View Full Version : Black Hearts {Kelt}

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 4th, 2004, 10:51:36 PM
Scouring the battlefield the vampyre stepped over the many dead bodies. Soldiers who would not be returning home to there families and loved one's. There was blood everywhere but none was palaple to the Dark Lord. He did not feed off the dead and dying. A weak voice and a raised hand caught Dalamar attention. Crouching down he saw a man was fading from this life. A blood stained letter rested in his hand "Ggive this to my wife, tell her I love her and that I'm sorry." with that the poor ragged soul died.

Dalamar took the letter and spoke silently "I will, I promise."
There was a camp nearby travelling past the death and stench he headed in that direction. Walking on the outer wall he breached the camp defenses. He was keeping a low profile and blended in with the night no part in startling anyone over a letter he wasn't here to feed anyway.

He heard the moans of the hurt and wounded as he entered into the tented area. A temporary place to give medical attention to the soldiers. Walking in to one of the larger tents he had planned to leave the letter where it could be seen.

He heard the soft moan of a female and looked further into the room, There he saw a woman in soft white cotton a wound in her hip. Suddenly his senses came alive!!

Having delivered the letter he moved toward her. She tried to raise up but in a fit of pain she passed out. Dalamar slipped closer and looked at her, she was indeed beautiful and lovely. "Sorry milady you escaped the battle but have lost the war," With that Dalamar scooped up the female. She would be most appetizing company once made well. But if she failed to entertain then there was always the blood.....

Once over the wall he was gone into the fading darkness....

Feb 6th, 2004, 03:46:42 PM


The arrow that hit her had slammed into her lower thigh by total chance. A volly of arrows had been fired from the aposing force and of course she being on savic back and elevated above the foot warriors she was to get the most chance of being hit, and was.

She fell from her steed and crashed down upon her own sheild. Her head slammed hard into the wood and she was thrown in a darkness within her own mind, her eyes rolled and then she was gone.

It all happned so quickly.

A dream of such force played musically through her mind, she walked the edge of a sea cliff top, bright yellow flowers rocked gently in the wind as she brushed by them the soft petals caressing her skin, it was so pretty so peacefull. And then she saw a figure upon the edge of the cliff, a man. He was dressed in green and brown garb a insignia of a captian of Aarchim upon his brest, the white tree with stars above.

He had soft brown hair that waved just to his shoulders, a gentle face full of kidness but sadness. He was looking towards the sea, a sad smile playing across his lips. He turned towards her as Millagan approached, a happy smile broke from his face, a so she smiled to, smiled for the first time in many a month, it was him!..it was the Captain of Aarchim, her love...her fiance!

' Is that you Ke- AHh!'

Pain sliced through her leg, she opned her eyes so quickly the lights from the candle light blinded her and she sheilded her eyes. The pain was so intence it felt as if it was burning a hole right through her leg. The arrow had been extracted and the blood stopped but people still fussed about her trying to clean her wound.

' Go, get out of here, go!' she shouted with the best of her might, and with that order the few healers slipt from the tent and vanished. Millgaan flopped down onto her back against the wolf skins and closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly, perhaps shed find that man again, it looked like her love, she so missed him.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 6th, 2004, 04:17:53 PM
The young beauty thrashed in his arms lost in some dream. Where her mind was he didn't know and didn't care. She was his now and soon she would know it. Loading her onto his skimmer he whisked away from there. The Nagari a race of cannibals fed happily in the other room. The body parts he had gathered for them from the battlefield seemed to satisfy them well. The sound of torn bone and sinew filled the cabin area.

Soon she would wake up and then her nightmare would begin!!!

Feb 7th, 2004, 04:12:03 AM
A dull throbbing permeated the dream veil that clouded her mind. Slowly, and regrettably, she awoke to the pain of a limited existence; body stiff and immobile. The nauseating stench of dead flesh filled her nostrils. With effort to fight back the bile rising in her throat, she clamped her hand over her mouth and nostrils. In the quiet she could hear wet visceral grunts and the tearing of what she presumed was flesh. Even in the darkness, she could tell she was no longer on the battlefield. Had she been captured? It seemed as such. Standing, let alone sitting, seemed impossible. She was trapped and she knew it.

It dawned on her then that she was not alone.

“Who’s there?!”

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 7th, 2004, 10:53:31 PM
"I AM!!! The vamprye spoke in a course whisper do not be afraid, you are perfectly safe aboard this vessel". It was dark in the room only the two red hot coal eyes of the Warlord could be seen in the inky blackness. I did not come for you yet I have you, something about you intrigue's me. I have seen female warriors before but the spark the fire in your eyes has somehow attracted my attention. Not something many people want I grant you. But nevertheless you have it.

The lady heard the Warlord snap his fingers and someone came out of the gloomy darkness and mishapen figure with clammy white skin and a cold touch, he tilted a sweet cool liquid to her throat. "Drink, drink, said the Dark Lord in the background you need to conserve your strength if you are to get better.

"Now, tell me more about yourself and tell me why I think more highly of your than I should. Don't lie to me, I will know if I hear one, and it would displease me greatly." The Razor blade smile that he gave left no doubt that he spoke the truth. :smokin

Feb 11th, 2004, 12:05:56 PM
"Lie? Ha. I wouldn't even grace you with that. You'll hear nothing from me, Tridon spy," Milligan spat, as she looked up at the pale figure. She knew her enemies were demons, but she had never thought they would be so grotesque.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 14th, 2004, 10:18:46 PM
Dalamar smiled inwardly she reacted as he had thought she would. Was she to reveal herself to be a coward, he would have bled her and threw her to the Nagari. "You have made an error in judgement milady I am not a spy nor am I a "Tridon"

Dalamar sat back in his black leather chair his hands laced in front of him. "You are now in a whole different realm of experience. I think I will add your soul to my collection. A bauble that I will wear around my neck." The Nagari surronded the vampyre a monster on his throne of death. The loud feeding was all that could be heard the vampyre let his words trail off into the darkness. The deathly silence permeated the ship......

Feb 21st, 2004, 05:55:59 AM
"You are a vile creature aren't you? Collecting the souls of others to sustain your existence. A parasite, nothing more," she said, adrenaline flooding through her body as her heart began thudding louder and louder in her chest.

"Who do you work for? What is it that you want with me? Indulge me this much."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 23rd, 2004, 11:15:33 PM
Her HEART!! It was about to explode out of her chest, such passion such heart. Her body seemed like fragile gossimer.

Milligan spoke quickly "Who do you work for? What is it that you want with me? Indulge me this much."

"What do I want? Dalamar put his hand high up on her leg his thumb on her inner thigh. He could feel the the blood flow thru the large vein that resided there. "I have what I want." She tried to move his hand but she might as well been trying to move stone. The vampyre loosened his grip he was not trying to intimidate her after all. Brushing his hand across her cheek gently his manner grew soft. I apologize, I mean to make you mine....He wet his lips with the blood from her wound. It made even his undead heart beat a little harder...

Feb 29th, 2004, 02:39:05 PM
She winced, taking a short ragged breath and trying to look anywhere but down at the ungodly demon. Her heartbeat rang in her ears so loudly now, sound the of the blood pumping around her body, escaping from the hairline wound that the man- no, creature - had made and was now brushing his lips too. Her whole body was trembling ever so slightly and as much as she wanted to resist, to push him away, she could not move a micron. “Leech,” she hissed in a breathless voice, unable to rationally explain why she was so overcome with emotion and more worryingly with a sickening want for the gaunt man.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 6th, 2004, 09:20:18 PM
She trembled under his grip, her hunted eye's stared back into his the unwanted desire already starting to show...

"Do not be afraid." The vampyre spoke softly. She tensed as he lowered his head, his teeth buried deep into the soft flesh of her inner thigh. Her body jolted but Dalamar held her firmly. The life blood in her heart pounded!! No thundered ready to explode out of her chest like a wanton beast. She thrashed her apetite for the pleasure he was giving her was insatiable. Desire inflamed them both bordering on pain as the vampyre filled Milligan with the darkness of his soul.

Bathed in sweat she whimpered and moaned beneath the Warlord's gentle touch. Washing over her in ever increasing blood red waves of pleasure. She arched her back and her legs stiffened as the blood call was layed upon her. Her soul slowly being attached to his.

He placed his hand on her, to steady her rythmic movements. Suddenly she exhaled a sharp, short breath.

Raising her head she looked up. The blood filled her eye's as the fire of the the call filled her veins like white hot acid. "Miatso Viendor Elioso." she said Dalamar smiled. Not even knowing the words she had spoken he knew she was his.......

Mar 7th, 2004, 11:17:10 AM
Crimson haze blinded her, and she saw swirling all manner of runes and symbols. It was like some kind of unholy possession, her whole body taken over by the blood. Finally, when it seemed she could stand no more, her body feel limp. The hold slipped away and the veil vanished from her eyes. Exhaustion overcame her weak body, as she struggled to breathe. Her limbs were drooping as her sides, as she allowed her eyes to close.

“What… manner… of sorcery…” she managed to say, before she could speak no more.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2004, 05:43:08 AM
Dalamar carried her limp form to the master bedroom. There laying on the blood red silk sheets she would recover. Her fighting spirit would not be dominated...

Instead she was given the blood call, always to know that she belonged to Dalamar. Crossing his legs and sitting at the end of the bed he chanted old Sith magic. The mixture of the blood and the magic washed over her making her even more bonded to the Dark Sith Lord. Purple lightning coalesed around the figure as he was lost in deep rythmic chanting he would remain so until she awoke....reveling in the POWER of the darkside...

Mar 9th, 2004, 02:52:27 PM
Milligan awoke with a start, a feeling of disorientation taking prominence in her mind. Then her eyes came upon Dalamar, and all recollection returned. “You bastard!” she shouted without thought, grabbing a pillow from the bed and hurling it at the vampire.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 9th, 2004, 11:54:07 PM
The pillow floated in the air held by the power of the darkside. Then with a gesture it covered her face. She fought only for a second as the vampyre smiled the pillow fell. "You are mine body and soul Milligan, but do not fear it is not as hated a thing as you might think."

Placing his hand on her soft thigh she cringed away, but his touch was not unpleasant, more like feathers going up her back. Pulling her close he wrapped his strong arms around her." I will not hurt you my bold lady, You are now mine and I am yours, though I hold the reins. Eventually you will come to love the bond or not." he said slightly teasing her.

She stared with defiance in her eye's. But beneath that deep in some part of her the Warlord could sense the want growing. "Yes, you will do well indeed...."

Mar 10th, 2004, 10:01:10 AM
“I am not yours, and you will never feel anything but hatred from me,” her brow was knitted into a deep frown as her eyes searched his face for some explanation. “Why have you done this? Is this your way of punishing me?”

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:24:49 PM
“Why have you done this? Is this your way of punishing me?”
Dalamar stepped back "Punish you!? Milady I have joined you with me it is not a punishment."

"I search for those souls who have the fighting spirit, coupled with a certain amount of innocence. It helps me tame the blood rage that from time to time can consume a vampyre. In return you will be healthier if a little bit more bloodthirsty. Also we will always know where the other is."

Placing his hand on her heart gently. "Am I so horrible?" Look into my eyes and behold the wonders of the Universe." She exhaled sharply as the world of the past started to open before her...

She saw as if she herself was there. She looked down at her hands they where Dalamar's black gloved talons, they where truly joined as one in a memory in the past.

She saw the Mother, and Father his golden headpiece encrusted in gems. They sat on one solid gold and silver throne. Silver for the mother and gold for the father. Unmovable as stone they sat there. The Masks on there faces hiding all emotion. On one side flanking them the Assryian, and on the Other Dalamar. Like two sides of the same coin. One light and the other Dark. A Cymol crashed. Some event was unfolding for all to see. Looking thru the Warlords eyes she paid close attention...

The deep thick voice of the Father could be heard as he spoke in a baratone voice of command. "Come Forth" Actually what she heard was "TEsla Vierot" but she understood it all.

Two guards appeared in head dresses that resembled the Egyptian God Annubis. The dog head. They dragged a mere frightened human before the great Lords of the Dark...

She trembled in submissiveness, begging already for her life. Milligan could feel the tug of Dalamar's heart as he reached out for her inwardly. Longing to save her. To pull her from the floor and deliver her from the impending judgement. He only stood passively even though the inner turmoil was raging in his heart.

The great Lord of Dark spoke in his thick accent.. "What is her crime Regent?"
"She was caught in a vampyre's quarters untamed sir, she was not food or on buisness we believe she is a pet." Instantly Milligan agian knew what was meant.. Pet meant lover, She also knew that at this time it was forbidden.

The Father sat silently for a great while, when he spoke it thundered with power...

"Very well Dalamar kill her and take her from our prescence you know such things are not allowed!" Dalamar spoke hesitantly knowing that the father knew she was his. "But... He begun but he knew it was useless. Moving towards the female blood red tears filled his eye's. The pitiful tear stained eyes looked up at him. filling with hope that somehow Dalamar would protect her, her Lover would save her. "Look away Micha, please look away!"

Dalamar pleaded he knew she would die. He wept bitterly knowing that he had to kill her. Also knowing full well that if he didn't the Father would only drag out her death far past the endurance that any human could take. She grabbed his legs crying in her own toungue "PLEASE protect me, Please she sobbed. His own tears fell joining with hers. He turned around and dropped to one knee. "Father please spare her, I love her, I will turn her my self. I will take her in only please spare her life Father!"

He stood up the red and gold robes flowed around him like crimson claws they billowed in the wind. "Very well Dalamar you dissapoint me. Assryian?" Dalamar pulled his swords "No!! It not right." The Father turned his head "NO!!!!??" "You flaunt my laws then tell me NO!!" Lightning filled the sky and thunder cracked the sky above them. The Fathers voice Echoed off the grand hall and the pillars shook. "Guards restrain him, Assryian kill her!!!"

The Warlord killed the guard that reached for him cutting his head off neatly. Then Dalamar scooped up Micha and started to run down the stairs. The Assryian blocked his way His green eye's looked at Dalamar. Don't do this brother you will undo everything, Stop now and the Father will forgive you. Only hand me the female. Let me do, what MUST be done.

Just then Milligan snapped out of it, the vision interupted.

Mar 17th, 2004, 09:23:02 AM
There was a long silence. She was drugged, she had to be. How else could she have seen such sights? Was this creature also a Force user? It made her head hurt to think of it. She felt dizzy once more, but not so much so that she feared fainting. This was more of a giddiness, that she could not account for. With a ragged breath, she shook her head. “You will not have my sympathy…” she said in a shaky voice. “I am no part of your past, as you are no part of mine. The blood of your loss is not on my hands,” she said, her tone loosing its sharp angered edge, and gaining one almost akin to empathy. After all, she too had lost one dear to her heart… Kelt.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 21st, 2004, 06:59:50 PM
Micha... Dalamar looked at his hands "I, I had forgotten." The vampyre turned away he did not want Milligan to see his weakness. "Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard we try... How can something so good have gone so bad..."

He had felt that somehow he could have saved her. He had tried but she was scared and hurt so she ran. She wouldn't trust him. Having seen him raise his hand she thought that was what was in his heart... to hurt, to wound.

So wounded, so lost, so doomed. He could do nothing she panicked and ran into the arms of the Assryian. A beguiling force of death. Thinking she found salvation, all she found was suicide. He brutally murdered her. My Micha, how I loved you so.. how I wanted only to wrap you in my arms and protect you and save you, but you would not. She trembled in the end asking for pity,help,mercy I could not help her. She was in the cluthces of the Assryian, he would take her to hell. She was blind to her destination knowing only the that her heart felt cold and empty.

Dalamar pleaded but he knew no one would hear. No one cared. To much hurt, to much pain had happened everyone was numb the Warlord incuded. The children stood to the side crying why cold hearts killed all love, all hope. The Assryian smiled truimphantly doing a little dance. And why not, had he not stolen what was not his.

Dalamars eyes flared bright red and lightning crackled in them. "I will bleed you Assryian. I swear by the Dark Lords you will pay!!!"

Milligan could see the purple lightning caress the Warlord's body as his clenched fist was raised in anger.

"He turned to Milligan. The Assryian wears my Micha's soul like a bauble around his neck. For that and many other sins he must pay."

Mar 22nd, 2004, 09:53:22 AM
What was the man raving about? Milligan felt her frustration building, as he lamented over past losses, vowing apparent revenge on some old foe. “This has nothing to do with me! Why can’t you see that!” she shouted, almost hysterical.

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2004, 01:10:57 PM
"Nothing to do with you? You are mistaken Milligan. You are a decendant of Micha's for some reason I think the Assryian will be hunting you also. I have found you first quite by accident or maybe by some universal design I do not know."

Dalamar used the force to calm her... Shocked at the revelation that he just now received to the identiny of Milligan.

Thats why she saw the events of the past, her blood calling to her ancient ancestors. The Warlord was shocked such things were new in his experience. But this time he would be prepared... The Assryian would not get her.

"Do not fear Milligan, I will protect you. I will not fail you as I did Micha."

"Rest now Milligan rest and have peace."

Mar 29th, 2004, 12:08:31 PM
“I will have no peace until I am free from your presence, monster,” she replied, closing her eyes as though to shut Dalamar out of her mind – yet his face still lingered in her thoughts. Her family, her heritage, lay not with this mans, but with her people, with Aarchim. She was sure of it.

Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 2nd, 2004, 01:31:27 AM
Milligan was asleep now her breathing went shallow as her body slipped into her dreams. Dalamar sat next to her bed his legs crossed. Slowing his breathing he called on the force, saturating himself with it. Ancient Sith magic flowed from his lips. The chanting mingled with the force empowering the vampyre for the task at hand. Opening his eyes they glowed red in the dim light as he filled himself with power. Reaching into her mind while she was asleep he used the blood tie to activate the vision again.

The veil of time folded back before him like a vision. Again he relived the events of the distant past. Taking himself back to the time where the memory was broken earlier. To the time of the confrontation. The Warlord had to relive the conflict had to study the past in hopes of finding some weakness in his enemy.

The Assryian blocked his way His green eye's looked at Dalamar." Don't do this brother you will undo everything, Stop now and the Father will forgive you. Only hand me the female. Let me do, what MUST be done."

Dalamar pushed Micha behind him. "No, Assryian she will not be yours nor the fathers. Its not right she must be allowed to live!"

The Assryian spoke in calm tones of death. "I have long wondered how I would stand up to you Dalamar. Both of us created by the Father with pride. Day and night of the same coin he called us. Vampyre Dalamar Warlord of the Dawn indeed. What a grandiose title he gave you. Merely calling me the Assryian because I would do any necessary brutality in his name. He said he named me after a once proud race of killers that at one time ruled the world!!"

"Give me the woman she will die you cannot stop it. Even if you defeat me she will go to her grave. The Father has commanded it. There is no salvation for her."

The Warlord knew that the time for words had passed. Bringing his Katana down he struck a killing blow at the Assryians head. Clapping his hands together he caught it. "Surely brother you can do better than that!!" Lightning crackled in his hand throwing the vampyre and Micha back. Dalamar scrambled to his feet quickly, he grabbed Micha's hand he continued to run down the stairs. They had to escape, he had to get her out of here! He turned to the left the Assryian was there, then to the right.

"Dang!! he was fast." Doing a spinning kick with his boot blade he caught the Assryian in the chest, Stunning him briefly. Pulling out his heavy bladed sword the Assryian and the Vampyres katana sparked in the dim light. A guard came up behind Micha reaching for her. The Vampyre fired his gauntlet Micha panicked thinking Dalamar was attacking her. The harpoon line struck the man behind her imbedding in his chest. The Assryian struck with the lightning again. Dalamars flesh burned as he was thrown again to the ground.

The vampyre heard the monotone voice of the Assryian speaking in her language. "Come to me, he's trying to kill you. Dalamar turned "No, Micha NOooooo!!!" The vampyre rose to help her. She looked at him with a pitiful look in her eyes. Dalamar knew it was to late he dropped to his knee's. The Assryian had her in his clutches. She screamed for Dalamar to have mercy, to save her. The Vampyre died inside knowing that she was now lost to him. The Assyrian grabbed her pulling her close in a lovers embrace, then calmly and without any emotion broke her neck. As her body fell his golden worked necklace sucked her soul into the tightly fitting medallion that he wore around his neck.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Dalamar reached out to Micha. He screamed her name, "Please no, not my Micha, please." Great pain filled the vampyre's heart without hesitation he lunged at the Assryian. His sword piercing the Medallion's core. "Silithium Beilios MEacha viedo Elios." Ancient magic old before the worlds began was spoken, forgotten magic, forbidden magic. A portal opened, this time it was the Assryians turn to scream as he was sucked body and Soul into the hole in space. Micado MISUSAAN KARSAllion PIchata... Dalamar spat blood as the hole in time and space closed on his enemy...

Reaching down he gently brushed Micha's hair away from her face. "So beautiful Micha, You will never know what I would have done for you. I could not save you, If only I could have." Dalamar wept bitterly crying great tears of blood. He picked up his friend, his lover and carried her away. "You are lost to me now. Even I can't save those whose soul is dead." The Fathers Death Watch Guards parted letting there former commander pass. He carried the body to the grand hall of Viscera. Laying her in a glass Sarcophagus under his family seal. He closed the lid....

The vision ended Dalamar looked at his hands, again the blood tears flowed freely. Again he spoke a vow. "He will not get you Milligan, I swear it, I SWEAR IT!!...