mordecai, wondering what he and his master were talking about.

Shade Magus
Feb 8th, 2004, 07:23:41 PM
"Not yet, but I am hoping for one son, since I asked the Council to conduct a mission of my own."

He turned back to the young man.

"So were are you from?"

Mordecai Lória
Feb 8th, 2004, 11:45:27 PM
Not that you'd know the place.

I turned my attention to the 'Master' of the pair, Shade.

"Phuiit. an obscure, hidden and uptight planet that's colder than an ice cube that won't melt."

That felt only partially true, for some reason I couldn't fathom. Many things hadn't been quite what they seem to me for some time now.

I looked at him like something was bothering me, but then turned attention away from that by crossing my arms and asking a question.

"Your turn. Where are you from?"

Feb 9th, 2004, 11:25:27 AM
*Poledra was flying around, following Shade today since Natia was busy and didn't want the attention an owl would bring her. There had been alot of days like that. But that's alright. I am my own owl and I go where I want. I just choose to stay with Natia. After awhile of following Shade, he starts talking to a boy, a young man actually.

The young man though. He's a curious fellow. A cyber eye from the looks of things. Since she's wanting a better look, she flys down to Shades shoulder and lands, using her talons to grab hold of his clothing, but no skin. She hoots softly as she tilts her head staring at the young man*

Shade Magus
Feb 9th, 2004, 01:12:41 PM
Shade nodded to the bird. It was Natia's. He had always seen it near her when he had spoken to the young girl.

"Good day. Haven't seen you in awhile."

He turned back to Mordecia.

"From here and there. I haven't stayed on one planet for very long. In fact the only two planets I have ever stayed on for any amount of time would be this one and a planet Gaea."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 10th, 2004, 01:42:42 AM
I was just about to say something in response to Shade's answer about my question of his planetary origins. But then I saw...

Exactly as in my dreams..my visions, if that's what they are when i'm in my waking hours...

...I saw the owl.

And when the white owl, the same damned one(I swear) in my mind with the girl, landed on Shade's shoulder, it shot through my mind. I was shocked, surprised...Feeling an overwhelming sense of deja vu. I paced uneasily back two steps, then fell on my posterior, and looked up staring at the owl....then at Shade, then the owl again.

"The same owl...I've seen you before." I said to the owl slowly, quietly, amazedly. Never did the things I saw in my mind become real until almost a year ago. I must say, I was completely baffled, and probably looked like a fool at this point, and I didn't pay any attention to the fact. I just stared at the owl in the same manner it stared at me.

Feb 10th, 2004, 09:13:50 AM
*Poledra hoots twice in responce to Shade before turning her attention back to the young man. He sure is acting funny now that I'm here. Must be a land based thing because no bird would fall like that.

Letting go of Shade's outfit, she glides down to the ground to just in front of the young man and takes a closer look at him. Seen me before. Haven't seen him. Silly young man. Couldn't see me before. She continues to look at the young man, hooting slightly*

Shade Magus
Feb 10th, 2004, 01:26:40 PM
Shade looks at Mordecai strangely.

"You have seen this owl before? Funny she acts as though she has never met you before."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 10th, 2004, 02:35:49 PM
I shook my head, my eyes glued to the owl. I talked to Shade while I stood up...Still looking at the owl.

"I haven't seen the owl before persay...Except in my mind's eye..In these...visions, I suppose, that I have been having for the past year. The owl was with a girl. Her face was like a copy of mine, only female, obviously. But her hair was dark. The visions regarding the owl and girl became rather...a lot stronger on my way here. You seem to know the owl, Mr. Magus. Would you happen to know the girl connected to this owl?"

Shade Magus
Feb 10th, 2004, 05:09:49 PM
Shade nodded absentmindly, still thinking about what the boy said about visions. He then snapped back to reality as he saw the boy and Spada looking at him.

"Oh yes......the girl. She was the daughter of what used to be a very close freind of mine. Her name is Natia. I don't really know where she has been for awhile, but where Poledra is, it is know that she can't be that far behind, unless the owl was just stretching her wings of course. Companions like these two are very hard to come by, and even harder to seperate."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 10th, 2004, 05:30:20 PM
I smiled. A name had been given to put with the face that has lived in my head for some time.

Natia. Sounds like a nice name. And the owl's name is Poledra.

"Poledra...hmm." He said, looking at the owl again, then smiling to Spada, and looking again to Shade. "Mr. Magus, you say that Poledra and Natia are virtually inseperable. That might suggest to me that Poledra here might have an inkling of where Natia is. She is, after all, what has led me here. I've been looking for her. A search, I must say, that has been based completely on faith and no absolutes..."

He looked down at the owl. "...that is, until now."

Feb 11th, 2004, 09:13:49 AM
*Poledra spreads her wings and flys back up to Shade's shoulder so she doesn't have strain to much to look at this young man. Why has this young man been having visions of her and I?? And looking for her?? That is different. But she won't be back over here til tonight. To busy. Doesn't want to put me in danger.

She continues to look at the young man. Yes, she will be interested in this. Most definately interested. I'll tell her when I see her next.

Tilting her head slightly, she hoots softly, trying to question why the young man has been looking for her companion Natia*

Mordecai Lória
Feb 12th, 2004, 12:42:19 AM
I don't think I understood what the inquisitive hoot meant, but hey, it's not like talking to animals is normal.

Though I have heard stories... And I what I said next was what popped in to my head as a response as soon as the owl had questioned. My eyes shifted up to where she sat once again, on Shade's shoulder.

"Like I said before, this search has been based completetly on faith...and a nagging feeling. In the visions, she was beckoning me....to come to her."

Feb 12th, 2004, 09:18:52 AM
*Poledra hoots softly for a moment. A vision of her beckoning him. Interesting. But beckoning him to come to her. Even more interesting. She doesn't know him. Force vision. Same as what lets her understand me. Not coincidence. Not possible. He searches for her.

She spreads her wings as if she's going to take off, hitting Shade in the side of the head, and hoots happily before folding her wings back to herself*

Leten Snat
Feb 12th, 2004, 02:01:20 PM
Leten was digging around in a dumpster just a few meters away from the group of people talking. He had been at the bottom of the dumpster under the garbage, looking for something that was just nagging at him to be found, he digs a little more and edventualy finds a ripped money pouch that still had 25 credits in it.

Leten digs himself back to the surface of the junk only to see that somebody had closed the lid to the dumpster. It happens all the time, so Leten just shrugs it off. He smiles at what he has found, as he pockets the money, and is about to go back under the garbage to see what else he could find, when he hears Natia's name mentioned, and the hooting of her owl.

Leten quickly goes to poke his head out of the dumpster, forgetting that somebody had closed the lid on him, causing him to hit his head on the underside of the lid, send out a resonating TWANG from the lid.

"OWWW! AHH!! SLUG SLIME! Eeach! That hurt!"

Leten then lifts the lid and pokes his head out of the dumpster.

"Alright Natia! Where are you! I hear the Owl!" He calls out as he looks around.

When he see's Poledra he hops out of the dumpster and dusts himslef off of the rest of the garbage that stuck to his clothing,hoping to see Natia near by. He starts to walk over to where the others are.

"Hi Poledra! Is Natia Near by?"

Feb 12th, 2004, 04:55:12 PM
As the boy approached, he got a bad whiff of a bantha, but he decided not to judge the boy by his appearance or smell. However, he wished he knew who this Natia was and what they were even talking about. He decided to stay silent until he picked up enough clues to find out what was going on.

Mordecai Lória
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:20:40 PM
The stench of the boy about my actual age who came up asking about Natia made my nose wrinkle displeasurably. But it seemed he knew Natia. What was the connection?

"It seems Natia is well known. But how do you all know her?"

I was thinking some club, or Jedi, possibly, but I wasn't sure. Best to query than assume.

Leten Snat
Feb 13th, 2004, 02:50:20 PM
Leten smiles as he thinks of Natia

"I know because she is a friend of mine. She is a lovely young lady. Smart, beautiful, Eyes that could captivate your soul, and a body that would make the Angel Of Beauty jelouse. Her Skin is like Silk, and her voice sounds like music, music that makes my heart fly to the farthest corner of the gaxaxy with joy and happiness...."

As Leten talks he find leaning aganst a wall, and staring off into the sky, his mind holding to the thought of Natia, and not really realizing that he has gone rambling on about the way he sees her.

Shade Magus
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:47:40 PM
Shade stared at the boy for a moment before smiling.

"I know her because she was at the Jedi temple with me, and she is the daughter of an old freind."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 13th, 2004, 03:57:20 PM
Confirmed. Jedi.

My cybernetic eye took to focusing on Leten. Considering the description he attributes to Natia, this boy must love her...

And then my stomach grumbled, making me remember the reason I first started talking to Shade. It had been back when I was getting those stitches that I had last ate, and heaven only knows how long since I had eaten a decent meal. The Lockup certainly wasn't a restaurant.

"Mr. Magus...all of you...I would enjoy your company at lunch, so we may talk further. My stomach itself has begun to talk, and I would prefer to satisfy it before it begins to rattle like a rancor..."

I smiled earnestly. "Now, where to eat?"

Leten Snat
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:15:39 PM
Leten snaps his attention back to reality, and stands up strate.

"There is a nice place around the corner that has good food... Or at least they tend to throw out good food, so I guess the stuff they serve would be much better. The have a nice outdoor seeting area so that would meen that Poledra could even join us."

Leten looks at himself then says,,,

"Ummm... I'll be right back"

He hurries off to the spaceport's public washrooms and comes out just a few moments later, after having gotten himself cleaned up and changed into his spare set of clean clothing he keeps in his backpack.

Mordecai Lória
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:20:14 PM
Now both my eyes settled on Leten.

Smart one, he is.

"Outdoor patio? Great. The weather is fabulous today....And I just spent several weeks in transit. This place sounds like a good idea. Lead on, young sir."

Do I really talk like that? It felt wierd. But then again, I don't know. Even the recent past comes in short flashes. I'm lucky to remember my name...What's House Prinn, anyways?....

Leten Snat
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:33:03 PM
Leten goes to lead the way to the restraunt just around the corner as he walks he says...

"I've never been in the place before, but I'm sure the food is good. I the few days I was on the upper levels before the Jedi found me and took me in, I was finding some really good stuff in their dumpster out back. But I really haven't been back there for a while now."

Leten goes to lead the other into the nice restraunt around the corner. But as he enters the host approches him and says

"I'm sorry kid but we don't serve street vermin in here. Come back when you can pay for a meal"

Leten was reaching in to his pocket for the money he had just found today, saying..

"But sir I..."

The man doesn't listen, and just goes to push Leten out the door..

"I don't care what you found! Come back when you have money!

Mordecai Lória
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:44:18 PM
That man is pushing him around...Saying he can't come in. Next thing I knew, I was in front of the guy, in his face. As well dressed as I was, and as well-mannered as I seemed, I had this part of me that I had no control over.

"Excuse me, young sir." I said in a low voice as I moved him out of the way, and took care of this myself. "This young man is my guest." I wasn't sure of my age, but I looked 18, at least, and my body had a build not to be messed with. And I had innumerable creds to my name. Was this something to do with House Prinn? I hate not knowing myself.

Rachel... A voice in my head whispered. Who the hell is Rachel?

"Now, if you would be so kind as to allow us entrance to this establishment, I will forget your...impoliteness." All I said was said with an heightened air of...importance.

Leten Snat
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:48:31 PM
The man looks up and stops pushing Leten, understanding that he made a mistake.

"Of course, how many will you be dining with."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 13th, 2004, 04:53:56 PM
I looked to Shade, Spada and Poledra. "We'll take an outdoor patio seating so that our owl-friend can join us. Will you and your student be eating also, Mr. Magus?"

Feb 13th, 2004, 05:21:35 PM
*Poledra after abit, flys over to Leten's shoulder and grabs his clothing, settling herself there like she usually does on Natia's shoulder. She hoots in delight that he's here. Leten. Good kid. Makes her happy just thinking of him. Keep Leten and her together.

When the man starts pushing Leten around, she spreads her wings, careful not to hit Leten and does a loud screeching hoot at the guy that was pushing Leten, then the young man is in the guy's face so she settles herself back down on Leten's shoulder, tucking her wings to her side and hoots happily*

Shade Magus
Feb 13th, 2004, 07:36:31 PM
Shade nodded. He looked into te eyes of the man as he spoke.

"Yes I could go for some food. How about you Spada?"

Shade then moved his hand slowly in fron of the host.

"You feel very sorry for treating our young friend the way you did. In fact, complimentary drinks are in order."

All of a sudden the man's eyes go blank as he looks at Leten.

"I apologize young master. When you are ready then your table awaits. The first round of drinks are on the house.

Mordecai Lória
Feb 14th, 2004, 12:06:35 AM
Out of politeness, I allowed everyone to enter ahead of me.

"Go ahead. I'll bring up the rear, boys. Poledra...meet us at the patio, hmm?"

Feb 14th, 2004, 09:13:38 AM
*Poledra looks at the young man as he suggests that she meet them at the patio. She shakes herself slightly, keeping a grip on Leten's clothing as she does so, letting ppl know that she has no intention of meeting them at the patio, that she's going to remain where she is.

She then looks at the host with a challenging look*

Feb 14th, 2004, 11:22:09 AM
Spada followed Shade to the patio table.

Mind Trick. He does that good. Ill have to ask him sometime.

Settling himself down, he took off his cloak and put it on the back of his chair. He left he menu on the table and waited for the others to arrive and sit.

Mordecai Lória
Feb 14th, 2004, 04:20:25 PM
Shrugging at the owl, I smiled.

"Alright then. Suit yourself."

Soon enough, we were all at the table, and seated. I looked at nobody in particular, but spoke loud enough for my company to hear.

"Gorgeous day, isn't it?"

Leten Snat
Feb 14th, 2004, 10:21:11 PM
Leten walks over to the table after gently petting Poledra a few time and letting her know that everythings going to be fine, and that he is use to that kind of treatment. He was slightly suprised that the man apologized to him, but just takes things in stride.

When the man asks what people will be drinking after they have reached the table, Leten says...

"I'll have two glasses of cold water, no ice, and one empty shallow bowl, so I can let my friend drink." Leten says as he pets Poledra alittle more.

As he picks up the menu, he looks up at Mordecai saying..

"The weather is nice. I just hope that the people at weather control don't make it rain on us."

Feb 15th, 2004, 12:09:48 PM
*Poledra settles herself on Leten's should as he pets her. After arriving at the table, she hops off of Leten's shoulder and onto the table, taking a spot right next to Leten. Kind boy Leten is. Thinks of me as well. That's good. Weather nice, but no forest. Miss forest.

She starts to preen her feathers as others talk*

Shade Magus
Feb 15th, 2004, 03:42:43 PM
Shade nods in agreement as he picks up his menu.

"I second that one. It would be a shame if this weather ended."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:03:22 AM
"Yes. After all my years on a block of ice, this warmth is a nice change."

Parusing the menu I said nothing more for a time. The others talked amongst themselves, discussing events of the day, their schedules...Whatever was relevant to them. Next thing I knew, we were being asked our orders. The server asked me first. Probably because I looked so important. Like a bloody frellin' businessman.

"Hmm. I'll have the fettucine alfredo with a side of caeser salad and an iced tea, unsweetened, please. And a strawberry cheesecake for dessert."

My order was taken as well as the menu, and the server went on to the person next to me.

Leten Snat
Feb 18th, 2004, 01:22:18 PM
"I'll Have ummm...ummm... That" Leten says pointing to a picture in the menu of a nice big steak...

He looks at Poledra...

"Would you like anything?"

Feb 19th, 2004, 01:40:24 PM
*Poledra hoots softly in responce to Leten's question. She then knocks Leten's menu down to table by jumping at it. She then puts a taloned foot on the same picture as Leten did of the nice big steak*

Leten Snat
Feb 19th, 2004, 01:44:38 PM
Leten nods then looks up at the waiter

"My friend would also like the same thing I'm having. I would like mine, being medum rare, and I think my friend would like her's as close to raw as you are aloud to serve it."

The waiter nods, obvously not liking the Idea of serving a Bird a grade A steak, but moves on to the others.

Shade Magus
Feb 19th, 2004, 03:00:57 PM
Shade smiled at Poledra and Leten.

"I'll also have the same, except make mine well done. Also a glass of tea, with honey."

Feb 19th, 2004, 04:49:35 PM
When the waiter came to Spada, he waved his hand. The waitor then picked up his menu and walked off to get their meals (is that all). Spada looked to everyone and asked,

"So, Mordecai, where do you hail from?"

Mordecai Lória
Feb 20th, 2004, 11:29:20 PM
I'd already answered that for Shade. Perhaps Spada here wasn't listening the first time. I'll be fair.

"I come from a planet by the name of Phuiit. Think of an ice cube that won't melt and its inhabitants are just as stubborn and harsh and you have my..."

There's more than that... A buried voice in my mind told me. I shook my head, ignoring it, and finished my sentence.

"..you have my home."

Leten Snat
Feb 23rd, 2004, 04:22:14 PM
"I was born in Coruscant's lower levels on floor 3. My mother died brining me into the world and my father was killed in a gang war. I ended up raising myself from the age of 4 years old and up, living off of salvage. I was good enough at finding salvage that a salvage yard on floor 101 got me to sign a contract with them, and I basicly found salvage for them brought it to a degesnated location, and they would pick it up, paying me about twice what they would have normaly. last year I finished my last contract with the salvage yard and decided to explore the uper floors, and I got discovered by the GJO, so now i'm in training with them and still do some salvaging on my off time."

Shade Magus
Feb 24th, 2004, 03:04:41 PM
"Well.....I was born a long way from here, but I was raised on a planet named Gaea. You may or may not have heard of it, but it was a very beautiful planet."

Mordecai Lória
Feb 25th, 2004, 04:44:53 PM
I was twirling up some of the pasta on my fork, then putting it in my mouth, chewing it, digesting it...Thinking about a beautiful planet, like the one Shade would have grown up on. But I just couldn't concieve of it. The only planet that came to mind, that I could think of...that I knew, was Phuiit, and its plain white, cold, desolate iceplains.

"I can't imagine such a place." I said, looking at Shade. "All i've known is snow and ice and the vegetation able to survive in such harsh, desolate conditions as Phuiit, and everything but temperate worlds. I'm well trained for inhospitable planetary makeups and atmospheres, and piloting anywhere."

Well, good. I knew I was a pilot, and combat trained.

More than you know, pal...

Ok, if anything, that blasted voice was getting on my nerves. Sure, it was a reminder that not all was what it seemed with my life, and in my mind, but it had the worst knack for interrupting my thoughts.

Leten Snat
Feb 26th, 2004, 10:32:51 AM
Leten Smiles at the waiter when the steaks for him and Poledra are placed in front of him. He looks at Poledra as he cuts a peice off his steak..

"Poledra, Would you like me to cut you steak for you? And if so would you like strips or chunks?"

Mar 1st, 2004, 10:18:07 AM
*Poledra hoots positvely when asked if she would like her steak cut into chunks. Gotten lazy with being with her. She gives me food so I not have to hunt. Though can't answer there question on where I'm from. They not understand me*

Leten Snat
Mar 1st, 2004, 02:34:27 PM
Leten smiles at Poledra, as he cuts Her steak in to small chunks for her.

Shade Magus
Mar 8th, 2004, 01:34:28 PM
Shade took his steak and slowy cut it up and pured a steak sauce over it. When he put the first piece in his mouth he smiled as the taste washed over him.


Mordecai Lória
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:39:34 PM
I took a long, refreshing sip of the iced tea.

The food here is good. I'll have to keep this place in mind...

"I'm guessing all of you are Jedi of one level or another, then."

I asked this question calmly. And after that, several other less kinder questions popped into my mind. Part of Phuuit's interrogation training. But I didn't know that. Or did I?

Back on Phuuit, men such as the ones before me were interrogated if captured, locked up, and used as test-subjects in Phuuit science. Like animals. I felt confused knowing these things, but I knew all was not as it seemed with my life and in my mind, so I think i've gotten used to random knowledge popping up. I've figured that it was all part of my past....

I looked disturbed for a moment, but then it faded, and I smiled to cover for myself.

Don't let them ask questions about it, Kai...

And again, I sipped my iced tea.

Shade Magus
Mar 8th, 2004, 02:47:45 PM
Shade nodded as he took a sip of his own tea and then another bite of his steak.

"Yes, we are."

Mordecai Lória
Mar 11th, 2004, 02:23:57 PM
I played with my pasta. I was more interested in information at the moment, grasping at anything that might help me remember things about myself.

"That's great. You like it...being a Jedi, I mean?"

Twirling the noodles onto my fork, I put the fork in my mouth, and munched the delicious pasta off of it. Then I went for the salad.

Shade Magus
Mar 14th, 2004, 11:56:53 PM
"I do."

Leten Snat
Mar 15th, 2004, 02:01:14 PM
"For me It's not all that diffrent of a life from what I had before, aside from the fact that I have a roof over my head, and food when I want it. I've only had a few classes, but I would have to say it's better then being a street boy."

Apr 1st, 2004, 02:19:24 PM
*Poledra grabs a piece of her steak her in beak and quickly gobbles it up before grabbing a second piece, completely ignoring the conversation which is going on around her, but listening enough to hear of her name, or Natia's name is mentioned*