View Full Version : Enlightened Conversation

R. S. Esalis
Feb 5th, 2004, 02:52:22 PM
It was a rather spartan office, bare of extraneous trappings and the usual decor that was seen in the other offices throughout the Inquisitoriate's headquarters. An elegant teekwood desk stained a deep red with an impeccably spotless glass surface, stood like an immovable object set back towards the far end of the room. It was free of any sort of clutter save for a single file and two datapads resting atop it - the rest of the surface's expanse was spotless. Two leather chairs sat before the desk while one remained behind, the two infront unoccupied for the moment.

The walls were bare, save for a single painting on the wall off to the left, below which stood a small cabinet, the wood matching that of the desk and a decantur of Arkanian Brandy resting atop it. No sort of plant, priceless vase, or any other sort of decoration could be found in the office.

Illuminated by a soft glow from the ceiling lights, the entire room gave off an air of disciplined, asthetic sterility.

And that was just how R. S. Esalis liked things to be. Order, precision, and discipline. That was how she lived. The woman despised chaos, or unruliness in any form, which brought her to her current situation. She sat silent, slightly leaning back in her chair, waiting for her next meeting.

One could only guess how this exchange would take place, and she idly wondered just how the two would react to one another.

Major Veelin Tossek.

And Loklorien s'Ilancy.

This next meeting would certainly prove to be enlightening.

Veelin Tossek
Feb 6th, 2004, 06:27:02 PM
The shuttle trip had not been a comfortable one, and his eyes were red with exhaustion. Veelin Tossek paused at the door to straighten his uniform before pressing the door chime. He heard a muted electronic sound from inside the office, followed shortly by a woman's voice.


He restrained a sense of annoyance at the notion of having been summoned here without any sort of explanation, opened the door, stepped inside and came quickly to attention.

"Madam Inquisitor," he said evenly, saluting.

"I suppose you'll be so kind as to tell me what the frell I'm doing here now," the thought went unspoken.

R. S. Esalis
Feb 6th, 2004, 07:10:03 PM

R. S. Esalis looked up to Major Veelin Tossek, taking in his pristine appearence and returned his salute with one of her own before motioning for him to sit. It was true, she hadn't given the man any sort of information as to why she had wished to see him, but in her mind, that didn't matter. He was here, and she was content to give him the information he more than likely had been wanting since first recieving her request for a meeting.

Her hand went to the datapads, removing them from the file before sliding it across to the Major. Tucked neatly inside were hardcopy pictures taken of an animal roaming the countryside and even parts of the woods surrounding a small city.

"Tell me, Major, do you know what that is?"

Veelin Tossek
Feb 6th, 2004, 07:26:30 PM
Veelin sat, and narrowed his eyes as he looked over the pictures.

"I can't say that I've had the displeasure of coming across that species, Madam Inquisitor. I presume a Civil Patrol team was able to subdue the beast in short order. An autopsy report might prove enlightening."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 6th, 2004, 07:53:46 PM
A thin smile, and a shake of her head.

"No Major. No autopsy report. This creature is very much alive, and very much enjoying the freedom allowed to her."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Freedom that I intend to take away .

"There are two smaller pictures in the pocket of that file, Major. Look at them."

The pictures were of a woman, small, wiry, blonde/brunette hair long, and her mouth almost always in a perpetual grin that seemed to hide something. The resolution in the photos was superb, and even the odd metallic sheen of her eyes had been captured.

She was recognizable though, easily so. It was Loklorien s'Ilancy - Duchess Loklorien s'Ilancy, to be exact.

"That, Major, is the vornskr."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:11:48 PM
He frowned. This was thought-provoking, to say the least. If sub-humans were able to go unnoticed throughout the Empire, the repercussions could be....

"Massively destabilizing," he whispered.

If the Rebellion were to get hold of such a creature, its spies would gain an immeasurable advantage. Containment could be set back for decades.

"If this is so," he said softly, "This creature poses an incalculable threat to the Empire."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 6th, 2004, 08:20:51 PM
"Herein lies the problem however," Esalis said, her voice devoid of any emotion as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk's surface. "Grand Admiral Desaria knows of this. And he still gives her free reign within Imperial space and Imperial worlds. He seems to look beyond the fact that this woman is not up to human standards, instead allowing to keep her estate and title."

She paused for a moment, then went on. "I called you here because you are the head of Sub-Human containment. It is your job to make sure that inferiors such as this remain in their place within society.

"Furthermore, the fact that she is known to participate in countless illegal activities seems to matter little to the Grand Admiral. I do not care that she helped the Sovereignty grow by procurring Star Destroyers for the fleet. She is not a human, and therefore not entitled to the privilages she has been given.

"Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this.

"Which is why I called you."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 15th, 2004, 01:49:09 AM
Veelin shifted in his seat. This was getting a bit uncomfortable. Why him? What did Esalis mean, there was nothing she could do about it? Just how much trouble would he be in with the Grand Admiral?

"What do you want me to do?" he breathed, "And what kind of hot water am I going to get in for doing it?"

R. S. Esalis
Feb 15th, 2004, 01:59:31 AM
"You won't be getting in any sort of trouble - your job is to monitor sub-humans. And Loklorien s'Ilancy is a sub-human. And an unregistered one at that. She refused to go through the process, therefore has no rights."

Esalis leaned forward a little, continuing.

"It is completely within your jurisdiction to keep watch over sub-humans - especially those who aren't registered. Ms. s'Ilancy is known to behave erratically, so continued surveillance is a necessary thing.

"Is that simple enough? I can imagine even you yourself would like to see her second form for yourself - just the sight of her changing, perhaps?" A slight smile. "Only two men on this planet has seen this - Desaria and de Nostradaum - and I have read from their reports that it is quite a sight."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:46:03 AM
He shook his head. He had no interest in seeing a sub-human change into anything, nor of observing any other inhuman parlor tricks which others might find fascinating. He also had no desire to incur the wrath of a Grand Admiral, a man who surely had the capability to transcend the law and reduce a relatively diminutively ranked Major to utter destitution, should he choose to do so.

His eyes stared neutrally down at the teekwood desk as he thought. This is a risky game you play, Inquisitor Esalis, one which surely consumes many Junior officers such as myself. I'll be frelled if I'm to lose my commission or even my life to a game of intrigue by the Grand Admiral's court.

"Ma'am, I know perfectly well that it's legal to monitor sub-humans, but with one who is apparently intimately acquanted with the Grand Admiral, special care must be taken to ensure that he's not...offended. Madam Inquisitor, I'm afraid I'm going to have to have these orders in writing if I'm to continue."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:55:29 AM
A smile slowly formed, and Esalis tapped a finely manicured hand on the desktop.

"But of course. It would only be prudent of you to require such a thing."

A knock came at the door then, and The High Inquisitor smiled once more, only this time it was to herself. She knew who stood outside of her office, and it was with growing anticipation that she found herself mildly excited by the exchange that would soon take place.


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:05:06 AM
Without waiting another second she opened the door. A part of her didn't want to be here at all - her luncheon with Anar had gone bad enough, she didn't need to be talking with the High Inquisitor of the Sovereignty's Inquisitoriate.

But an invitation was an invitation, and s'Il figured she'd might as well entertain. Seemed that she was all of a sudden the popular person on Thyferra in certain circles - and it was the absolutely wrong circles, in her mind.

So, she made her utmost effort to put forth the best impression possible -

- and therefore strolled lazily into Esalis' office in nothing more than a grease-stained tshirt, black pants, and a pair of aged flight boots. Her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders and she wore a pair of orange tinted sunglasses which were taken off soon after entering the office.

The Lupine took in the man already sitting, just his smell making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. She could already tell that he wasn't the sort of person she really wanted to get to know, and as such, her mood instantly soured.

Veelin Tossek
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:54:15 AM
What the frell? he thought, looking through his peripheral vision as he maintained his neutral gaze. That woman looked exactly like the one in the file. What sort of an operation is Esalis running? His nostrils flared as he took in the scent of what must have been a speeder's whole tank of lubricating oil on the creature's t-shirt, and waited.

R. S. Esalis
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:00:25 AM
Just the initial look on Tossek's face was enough to almost make her laugh. Instead, Esalis only smiled genially at the Lupine.

"Why Ms. s'Ilancy, so nice to see you - please, have a seat. Allow me to introduce you to Major Tossek.

"Major, may I present Duchess Loklorien s'Ilancy."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:07:36 AM
The Lupine lowered her small frame into the offered seat, once again looking at the man - Tossek. He looked about as happy to be here as she did. She had a speeder up on blocks right now, waiting on her to get back so she could replace not only its oilpan, but one of the repulser generators as well. As it was, the job was only half done.

s'Il blinked. The man looked so genuinely displeased to be here that she almost felt sorry for him. but not as sorry as she felt for herself at being in the same situation almost. And so, she said the first thing that came to her mind...

"You should take a vacation."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 16th, 2004, 03:23:34 AM
He snorted, thinking it best to maintain some level of sociality while still keeping on his guard. He stared at her through squinted eyes and would have kissed her hand, but thought better of it when he noticed the large grease stains which adorned them. His heart returned to its normal pace when he realized that his sidearm was safely in its holster, and he returned his gaze to the desk, smacking his lips nonchalantly.

"The last time I went on vacation, the resort I was staying at was bombarded from orbit by a rebel star cruiser. I was one of nearly a dozen survivors," he put a hand to his forehead, rubbing it. "I'm never going there again."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 16th, 2004, 08:29:15 PM
Already things were going as she expected them to, and Esalis allowed herself an inner smile of self-satisfaction.

"Ms. s'Ilancy, I actually called you here to discuss the reason as to why you haven't yet registered as a... non-human. Major Tossek here is head of Sub-Human Containment and is curious about that as well."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2004, 11:32:32 PM
Sub-Human Containment... ???

Instantly the Lupine was on the defensive, her hands balled into fists as she tensed her body just a little bit.

"I've already gone through this with your chancellor - I don't need - nor want - to register. Now. If you people keep jumping my case about this then I will start being a menace - "

She heard a sharp intake from Tossek, and wheeled on him, pointing a finger at him. "And you - you keep to your own. Don't even think about touching me or harassing me. I leave everyone on this planet well enough alone, I don't need you in my business at all."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 20th, 2004, 03:34:01 AM
Veelin continued to stare down at the desk as he was verbally assailed by the sub-human, and kept his cool. When she was done, he exhaled irritatedly and replied.

"Your outburst does you no credit. If personal freedom is something you value at all then you must report for registration and comply with government policies, just like everyone else. Your...affiliation..with high-ranking members of the Sovereignty does not afford you the possession of rights exceeding those of the average citizen. If anything, you must be held to higher standards."

He turned now to look at the young woman, his gaze neutral and unflinching.

"If the time comes that your freedom is perceived as a hindrance to the Sovereignty rather than a great benefit, then at that time it shall be revoked. And currently it is in the best interest of the Sovereignty that you be registered. There is a war going on as you well know, and our primary concern is security."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 20th, 2004, 03:56:32 AM
"Major Tossek speaks the truth, Ms. s'Ilancy. You are "nobility", and as such must put forth a shining example for other non-humans."

The High Inquisitor frowned then. "I would hate for the Major to have to take you into custody over something that could be easily avoided. It is better for all if you simply register yourself."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 20th, 2004, 04:07:46 AM
She snorted. "Oh I'm sure you would," was her only grumbled answer before glaring at Tossek.

"If you have a problem with my freedom, then you can take it up with Desaria. He seems to have no qualms with me and my behavior; I haven't killed anyone or hurt anyone.

"I'm not about to just roll over and let you two bully me - and I'll be damned if I let you put a collar on me."

The Lupine glowered, rage in her eyes as she continued to look at Tossek, locking eyes with him. "I'm not registering."

Veelin Tossek
Feb 20th, 2004, 04:25:44 AM
Tossek returned the gaze, but not the rage.

"I do hope you'll reconsider. You can do this of your own volition, or you can be forced into it while in Imperial custody."

R. S. Esalis
Feb 23rd, 2004, 05:54:28 PM
Esalis nodded. "I'm inclined to agree with Major Tossek, Ms. s'Ilancy. Either you will register freely now, or you will be registered while in custody.

"Whether you want to be or not."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 23rd, 2004, 06:03:16 PM
She slouched in the chair then, glaring at Esalis. The woman was an absolute witch.

"Does Desaria know that you're doing this? Using scare tactics to try and get me to do something I don't want - nor need - to do?

"I don't really care if theres some standard I have to set."

Her fingers curled around the ends of the chair's armrests as she sat. Brows knitted in muted anger now, the Lupine let it build slowly within her, and slowly, involuntarily, her hands began to change. The morph was almost negligible, but if one looked, it was evident that the bones and muscles of her hands were shifting beneath the skin.