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Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 3rd, 2004, 09:47:25 PM
"Get a job."

The words rang in Cirrsseeto's vacuous head like a death sentence. He couldn't understand why Saa wanted him to find employment. Cizerack males traditionally looked after the homefront while the females worked. Then again, Saa didn't have the heart to tell him that money was tight. At first, he'd thought of it all as an adventure. But this job thing was harder than he thought!

1. The waiter job was a dismal failure. Not only could Cirr not read the menus, but should any of his customers successfully order, their entree likely never made it to the table. Cirr's stomach couldn't abide living off tip money. So that one was out.

2. Being a tour guide at the Stratoland theme park was equally disastrous. Without any real sense of direction, Cirr relied on his guests to do all the guiding. He didn't last two hours.

3. <strike>Cab driver</strike>. In discerning between brake and accelerate, Cirr claimed the lives of a half dozen lamp posts and one mailbox.

4. <strike>Restroom attendant</strike>. In a job beneath the mentally handicapped, Cirr wandered into the ladies room a few times too much for discretion's sake. Fired.

Near desperation, Cirr finally found work at a spaceport's loading dock. Under the employ of an unscrupulous man who was too tightfisted to pay for droid load-bearers, and thought paying illiterate Cizerack males below minimum wages was a stroke of business genius. Naturally, Cirr was none the wiser, and couldn't be happier.

There was nothing complex about picking up heavy things and moving them. You stacked heavy stuff on the bottom, light stuff on the top. This was apparrent, even to Cirr, who wasn't above having his right and left shoes feature color-coded differentiation. Heave-ho, heave-ho. Nobody on the entire dock could touch him. He worked circles around the other workers, and did it happily. No longer was he "idiot", "moron", or "chowderheaded Felix". He was Cirrsseeto, Master of the Loading Dock!

That was, until Tuesday. That day, Cirr arrived to work, same as the other days, carrying a sack lunch and singing some native tune absent-mindedly. Of course today, he had a slightly different job.

"Hey, uh, Cirr..." Boss looked a little nervous & pale. Cirr stopped what he was doing and turned towards him fully.

"jYesss?" he offered, ears turning forward attentively.

The boss looked sidelong, to a man in a dark coat and a wide-brimmed fedora. "Uhhh...I'd like you to meet a....friend....of mine. This is Mr. Jol."

The dark man didn't say a word, but it didn't stop Cirr.

The boss winced, as if worried that Cirrsseeto might cause some disaster by speaking alone. "Uhh...right. Now, Cirr, Mr. Jol is a special business partner of mine, and he has a very important job for you."

To emphasize, the boss drew out his words, as if worried that the basic would be lost in translation to moron. "VERRRY....IMPOOORRRTANT."

Cirr nodded vapidly in the affirmative, with a "this sounds great but I have no idea what you mean" smile on his face.

Mr. Jol stepped forward, his voice nasally, monotonous, and ominous, like some terribly cliched Orson Welles monologue.

<font size=-2>"I need you to watch over some special cargo, Cirrsseeto, the contents of which are mysterious and powerful, and the mystery of which is exceeded only by its power, you must do everything in your power to make sure that this cargo is safe, if you do you will be handsomely rewarded, if you do not, you will know suffering the likes of which you have never seen, I trust you will make the right decison Cirrsseeto, otherwise tomorrow shall be the winter of my discontent."</font>

After several long seconds of silence from Cirr, the boss chimed in.

"He...uh...agrees to everything you say, Mr. Jol."

Not seeing any reason to disagree, Cirr nodded, knowing only that he was supposed to keep an eye on some...thing. After being hurriedly led to a large black crate resting on pallet, Cirr was left to himself, both the bossman and the mysterious Mr. Jol disappearing into the maze of assorted cargo containers.

With a sigh, Cirr sat back on the pallet, looking at the black crate with clueless curiosity. Whatever it was, it must be really important to get such a great guy like himself to guard it.

Feb 4th, 2004, 01:10:01 PM
Moxi is on the scene with a set of headphones over her ears, talking into the microphone attached to them as if she were speaking to her coworkers elsewhere in the port.

"Yeah, I see. Okay boss."

"Boss" is her old man. He's got his eye on this thing...this whatever it is.

"There's a big, doofy Cizerack standing around it. Yeah. Uh-huh! Okay."

Moxi pauses for a moment, getting herself together, then puts the headphones away into her small backpack. Immediately she runs across the palette towards Cirr, flinging herself on him and crying hard against him.

"Muh-Mister! You gotta help me! I can't find my daddy's cargo ship anywhere!"

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 9th, 2004, 03:02:24 AM
Kyry Sevon had been here all day. She was tired, grumpy, and most of all, starting to look more pregnant with each passing day. The added weight was a pain to deal with, and it seemed that everytime she got out of bed she was just a little heavier. She wasn't about complain though. She was actually happy - more happy than she'd been in a long time.

Even though her stomach was growing and it was easily apparent that she was with child, she was still happy - but most of all, she still retained her demeanor and it seemed that everyon else knew it too.

She was content.

Except for right now.

No matter how many times she told them, the dockworkers just couldn't get the packing order right - or sometimes even the right crates. At this point, the cargo hold of her ship was mismatched - a few crates were hers, but the rest were from completely different pallates - how these people got jobs was amazing. Hell, even the Cizerack standing at the next pallate over could do the job.

In fact...

"Hey, you!" she inclined her head to the Ciz, "Do me a favor and show your co-workers how to do their jobs, would you?"

Cirrsseeto Quez
Feb 12th, 2004, 01:26:13 AM
Cirr's mouth stood agape at being assailed from both sides. Both girls needed his help, but he was torn between that and the task at hand. Ears drooping low, Cirr gently pried Moxi off his leg, and looked at both of them.

"jI can't help jyou rrrjight now. jI'm sssupposssed to be on guarrrd dutjy."

For emphasis, Cirr jerked a thumb in the direction of the conspicuous cargo container behind him.

Kyryanu Sevon
Feb 16th, 2004, 01:47:58 AM
Kyry wouldn't have any of it. She didn't care if the Ciz was supposed to be gaurding whatever it was - she had a point to prove.

"I don't care - load it onto my ship temporarily to make sure it's safe if you have to, but I need you to prove that you can do your job better than your co-workers."

And just for emphasis, "You do this for me and I'll put in a special letter of reccomendation to your boss about your excellent work ability."

Feb 16th, 2004, 12:09:19 PM
Moxi sits down on the edge of the cargo palette and hides her face in her hands. Put it on her ship? Hm. The girl looks up with a slight sniffle, perking up a bit as she sees someone across the cargo bay.

"There he is!"

She runs off, getting lost in the crowd, and finds an old man sitting on a cargo loader. He gives her an inquisitive look.

"What happened to the headphones?" he asks.

"Nevermind, daddy," she says hurriedly, gesturing off toward's Kyry's ship. "Go help load that one. I think they may be putting the box there."

With a sigh, the old man pulls a cap low on his brow and trundles off to lend a hand, leaving his daughter biting her lip in anticipation.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Mar 15th, 2004, 11:49:10 PM
Well, a special letter of recommendation sounded like a good thing. Something important to let his boss know how good a job he did. Cirr liked the sound of that. Still a bit unsure, the felinoid glanced at Kyry's cargo container, and then again at her ship.


With slowly building confidence, Cirr detatched himself from the cargo container he was guarding, and walked with Kyry.